q1 n n15{qq 3JU N tAA 3lSAO.: n1f Od il n5tNfl O.: 464tt yluyr'] 0l lJ15n1 [tFl Uyt 0l lto 5 d.u n1f ulJ 531 FIld Ft5 n15e n5-6d?da n1?O{n q1{ h. Fl. oc{dd-lsoo o* A Review of the British Welfare History, 1948-2013, after the Cheerful Gatherings Celebrating Margaret Thatcher's Death {'tnf,n tr.t,)0}t1.lu x * Cha krit Choomwattana !finago - - 9i i - "-) i - ,tfl 1aAn''tro{nn!j4tua{1uuJo6.:Frt''t}J [nnnt{vr ra f, u^on.! ta?r .j, N$U?yn{unnn1:.r11u?1nn l!r1fl.l'tufl0.l t{0rl a to gtJ rLrz0ros (sir - f, , _.j w. Lam Beveridgei 6 r 'rvi.rfiqyr,4onrudrirr'ludrnu a esnra 6.r 1ur1fi igA'n1finorfi orrlnnu do nr:i!nmfnurr,{urrrnri5orruryert riruffi GnrrfirualnrnuvirtrE Fr.fi . c,6rdb uanqrnnrrhiarirlr:Iflrd ruriq nnaaulrifi lrurir r6L ro rfl urfiru uayrnf, fl ruernnr:lir{ru iq ' rmncrrdrflulnntdnurqrnlnrinmi{trior "rrruiSr{n6nr:drnqu rdurx(nrr I )^.- rA0tl6n-fl)- frldi:-nrrn uarlunrrair liun^:qrnrv'iyrrrn'rniuniur:it:nr {riurri.:'lai )i ,01ou4ru!1 ru ,ru -' m':nrnomqr*i nr. !r;irnrn6tr:.1::ifinraci nru;fr:nrnrnni r.n,lrirlra'tnlun?uyrrilrzu 21rd n{naffi1an{ tuulAnlnde)Aa rt flfi .t 1utas1 aiud . dd , /- ) 2 uicfln1t{,iut aaoluyroqolFlu- n1?flnlyt n1?qoIMu nlrLou\:Eln, ) - ,) - , rrn:6u 1 oira rrrirfioifir{vrnraeu o6rc o lF1?1r:frenord.rnqunooou n'rrrn lfio rfisr n-rrl t; lvrn qlrrJdu6'.: ar rr 4r,ln''nurn rn nc r rdrva.rlu qorarunmrntr:6n ohuru{dr.:maqrfr{ o 6lunu rzc,ruri':iriallr Lnnlnqmnlr ul:.Ju[nn B tt{lyr6]lry tflTucl n?rut r5{t16 on 1rn!1nt! ronqrnqyfr n:rldaaa'lunreEuririalraai'fi".i.. An1rer1.: 1 r,6r nri'unaru rfl uornn6oroirurulilfiorfi rvrolqri'rnrefu a4'aFnr:nrrig lritcusrrcr d-' Y ) 111.i1U}1',l r{U1At.l1en1tr0l Lt A t{O?q{Lr nltmqaode6 0rnlta.:11.!t}lo ,. , - ann't[nn1tu1t0.irnttnv.1\f]1lr1lvrplLF]0tflo.31ltvfl''tnuLu?r,iv't.!56uofla{- -; - - ".) ^ - r,i'.rriu tr r o-r n qudrl,rulilfioairfi oerrr xdrd'ura r iru rfi u,i n-L ulunrSr.ruarqu- -,! odrrlrfi 6 frr:'rigr ranurio 1 rLr'[rJ'j rer nnr:nor1fnufi ar r,r?o v{?rnttr.r.r1u rir{fifiulfllruna.ltlrirvlrrudruninFnm nirurnanrr q.rlc'L1inu?ir{ru unyf, :lnuulfi sJnrruuruuris rvriudrunurfiu16l ri .i tllA ""LlLit: lUtUEll}Jtln.:1U !qL:l'lU Lnl*flIU U?O16rlneFl na'laLU11 tlJO rir{vrnr::r* booo I':lurl:rflo'inrt{na{a6nr:'lriuritrT ri'.rnqu16r:JduutJ ) ; - "-" . i- S1n":.lOtStJqnFl.: tU n'lfll]f,q?rU 6,6cdo O ltu LU rluq.: nA 11 Loll lUEl1NU,O so:Jrrrlso.sril,ili3ni'afi nmtr'nrufr'r uridollt]LeiuurJaon:.Laorunmni J.i- ttJO lUYltq!1A1]?'n1fl AA^nnlt tlrf, l6rln l?L1.t0U',].: Fll.dS'lUlUt).JUOfl",.; Vl il r.Je;la t rfo qjd r u r riun''n 6r u ua;rx nflrqnarrnnrarflunreqarsa -.- i " tllLt?{ o{11 r ol u [t]n q{oo [email protected],t.: Ft.F. boo6) Hu.lLlrYLytPlvlrdu.tr,ttr ..- - .j " -! [.n,]ot''r.rI'nn1,tm [[vln.103nL{ r1.]umqne11]o ia4 ru 16u!ry t8iu fi.31..u 'r r rla n 6 ut r': nr:1r\rl 16n rn?n oa osr ro d'ru n a*ror roo'lrro'o u 'rldfi " U.ltt1flU A.Pl. boo.n n161nIU : 'tArnfl}J LLreornq lrnlltn [Tnlnot '{C{q(An1tO{nnB nrert?nra6rnrnrrirtrfr ab ffinia ivir,ruy Abstract The British welfare state was mainly established after the end of WW.ll. lts principles were based on a report witten by Sir Wlliam Beveridge who inlended to deal with five social evils. A new feature that the state provided was rree medical care for all, which was carried out according to the National Health Service Act of 1946. ApAd from rendering wellare benefits during unemployment, sickness, widowhood and retkement, the government also granted benefits in housing, education, child raising, etc. From the beginning of the 1970s the British economy was weaker when compared with other European countries, which was mainly due to her outmoded industries. The number of unemployed people reached one milljon. During this decade, a world oil crises took place, and the number of weliare benefits claimants increased. Apa( from fraudulent cases, quite a large number oi people were satisfied with being on the dole. Therefore, the Thatcher government beg3n 10 privatise industries and curtail welrare tienefits to decrease public spending and encourage people to depend less on the state. Thus, many people did not have good memories of her. Nevertheless, succeeding prime ministers, whether from the Conservative oI the Labour Party, irtended to cut certain benefits. encourage the unemployed lo work, and persuade the publlc to have additional personal insurance rn case of unemployment. sickness, retirement or death. lt can be concluded that the wellare state ol the 2010s is differenl from that which began at the end of the '1940s because ils definition and bounderies have never been fixed, but varied according 10 the circumstances. Whenever the government c1]ts or curtails some benefits, a certain number of people protest, and this can lead to violent riots like the ones that took place in London in 2011. l,w1?dnaffilolti Nu fin 1fra olJ:t.it flfi *e peecl aiufi o dcl,l Due to her we fare po cies, the rmage of lvlargaret Thatcher, a former Prime Minister, is stll vvrd in the minds of people who lost benefits. As a consequence, news of celebratons over her death was made known 10 the world in April 2013. Keywords : British Welfare State, l\,largaret Thatcher, William Beveridge, National Health Service (NHS) n21 lJ1 '[udr.loiurdounsruu A.pl. lEood, uritdofi rvfluri'rnq:Jojl{!6uodlcn1? "-" L 1tJq}J10'!{nUSlUlUl.l1nfl { rUrlnnr{nOUOAUUnvUrO.: rrryrA1fl Ul.r.r nUrvnluu n'l1U06nrlrJnU[11tl.l!l:nlrLOtr'] A0 Ael rl0nA lqnlJ111nlrOC{rynr?r..iflo.: 1r1ro1.tr1.l6tJlin1 tiFl u n txo { od nu'rfl nisrr.roli {n. a. o cdsrJcd- ocdGdo ) d.: lfl un ni .j" ,!, ,i - [r'1u{nulr]u'l tulJ?v,)nfl16fl?0{nqlivro1?{n1rL1ru.:u" 1''r1n''r?iNu tlroLt6a.!o0nn.: -.t nql Au6 ?ol rn oiuvil Nnal{ n1rd.!alducr nurur:lav rvr Fl!i6 oi nelr !afl1stlfl-.i iglrad'.:nqu fgrrari'rnquro.rA ofiil{o r duotjr.:E ':'[r.r rgfi'lr riu'itio rfirrrirni.r fi{n1finofiuafr'u nafrnd (s,r winston churchitt) 6{uaor{n1a1#rfi flrBatjrrryuri - -" ) oan{irfrorntJ aNdcyrr;rriiurnro6truvrfi b (Elizabeth ll A.pl. o6(ekr- ) -.. ,jr-, LOtAOqtQ tu.llUvlf vlN1,11afi1?ltrUnv{0A rllU{.1l,l t{5 rt}.J lutrtJ:-lXL m10.i0.1F111?Y )- Ll?t!1 C.l LL un 1, Ufi rl {O 0,lTt 0lrC U'l1vlf.9 lUnel:J6lnrynOOrlrlUlflnrjNUrl?11ry{ fifllflunrffir,a'r+ -J-,, nrefi fi {nu"l'rurukirioabJecrpqu uao.:oqrrdllaor'[qodr.lrfl n rp.ru unv 6'oaorn" ffiuruarunrtrri!nrrqrnl ro.luvrormoffi rrtr:norrf6nr6uufruri:r nrru?urnlrvrvfirormofro,o:i ilriau6rrirlffiinnmltfluotjaornrnttr6ooloud,, dd nmin flx{atuv I I r& rl 1 t ".t o ,/ !'. n1ryNAU UAlnA1d lnQ dnOqLLAUn (guatdian.co.uk) urnfrornornzi'rl fituur.irr-,ruhjriorei.:oqj1u{u,6urn.rnrfi-.:orqtl.:1rirfro ,r1tr{1 Ltlnla'lr vt"a oluus.t r!utfiq wer0uFltlllFrun,t^fl rvrrJ^10': n^ tq o r'.if-c' ainFnreri'.lnqu ru4rualunrr(o#r unyorri:leynoritador,laor"hXrfr o{u rio4'o i ,.i , 6 {.i,. " - Fr.i rrae}]"- n 1rt:.lfltru[[11a.: 1,1]yn n n1rotu'1.1 trlJ1{ Lun,l.r 11a 1n11 bo tlyrLoo't r.uufl1? , j - / rr uavri- rroslriu "lua flfrNrinrr5n urnnofrfluurunig uo6 utr]Lrfl!3ura 1o.r [6od{ rJanr;vu.r Eiorarign{a 6nranavriura5o6.srir"lfitrnd'rn qu"irurukiriot r,u*) ,,-4-{' 0r'Ll.r[r]vc3nn11n1fl?d1''rYrnol.i!6flnan{{tofl1lnnunacynyrlunu fi.:u!qynal,)-"- ldr.r5o1rj'j rdsr raror ur n rtoirilurJfr :Infrionreoirxo:j:rou:rri5nin 6nt , &- n1f, 6t.i tnt'lc14YlatIo{noun'tf,q- oa{t5fi 16afl "r5 *., " 1uiufr" a nrnfl'lFrrr A.pl. oor<< rflu{ufruraniSrunSrnnruuoi uootoi6 (Clement Attlee rt.A. o6cd&-o6dEo) rianothtnrn4filn,fi 'a day which makes i- hrsrory'nrrrvrflu{ufrieaiaFnrrto.:d'.rnqr{noi.:6uet-rtrfluu"{nrrun:rflunra- - - iloarnr;llfimer'Wn6urLr16rn:r;fnuulnst-l (poor taws) 1lrnr#earr6ornda.r .j a aa fl [,,]nrunx'lNB'lnn1:J1n- lt-Jnltnlrin2n0ulinle, noleonuguu{no- rtl]!is aia6 nrr!i'rirrir riu.rru6!nocr nrrLr.rfi1{nnr,tr^un.r rnrrr.{nucr nau''[{r- 1'trd1?inwrfl1dn{ fifinu1 Et frLl'tnt fi c* @ea*) olfufr o e'et .i ulun.ir .noo urirfiar':ntiru}l rvx'ud'{n6111ldiunrafrqrarur'irlrinonnfro': "- J - "- lrro tt.l1''rHlronno nl u.ruu !flo "--)llr?Yrr.J.mein''rrco0r.:r!LlL?qfl')f,on.f0.inqlj tu q Y.Z nn1.in?6rlF1ne?8lJvl Lro C.lElO.lU0UnnL t:lFlnBf ilftlJL[nlY1 LXtJ'lUlUUUlfl r]1lU otir{la fi {n:cruvodrltr unvrltvlutfnnol,jurilnrrirr , . i, -2 - -2 )" L "- rJ:;rdufr 'jrrlru q n{oiuu6o iurfr o'tnniu lui'uurn" ru oun'rmlririrql .i 4 d< fi osur nir nol ryrr1vr.l-d'n uruyf o Lsulrl n "i1 rfr o nufl l nsrv5o nufr nx l rfl roqi o'n6'orrorr.rnnunu53fro':iirdrerru6onrr:Jftryro.:ri'rnqufrcrqunraLio.ili!uri rfi anunra#oernqjiuiwvnou ('Irom cradte to grave') ueitiuurhinh nori.:u:r o i ).e Lr.l Ly{r''r:e ''r n.'r''r rFln1+.]{.5c: nn ''r,r 610 l 1lLe''t tt}.t11r:LllJI tnnx h'tfl?{{ tn rlru nL ..t .]. _ elnquusorsr.rLit6iadnrr'[urrnrriaur oir.:frfifflfirJ:rtutri6ufrrir6'rylririooi r 2 frr..rvrrruueiouaor}iriorrruiuld"" lduri d.:nrrr{nuluqjllio{nulnaric}J un; ie J - .i . T{ ??n n1ru.r 0.ru?o?E!1at.: no.rfl l rFr c 1rJ ! uA.r l.t ?o {1ut6 u.r 6 ull d1.tu tl\ 0 n 1?o1?.: oqj tnri ririoru?0fi'nurr6tor nu1ufii nr oio {froalonra rflufr'.r rirvuorfr 6vr{nrr ,- * .., lunqlL{qf rrlrno uofl qlnuu n1u:n"trAAllro.Sllrgt- 6nLl]uo"- - n!lqure:v''t-d tl, .:,.
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