INDEX aboriginal gangs, 39 allegations against, 113–14 absentee fathers, 68, 88, 231–32 arraignment, 171 Africa, immigration from, 10 charges, 106, 130, 131, 148, 151, 154 Agincourt Collegiate Institute, 84 murder trial, 166, 185–86, 198–99, AK Kannan (gang), 42 204–5, 210–11, 218, 239 Akhtar, Suhail, 138, 159–60, 164, 171, sentencing, 241–42, 243–44 176–77, 179–81, 183, 204–6, Auguste, Arnold, 224 207–8, 212–14, 215, 219, 241, 248 Allen, Janet, 49, 50, 52, 53 B-Boys, 42 Allen, Marcus, 53 B-Way, 34 Allen, Norris (Bolu), 19, 23, 24–25, 47, “baby mama” term, 231 61, 71, 78, 96, 100, 105, 115, 119, baby mother syndrome, 232 127–29, 139, 153, 176, 182 Badibanga, Neville, 62, 63, 128, 152 murder of, 49–51 Band of the Hand, 38 Allen, Norris, Sr., 54 Banks, Wayne, 5, 6, 7, 75, 76–79, 80, American gangs, 6, 38, 39, 44, 54 82–83, 85, 87–89, 90, 94, 100–1, Anderson, Shannon, 199–200, 210 103, 105, 106, 109, 216, 219, 248 Appleby, Timothy, 223, 224 Bascuñán, Rodrigo, 39–40 Aransibia, AnthonyCOPYRIGHTED (“Th e Fox”), 40–41 basketball, MATERIAL 18, 233 Ardwick Bloods, 92, 232 Baylis, Todd, 227–28 Asia, immigration from, 10 Beanery Boys, 37 Asian gangs, 40, 41 Bell, Albert, 12–13 Aspiodis, Jim, 172 Bell, Leonard (“Leo”) Atkins, Alice, 216, 217, 218, 219, 230 childhood, 12–13 Atkins, Philip, 68, 77, 86, 88, 89, 90, 96, criminal background check, 5, 7 98, 100, 123, 139 immigration to Canada, 13 EE1BINDEX.indd1BINDEX.indd 225353 77/9/10/9/10 111:43:051:43:05 PPMM 254 | Index Bell, Leonard (Continued ) Capone, Al, 21 reaction to verdict, 221 Capote, Truman, 169 relationship with father, 12, 13 Caracciolo, Roger, 58, 121–30, 131, religious beliefs, 5, 12 137–38, 152 shooting, 2–3, 4–5, 13–14 Caribbean, immigration from, 10–11, testimony, murder trial, 177–78 230 thanksgiving service, 248 Carrillos, Luis, 42–43 victim-impact statement, 243 Carter, Randy, 58, 59 Bell, Loreen, 13 Cedarbrae Mall, 60 Berg, David, 163–64, 171–72, 178, 182, cell phones, xii, 21, 34, 57, 88, 96, 101 185–86, 198–99, 200, 203, 210–11, Central Toronto Youth Services, 38 241–42 Centre for Addiction and Mental Bernard, Violet, 69 Health, 30 Biscombe, Kareem Brenton, 18–19, 20 Charlton/Bell—murder trial black cultural identity, 43, 68, 230 Bell testimony, 177–78 black homicide victimization, 227, 229 closing arguments, 209–14 black-on-black crime, 67–68, 229, 243, defence lawyers, 158–64 247 (See also young black men) Ellis testimony, 179–87, 206 Blair, Bill, 39, 51, 130–31, 148, 234, 235 court security, 165–67, 217 Blakely, Janice, 76 forensic evidence, 202 Bloods, 44 instructions to jury, 214–15 Bloor Collegiate, 37 judge’s rulings, 159 Bonis, Robert R., 31 jury selection, 170–74, 239 Boys and Girls Club of East Scarborough, lawyers’ antics, 205–6, 208, 214 12–19, 23, 30, 49, 115 media coverage, 200, 217 Brando, Marlon, 46 pre-trail stage, 166–70, 205, 217 Brenyan Way, 34 sentencing, 243–44 Brighton Buccaneers, 162 verdict, 216–21 Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, victim-impact statements, 241–43 Kansas, 231 Wilson testimony, 189–202 Buju Banton (reggae group), 54 Charlton/Bell shooting, 2–3 Burks, Dean, 111–13, 121, 130, 131–32, Crime Stoppers re-enactment, 100 141–42, 189, 247, 248 motive. See Galloway/Malvern Butcher, Iris, 149 dispute, origin Butcher, John, 149–50 Riley’s statement, 126–29 Charlton, Brenton, Sr., 9–10, 11, 242 C-Trail (gang), 34 Charlton, Brenton Almondo, Campbell, Albert, 30 Jr. (“Junior”) Campden Green (complex), 86 employment history, 12 Canada Customs, 149, 150, 157 funeral, 7 Canada Mortgage and Housing immigration, 11 Corporation, 33 investigation of murder. See Project Cannon, Margaret, 228 Pathfi nder EE1BINDEX.indd1BINDEX.indd 225454 77/9/10/9/10 111:43:061:43:06 PPMM Index | 255 murder of, 2–3 community-based crime-prevention perception of by others, 12 initiatives, 74 personality, 11, 12 community-police relationship, 30, 246, physical appearance, 2 247 (See also racism) relationship with father, 11 confi dential informants (CIs), 51, 95–96 relationship with mother, 1, 2, “cool-pose culture,” 232 9, 11 Coppola, Francis Ford, 38 religious beliefs, 12 Corbette, Derrick, 110 Children’s Aid Society (Hamilton), Cosby, Bill, 231 149 courts Charter of Rights and Freedoms, racial injustice, 237–38 166, 169 security, 134–35, 165–67 Chevrolet Impala, 3, 178, 213, 214 crack cocaine, 21, 34, 40, 41, 117, 118, Chicago, 43, 246 129, 132, 180–81, 183 Childs, Scott, 160–61 Crawford, Michael, 230, 231 Chin, Ben, 224 Creba, Jane, xii, 162, 247 China, immigration, 31 Crime Stoppers, 75, 95, 100 Chinatown, 41 Criminal Code, 81, 85, 104, 168–69, Chinese Boys, 42 190 Chinese gangs, 39 Criminal Lawyers’ Association, 135 Chinese Mafi a (gang), 38 criminal organization legislation, Chrétien government, 157 244–45 Chrysler Neon, 2–4, 5, 75, 110, 142, 176, Crips, 44–45, 54 177, 178, 196, 213–14, 242 cross-border gun smuggling, 73, 149–50 citizenship, 237–38 cultural sensitivity, 237 Citytv, 224, 226 Curling, Alvin, 227 Clement, Patrick, 210, 248 clothing, 38, 42, 152, 233 Dambrot, Michael cocaine, 40, 51, 76 (See also crack courtroom demeanour, 158 cocaine) instructions to jury, 214–15 coded (phone) conversations, 94 legal background, 157–58, 159 Cole, David, 226, 229, 236–39 physical appearance, 157 Cole, Esther, 237 rulings, 159 College of Arts, Science and verdict, 216–21 Technology ( Jamaica), 13 (See also Charlton/Bell—murder trial) Colony Grand Ballroom, 171 Davis, Mike, 60 Colors (fi lm), 38 Decker, Scott, 246 Colour of Justice, Th e (Tanovich), 235 Demetrius, Omar Lloyd, 46–47 colours, 42, 44–45 deportation, 39, 227, 228 Colton, Guy , 66 Devine, Phillip, 134 Comeau, Al, 5, 6, 7, 76–80, 81–84, 90, Dnieper, Robert, 39 94–96, 100, 101, 105, 109–10, 248 Don Jail, 132, 165, 172, 236 Common Sense Revolution, 238 Don Mount neighbourhood, 39 EE1BINDEX.indd1BINDEX.indd 225555 77/9/10/9/10 111:43:071:43:07 PPMM 256 | Index Driftwood Crips, 92 Eunick, Gary, 46 drive-by shootings, 6 Ewaschuk, Eugene, 25 drug trade, 10, 19, 20–21, 22, 34, 40–41, extortion, 41, 131–32 51, 54, 76, 117, 118, 119, 129, 131, 132, 149, 157–58, 183, 184, 236 42 Division (Scarborough), 70, 84, Drummond, Dwight, 226 103, 105 Durham College, 67 Facebook , 217 Durham Regional Police, 23, 89 Fantino, Julian, 73, 74, 91, 105–6, 130, dynamic entry , 103 233, 234, 235 Fight Night charity event, 160 East, Wondez, 15–16, 20, 25, 173 Five Points Mall, 89 Eaton Centre, 39 folk magic, 100 Edward, Ian, 17–18, 19, 30 Fonda, Jane, 44 Ellis, Christine, 24 forensic fi rearms tests, 3–4 Ellis, Michael, 67 Forensic Identifi cation Services Ellis, Roland George, x, 18, 19, 29, (Toronto), 66 34–35, 44–45, 47–48, 52, 55, Foster, Cecil, 228, 230 61–62, 98, 100, 244 Fough, Patricia, 67, 92 allure of gangs, 21–22 Francis, Carl, 16, 121, 137 arrests, 117, 119 Francis, Courtney, 16, 18, 19, 98, 137 childhood, 115–16 Francis, David, 82, 84 convictions, 117, 180 Fran’s Restaurant, 116 death threats against, 120, 123, 124, fraud, 101, 129 125–26, 129 Free Presbyterian Church, 3 defi nition of gang, 46 interviews with police, 115, 121–29, G-checks, 35, 118, 213 131–32 Galloway Boys (G-Way) lawyers’ assessment, 182, 209, 210, 211 members/associates, xvii–xviii physical appearance, 22, 179 north side, 125, 127, 180 relationship with Riley, 24, 119–21, south side, 117, 118–19, 124, 125, 125, 130, 181, 182, 185 127, 151, 180 testimony, murder trial, 179–87, turf (map), xxii 206, 212 Galloway Road, 17 testimony, preliminary hearing, Galloway, William, 28–29 118–19, 137–39, 154 Galloway/Malvern Crew rivalry, 47–48, witness protection program, 129, 95–96, 106, 127, 134 (See also 130, 138 Allen, Norris, murder) Emergency Task Force (ETF), 87, 88, gambling, 41 89, 103, 166 gang-member database, 42, 46 Empz (gang), 34 “Gang Wars: Th e Failure of Enforce- Enter the Babylon System: Unpacking ment Tactics . .” (report), 246–47 Gun Cuture from Samuel Colt to 50 gangs Cent (Pearce/Bascuñán), 40 allure, 21–22, 38, 41, 43–44, 59, 117 EE1BINDEX.indd1BINDEX.indd 225656 77/9/10/9/10 111:43:071:43:07 PPMM Index | 257 characteristics, 45–46 hand signals, 42 growth, 34, 37–38, 45 Hargreaves, Mike, 147–49 identifi ers. See clothing; colours; Harris, Mike, 238 haircuts; hand signals; insignia; Harvey, Elsada, 11 shoes; tattoos Harvey, Uleth, 9, 11, 12, 216, 242 leadership structure, 45 Hayden, Tom, 44 membership, 21 Head to Toe (beauty salon), 96 mottoes, 17, 46 Hellyer, Paul, 32 music, 39 (See also hip-hop music; rap high-risk takedowns, 87, 88, 89 (See also music; reggae music) dynamic entry) “no snitch” code, 7, 19, 70, 130 Highway 2, 29 on Charlton/Bell shooting, 126–29 Highway 401, 29, 33, 89, 57 origin of names, 42 Hinton, S.E., 38 Gartner, Rosemary, 229 hip-hop music, 39–40, 232, 233 Gayle, Clinton, 227–28 Hispanic Development Council, 42 Gayle, Ernesto, 99, 115, 247 History of Scarborough, A (Bonis), 31 geographic isolation, 30, 34 (See also Hollywood, 37 black cultural identity; public home invasions, 54, 96, 147 housing projects) Homeownership Made Easy Get Mad Crew, 46 (program), 33 Getty, Greg, 91, 92 homicides, Toronto. See Toronto, Gilder Dr. high rise, 148 homicide solve rate; homicide stats Gittens, Margaret, 226, 238 hooping, 167 Globe and Mail, 38, 40, 161, 223, 224, 238 Hortley, Omar, 5–68, 74, 75, 92, 101, Godfather, Th e (fi lm), 46 110, 113, 131, 142, 153, 154, 229, Golding, Lew, 23, 30 231 Gordon, Robert, 43 Hotsteppers, 13 graffi ti, 38, 42 Hyatt, Chris, 86–87, 97, 110 Gravano, Roland George, 115 “Greater Vancouver Gang Study” Ice-T, 54–55 (Gordon), 43 immigration, 10–11, 31, 229–32 GRIT (Gun Reduction Identifi cation Impala.
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