Rampike 23/1 __________________________________________________________________________________ INDEX Burroughs Centenary p. 2 Editorial p. 3 Nicholas Jirgens p. 3 Stan Rogal p. 4 Tina Raffell p. 5 Eleanor Catton & Karl Jirgens p. 6 Brian Henderson p. 9 Hal Jaffe p. 10 Brian Edwards p. 12 Frank Davey p. 14 Alan Davies p. 16 Laura Solomon p. 19 Karl Jirgens p. 20 Satch Dobrey p. 21 Abraham Anghik Ruben p. 22 David Groulx p. 25 J. Spencer Rowe p. 26 Osvaldo R. Castillo, H. Brouillet & N. Cornett p. 28 Shane Neilson p. 30 Amin Rehman p. 32 Phillipe Montbazet & Darren Ell p. 34 David Burty p. 35 Keith Garebian p. 36 Alan Lord p. 39 Gary Barwin p. 40 Melody Sumner Carnahan p. 42 Faye Harnest p. 44 Cyril Dabydeen p. 46 Dominique Blain p. 48 Neil Scotten p. 49 Paul Lisson p. 49 Robert Dawson p. 50 Daniel King p. 50 Stephen Emerson p. 51 Elana Wolff p. 52 Louis Armand p. 53 Samuel Andreyev p. 55 Gabor G. Gyukics p. 56 D.M. Aderibigbe p. 56 Honey Novick p. 57 B.Z. Niditch p. 57 Andrejs Kulnieks p. 58 Cliff Fyman p. 58 Daniel Scott Tysdal p. 59 D. Harlan Wilson p. 60 Edward Nixon p. 61 Joe D. Haske p. 62 Karen Hibbard p. 64 Vicky Reuter p. 66 John Tavares p. 68 Jay Smith p. 72 Tina Raffell p. 73 Eric Miles Williamson p. 74 Peter Jaeger p. 80 Front Cover Art: Carol Stetser Back Cover Art: Steven DaGama 1 Rampike 23 /1 __________________________________________________________________________________ WILLIAM S. BURROUGHS CENTENARY (b. FEB. 5, 1914) IN RECOGNITION: William S. Burroughs (Photo: K. Jirgens) Detail of Burroughs’ Shotgun Painting Rampike Cover, Vol. 7, #1 (1990) QUOTES FROM WILLIAM S. BURROUGHS: “Hustlers of the world, there is one mark you cannot beat: the mark inside.” “The junk merchant doesn't sell his product to the consumer, he sells the consumer to his product. He does not improve and simplify his merchandise. He degrades and simplifies the client.” “I don't care if people hate my guts; I assume most of them do. The important question is whether they are in a position to do anything about it.” “A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on.” “Desperation is the raw material of drastic change. Only those who can leave behind everything they have ever believed in can hope to escape. ” “Language is a virus from outer space.” “After one look at this planet any visitor from outer space would say I want to see the manager.” “Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.” “Nothing happens by coincidence.” “Artists to my mind are the real architects of change, and not the political legislators who implement change after the fact.” “As soon as you know you are in prison, you have a possibility to escape.” “I am forced to the appalling conclusion that I would never have become a writer but for Joan's death. I had no choice but to write my way out.” [Burroughs accidently shot his lover, the mother of his child]. “There is no intensity of love or feeling that does not involve the risk of crippling hurt. It is a duty to take this risk, to love and feel without defense or reserve.” 2 Rampike 23/1 __________________________________________________________________________________ Editorial This issue of Rampike focuses on expressions “What we are doing is nothing more than a drop exploring conflict and/or concord. It remains in the ocean. But if the drop were not there, the unclear how much of the choice between ocean would be missing something.” Albert discord and harmony is trulyours. One-half of Einstein confirmed, “Peace cannot be kept by the planet’s wealth in the hands of 75 people force; it can only be achieved by understanding.” speaks for itself. Global allegiances abound, Swami Vishnu and Peter Sellers in a “peace including the empire of oil, oligarchies of mass plane” decorated by Peter Max, dropped media, international banking cartels, giant thousands of flowers and flyers on strife-ridden pharmaceuticals, food oligopolies, and military Belfast. “All you need is Love.” We’ve seen industrial complexes of different nations. progress in education, medicine, human rights, International organizations, anonymous groups, communications, technology, and the arts. Yet, and bands such as Pussy Riot, cite virtues of we’ve nurtured further chaos. Attawapiskat, alternate paths. Artists/writers remain the Biological Weapons, Bougainville Island, antennae of the world. Adorno observed that Carcinogens, Censorship, Chemical Warfare, writing poetry after Auschwitz is barbaric. Sartre Child Labour, Chem-Trails, Cyber-attacks, Deep emphasized the moral obligations of artists and Web, Depleted Global Food Sources, writers. Yevtushenko wrote on the atrocity of Espionage, Famine, Genocide, Global “Babi Yar.” Picasso’s “Guernica” still resonates. Warming, GMOs, HIV, Mass Extinctions, Anne Waldman’s Iovis Trilogy (see, Rampike 21.1), Neutron Bomb, Nuclear Meltdowns, Pacific issues a potent anti-war statement. Solzhenitsyn Plastic Patch, Pollution, Poverty, Propaganda, declared that “Literature that does not warn in Racism, Religious Intolerance, Residential time against threatening moral and social Schools, Slavery, Shooting Sprees, Toxic Waste, dangers… does not deserve the name of War. The parade of buffoons marching into literature.” (Open letter to 4th Soviet Writers’ mayhem seems endless, attracting new Congress, 1967). Many atrocities remain participants daily. Revisionist voices form an obscured. Morality prevails as the sister of equally lengthy history. In this issue of Rampike conscience. How many indigenous peoples were we add our “drop in the ocean.” We include an wiped out in North America? Scholars estimate homage to the centenary of (Rampike a pre-Columbian population of 30 million contributor), William S. Burroughs, who spent a reduced by 90% in one century. 1.5 million life-time kicking against the pricks. We offer annihilated in Armenia. An estimated 4 million dozens of distinguished, prize-winning, writers, dead in Cambodia. 1 million in Rwanda. artists, poets, and theorists. Our back cover Estimated dead in the Soviet Gulag: 30 million. displays the stellar graphics of poet/artist, Some events demand silence. Holocaust, Steven Da Gama. Joseph Hubbard (sculptor), Nagasaki, Hiroshima. Others demand responses. affirms, “Steven DaGama is the greatest poet I Chief Seattle said, “The Earth does not belong know… His paintings were ten years ahead of to people – people belong to the Earth. All the current trends.” And, our front cover things are connected.” Artists/writers immersed features the striking visual poetics of Rampike in socio-political transformations decry human stalwart, Carol Stetser, whose art is published folly. The power of words. Zamyatin. Huxley. globally. We’re delighted to feature GG Award Orwell. Atwood. Visionaries. Emmeline & Man Booker Prize winning author Eleanor Pankhurst urged, “We have to free half of the Catton; plus, esteemed poets, Stan Rogal, Brian human race, the women, so that they can help Henderson, Brian Edwards, Frank Davey, Keith free the other half.” Soujourner Truth declared, Garebian, ElanaWolff, Gary Barwin, Louis “I feel safe in the midst of my enemies, for the Armand, Gabor Ghukics, Sam Andreyev; truth is all powerful and will prevail.” Nelson (not-)fictioneers, Hal Jaffe, Laura Solomon, Mandela stated, “Where globalization means… Melody Sumner Carnahan, Vicky Reuter; visual that the rich and powerful now have new means artists, Abraham Anghik Ruben, Amin Rehman, to further enrich and empower themselves at the Osvaldo Castillo, Dominique Blain, Faye cost of the poorer and weaker, we have a Harnest; writer/theorists, Alan Davies, Alan responsibility to protest in the name of universal Lord, Eric Miles Williamson; and a host of other freedom.” Martin Luther King, spoke his dream superb authors & artists, too many to list here. aloud and warned, “In the End, we will We hope the varied and vital voices in this issue remember not the words of our enemies, but the of Rampike will enlighten, encourage and inspire! silence of our friends.” Mother Teresa advised, – Karl Jirgens / Editor “March of the Buffoons”: Nicholas Jirgens (Canada) 3 Rampike 23 /1 __________________________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER Stan Rogal after William S. Burroughs “How I hate those who are dedicated to producing conformity.” First & final warning! If you have epilepsy or any predisposition &/or otherwise predilection toward seizures, blackouts, dizzy spells &/or strokes &/or heart attacks &/or fallen arches dandruff, genital warts, open lesions, weeping sores or have trained your asshole to talk or are of dubious character or have a criminal record or claim to have been abducted by aliens or plead a victim of circumstance, of fashion, of a frivolous je ne sais quoi or a casualty of an unforeseen decline in the stock market or hostile takeover or downsized or made obsolete or deemed necessary but not sufficient or declared legally insane or on a mission from God or on the dole, on the take, on the ropes, on the rag, on the nod or are prone to either murder &/or suicide or have intent toward malicious behaviour or considered armed & dangerous or keep a private journal &/or sketches with the prime purpose of either: public display, publication &/or distribution or have a monkey on your back, a horse in your arm a rock up your nose, a gold bug up your sphincter or are a mover, shaker, sweet little heartbreaker or are generally melancholic or alcoholic or a user or have
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