The NAT ION A L HOR TICULTURAL MAGAZINE -----------..... JOURNAL OF mE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OCTOBER, 1934 The American Horticultural Society PRESENT ROLL OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS March 1. 1934 OFFICERS President, Mr. Robert Pyle, West Grove, Penna. First Vice-President, Mr. Knowles A. Ryerson, 1601 Argonne Place, N. W., Washington, D. C. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Fairfax Harrison, Belvoir, Fauquier Co., Va. Secretary, C. C. Thomas, 211 Spruce Street, Takoma Park, D. C. Treasurer, Roy G. Pierce, S04 Aspen Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. DIRECTORS Terms ExpiJ'ing in 1934 Mrs. Clement S. Houghton, Chestnut F. J. Crider, Superior, Ariz. Hill, Mass. Mrs. Mortimer Fox, Peekskill, N. Y. Mrs. Horatio Gates Lloyd, Haver~ Mr. F. L. Mulford, Washington, D. C. ford, Pa. Mrs. Silas B. Waters, Cincinnati, O. Mr. D. Victor Lumsden, Washington, Dr. Earl B. White, Kensington, Md. D.C. Terms Expiring in 1935 Mr. J. Marion Shull, Chevy Chase, Mr. Fairman R. Furness, Media, Pa. Md. THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Published by and for the Society B. Y. MORRISON, Editor CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Mr. Alfred Bates Mrs. J. Norman Henry Dr. Clement G. Bowers Mrs. Francis King Mrs. C. I. DeBevoise Miss Frances Edge McIlvaine Dr. W. C. Deming Mr. Carl Purdy Mr. Sherman R. Duffy Mr. C. A. Reed Mrs. Mortimer J. Fox Mr. J. Marion Shull Mr. Arthur D. Slavin SOCIETIES AFFILIATED WITH THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 1933 Alexandria, Virginia, Garden Club, Bethesda Commumty Garden Club, Mrs. Francis Carter, President, Mrs. Smith, Episcopal High School, Bethesda, Md. Alexandria, Va . ' Blackstone Garden Club, Mrs. A. G. Ingham, Pres., American Amaryllis Society, Wellsville, Virginia. Wyndham Hayward, Secretary, 2240 Fairbanks Avenue, California Garden Club Federation, Winter Park, Fla. Mrs. Leonard B. Slosson, Pres., 426 So. Arden Blvd .. American Fuchsia Society, Los Angeles, Calif. Miss Alice Eastwood, Secretary, Chestnut Hill Garden Club, California Academy of Sciences, Mrs. Edwin S. Webster, Pres., Golden Gate Park, 307 Hammond Street, San Franoisco, Calif. Chestnut Hill, Mass. Publication Office, 1918 Harford Avenue, Baltimore, Md. Entered as second· class matter January Zl, 1932, at tbe Post Office at Baltimore, Md., under the Act of August 24, 1912. Chevy Chase (D. C.) Garden Club, Lake Forest Garden Club. Mrs. F. B. Weaver, Lake Forest, III. 5324 39th Street, N. W., Lake Washington Garden Club, Washington, D. C. M-rs. Harry L. Cae, Pres., . Chevy Chase (Md.) Garden Club, 3700 East Valley Street, Mrs. T. H. MacDonald, Seattle, Wash. 520 Maple Ridge Road, Montgomery Suburban Garden Club, Bethesda, Md. James c. Dulin, Jr., President, Civic Study Club, 325 High St., Friendship Hgts., Mrs. O. R. Bruson, Secretary, Chevy Chase, Md. Michigan, N. D. New England Gladiolus Society, Fairfax Garden Club, Mr. C. W . Brown, Secretary, Mrs. L. P . Tayloe, Secretary, 13 Park Road, Ashland, Mass. Vienna, Virginia. North End Flower Club, Fairfield Garden Club Mrs. M. W. Isle, Mrs. John R. Reyburn, 5229 University Way, 523 Old Post Road, Seattle, Wash. Fairfield, Conn. Northern Nut Growers' Association, Federated Garden Clubs of Cincinnati and Frank H. Frey, Pres., Vicinity, Room 930, La Salle St. Station, Mrs. Silas B. Waters, President Chicago, Ill. 2005 Edgecliff Point, Cincinnati, O. Pennsylvania Nut Growers' Association, Galesburg Horticultural Improvement So­ John W. Hershey, Secretary, ciety, Downingtown, Penna. C. Z. Nelson, Secretary, Potomac Rose Society, 534 Hawkinson Ave., Galesburg, Ill. Dr. H. E. Howe, Sec'y, Garden Club of Cindnnati, 706 Mills Bldg., Washington, D. C. Mrs. H. W. Nichols, 2345 Madison Road, Rock Garden Society of Ohio, E. Walnut HiIls, Cincinmati, O. Mrs. Frank Seinsheimer, Treasurer, 3421 Middleton Ave., Garden Club of Buzzard's Bay, Clifton, Cincinnati, O. Mrs. M. W. Wilcox, -350 Union St., New Bedford, Mass. Shaker Lakes Garden Club, Mrs. Frank B. Stearns, Garden Club of Madison, N. J., 15830 S. Park Blvd., Shaker HiIls, Mrs. Hubert Cheeseman, Sec'y, Cleveland, O. Academy Road, Madison, N. J. St. Louis Horticultural Society, Garden Club of Ohio, Missouri Botanical Garden, Mrs. Frank B. Stearns, Pres., St. Louis, Mo. 15830 S. Park Blvd., Shaker Heights, Takoma Hor,ticultural Club, Cleveland, Ohio Mrs. John Guill, Secretary, Garden Club of Peekskill, 227 Maple Ave., 118 Pine St., Peekskil.l, N. Y. Takoma Park. D. C. Garden Club of Somerset Hills, Talbot County Garden Club, Mrs. J. M. Ellsworth, Pres., Mr. James Dixon, President, Bernardsville, N. J. North Bend, Easton, Md. Georgia Horticultural Society, Terrace Park Garden Club, G. H. Firor, Sec'y, Mrs. VV. L. Brilmayer, President, Athens, Ga. Milford, Ohio. Georgetown Garden Club, Town and Country Garden Club, . Mrs. Howard Burnside, Rec. Sec'y., Mrs. Frederick Hinkle, Sec'y, 3010 PSt., N. W., Edwards Road and Walsh Place, Washington, D. C. Cincinnati, O. Hyattsville Horticultural Society, . Town and e::ountry Garden Club of Cleve· Mrs. Cha·r1es E. Holmes, Librarian, land, Mrs. W. H. Wood, Riverdale, Md. Anderson and Green Road. Indian Hill Garden Club, S. Euclid, Cleveland, O. Mrs. Robert Sattler, Pres., Winton Place Garden Club, Varner Road, R. F. D. 1, Sta. M .. Mrs. Otto Rosenfelter, President, Cincinnati. O. 737 Hard Ave., Winton Place, O. Kennedy Heights Garden Club, Worcester .County Horticultural Socie~, Mrs. Grace Golay, Cor. Sec'y, 30 Elm Street, 6514 Tyne Ave., Cincinnati, O. Worcester, Mass. [il The National Horticultural Magazine . Vol. 13 Copyright, 1934, by THE AMERIOAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY No. 4 OCTOBER, 1934 CONTENTS The Wild Sierras of Spain and Their Plants. DR. GUISEPPL ______________________ 309 Some Experiences With Annuals. HELEN M. Fox _______ _________________________________ 319 The Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, Scotland ____________________________________________ 327 The Idealist in the Garden ______________________________________________________ ____ ________________________ 342 Arctomecon californicum. SUSAN DELANO McKELVEY _________ _________________________ 349 The U tow ana Eugenia. D AVID F AIRCHILD______________________________________________________ 351 Notes on T ree-Hardiness. LEO N CROIZA L ____________________ ______________ _______ __________ _ 356 Blight Resistant Oriental Chestnuts in the Eastern United States. H. P. S TO KE ._________________________ ~ ______________________________________________________ . __ ______________ 360 Collecting Plants Beyond the Frontier in Northern British Columbia- IV. MARY G. HE NR Y________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 363 Perennials for Cut F lowers. STEPHEN F . HAMBLIN _______________ ______ __ _______ _______ _ 383 A Book or Two ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ 387 The Gardener's Pocketbook: Cistus pur pur eus. ERI c W AL THER ___________________________________________ _________ __ __ __ 388 Correction _______________ _______ ~___________________________________________ _ _________ __ _______ ___ _____________ 388 Rock Gar d en V er 0 n icas ___________ ________ ~__ _______ _____ ___ _____ ________ ____________ _____ _____________ 388 P hlo x g lab errima __________________________________________________________________________________________ 390 P haedranassa viridifiora _________________________________ __ _____ __ ____________________________________ 392 F 1'itillaria liliac ea. LESTER Row NTREL___________________________________________________ 392 L iliu111, t enuifoli~m4. HELEN M. Fox _______ __ ____________________ ______ _________ __ ____________ 394 Saponaria ocymoides splendens. 1. N . ANDERSON __________________________________ 396 V er b ena b onariensis ____________________ __ _____ ___________________________________________________________ 398 Four Rocky Mountain Plants. K. N. MARRIAGL ________________ __________________ 398 Prunus serrulata, Gyoiko. PAUL R USSELL _______________________________ ______________ 402 Z i n nia angu s ti folia ________________________________________________________________________________________ 402 Comment. FRA NCES EDGE M elLV AI NE ____________________ ________________________________ 404 Published quarteFly by The American H orticultural Society. Publication office, 1918 Harford Ave., Baltimore, Md. Editorial office, Room 821, Washington Loan and Trust Building, Washingt0n, D . C: Contributions from all m embers are cordially invited and should be sent to the Editorial office. Adv,ertising Manager, Mr. J. S. Elms, P.O. Box 27, K ensington, Md. A subscripti0n to the magazine is included in the annual dues of all members; to non-members the price- is seventy­ five cents the copy, three dollars a year. [i-i] Eric Walther [See page 388] Cistus purpureus The Wild Sierras of Spain and Their Plants By DR. GUISEPPI It has been said that Europe ends hins and mounta.ins of every va­ at the Pyrenees. But, however true riety of red and brown imaginable. this may be about other matters, it Machado, the great Spanish poet, . is not quite true about the flora, for says: "It is a land of ups and some of the Pyrenean plants are to downs. The roads sometimes hide be found on Montserrat and in the the men who pass by on their Picos de Europa but south of these donkeys. Then on a background of mountains the flora i., certainly dis­ reddening evening light there stands tinct from that of EurQpe and closer out the small plebeian figures clear to that of Morocco and it is for this as a star on the golden canvas of reason that the
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