2098 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MARCH 10. otherwise acquire arms, ammunition, and im­ CONFIRMATIONS The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk plements of war produced within the juris­ will call the roll. diction of any country to which section 3 is Executive nominations confirmed by applicable, whenever the President deems the Senate March 8 (legislative day of The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the such purchase or acquisition to be necessary Februarv 13), 1941: following Senators answered to their in the interests of the defense of the United names: States. POSTMASTERS Adams Ellender Murray SEc. 9. The President may, from time to ILLINOIS Aiken George Norris time, promulgate such rules and regulations Andrews Gerry Nye Peter R. Buschbacher, Ashton. Austin Glllette O'Mahoney as may be necessary and proper to carry out Bailey Glass Overton any of the provisions of this act; and he may Vivian G. White, Blue Mound. Walt er A. Homrich, Galena. Ball Green Pepper exercise any power or authority conferred on Bankhead Guffey Radcliffe him by this act through such department, Ella F. Day, Hamburg. Barkley Gurney Reed agency, or officer as he shall direct. Charles H. Beien, Rock Falls. Bilbo Harrison Reynolds Sec. 10. Not hing in this act shall be con­ George J. Holm, South Wilmington. Bone Hatch Russell strued to change existing law relating to the John H. Zitzmann, Trenton. Brewster Hayden Schwartz Sadie E. Stouffer, Waddams Grove. Bridges Herring Sheppard use of the land and naval forces of the United Brooks HHl Shipstead States, except insofar as such use relates to Brown Holman Smathers the manufacture, procurement, and repair of Bulow Hughes Smith defense articles, the communication of infor­ Bunker Johnson, Calif. Stewart mation and other noncombatant purposes Burton Johnson, Colo. Taft SENATE Butler Kilgore Thomas, Idaho enumerated in this act. Byrd La Follette Thomas, Utah Sec. 11. If any provision of this act or the MUNDAY, MARCH 10, 1941 Byrnes Lee Truman application of such provisi on to any circum­ Capper Lodge Tunnell stance shall be held invalid, the validity of The Reverend Hunter M. Lewis, assist­ Caraway Lucas . Tydings the remainder of the act and applicabili ty of ant rector, Church of the Epiphany, Chandler McCarran Vandenberg such provision to other circumstances shall Washington, D. C., offered the following Chavez . McFarland Wallgren not be affected thereby. Clark, Idaho McKellar Walsh prayer: · Clark, Mo. McNary Wheeler . Mr. GEORGE. Mr. President, I ask Connally Maloney White 0 Lord our governor, Creator of all Danaher Mead Wiley that the bill be printed with the amend­ mankind and preserver of their destinies, Davip Miller Willis ments made in the Senate numbered. from whom cometh all wisdom and Downey Murdock The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ knowledge, and before whose perfect Mr. HILL. I announce that the Sena­ jection, it is so ordered. thought our sublimest reason seemeth of tor from Indiana [Mr. VAN NUYs] is ab­ Mr. GEORGE. I move that the Senate no avail: Grant, we beseech Thee, unto sent from the Senate because of illness. insist upon its amendments, request a these Thy servants to whom hath been The Senator from Oklahoma [Mr. conference with the House of Represent­ given the responsibility of government, THOMAS] and the Senator from New York atives thereon, and that the Chair ap­ the spirit of a sound mind, of judgment [Mr. WAGNER] a·re unavoidably detained. point the conferees on the part of the and truth, that their deliberations may Mr. AIKEN. I announce that the Sen­ Senate. be fruitful in righteousness, their de­ ator from North Dakota [Mr. LANGER] is The motion was agreed to; and the cisions fraught with Thy wisdom. absent because of illness. Vice President appointed Mr. GEORGE, Endue their hearts with zeal, their The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-nine Mr. HARRISON, Mr. CONNALLY, Mr. BARK­ minds with nobility of thought, and their Senators have answered to the roll call. LEY, Mr. JOHNSON of California, Mr. CAP­ wills with such. singleness of purpose that A quorum is present. PER, and Mr. LA FOLLETTE conferees Oil our whole Nation, knowing that they the part of the Senate. have been inspired of Thee, may follow PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS ORDER OF BUSINESS their leadership with gallant and high­ Petitions, etc., were laid before the Sen­ hearted enthusiasm, that the peace of ate by the Vice President, or presented by Mr. BARKLEY. Mr. President, I wish God may be established upon earth, and Senators, and referred as indicated: to announce for the benefit of Senators the nations of the world may become the By the VICE PRESIDENT: that I shall presently move for an ad­ kingdom of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus A letter in the nature of a memorial from journment until Monday at 12 o'clock, at Christ. Amen. Mrs. Chilson, of Towanda, Pa., remonstrating which time I hope to have the calendar against involvement in foreign war; to the called for the consideration of bills to THE JOURNAL table. which there is no objection. Two appro­ On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by A telegram in the nature of a memorial priation bills are ready for action, which unanimous consent, ·the reading of -the from Daniel J. Downing, of Albany, N. Y.; we may also dispose of on Monday, and Journal of the proceedings of the calen­ remonst rating against the enactment of the so-called lease-lend bill; to the table. there are one or two naval bills, which dar day of Saturday, March 8, 1941, was A telegram from Wallace Hamilton, of San may be passed on the call of the calen­ dispensed with, and the Journal was Diego, Calif., inviting attention to the coun­ dar. If not, we shall endeavor otherwise approved. sel of Hamilton to the effect that the utility to dispose of them. MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT of a cordial union, under an efficient national The VICE PRESIDENT. What is the government, affords the best security against pleasure of the Senate? Messages in writing from the President hostilities with foreign governments, etc.; to of the United States submitting nomina­ the table. CONFIRMATION OF NOMINATIONS OF tions were communicated to the Senate by A concurrent resolution of the Legislature POSTMASTERS Mr. Latta, one of his secretaries. of the State of North Dakota; to the Com­ Mr. BARKLEY. Mr. President, I ask MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE-ENROLLED mittee on Agriculture and Forestry: unanimous consent, as in executive ses­ BILLS SIGNED "House Concurrent Resolution Q sion, that the nominations of a number "Concurrent resolution petitioning Congress of postmasters on the Executive Calendar A message from the House of Repre- · to enact the Capper bill establishing a be confirmed en bloc. That is all there sentatives, by Mr. Calloway, one of its division of cooperatives in the United States is on the Executive Calendar. · reading clerks, announced that the Department of Agriculture The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ Speaker had affixed his signature to the "Be it resolved by the House of Representa­ jection, it is so ordered. following enrolled bills, and they were tives of the State of North Dakota (the Senate signed by the Vice President: concurring therein) : ADJOURNMENT S. 189. An act for the relief of William "Whereas cooperation has proven beneficial Mr. BARKLEY. I move that the Sen­ Boyer; and to both producer and consumer and through ate adjourn. s. 251. An act for the relief of John Mul· years of successful operation in all democra­ The motion was agreed to; and (at 7 hern. cies has established itself as a useful eco­ CALL OF THE ROLL nomic unit of well-ordered society; and o'clock and 38 minutes p. m.) the Senate "Whereas Senator ARTHUR CAPPER, of Kan­ adjourned until Monday, March 10, 1941, Mr. HilL. I suggest the absence of a sas has introduced a bill (S. 650) to establish at 12 o'clock meridian. quortim. a division of cooperatives in the United States 1941 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 2099 Department of Agriculture, the -purposes of magnesite, tungsten, ·manganese, molybde­ _ "Whereas the United States Government .which are to serve as a source of information num, chromium, iron, and other valuable has embarked on an extensive military pro­ and cooperation to producers and consumers ores present in the State of Washington." gram, constructing air bases and army bar­ racks for the housing of soldiers in Alaska in cooperative buying and selling; to con­ Two joint memorials of the Legislature of duct research and assemble statistical data; which would necessitate, because of its inac­ the State of Washington; to the Committee cessibility, the services of the Pacific Ocean prepare publications on cooperative subjects, on Appropriations: which will be placed on the distribution lists Battle Fleet to patrol the coast, and a fleet of of Members of Congress; and authorizing the "Senate Joint Memorial No. 11 transports to assist in its defense at such a Secretary of Agriculture to establish coopera­ "To the Honorable Franklin D. Roosevelt, terrific cost and tra~ic sacrifice of men, tive relationships between this division and President ot the United States, and the money, and munitions as to warrant, for those other branches of the Department that Senate and House of Representatives of reasons of economy, the immediate construc­ carry on services in the cooperative field; and the United States in Congr ess assembled: tion of a highway from the United States "Whereas Han. Henry A. Wallace, as Sec­ "We, your memorialists, the Senate and through Canada to Alaska; and retary of Agriculture, and many officials of House of Representatives of the State of "Whereas the Alaskan International High­ outstanding farrr.. and cooperative organiza­ Washington, in legislative session assembled, way Commission, established by Congress, bas tions, have endorsed the provisions of the most respectfully represent and petition you, been meeting with a similar commission ap­ Capper bill as beneficial to agriculture and as follows: pointed by our friendly neighbor to the north,.
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