Flash Cards for Basic Mandarin Chinese Reading & Writing

Flash Cards for Basic Mandarin Chinese Reading & Writing

Flash Cards for Basic Mandarin Chinese Reading & Writing Lessons A-1 to 10-4 (back side, Pinyin and English) sì sān èr yī sì four [NU] sān three [NU] èr two [NU] yī one [NU] A-1 4 A-1 3 A-1 2 A-1 1 qī liù wáng wŭ qī seven [NU] liù six [NU] Wáng Wang, Wong, Ong wŭ five [NU] [SN] A-2 8 A-2 7 A-1 6 A-1 5 lín shí jiŭ bā lín Lin, Lam, Lum, shí ten [NU] jiŭ nine [NU] bā eight [NU] Lim [SN] A-2 12 A-2 11 A-2 10 A-2 9 bĕi míng shān dà bĕi north [L] míng bright [BF] shān mountain, hill [N] dà be big, large, great [SV] A-3 16 A-3 15 A-3 14 A-3 13 lĭ hé tái jīng Lĭ Li, Lee [SN] Hé He, Ho [SN] Táibĕi Taipei [PW] jīng capital [BF] Táishān Taishan [PW] Bĕijīng Beijing [PW] A-4 20 A-4 19 A-3 18 A-3 17 xiăo zhōng shēng wén xiăo be small, little, zhōng middle [BF] shēng be born, give birth Wén Wen [SN] young [SV] to [V] Táizhōng Taichung (city in central Taiwan) [PW] A-4 24 A-4 23 A-4 22 A-4 21 zhōu guăng hăi shàng zhōu state, district [BF] guăng be broad [SV] hăi ocean, sea [N] shàng above [L] Guăngzhōu Guangzhou [PW] Shànghăi Shanghai [PW] B-1 28 B-1 27 B-1 26 B-1 25 dū chéng rén dōng dū city [BF] chéng become [V] rén person [N] dōng east [L] Chéngdū Chengdu [PW] Bĕijīng rén a person from Guăngdōng Guangdong [PW] Beijing [N] Jīngdū Kyoto [PW] Shāndōng Shandong [PW] Shànghăi a person from rén Shanghai [N] Táidōng Taitung [PW] Dōngjīng Tokyo [PW] B-2 32 B-2 31 B-1 30 B-1 29 lù xī Jīn tiān lù road [N]; Lu [SN] xī west [L] Jīn (abbreviation for tiān sky [N]; day [M] Tianjin) [BF] Tiānjīn Tianjin East Road Shānxī Shanxi [PW] Dōng Lù [PW] Tiānjīn Tianjin [PW] Guăngxi Guangxi [PW] Shànghăi Shanghai Road [PW] Lù Chéngdū Xī Chengdu West Road Lù [PW] B-2 36 B-2 35 B-2 34 B-2 33 găng xiāng chuān ān găng harbor [N] xiāng be fragrant [SV] chuān river [BF] ān peace [BF]; An [SN] Xiānggăng Hong Kong [PW] Xiāng Shān Fragrant Hills [PW] Sìchuān Sichuan [PW] Xī’ān Xian [PW] B-3 40 B-3 39 B-3 38 B-3 37 hú hé jiē nán hú lake [N] hé river [N] jiē street [N] nán south [L]; Nan, Nam [SN] Húbĕi Hubei [PW] Hébĕi Hebei [PW] dàjiē main street, avenue [N] Nánjīng Nanjing, Nanking Hú’nán Hunan [PW] Hé’nán Henan [PW] [PW] Wŭ Dà Hú Great Lakes [PW] Táinán Tainan [PW] Hăinán Hainan [PW] B-4 44 B-4 43 B-3 42 B-3 41 shĕng shì jīn wān shĕng province [N] shì market; city [BF] jīn metal, gold [BF]; Jin, wān bay [BF] Chin, Kim [SN] Hé’nán Shĕng Henan Province Bĕijīng Shì the city of Beijing Táiwān Taiwan [PW] [PH] [PW] Jīnshān district in Shanghai; town in Taiwan Hebei Province [PH] Hébĕi Shĕng Guăngzhōu Guangzhou City [PW] Shì [PH] Hú’nán Shĕng Hunan Province [PH] Táibĕi Shì Taipei City [PH] Húbĕi Shĕng Hubei Province PH] Shānxī Shĕng Shanxi Province [PH] Sìchuān Sichuan Province Shĕng [PH] B-4 48 B-4 47 B-4 46 B-4 45 yĕ wŏ hăo nĭ yĕ also, too [A] wŏ I, me [PR] hăo be good [SV] nĭ you [PR] nĭ hăo “how are you?”, “hi” [IE] 1-1 52 1-1 51 1-1 50 1-1 49 tā tā ne qù tā she, her [PR] tā he, him [PR] ne and how about, and qù to go, to go to [V] what about [P] 1-2 56 1-2 55 1-1 54 1-1 53 ma máng hĕn men ma (indicates a question) máng be busy [SV] hĕn very [A] men (plural marker for [P] pronouns) [BF] tāmen they, them (only males, or males and females together) tāmen they, them (females only) 1-2 60 1-2 59 1-2 58 1-2 57 tài bù gāo lăo tài excessively, too [A] bù not [A] gāo be tall, high [SV]; lăo be old [SV]; Lao, Gao, Kao [SN] Lau [SN] tài máng too busy bù máng not busy Lăo Gāo Old Gao Lăo Wáng Old Wang bú tài gāo not too tall bù gāo not tall 1-3 64 1-3 63 1-3 62 1-3 61 zuò qĭng xiè nán zuò to sit [V] qĭng to invite [V]; xiè to thank [V]; nán be difficult, hard “please” [IE] Xie, Hsieh [SN] [SV] qĭng zuò “please sit down” [IE] xièxie “thank you” [IE] 1-4 68 1-4 67 1-3 66 1-3 65 jiĕ le zŏu xiān jiĕ older sister [BF] le (indicates changed zŏu to leave, to depart [V] xiān first [A] status) [P] xiáojie Miss, Ms. [N] xiānsheng Mr. [N] 1-4 72 1-4 71 1-4 70 1-4 69 shì wèn guó nĕi-/nă- shì be [EV] wèn to ask [V] guó country [N] nĕi-, nă- which [QW] bú shi is not, are not qĭng wèn “excuse me”, Zhōngguo China [PW] “may I ask” [IE] shì bu shi is it or is it not? Zhōngguo Chinese, native of rén China [N] nĕiguó which country? [QW] nĕiguó rén a native of which country? 2-1 76 2-1 75 2-1 74 2-1 73 tóng -de jiào mĕi tóng same [BF] -de (indicates possession, jiào be named, called mĕi be beautiful [SV] or that what [EV] precedes describes Mĕiguo America [PW] what follows) [P] Mĕiguo rén American, native of America [N] wŏde míngzi my name tāde tóngwū her roommate 2-2 80 2-2 79 2-1 78 2-1 77 zì míng bié wū zì Chinese character [N] míng name [BF] bié don’t [AV] wū room [BF] míngzi name [N] tóngwū roommate [N] 2-2 84 2-2 83 2-2 82 2-2 81 nín ge xìng guì nín you (singular, polite) ge (general measure) [M] xìng be surnamed [EV] guì be expensive, [PR] precious, nĕige/năge which one?, which? guìxìng “What’s your honorable [SV]; [QW] surname?” [IE] Gui [SN] Guìzhōu Guizhou (province) [PW] 2-3 88 2-3 87 2-3 86 2-3 85 méi piàn xìng ba méi (indicates past negative piàn card [BF] xìng interest, excitement ba (indicates of action verbs) [AV] [BF] supposition) [P] míngpiàn name card, business méi wèn didn’t ask card [N] gāoxìng be happy [SV] 2-4 92 2-4 91 2-3 90 2-3 89 zhè/zhèi- sī gōng dài zhè, zhèi- this [PR/SP] sī department [BF]; gōng public [BF] dài take along, bring [V] Si [SN] zhèige this, this one gōngsī company, firm [N] 2-4 96 2-4 95 2-4 94 2-4 93 nán liăng- wèi jĭ- nán man, male [BF] liăng two [NU] wèi (polite measure for jĭ- how many? [QW] people [M] nánsheng male student [N] liăngge two (people or things) jĭge how many? [QW] nĕiwèi/ which one? [QW] (people or things) nánde man, male [N] liăngwèi two (persons, polite) năwèi (people, polite) jĭwèi how many? (people, polite) [QW] sānwèi three 3-1 100 3-1 99 3-1 98 3-1 97 nián duō shī nǚ nián year [M]; duō be many, much, shī teacher [BF] nǚ woman, female [BF] Nian [SN] more [SV] lăoshī teacher [N] nǚshēng female student [N] duō/duó how? [QW] nánlăoshī male teacher [N] nǚde woman, female [N] duō dà how old? nǚlăoshī female teacher [N] 3-2 104 3-2 103 3-1 102 3-1 101 duì suì jīn jì duì be correct [SV] suì year of age [M] jīn now [BF] jì record [BF] duì bu dui correct or not jĭsuì how many years jīnnián this year [TW] niánji age [N] correct?, “right?” old? (of a child) duō dà how many years old? bāsuì eight years old niánji 3-2 108 3-2 107 3-2 106 3-2 105 kuài qián shăo nà/nèi- kuài dollar, yuan, RMB, qián money [N]; Qian [SN] shăo be few [SV] nà, nèi- that [SP/PR]; in that piece [M] case duōshăo how much money? duōshăo how much?, how liăngkuài two dollars qián many? [QW] nèige that one, that qián nèiwèi that (person, polite) 3-3 112 3-3 111 3-3 110 3-3 109 kè diăn -qiān -băi kè quarter of an hour diăn o’clock, hour; point -qiān thousand [NU] -băi hundred [NU] [M] [M] yìqiān one thousand yìbăi one hundred yíkè a quarter of an hour jĭdiăn what time? [QW] wŭqiānkuài five thousand dollars liăngbăikuài two hundred dollars sānkè three quarters of an wŭdiăn five o’clock [TW] qián qián hour yìdiăn one o’clock; a little, some [NU+M] 3-4 116 3-4 115 3-3 114 3-3 113 tóu zhōng chà bàn tóu head [N]; (common zhōng bell; clock; o’clock [N] chà lack [V] bàn half [NU] noun suffix) jĭdiăn what time is it? chàbuduō almost, about [MA] shídiăn bàn half past ten, 10:30 zhōngtóu hour [N] zhōng [TW] chà yíkè a quarter to six bàn’ge half an hour sāndiăn three o’clock liùdiăn yíbàn one-half zhōngtóu zhōng yíbàn yíbàn half and half yíge bàn an hour and a half zhōngtóu 3-4 120 3-4 119 3-4 118 3-4 117 guān mén kāi shéi guān close [V]; Guan [SN] mén door, gate [N] kāi to open; to depart [V] shéi who?, whom? [QW] guānmén close a door, close kāimén open a door, open [VO] [VO] Jīnmén Quemoy [PW] 4-1 124 4-1 123 4-1 122 4-1 121 me shén qī/qí xīng me (occurs as second shén (first syllable of the qī, qí a period of time [BF] xīng star [BF] syllable of several word for “what”) common words) [BF] xīngqī week [N] [BF] xīngqījĭ which day of the week? [QW] shénme what [QW] Monday [TW] zhème like this, in this way, xīngqīyī so [A] xīngqītiān Sunday [TW] then, in that case, so nàme last week [A] shàngge xīngqī 4-2 128 4-2 127 4-1 126 4-1 125 rì hào yuè jiù rì sun [BF]; day [BF]; hào number; day of the yuè moon [BF]; month[N] jiù precisely, exactly [A] day of the month month [M] jĭyuè which month? jiù shi be precisely, none xīngqīrì Sunday [TW] jĭhào which day of the other than month? [QW] yíyuè January [TW] shísānrì 13th day of the month shísānhào the 13th day of the èryuè February [TW] shēngrì birthday [N] month sānyuè March [TW] Rìwén Japanese (language) wŭ líng sì number 504 sìyuè April [TW] [N] hào wŭyuè May [TW] liùyuè June [TW], etc.

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