MAY DAY MANIFESTO OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY I • THE ANTI-SOVIET CONSPIRACY IN THE UNITED STAtES ' EARL BROWDER \ ' { • WHAT ARE WE; FIGHTING FOR7 ROBERT MINOR • MA~XISM, PRUSSIANISM, AND MR. WALLACE . ' I r V. J. JEROME I • ,. FORGE WORLD LABO ~ UNtTYI ROY HUDSON • I CHICAGO REBUKES THE COPPERHEADS MORRIS CHILDS I EARL BROWDER ON THE WAR VICTORY-AND AFTER Since publication early in November more than 200,000 copies of Ea rl Browder's inspiring war book, Victory-and After have been sold. Presenting the Communist position on the most vital problems arising from the war, it is a splendid guide for a more vigor0us and effective prosecu­ tion of the war to total victory. Popular Edition 50 cents POLICY FOR VICTORY -" · A compil ation of-,th'e speeches and writings of Earl Browder during the past year, which thr?WS brilliant light on the _, maier prpblems posed by the war, and on American foreign and domestic poficies up to the present day. Price 15 cents IS COMMUNISM A MENACE? Text of the ~ecent debate between Earl Browder, General ­ S·ecretary of the Communist Party, and George Sokolsky, columnist of the New York Sun, held under the auspices of New Masses. Price I 0 cents PRODUCTION FOR VICT9RY Trade unionists will benefit fro-m this incisive discussion of such key problems of war production as manpower, raw materiBis, centralization of the war economy, utilization of small enterprises, increased labor productivity, incentive pay rates, the role of the trade unions for victory, and other vital. questions. Price 5 yents • _ WORKERS IJBRARY PUBLISHERS P. 0. Box 148, Station 0 (832 Broadway), New York, N.Y. - I VOL. XXII, No. 5 MAY, 1943 THE COMMUNIST A MAGAZINE OF THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MARXISM-LENINISM EDITOR: EARL BROWDER CONTENTS May Day Manifesto of the Communist Party 387 Note of the Soviet Government on the Decision to Suspend Relations With the Polish Government 394 Hitler's Polish Partners 396 The Anti-Soviet Conspiracy in the United States . Earl Browder 399 Forge World Labor Unity! Roy Hudson 403 Marxism, Prussianism, and Mr. Wallace . V. J. Jerome 411 Chicago Rebukes the Copperheads M. Childs . 425 What Are We Fighting For? . Robert Minor 434 On Wage Stabilization William and With a Reply by Gilbert Green Pauline Young 443 The New Stage in the Fight to Abolish the Poll Tax Theodore R. Bassett 452 Thomas E. Dewey: His Record S. W. Gerson . 461 Under a "Socialist" Mantle . Max Steinberg . 469 Entered as second class matter November 2, 1927, at the Post Of}ice at New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3, 1879. THE COMMUNIST is published Monthly by Workers Library Publishers, Inc., at 832 Broadway, New York, N. Y. (mail address, P. 0. Box 148, Station D), to whom sub­ scriptions, payments and correspondence should be sent. Subscription rate: $2.00 a year; $1.09 for six months; foreign and Canada $2.50 a yea,r. Single copies 20 cents. ~lOt NEW AND FORTHCOMING PAMPHLETS Thomas Jefferson: Selections From His Writings • $.25 With an introduction by Dr. Philip Foner The Heritage of Jefferson • .10 By Claude G. Bowers, Earl Browder and Francis Franklin Karl Marx: His Life and Work . .15 Reminiscences by Paul Lafargue and Wilhelm Liebknecht Battle for America-1776-1861-1941 .15 By A. B. Magil The Real Rickenbacker . .02 By Sender Garlin 300,000,000 Slaves and Serfs .10 By Jurgen Kuczynski Farmers and the War • .05 By Anna Rochester • WORKERS LIBRARY PUBLISHERS P. 0. Box 148, Station D (832 Broadway), New York, N.Y. MAY DAY MANIFESTO OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY ELLOW AMERICANS! in new drives through Spain, Tur­ F Workingmen and Working­ key, or against Britain itseM? women! This is the grave decision which This Spring, 1943, can be decisive faces the entire nation, and especi­ for the outcome of the war and the ally the American working people. future of humanity. Hitler and the Axis know their This is the thought that should peril. They are striving to maintain be grasped with realism, courage "A:ll Quiet on the Western Front." and boldness by all .American pa­ If Hitler is allowed to continue triots. Especially should this be concentrating his main forces to realized by American i'a:bor on this strike at our ally, the Soviet Union, May Day, the traditional day of the without a major diversion in the world solidarity of la!bor, as our west, new disasters face America valiant soldiers fight to bring the and the world. The war will be North African campaign to its final prolonged. Our casualties will be phase. enormously increased. VliCtory Hself For in the coming weeks and will be endangered. months will be decided the crucial By hesitation and delay in invad­ issues: ing Europe, we forfeited our chance Wili America and Britain seize to crush Hitler in 1942. We cannot the present opportunity, made pos­ afford to miss our opportunity in sible by the histork struggles of 1943. In the interests of our national the Red Army, to invade Western security we cannot allow the pres­ Europe · now? Will America and ent situation to go on where the Britain strike out now from OuT full weigh't of the war is placed bases in England and Africa this npon one ally, the 'Soviet Union. spring and join with the Soviet We must strike now from the Al­ Union in a two-front war against lied stronghold in England. We must Hitler Germany? extend cur African offensive to Eu­ Or will America and Britain con­ rope this spring. We must organize tinue to hold back? Will we allow 1·eal coali.tion warfare of the U.S.A., Hitler to gain time after his defeats the U.S.S.R. and Britain and strike at Stalingrad and elsewhere on the at the Nazi beasts together, from all decisive Eastern Front? Will we al­ sides. And this, also, is t.he way to low Hitler to accumulate new strik­ speed the defeat of the Japanese ing power and once again seize the militarists. initiative in the Donets region, or • • • 387 388 MAY DAY MANIFESTO n is time for American labor, the What holds back the knockout backbone of the nation, to face these blow which Au:.erica together with realities and the stern duties that ocir allies can and must deliver flow from them. against the vital center of the Axis, American la:bor gave May Day to against the N~s in Europe? What the world in 1887 as the traditional holds back our government from day for uniting and strengthening carrying through its objectives to the world brotherhood of labor in deliver its main blows firSt against a common cause. the heart of the Axis--Hitler Ger­ What greater common cause has many? American labor ever faced with its In the first place it is the treach­ countrymen and its brothers of the erous activities of the appeasers and world than the task of defending defeatists. "11hese forces still occupy demOCI'atic liberties and national in· influential positions in Congress, the dependence against the world-slav­ State Department and in other high ery of Hitleri&llll? place& They oppose and delay the On thie May Day, siJcteen months Second Front. after America enltered the war for These pro-fascists are opposed to . the defense of our national freedom the destruction of Hitlerism. They against Axis aggression and domi­ seek at all costs ·to prevenJt coalition nation-fighting months in which warfare. They strive to break the our country's prowess has been fighting alliance of our country demonstrated in North Africa and with our Soviet and British allies, Guadalcanal-the American work­ by fanni.pg old prejudices and dis­ ing class faces the greatest responsi­ trust, and by sowing discord over bility in its history. so-called post-war problems in or­ It now falls to lalbor to rouse and der to preverut concerted military unite our country around our Com­ action for victory now. They work mander-in-Chief to sweep aside all for a "negotiated peace" with Hit­ the obstacles which still dcl.ay the ler's Axis. They are the Tories and ful1illment of the American-Soviet· Benedict Arnolds of 1943 who BritiSh agreement of J,une 11, 1942, attack our Commander -in- Chief and of the Casablanca decisions: to and seek to undermine our na­ invade Europe! tional unity and common war ef­ On this May Day, th.e American fort. worki·ng people should launch a na­ The un-American and anti-Soviet tion-wide drive for .the opening of poison of these Copperheads has in­ th!e Second Front. Labor and the fected even some Admlinistration people should resolve to deal Hitler circles. It has promoted dangerous his death blow in 1943, crushing ambiguities in our government's him in the v~e of a two-tront coali­ foreign policy. It has a;betted an tion attack on the European conti­ anti-United Nations policy of ap­ nent, thereby shattering the entire peasement on the part of our State Axis. Department toward Hitler's satel­ • • • lites--Mannertheim Finland, Franco MAY DAY MANIFESTO 389 Spain and the Peyroutons in North ter and Ehrlich. For these anti­ Africa. Soviet activities are part of the des­ 'The Western Front has also been perate effont of Hi.tler's friends to delayed because the appeasers have weaken the American-Soviet-Brit­ tried to palm off our magnificent ish coalition and prevent or delay military landing in Africa as a Sec­ common fighting action against Nazi ond Front.
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