May 21, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E999 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS REMARKS AT THE NCWO RALLY across this country to read No Blacks Al- York State Conspicuous Service Medal, the IN AUGUSTA, GEORGIA ‘‘EQUAL- lowed! State’s equivalent of the Legion of Merit, and ITY AND PROGRESS’ BY RAMONA This rally is bigger than women being per- Armed Forces Reserve Medal (Second mitted to join a boy’s golf club. This rally is WRIGHT, 3RD VICE CHAIR, NA- about equality and progress! equality and award). These awards display how valuable TIONAL CONGRESS OF BLACK progress! and dedicated Laurence was to his units and WOMEN In 1735, the city of Augusta was named in country. the honor of Princess Augusta—a woman. While serving his country, Laurence kept a In the mid 1800s, Augusta had a population busy private life. He helped Veterans get ben- HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of almost 12,500, one of the 102 cities in the OF NEW YORK efits and records and recruited many members U.S. to have more than 10,000 residents. As for veterans’ organizations. He also was a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the second largest city in Georgia during the founding member of the Statue of Liberty Tuesday, May 20, 2003 19th century, its investment of a million dol- lars in the manufacturing industry topped Chapter of the United States Army Warrant Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, as you know, that of any other town or state in the U.S. Officers Association. Laurence was a member I have previously introduced legislation to end Moving on to the early 20th century, Au- of many organizations including the American discrimination against women by private clubs gusta had begun developing one of the finest Legion, National Guard Association of the that conduct significant business activities. On medical centers in the southeast region. United States, and the New York State Military April 12, 2003, I attended the event sponsored And, of course, in the 1930s Augusta became Heritage Institute. by the National Council of Women’s Organiza- home to the Masters, its world-renowned golf I congratulate Laurence on his 42 years of tournament. In the latter part of the past tions at the Masters Golf Tournament to pro- century, Augusta was on its way to service to our country and applaud his contin- test the discrimination against women as transitioning into an urban industrial cen- ued devotion to help others. His dedication to members by Augusta National Golf Club in ter. our country is a model for all. Thank you on Augusta, Georgia. I would like to submit for Therefore, in a town that has progressed so behalf of the people of the Fourth Congres- the record the remarks of Ms. Ramona Wright, significantly over the last 200 years, why, sional District and others who benefited from Third Vice Chair of the National Congress of when we, as a nation and here in Augusta as your hard work and dedication. Black Women, which she made on that day. a community should have learned from our sexist and discriminatory past, do we sup- f ‘‘EQUALITY AND PROGRESS’’ port a tradition of exclusion? Saturday April 12, 2003, Augusta, Georgia MICROENTERPRISE FOR SELF-RE- Today, in the 21st century, the Augusta LIANCE ACT OF 2000 AND FOR- [By Ramona Wright, Third Vice Chair, National Golf Club has an opportunity to National Congress of Black Women] break its sexist and exclusionary tradition EIGN ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1961 AMENDMENTS Good afternoon. by permitting women to join. This action My name is Ramona Wright, and I am here would be one of great courage and leader- on behalf of the National Congress of Black ship, an example to the nation and abroad SPEECH OF Women. Though our Chairwoman, Dr. C. that Augusta’s rich tradition of progress in- HON. RAHM EMANUEL Delores Tucker, could not be present, she cludes equality for all. sends warm regards. The NCBW came to this Stay encouraged and God bless! OF ILLINOIS rally to support our sisters of the NCWO and f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES their efforts to open up the membership of Wednesday, May 14, 2003 the powerful Augusta National Golf Club to HONORING CHIEF WARRANT women golfers as members. OFFICER LAURENCE C. ADAMS Mr. EMANUEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong The NCWO is a strong supporter of the Na- support of H.R. 192, ‘‘The Microenterprise for tional Congress of Black Women’s crusade to Self-Reliance Act of 2000,’’ which would help have Sojourner Truth added to the Women’s HON. CAROLYN McCARTHY OF NEW YORK the poorest people, in the most impoverished Suffrage Statue in the Rotunda of the Cap- countries, achieve self-sufficiency and enjoy itol. It is for their support and because the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES an improved quality of life through borrowing NCBW strongly opposes discrimination Tuesday, May 20, 2003 against women on all levels that we are here small loans in amounts as low as $100 million, today. Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York. Mr. Speak- to start up or expand small businesses. We are here today, we, members of the er, I rise in recognition of Chief Warrant Offi- Microenterprise loans are among the most NCBW, NCWO, and allies who support equal- cer Laurence C. Adams, a well-respected effective foreign investments our Nation can ity, to denounce the sexist membership pol- leader in the Army National Guard who re- make. This important legislation promotes op- icy of the Augusta National Golf Club. cently announced his retirement. In his 42 portunity and free enterprise for millions of It cannot stand! It is a new day and a new time, which is years of service, Laurence was a leading poor families around the world. A typical re- long over due. Wouldn’t you agree? voice in the Army National Guard. cipient of a micro loan is a mother with two or In 1990, less than 15 years ago, the Augusta He joined the New York Army National more children who lives in a developing coun- National Golf Club finally began admitting Guard in 1961. After serving nearly 30 years try and uses the money for a small capital in- African American men. This means that be- in the National Guard, he spent more than vestment. Womens’ Enews recounts the suc- fore this time a young exceptional golfer seven years in the U.S. Army Reserve Control cess story of 33-year-old Maria Elba Contreras (who happens to be male and a minority and Group. The next three years Laurence served Lopez of Huatabampo, Mexico: who, in 1997, broke the Tournament’s four- as an infantryman in the Regular Army. His ‘‘Contreras Lopez invested her first loan of day scoring record that had stood for 32 1,000 pesos (less than $100) into a gas stove to years) won his fourth consecutive profes- last year of service was spent in the Vermont make tortillas. Two years and another loan sional major in 2001 and, in 2002, became only Army National Guard. Throughout his 42 later, she has enlisted her husband’s help and the third player to win consecutive Masters years, Laurence served a variety of roles tripled the family’s income.’’ titles, could not, I repeat, could not have en- ranging from acting surgeon to platoon ser- tered in through the gates of the Augusta geant to fire marshall. His assignments are too Stories like Maria’s abound. Small infusions National Golf Club. many to name. of cash around the world transform despair It is shameful in this day and age, The New During his tenure, Laurence served in nine into hope, dejection into optimism and subsist- Millennium, that sexism yet exists—that New York State Emergency Operations, which ence into prosperity. Families that regularly less than 15 years ago, minority golfers like experienced infant mortality, untreated ill- Tiger Woods may not have been permitted to included the World Trade Center terrorist at- join the Augusta National Golf Club due to tack. Like his colleagues, he displayed the nesses and malnutrition through no fault of its discriminatory practices. bravery we take for granted. their own can now glimpse a higher standard It is not OK for a sign to read No Girls Al- Laurence’s honors and awards are many. of living. As each family benefits, so does lowed, just as it was never OK for signs all They include the Army Service Ribbon, New each community. The microenterprise program ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Jan 31 2003 05:03 May 22, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20MY8.001 E21PT1 E1000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 21, 2003 opens the doors of the global economy to the has united people in its celebration of the style. He is thinking about joining the local po- poorest villages in the most remote locations many contributions Turkish Americans have lice force, which would allow him to continue where entrepreneurial creativity and hard work made to the history and diversity of New York to help others. become bankable assets. City, and our great country. I congratulate Richard on his 20 years of As the story of Contreras Lopez indicates, Since its conception, The Federation of service to our country and applaud his contin- devoting greater resources to effective human- Turkish American Associations, which hosts ued devotion to help others.
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