MINGO JUNCTION, OHIO TIME CAPSULE The contents of a time capsule from the Central School Building (1919-1994) Documents were collected and loaned for Copying by Raymond Dossett Compiled and indexed by Sandy Day Public Library of Steubenville and Jefferson County 1999 STEUBENVILLE HERALD STAR April 6, 1994 -^ George Stolca/Staff Photographer George Stoica/Staff Phiograpner Former graduates of Central SchooP In Mingo Junction take Items This Oct. 20, 1919, edition of the Steubenville Daily Gazette was out of a time capsule during a "grand opening" ceremony Tuesday one of the many Items found- In the time capsule which was at the village building, while Village Administrator Russell Hyde, housed Inthe cornerstone of Central School. STANDING, looks on. Former graduates are, EROM LEFT - Floyd Doggett, Howard Weber, Moody Quinn and Raymond Dossett. Time capsule holds memories CetaTraue- Sho' Tm Capul By EDWARD R. SUNKIN Staff writer Central School's Time Capsule Treasures MINGO JUNCTION - A Items taken out Tuesday at a grand opening celebration: school's history was discov- ered Tuesday, as nearly 100 * The names, letters and class assignments by pupils from the village. village residents came out to see what was stored in a time * List of ?he 1919 officers of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, along with the collar the capsule found recently in worn by the grand master during ceremonies. cornerstone of the Central School. of the Steubenville Herald-Star and the Steubenviiie Daily Gazette. The paper items found in i Oct. 20, 1919. editions the galvanized steel box had turned a "golderr-yellow," but iIPece of steel from the Carnegie Steel Co. were otherwise well pre- served. The box was found in - Honor roi list from World War i (The World War', including the names of a; :he men in the hollowed-out 500-pound the servce frorn Mino Junction. cornerstone by workers who began tearing dlown the long- prrcgam from the :ornerstone laying. vacant, 73-year-old Central building in February. School 3 Phc:ograpns of construction of the second Central School. For many of the people who watched the items being taken out of the box, the event Various scmool records. brought back memories of their old school. containing the Raymond Dossett, 82, a re- cornerstone Floyd Doggett. 85, the first -- a (is t p -f-a r- Qm C r9p- 9 lir ," h-P s-a-i f I - on -i-tcr tired employee oF Wneetmig- triie capsule WaS tard bTlacXmale student to graduate "I thought it was something Pittsburgh Steel, said the 23, 1919. from Central School, said his that would last forever." "grand opening" celebration Dossett, who graduated fondest memories were of the held in the basement of the vil- from Central School in 1930, teachers. Dr. Howard Brettell, 88, lage building made him recovered his pencil-written "The teachers were all real Class of '23, remembered how reminisce. handwriting assignment from good.") Ahe and a few of his friends the capsule. a retired steel nulled a nrank of haninerthei "I can remember looking out Doggett, _ -:.-'--- -.. * _ - see lhe- of the window and watchiTg Wits- kind Of-sad to worker, said he had almost class banner from the rafters the trains going up the trestle building get torn down," Dos- forgotten about the time of the school's auditorium to the mill," said Dossett, who sett said as he looked over the capsule. ' while the Class of 1,922 was was in second grade when the paper displaying his name. "I don't recall hearing about graduating. ......... i 0 -4r CD~~~~~~~~~~~~~< 0. cr d0 Lci: H- CL 0.n 0D0 CL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~H O CL r+ - -- - 1 C = 0, - jR -- (n0 -j April 6, 1994 Mingo Junction, Ohio John Raymond Dossett Holding his Second grade paper that had been in the time capsule 1 ingo0 High Sehool Foot-Ball Team 1919. R. E. Robert Hawrorth R.* . Ranal Diing R.G. John Kendraeh C . Herbert Phillips L.G. Mike Lalliok L.. Mie Evan LE -John Linton QQ Paul Neel R.H. john Slatniske L.H. Howard Christen F.B. William Spaulding (Capt.) Substitutes. Carl White George stepanov ieh 1919 season to Oct. 23d. Mingo 0 Warwood 20 Mingo 39 Smithfield 0 Mingo 31 Martin's Ferry 9. 2 Boys Basket-Ball .Team 1918-1919. William Spaulding Paul Neel John Linton Howard Weber John Slatniske Ranald Dunning Girls Basket-Ball team 1918-1919. Minnie McGee (Capt.) LIda Sk3aggs Margaret Hyde Catherine Bailie Alioe Linton Marjorie Carlisle Lorella Hyde Ruth Dunning Won 8 Lost 2 Games. 3 -FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. E. P. Wycoff, Pastor Trustees W. L .Devo.re .. Pres. R. S. Quinn Treas. J. R. Scott Secy. E. 0O Harshman Financial Seoy. W. E. Pelley District Steward Jas. B. DeYarmon W.- S. Crossl'ey Dr. J. W. Albaugh. Board Of Stewards Wm. Welday T. M. Polley ' Iames Briggs Harry Godfrey J. H. Walker Orn Moore F. Linton, Oscar Welchans Warren Gilbert Chester Dean S. W. Smith C.D.Jacobs Joseph Britt W.E.Miller Otis Thompson W. B. Lisle Wm. Reisling Sunday School Prof. Frank Linton Supt. Prof. C. D. Jacobs Asst. Supt. Arthur Spencer Secy. Eldridge Kerr Asst. Secy. Mary L. Quinn Ohqris ter Lura Pelley Treas. Alice Linton Pianist " Doris Britt Asst.- Pianist Ladies Aid Society Mrs W. L. Devore Pres. Mrs. T. A. Proctor,Sec r 3. Samatha Long, Treas. W. F. M. S. Mrz T. M. Pelley Pres. Riss Gertrude Long Rec Sl Mrs Harry Godfrey Cor. Sec. irs F, Linton, Tres W. H.M. S. Mrs E.O.Harshwian Pres. Mrs W.E.Miller Rec Sec Mrs J.R.Scott Cor Sec. Mrs Martha Quinn Treas. 4 : : W.- E.. 0IV P;ELLE-YI ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ & ... 0 ., i - :: ; !.. I , DRUGGISTS ;: -. -: e...., .^ f , ^^,--.; -,0 * X s ?^-i E|sta lished July 26/188sh ;Wi-lia.. ; P-, | - -','..'-MINGO JUNCTI; N 01-11'OHI :'', - . .oj* , B** s1 **_-Jo 1 !! n to .. \,.J . " , -' ' D; .Y '_'X a ry A 0'' P e I l-y' 'Born L837 - ^^- : .- - 0 - :;- , Carrie Vance Pelley Wife. lMry Polley Johni8ton rlusband. Robert Pelley Johnst":n Son. a Pelley, Harriett Pell-y , :-" -: mas M- Pelley, Jennie Quinn P1ll.'y~WWf. f, . 'j( William~~, ,| oss~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~B. J{*so® 5 LIST OF NATIONAL AND STATE OFFICER$;AL6O MUNICIPAL OFFICKRS President of United States Woodrow Wilson Vice-Pres. off united States Gov. of Oo - Thos. R. Mar hall :. ._ Jas. M,.Co x OWFICERS OF GRAND LOGE- .0.. 19. HD.. Chaff in GrnanMager - H. I. Hughes *D.l G.M.,,-. ; CH. Lyman Grand Secretary A. S. Pontius Grand Warden Henry Siebel Grand Treasurer MUNICIPiL OFFICERS F. L.McCoy Mayor Leslie McKay Clerk Tom Wi lson Chiel of Police Orn Moore W. S. Crossley D. G. Maxwe 11 (embers of Council Wm. Criss Kyle Stephens a 6 Steel Bar (at top) made by 10 inch Mill of Carnegie Steel Mingo Works (now Wheeling Pittsburgh Steel South Plant) April 20, 1907 Supt. .S. A. Clarke 7 Sash from I.O.O.F. International Order of Odd Fellows 8 1919 | NF. CLommencernent0. THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 29 Methodist Episcopal Church, 8:15 PROGRAM 1. Music ............. Instrumental ............... Godfrey Family Orchestra 2. "Freedom For All Forever" Hiliam...High School Chocrus 3. Invocation ................................................ ... R ev. S. G . D unning 4. "Forget-M e-Not" ........ ............ .. h.Giese.. ....................... Chorus . u s i . e e ........... ... ............ ............O rch estr a . "Our M otto and Colors".................................... Margaret M urray 7. "A French Girl's Letter"...............................ae G. Chiten 8- "Class Poem"T ,;* 8. "Cass Poem" .................................. ............-----------------* -- MMarjorie arjorieG. Carlisle 9. "The Class W ill" . ....................... Edith Schillings I1......................................................................... U Music .. ..... O rchestra = . "Silver E yes" ............................ ro ss ............................C lass Sextette 12. Class Address- .Prof.C.L.Martzolff,Ohio University,Athens ! 3. "C ass Song" .............. ....................... .....Class of 1. 19 ! 4. Presentation of Diplomas .................... Mr. WV. D. Armstrong PresidenIt Bo: trd orf Educationl i . Music Orch stra 16..1 6 Benediction ............... ---. ..... ....................................... RRev. e v . C.G . CC. GinG ifFi n THE CLASS LATIN COURSE Lida Virginia Skaggs Jean Marjorie Carlisle Catherine Eleanor Bailie Florence Geneva Roe Geneva Mae Christen Alice Margaret Lintcn Thelma Pauline Richardson COMMERCIAL COURSE )MIartha .May Bainbridge Irene Garnet Bishop Margaret Susan Hyde " Margaret June iurray M.Iargaret Isabel Palmer Edith Elizabeth Schillings GENERAL COURSE-tlaroiJ Isaac Palmer. 9 / U)ZRI ER STI)+}2E lLNAN rYl OF THE New Central School Build- ing and Auditorium Mi> () 4~JUNCT7[)IN)A D II I D Thursday, October 23, 1919 2:30 P. M. ofr ixerrie 1. Assemble at Mayor's office at 2:15 promptly for parade. All organizations, schools, church- es and citizens invited to join. - 2. Line of March-Commercial to State Street. Then back to Church Street, St. Clair Street Madison Ave., Union and Murdock Streets, back to School Building. Business houses and residences asked to decorate. 3. At School Building, 3 P. M. Mr. W. W. Wel- day, Vice President Board of Education, Presiding. 4 . M u sic ..................................................... ... ...... ...... ..... B a n d 5. Singing of "America" by School Children led by Miss Gladys M. Rader. Music Supervisor, 6. Invocation .................................. Rev. S. G. Dunning 7. Laying of Corner Stone in charge of C. H. Lyman Grand Secretary, I. 0. 0. F. 8. Educational Address ............... William M. Davidson Superintendent Public Schools, Pittsburgh, Pa. 9. Singing of "Star Spangled Banner"....... School 10 . M u sic ................ .. .. .................... B a n d 11. Address .................... Ivor Hughes, D. D. G. M. of (Ohio 12. B enediction................................................R ev. E . P . W ycoff 10 ! i .... .fu~-; ''t , , X_ .00.-.-f.00. .'0 .: .- .fi'-.:.'t00t'~;t -. <.:,..-, _-.. -::[,.;.,.;.e* ': -; t- I r ? /S '' ;. 10 --<.!,;... ¢; ;?,;!, .,,,, . - ...54 ; -i . -..7.K..... ,--· .- :' ~~~~~~~.':-.'-::;2 -.x:i::'i__i'__,.,.:: ., ':;' :.' ':;-' .. .. 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