Setting shared research agendas by CSOs and Research Institutes The role of Higher Education in creating knowledge with communities Communities and students learning together Evaluation and quality improvement: New lessons learned on measuring the value of community engagement and collaborative research Developing partnership working for research – civil society engagement Policies to support collaborative research relationships RE-IMAGINING ReseARCH RELATIONSHIPS Co-creating Knowledge 10 - 12 May 2012 in Bonn in a Democratic Society Gustav-Stresemann-Institute proceedings & handbook International Living Knowledge Conference supported by: T Programme at aglance R hursday 10 hursday 10 E 08.00-18.00 Registration -IMAGI 09.00-11.00 Plenary 1 – Opening Plenary: The co-creation of knowledge in partnerships between research institutes and civil society (Room S29-S32) Coffee M N ay 2012 11.30-13.00 Session 1.1 • Story telling: Session 1.2 • Workshop: Session 1.3 • Presentation: Session 1.4 • Story telling: Session 1.5 • Presentation: I Partnership projects I Participation and Impact Community – University Interaction Science Shop experiences Methodologies to develop partnerships N G R Chair: Gerard Straver Chair: Paul Manners Chair: Pia Spangenberger Chair: Henk Mulder Chair: Glen Millot Room S25-S26 Room S05 Room S29-S32 Room S34-S35 Room S17 ese Lunch A rch 14.00-15.30 Plenary 2 – Thematic Plenary (Panel Discussion): Does Policy Matter in Building Partnerships between Civil Society and Research? (Room S29-S32) Coffee R E 16-00-17.30 Session 2.1 • Workshop: Session 2.2 • Workshop: Session 2.3 • Presentation: Session 2.4 • Workshop: Session 2.5 • Story telling: LATI Evaluating Research Cooperation Frameworks and Patterns in Mapping and Outreach Collaborative structures Partnerships and impact Chair: Brian Trench CBR and Public Engagement Chair: Emma McKenna Chair: Jeroen Kruit, Khan Rahi Chair: György Málovics onsh Room S25-S26 Chair: David Owen Room S34-S35 Room S5 Room S17 Room S29-S32 18.00 Transfer to Old Town Hall IP S 19.00 Official Welcome Reception in Old Town Hall C O Friday, 11 11 Friday, - 09.00-10.30 Plenary 3 – Thematic Plenary: Changing Knowledge Dynamics: Communities, HEIs and Students working Together (Room S29-S32) cre 11.00-12.30 Poster Session (Room S25-S28) ATI Lunch M N ay 2012 14.00-15.30 Session 3.1 • Story telling: Session 3.2 • Workshop: Session 3.3 • Story telling: Session 3.4 • Story telling: Session 3.5 Poster session G K CBR in the curriculum Developing Co-operative Research Partnerships: Developing Projects Story telling: Room S27-S28 now Chair: Sinead McCann Research Agendas in Social Capacity Building and Impact (student focused session) Partnership projects II Room S34-S35 Sciences I • (Room S31) Chair: Ferdinand Stenglein Chair: Michael Heiman Chair: Khan Rahi Chair: Nicola Buckley Room S29 Room S25-S26 Room S30-S32 L ed Coffee G E 16.00-17.30 Session 4.1 • Story telling: Session 4.2 • Workshop: Session 4.3 • Story telling: Session 4.4 • Workshop: Session 4.5 Workshop: Poster session I CBR in the Curriculum II Developing Co-operative C-U Research Partnerships - Arts and Engagement Promoting CBR in Higher Room S27-S28 N Chair: Karin Ree Research Agendas in Social Global Perspectives Chair: Khan Rahi Education AD Room S25-S26 Sciences II Chair: Budd Hall Room S30-S32 Chair: Gerards Straver Chair: Bálint Balázs Room S34-S35 Room S31 E Room S29 M ocr 18.30 Transfer to Rheinprinzessin 19.00 Conference Dinner on the “Rheinprinzessin” ATI C Saturday, 12 12 Saturday, S 09.00 - 10.30 Session 5.1 • Story telling: Session 5.2 • Presentation: Session 5.3 • Workshop Session 5.4 • Workshop: Free meeting room oc Partnership projects III Capacity Building experiences Combining Local and Online Implementing Community Based Room S27-S28 I Chair: Meira Hanson Chair: Andrea Vargiu Dialogues to Articulate Research Learning E Room S26 Room S25 Questions (student focussed session) TY Chair: Michael Jørgensen Chair: Hansje Eppink M Room S34-S35 Room S29-S32 ay 2012 Coffee 11.00-13.00 Plenary 4 – Closing Plenary: Challenges and Upcoming Agendas (Room S29-S32) occurred. has been taken during production, the publisher does not accept any reliability for errors that may have by the publisher and do not necessarily reflect the views of Europeanthe Commission. Whilst every care The views expressed in the articles and papers are those of the authors and are not necessarily endorsed Number of Copies 350 Bonn May 2012 Printed by: Layout: Editor: Assistant Editor: internet: email: phone: Bonn •Germany Buschstr. •D-53113 85 c/o Wissenschaftsladen Bonn e.V. Contact Published by the International Science Shop I Conference Programme Partners Conference Steering Committee Abstracts Plenary Speakers Location and Social Programme InformationGeneral About the Conference Welcome C MP on R T I en N ................................... P T .................................. T oint oint S Warlich Druck RheinAhr GmbH Anja Eichen Michaela Shields Norbert Steinhaus www.livingknowledge.org/conference [email protected] 0 61 201 (0)228 +49 ([email protected]) ([email protected]) .......................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... 5th International Living Knowledge Conference 2012 Contents & Imprint ......................... ....................... ....................... ............... 135 134 132 10 11 18 12 9 4 3 Welcome Welcome further mechanisms for societal actors to improve Funders now have funding schemes for joint re- nance our studies and networking, and have set up their research capacities, to encourage structures search projects of CSOs and research institutes. a funding scheme for research for the benefit of for partnerships between researchers and societal Whereas the global financial crisis did affect higher CSOs, to allow larger projects for all of you as well. actors in research dialogue and to integrate societal education institutes, and CSOs alike, causing some Whatever further advancement options there may actors into the various stages of research. of our joint activities to stop, the tide also seems to still be, this I think is a genuine achievement. In my be turning. Creating societal impact from research view, the EC’s Science in Society Directorate has So here we are with the 5th Living Knowledge activities is seen as more important in a number become indispensible for linking civil society with Conference: a unique opportunity to exchange of countries, such as UK and The Netherlands. In research. They have also granted the PERARES- Norbert Steinhaus with some of the key thinkers and practitioners Flanders, Science Shops have become a core el- project that allows us to organize this conference. and Michaela Shields both from civil society partners and the academ- ement in Science Communication policy. We are ic and research community in the area of com- happy to discuss with you how we can grab this As a colleague of mine, who recently joined the Welcome to the munity based research, university-community momentum. network, e-mailed me a few weeks ago “This is 5th Living Knowledge Conference partnerships and Science Shops. More than 60 such a warm family”. And that it is, and makes me conference presentations from 22 countries reflect I want to use this opportunity to give a big thanks happy to be here with you, and meet all the new Participative formats have gained in importance the large variety of experiences from across Europe to the European Commission as well. Ever since and old family members. Have a good conference, internationally and created many opportunities and worldwide proving the innovative power and the start of our network, they have been very sup- make new friends, and do co-create a lot of new for dialogue-oriented science. The concepts of the scientific value of these initiatives. portive. Even though in 1999 we were really afraid knowledge! Science Shops, of community-based dialogue as to submit a proposal to them, fearing all the bu- well as independent and participation-oriented re- Given this background the 5th Living Knowledge reaucracy involved, we can now definitely say that Henk Mulder search, have by now grown greatly in size and influ- Conference is also a platform to exchange and dis- it has all been
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