Jv- li; 115 The Olympic Dressage competition is judged by five judges appointed by the International Eques- trian Federation (FEI). The judges give their own marks for the different groups of movements that are contained in the programme. After each performance the judges meet and discuss the differences they have in the marking. If the head of the jury finds the differ- ences to he too great, he asks the judge con- cerned to adapt his mark to those of the others. The result is the average taken from the judgment of the five judges. The competition lasts two days. On Friday, 22 riders are in action in the wonderful sunshine, but the 14 riders, who have to compete on Satur- day, have not the same luck with the weather. Forsta startande ekipage i Grand Prix de Dressage, Alexis Pantchoulidzew — Lascar, Holland. Placering nr 28, 586,5 poâng. Prins Bernhard med den hollândska hasten Lascar. First rider and horse in the arena for the Grand Prix de Dressage, A. Pantchoulidzew on Lascar, Holland. Place No. Prince Bernhard and the Dutch horse Lascar. 28, 586.5 points. I jt ||. ' ' v • , iililiiliîlaî i ili I ill; - " Grand Prix de Dressage Hii r ' Den Olympiska dressyrtâvlingen dômes av en jury han vederbôrande domare att modifiera sitt betyg. som bestâr av fem domare utsedda av Internatio- Den tâvlandes résultat âr ett medeltal av de fem nella Ridsportfederationen (FEl). Domarna sâtter domarnas bedômning. var for sig betyg for de olika bedômningsgrupper .. som programmet innehâller. Efter varje uppvisning Tavlingen pâgâr i tvâ dagar. Under fredagen rider " sammantrâder domarna och diskuterar och moti- 22 ryttare i ett strâlande solsken. De 14 âterstâ- verar stôrre skiljaktigheter i betygsâttningen. Finner ende ryttarna, som rider pâ lôrdagen, har inte juryns ordfôrande avvikelserna for stora, anmodar samma tur med vâdrets makter. ^WÊÊÊÊÊÊ:. ^ V-^S 177 176 Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library A. R. Jousseaume, Frankrike, pâ Harpagon. H. Chammartin, Schweiz, pâ den svenskfòdda hasten Ryttaren eròvrade silvermedalj i London 1948, Woehler fâr anvisningar for inridningen av ryttmâstare Erik bronsmedalj i Helsingfors 1952. I Stockholm Hedenstierna. placerar sig Jousseaume som nr 5 med 814 H. Chammartin, Switzerland, on his horse Woehler, born in poâng. Sweden, receives some instructions from the Swedish Cavalry A. R. Jousseaume, France, on Harpagon. The rider Captain Erik Hedenstierna before entering into the Dressage gained the Silver Medal in London in 1948 and Bronze in Helsinki in 1952. In 1956, in Stock- holm, Jousseaume reaches place No. 5, 814 points. Ekipaget med Chammartin—Woehler under uppvisningen. Pâ 6:e plats G. Trachsel och Placering nr 8, 789 poâng. Kursus, Schweiz, med 807 Chammartin and Woehler during the Dressage show. They poâng. come eighth, 789 points. G. Trachsel on Kursus, Switzer- land, scores 807 points. Place No. 6, 179 178 Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library J. A. Brau med Vol d'Amour, Frank- The Frenchman J. A. Brau on Vol h Jp" d'Amour comes No. 22, 648 points. ™:s :• ••• • ' ' 1»:s :iilSil R. L. Lafond—Rath Patrick, Canada. No. 20 — 657 poânglpoints. J. Salmon—Kipling, Frankrike/ironce. No. 32 — 554 po'àngjpoints. wwÊSSKKnii "Ifeff » lisS Hilda Lorna Johnstone, Storbritannien, pâ Rosie Dream, placerar sig som nr 21 ^ TZ*"* med 655 poang. H.L. Johnstone, Great Britain, on Rosie Dream, achieves place No. 21 and gains R. J. Borg—Bill Biddle, USA. No. 17 — 720 poâng/points. 655 points. Nittonde plats belâgges av H. Zobel och • Monty, Danmark. Ekipaget far 673 poâng. i - I ' • In the nineteenth place comes H. Zobel, on Monty, Denmark. They score 673 points. ' . lll^ »•* • i - . • îîïlilîliîiii ' Si - :ì ' mSS s I • I g;..- • 1 180 181 Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Bland âskâdarna âr òverste Felix Buerkner, Tyskland, som deltog i dressyrridning under Olympiaden 1912. Bredvid honom den tyska dressyrryttarinnan Liselott Linsenhoff. Among the spectators is seen Colonel Felix Buerkner, Germany. He participated in the Dressage of the Vth Olympiad in 1912. Right to Colonel Buerkner Liselott Linsenhoff, member of the German Dressage team of 1956. Hannelore Weygand—Perkunos, TysklandjGermany. No. 9 — 785 poangjpoints. Liselott Linsenhoff—Adular, Tyskland. Ekipaget erôvrar individuell bronsmedalj, poangsumma 832. L. Linsenhoff on Adular, Germany, Bronze Medal Individual. Total points 832. Anneliese Kuppers—Afrika, TysklandjGermany. No. 14 — 729 p. 183 Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library , A. Pereira de Almeida— G. Fischer—Vasello, Schwei// 1S'vv77zer- Feitiço, Portugal. No. 12 land. No. 10 — 750 p. lii®*1 — 743 p. |j|ÌÌl|ÌÉ G. Teodorescu—Palatin, Rumaiuen/_SHmû«/fl. No. 15 — 721 p. Inger Lem wigh-Millier- Bel Ami, DanraarklDen- mark. No. 23 — 644 p. .. • : ^ ^ - • . > : < ' : Else Christoffersen—Diva, Norge/ Norway. No. 13 — 739 p. 185 Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Anne Lise Kielland—Clary, Nor gè/Norway. ÎSS-ÎÏ:? •?;•!: No. 27 — 601,5 p. .. ; ^ r ^ .. - " • . a . • S •'- rçgfty; -• 1ìiiW s ESESfll V. ms !::m« friMi '^SÊÊÊÊÊÊ ,iig i • gj '• • iillliliaiiit ,, lI , «y e • WJ ' •l -•' " -. m ImêM^ sSÌ»:..# ::v« Wm .. .••. • ... • mil -H ' -- '• mm Bodil Russ—Corona, Norgz/Norway. No. 29- . 572 p. mKmBmÊÊÊA '• il|;::« Lis Hartel pâ Jubilee, Danmark, Olympisk silvermedaljôr for andra gângen i fôljd. Poângsumma 850. L. Hartel on Jubilee, Denmark, winner of the Silver Medal Individual both in Helsinki and in Stockholm. Total points in 1956 850. iiw» m- .;.:mmmmmmm. M ISr i i ! hWSSL r i ' PSa Lilian Brenda Williams—Pilgrim, Storbritannien/ • , Great Britain. No. 25— 616 p. ' K * t I " - . ,- 187 Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library N. Sitko, USSR, visar upp Skatcheks konst- fârdigt flâtade man. The artistically plaited mane of the horse Skatchek is demonstrated by the proud rider, N. Sitko, USSR. iI||I • || : É :: Pi ; : • fcg|î| •i '• ••• • i:Ni <ÊSÊi » f :S ' . - . - • ' - -• -k- "fllJti Ekipaget rider in pâ banan. Placering nr 18, 700 poâng. mm •* Henri S:t Cyr, Sverige, guld- - — medaljor med Master Rufus i The rider Sitko and his horse Skatchek on their way to the arena. No. 18 Helsingfors 1952, erôvrar i — 700 points. S. Filatov—Ingas, USSR. No. 11 —744 p. Stockholm 1956 sin andra guldmedalj, nu med hasten Juli. H. S:t Cyr, Sweden, won his " .W1 W W #>1 first Gold Medal Individual, mounted on Master Rufus, in mm .'J Helsinki in 1952. In 1956 in - Stockholm, S:t Cyr receives his Sif^î!» « second Gold Medal, this time with the horse Juli. - •- ' . sv- ' iili Ìli III—; ,. iili»iiii; s* : ' ' - B»,. *'• > I v- - ' • i # . I ts a f • ^ j 189 Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library •lipiiftiiiiii Gôsta Boltenstern, Sverige, for fjârde gângen i tavlan vid Olympiska Spel, rider Vid banans norra sida sitter de fem domarna under uppvis- in pâ Krest. Placering nr 7, poang 794. ningarna. Pâ bilden ses tre av dem, fr. v. domarjuryns president, baron de Trannoy, Belgien, i mitten generallôjtnant Colliander, G. Boltenstern, Sweden, has previously participated three times in Equstrian Olympic Sverige, och till hôger ôverste Fog, Danmark. De bâda ôvriga Ekipaget Persson—Knaust efter slutfôrd uppvisning. De placerar Games. Here he is seen entering into the Dressage arena mounted on Krest. No. 7— jurymedlemmarna, general Berger, Tyskland, och ôverste Yanes, sig pâ fjârde plats med 821 poang. (T.h.) 794 points. Chile, syns ej pâ bilden. — Pâ banan Gehnâll Persson pâ Knaust, The rider Persson and his horse Knaust after having completed Sverige. the Dressage test. Place No. 4—821 points. (Right) The judges of the Grand Prix de Dressage are seated at the northern side of the arena. To the left the President of the Jury, Baron de Trannoy, Belgium, in the middle Lieutenant General Colliander, Sweden, and to the right Colonel Fog, Denmark. General Berger, Germany, and Colonel Yahes, Chile, also members of the jury, are not in the picture. On the arena Gehnàll Persson on Knaust, Sweden. Lis Hartel pâ âskâdarlâktaren efter avslutad dressyruppvisning. Having completed the Dressage test, Lis Hartel is found in the spectators' stand. 190 Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library M. Roiha—Laaos, Finland. No. 31 — 562 p. ....... .......... , bbbbhbbpsi - , • llli^ iiiii ipl i 1 Hii '& i • • ! N. Mihalcea—Mihnea, RumânienlRumania. No. 24 — 625 p. R. Lattermann—Danubia, ÒstenikelAustria. No. 25 — 616 p. K. Lekarsky—Edgard, Bulgarien/Bulgaria. No. 36 — 396,5 p. J. H. Cavoti—Carnavalito, Argentina. No. 35 — 483,5 p. Pâ Kungl. laktaren: prins Bernhard, prinsessan Astrid av Norge och prinsessan Margaretha. In the Royal Enclosure are seen Prince Bernhard, Princess Astrid of Norway, and Princess Margaretha of Sweden. - 192 193 Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Konungen, en intresserad âskâdare aven under dressyrdagarna, under prisutdelningsceremonien. T. v. bans svâger, lord Mountbatten. The King of Sweden shows a keen interest in the Grand Prix de Dressage too. Here the King is standing before the Medal winners. Left the King's brother-in-law. Lord Mountbatten. il Bto Ôverstelojtnant Bo Lindman ocb mr. Avery Brundage pâ vâg till prisutdel- Mr. Avery Brundage, accompanied by Lieutenant-Colonel Bo Lindman, on ningen. Efter dem fòljer tre kranskullor som bar medaljer och kokarder pâ their way into the arena to distribute the prizes. Following them three girls in var sitt hyende av sammet. colourful Swedish national costumes, carrying the Olympic medals and cockades on velvet cushions. f ' 1 -rJ 1 . • I I, liiii HNInm Ë . lliiiiiii Henri S:t Cyr, Sverige, individuell guldmedaljôri Grand Prix de Dressage, vid segerpallen. H. S:t Cyr, Sweden, Gold Medal Individual of the Grand Prix de Dressage. 194 195 Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library I vàntan pâ silvermedaljen och kokarden. Lis Hartel och Jubilee, Danmark. Waiting for the Silver Medal and the cockade are Lis Hartel and Jubilee, Denmark. Det svenska laget, Gôsta Boltenstern—Krest, Henri S:t Cyr—Juli och Gehnâll Persson— Knaust, har erôvrat Olympisk guldmedalj. De i I halsar Konungen nar de rider sitt segervarv runt Stadion.
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