Fishery Conservation and Management § 665.421 § 665.404 Permits. bottomfish MUS within the CNMI me- dium and large vessel bottomfish pro- (a) Applicability—(1) Guam large vessel. The owner of any large vessel used to hibited areas, as defined in § 665.403(b). fish for, land, or transship Mariana (g) Retain, land, possess, sell, or offer bottomfish MUS shoreward of the for sale, shoreward of the outer bound- outer boundary of the Guam subarea ary of the CNMI management subarea, must have a permit issued under this Mariana bottomfish MUS that were section, and the permit must be reg- harvested in violation of § 665.405(f), ex- istered for use with that vessel. cept that Mariana bottomfish MUS (2) Commonwealth of the Northern that are harvested legally may be Mariana Islands (CNMI) commercial. transferred to a receiving vessel shore- The owner of any vessel used to com- ward of the outer boundary of the mercially fish for, transship, receive, CNMI medium and large vessel or land Mariana bottomfish MUS bottomfish prohibited area as defined shoreward of the outer boundary of the in § 665.403(b). CNMI management subarea must have (h) Falsify or fail to make, keep, a permit issued under this section, and maintain, or submit a Federal logbook the permit must be registered for use as required under § 665.14(b) when using with that vessel. a vessel to engage in commercial fish- (b) Submission. An application for a ing for Mariana bottomfish MUS shore- permit required under this section ward of the outer boundary of the must be submitted to PIRO as de- CNMI management subarea in viola- scribed in § 665.13. tion of § 665.14(b). § 665.405 Prohibitions. § 665.406 Gear restrictions. In addition to the general prohibi- (a) Bottom trawls and bottom set tions specified in § 600.725 of this chap- gillnets. Fishing for bottomfish with ter and § 665.15, it is unlawful for any bottom trawls and bottom set gillnets person to do any of the following: is prohibited. (a) Fish for Mariana bottomfish MUS (b) Possession of gear. Possession of a using gear prohibited under § 665.406. bottom trawl and bottom set gillnet by (b) Use a large vessel that does not any vessel having a permit under have a valid Guam bottomfish permit § 665.404 or otherwise established to be registered for use with that vessel to fishing for bottomfish in the manage- fish for, land, or transship Mariana ment subareas is prohibited. bottomfish MUS shoreward of the (c) Poisons and explosives. The posses- outer boundary of the Guam manage- sion or use of any poisons, explosives, ment subarea of the bottomfish fishery or intoxicating substances for the pur- management area in violation of pose of harvesting bottomfish is pro- § 665.404(a). hibited. (c) Use a large vessel to fish for Mar- iana bottomfish MUS within the Guam § 665.407 At-sea observer coverage. large vessel bottomfish prohibited All fishing vessels subject to §§ 665.400 area, as defined in § 665.403(a). through 665.407 must carry an observer (d) Land or transship, shoreward of when directed to do so by the Regional the outer boundary of the Guam man- Administrator. agement subarea of the bottomfish fishery management area, Mariana §§ 665.408–665.419 [Reserved] bottomfish MUS that were harvested in violation of § 665.405(c). § 665.420 Mariana coral reef ecosystem (e) Use a vessel to fish commercially fisheries. [Reserved] for Mariana bottomfish MUS shore- ward of the outer boundary of the § 665.421 Definitions. CNMI management subarea without a As used in §§ 665.420 through 665.439: valid CNMI commercial bottomfish Mariana coral reef ecosystem manage- permit registered for use with that ves- ment unit species (Mariana coral reef eco- sel, in violation of § 665.404(a)(2). system MUS) means all of the Currently (f) Use a medium or large vessel, as Harvested Coral Reef Taxa and Poten- defined in § 665.12, to fish for Mariana tially Harvested Coral Reef Taxa listed 417 § 665.421 50 CFR Ch. VI (10–1–14 Edition) in this section and which spend the ma- than or equal to 50 fathoms in total jority of their non-pelagic (post-settle- depth. ment) life stages within waters less Mariana Currently Harvested Coral Reef Taxa: Local name (Chamorro/ Family name Carolinian) English common name Scientific name Acanthuridae (Surgeonfishes) ................................................ orange-spot surgeonfish ........ Acanthurus olivaceus. hugupao dangulo/mowagh ..... yellowfin surgeonfish .............. Acanthurus xanthopterus. Kichu/limell ............................. convict tang ............................ Acanthurus triostegus. eye-striped surgeonfish .......... Acanthurus dussumieri. blue-lined surgeon ................. Acanthurus nigroris. whitebar surgeonfish .............. Acanthurus leucopareius. whitebar surgeonfish .............. Acanthurus leucopareius. Hiyok/filaang ........................... blue-banded surgeonfish ....... Acanthurus lineatus. blackstreak surgeonfish ......... Acanthurus nigricauda. whitecheek surgeonfish ......... Acanthurus nigricans. white-spotted surgeonfish ...... Acanthurus guttatus. ringtail surgeonfish ................. Acanthurus blochii. brown surgeonfish .................. Acanthurus nigrofuscus. mimic surgeonfish .................. Acanthurus pyroferus. Yellow tang ............................ Zebrasoma flavescens. striped bristletooth .................. Ctenochaetus striatus. twospot bristletooth ................ Ctenochaetus binotatus. tataga/igh-falafal ..................... bluespine unicornfish ............. Naso unicornus. hangon/bwulaalay .................. orangespine unicornfish ......... Naso lituratus. humpnose unicornfish ............ Naso tuberosus. black tongue unicornfish ........ Naso hexacanthus. bignose unicornfish ................ Naso vlamingii. whitemargin unicornfish ......... Naso annulatus. spotted unicornfish ................. Naso brevirostris. humpback unicornfish ............ Naso brachycentron. gray unicornfish ...................... Naso caesius. Balistidae (Triggerfishes) ......... ................................................ titan triggerfish ....................... Balistoides viridescens. clown triggerfish ..................... Balistoides conspicillum. orange striped triggerfish ....... Balistapus undulatus. pinktail triggerfish ................... Melichthys vidua. black triggerfish ...................... Melichthys niger. blue triggerfish ....................... Pseudobalistes fuscus. Picassofish ............................. Rhinecanthus aculeatus. wedged Picassofish ............... Balistoides rectangulus. bridled triggerfish ................... Sufflamen fraenatus. Carangidae (Jacks) ................. atulai/peti ................................ Bigeye scad ........................... Selar crumenophthalmus. mackerel scad ........................ Decapterus macarellus. Carcharhinidae (Sharks) .......... grey reef shark ....................... Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos. silvertip shark ......................... Carcharhinus albimarginatus. Galapagos shark .................... Carcharhinus galapagensis. blacktip reef shark .................. Carcharhinus melanopterus. whitetip reef shark .................. Triaenodon obesus. Holocentridae (Solderfish/ saksak/mweel ......................... bigscale soldierfish ................. Myripristis berndti. Squirrelfish. sagamelon .............................. bronze soldierfish ................... Myripristis adusta. sagamelon .............................. blotcheye soldierfish .............. Myripristis murdjan. sagamelon .............................. brick soldierfish ...................... Myripristis amaena. sagamelon .............................. scarlet soldierfish ................... Myripristis pralinia. sagamelon .............................. violet soldierfish ..................... Myripristis violacea. sagamelon .............................. whitetip soldierfish .................. Myripristis vittata. sagamelon .............................. yellowfin soldierfish ................ Myripristis chryseres. sagamelon .............................. pearly soldierfish .................... Myripristis kuntee. sagamelon .............................. tailspot squirrelfish ................. Sargocentron caudimaculatum. file-lined squirrelfish ............... Sargocentron microstoma. chalak ..................................... crown squirrelfish ................... Sargocentron diadema. sagsag/leet ............................. blue-lined squirrelfish ............. Sargocentron tiere. sisiok ...................................... saber or long jaw squirrelfish Sargocentron spiniferum. sagsag/leet ............................. spotfin squirrelfish .................. Neoniphon spp. Kuhliidae (Flagtails) ................. ................................................ barred flag-tail ........................ Kuhlia mugil. Kyphosidae (Rudderfish) ......... Guili ........................................ rudderfish ............................... Kyphosus biggibus. Guili/schpwul .......................... rudderfish ............................... Kyphosus cinerascens. guilen puengi/reel ................... rudderfish ............................... Kyphosus vaigienses. Labridae (Wrasses) ................. tangison/maam ....................... floral wrasse ........................... Cheilinus chlorourus. tangison/maam ....................... napoleon wrasse .................... Cheilinus undulatus. lalacha mamate/Porou ........... triple-tail wrasse ..................... Cheilinus trilobatus. harlequin
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