555 ABERDEEN CITY PLANNING COMMITTEE ABERDEEN, 24th July, 2003. - Minute of Meeting of the ABERDEEN CITY PLANNING COMMITTEE. Present:- Councillor Cassie, Convener; Councillor Delaney, Vice-Convener; and Councillors Clark, Collie, Cormack, Dempsey, Duncan (substituting for Councillor Stephen), Greig (substituting for Councillor Dean), Hunter, Jaffrey, James Lamond, June Lamond, Leslie, Pamela MacDonald, May and Webster (substituting for Councillor Clyne). ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. At the commencement of the meeting, the Convener announced that the following applications had been withdrawn from the agenda, viz:- East Middlefield, Kingswells (Item 2.2), 7 Holburn Street, Aberdeen (Item 3.4), 2 Cairnside, Cults (Item 3.6) and West Lasts Farmhouse, Malcolm Road, Peterculter (Item 4.12). The Convener also sought the Committee’s approval to deal with the late item on Grandholm Village residential development in confidence and this was agreed. VISITS 2. (A) PLANNING (VISITING) SUB-COMMITTEE - MINUTE OF MEETING. The Committee had under consideration the Minute of Meeting of the Planning (Visiting) Sub-Committee on 19th June, 2003, the terms of which are reproduced in full as Appendix A to this Minute. (B) 119 VICTORIA ROAD, TORRY, ABERDEEN. Reference was made to Article 1 of the Sub-Committee Minute and the application (A3/0676) seeking change of use of the vacant retail unit at 119 Victoria Road, Torry, Aberdeen to form a hot food take-away outlet, in respect of which the Sub-Committee had recommended approval subject to appropriate conditions to be determined by the Head of Physical Development. The Committee resolved:- that the application be approved, on the following conditions:- (1) That the premises shall not be brought into use as a hot food take away unless a bulk refuse store has been provided in accordance with a scheme that has been approved in writing by the planning authority. (2) That the use hereby granted planning permission shall not take place unless a scheme showing the proposed means of filtering, extracting and dispersing cooking fumes from the premises has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority and that the said scheme has been implemented in full and is ready for operation; (3) That the use hereby granted planning permission 556 ABERDEEN CITY PLANNING COMMITTEE 24th July, 2003 shall not take place unless any external duct work comprised in the approved scheme for filtering, extracting and dispersing cooking fumes has been finished in a colour to match the exterior of the premises or treated in accordance with such other scheme as may be submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. (4) That the use hereby granted planning permission shall not take place unless provision has been made within the application site for litter disposal and, if appropriate, recycling facilities in accordance with a scheme which has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. (C) HILTON FARM, PETERCULTER. Reference was made to Article 2 of the Sub-Committee Minute and the application (A2/1748) for planning permission in respect of the conversion of part of the large steading building at Hilton Farm, Peterculter, to form three new dwellinghouses, in respect of which the Sub-Committee resolved to recommend that subject to the satisfactory resolution of the concerns expressed regarding the location of the soak-away and the standard to which the access track will be upgraded and the passing places thereon will be constructed, the Committee indicate a willingness to approve the application on the conditions more particularly detailed within the said Article and remit to the Head of Physical Development to forward the application to Scottish Ministers for their consideration in terms of the Town and Country Planning (Notification of Applications) (Scotland) Direction 1997, also as detailed within the said Article. The Committee now heard both the Planning Officer and the Council’s Roads Engineer who confirmed respectively, that a new location for the soak-away had been identified and also that amended plans containing the detail of the method of construction of the passing places on the access road had been lodged. The Committee resolved:- that the recommendation of the Sub-Committee be approved. (D) JAMES DUN’S HOUSE, 61 SCHOOLHILL, ABERDEEN (CATEGORY “B” BUILDING). Reference was made to Article 3 of the Sub-Committee Minute and the application (A3/0792) seeking retrospective planning permission and listed building consent in respect of proposals for the erection of an extension to the rear of James Dun’s House, 61 Schoolhill, Aberdeen, a Category “B” listed building situated within the Union Street Conservation Area. The decision of the Sub-Committee on the visit, following a division, was to recommend (one) that the application be refused on the ground that the extension as constructed was highly detrimental to the character of the listed building and, as a result, contrary to policy within the adopted Structure and Local Plans and totally unacceptable, and (two) that the Head of Physical Development be instructed to take steps to advise the Corporate Director for City Development Services, as the Council official responsible for general property matters, of the need to ensure that any works carried out to the listed building by 557 ABERDEEN CITY PLANNING COMMITTEE 24th July, 2003 lessees and/or occupiers, complied strictly with the planning approval or consent granted. The Committee now heard the Planning Officer who advised that, since the visit, amended drawings had been submitted which showed that the glazed area within the proposed rear extension was now greater than that approved as part of the original proposal for an extension and, as such, was now acceptable. The Committee resolved:- (i) that the Committee indicate a willingness to approve the application, as amended; and (ii) that it be remitted to the Head of Physical Development to forward the application to Historic Scotland for their consideration in terms of the listed building regulations. PLANNING APPLICATIONS WHICH ARE THE SUBJECT OF WRITTEN REPORTS DEVELOPMENT PLAN DEPARTURES 3. MOSS-SIDE, COVE, ABERDEEN - PROPOSED INDUSTRIAL/BUSINESS PARK. Reference was made to Article 8 of the Minute of Meeting of the Planning Committee on 12th June, 2003, at which time there was under consideration the report by the Head of Physical Development on the application (A1/0514) for outline planning permission in respect of a proposal to develop a site at Moss-side, Cove, Aberdeen, extending to some 28.3 hectares, for industrial/business park use. The decision of the Committee at that meeting was that although the proposal would represent a departure from the Development Plan, arising from the Green Belt designation of the land, a departure hearing in terms of the guidance contained within PAN 41 be not held and it be remitted to the Head of Physical Development to submit a further report on the application containing a detailed evaluation of the proposal and a recommendation as to its determination. The Committee now had before it the further report requested. The report by the Head of Physical Development again described the extent of the application site, which formed part of a larger area of land, extending across the administrative boundary into Aberdeenshire and in respect of which support was expressed in 1996 for use for industrial/business purposes; referred to the notional road layout outlined as part of the proposal and which was supported by a Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA); advised of the favourable response expressed by roads officers to the TIA subject to the carrying out of improvements to the access and to 558 ABERDEEN CITY PLANNING COMMITTEE 24th July, 2003 the junction of Wellington Road with the A956 and also the making by the applicants of financial contributions towards other infrastructural costs; advised also of the views expressed by the local Community Council who continued to have concerns about access and traffic and as regards the management of open space areas; referred also to the letters of representation received and the concerns expressed therein; and identified the planning policy considerations against which the application would fall to be assessed, in particular the Structure Plan requirement for a marketable supply of business and industrial land to be maintained throughout the Plan period. A detailed evaluation of the application was contained within the report and emphasised that the bulk of the application site was identified within Policy 2 (Employment Land Distribution) of the North East Scotland Together - Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire Structure Plan 2001/2016, for industrial/commercial use; that mitigation measures, at the expense of the applicants, will be required to address the impact of the proposal on the A90 (trunk) and the local road network; that a comprehensive scheme for landscaping the substantial cordon of open ground to be provided between the developed part of the site and Cove Road, to include a future maintenance regime, will be a major benefit for the area; and that the proposals for playing field provision on part of the site, subject to setting out and future maintenance, would also be well received by the local community. The report concluded that because of the Structure Plan position and despite the green belt designation, the proposal did not represent a significant departure from the Development Plan and, subject to the satisfactory completion of the necessary legal agreements, could be supported. The report recommended:- (a) that the application be approved on the following conditions:- (1) That approval of the details of the means of access, siting, design and external appearance of the buildings and the landscaping of the site (hereinafter called “the reserved matters”) shall be obtained from the planning authority. (2) That the development to which this planning permission relates shall be begun not later than (i) five years from the date of the permission; or (ii) two years from the date of final approval of all reserved matters, whichever is the later.
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