<iongrc~sional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF.THE 78th CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION S. 223. An act to authorize the exchange of H. R. 1397. An act to authorize the ex­ SENATE lands between the War Department and the change of certain paten ted lands in the Department of the Interior; Death Valley National Monument for Gov­ TuEsDAY, APRIL 6, 194? S. 224. An act to authorize the exchange ernment lands in the monument; of lands in the city of Philadelphia, Pa., be­ H. R. 1680. An act to amend the National­ The Chapl&.in, Rev. Frederick Brown tween the War Department and the city ity Act of 1940 to permit the Commissioner Harris, D. D., offered the following of Philadelphia, trustee under the will of to furnish copies of anv part of the records prayer: Stephen Girard, deceased; or information therefrom to agencies or S. 319. An act to authorize the acceptance officials of a State without charge; 0 Thou God of life and light, our glad of a permanent loan to the United States by H. R. 1857. An act to provide for the ap­ hearts thrill at the risen glory of the the Board of Trustees of the National Gallery pointment of female physicians and sur­ awakening earth robed in the bloom­ of Art, and for other purposes; geons in the Medical Corps of the Army and ing garb of spring. We are grateful for S. 427. An act to provide additional pay Navy; the mystic wonder of this yearly mir­ for personnel of the· Army of the United H. R 1860. An act to provide for the pay­ States assigned to diving duty; ment of overtime compensation to Govern­ acle, as the world is turning green again S. 800. An act to authorize certain officers ment employees, and for other purposes; and Nature climbs to a soul in leaf and of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard H. R. 2087. An act to provide for the pun­ flower. to act as notaries public during the existence ishment of certain hostile acts against the May our ears be atu:D.ed to the voices of war or a national emergency and 6 months United States, and for other purposes; in blossoming boughs, speaking still as thereafter; H. R. 2281 . An act to provide for the issu­ they did to Thy servant of old who found S. 829. An act to amend sections 6 and 11 ance of a device in recognition of the services tongues in trees declaring "God will of the act approved July 24, 1941, entitled of merchant sailors; "An act authorizing the temporary appoint-' H. R. 2292. An act to amend an act entitled surely hasten His word, to keep it. He ment or advancement of certain personnel "An act to provide for the use of the Ameri­ will not faint nor be discouraged until of the Navy and Marine Corps, and for other can National Red Cross in aid of the land and He hath set justice in the earth." May purposes," as amended, to provide for the naval force:s in time of actual or threatened I the tinted branches be to us a parable grade of commodore, and for other purposes; war"; of Thy faithfulness and Thy constancy, s. 853. An act to amend the act of March 3, H. J. Res. 15. Joint resolution authorizing reminding us that even the tomb of win­ 1909, as amended by the act of January 23, the appropriation of such sums as may be ter is but Thy laboratory where spring 1942, providing for the sale of naval stores, necessary to pay the proportionate share of in order to authorize the Secretary of the Navy the United States in the annual expenses of flowers are being fashioned. So in to permit the sale of naval stores in the con­ the Inter-American Financial and Economic gloomy days may the gospel of the tinental United States during the war and Advisory Committee; and springtime reassure us that, in our bare 6 months thereafter to civilian officers and H. J. Res. 16. Joint resolution providing for and barren winters of despair, where we employees of the United States, and to other participation by ~ the United States in the see but withered leaves, God sees sweet persons at stations where purchase from Emergency Advisory Committee for Political blossoms growing. Thus, from the lowly private agencies is found to be impracticable; Defense, and authorizing an appropriation earth where our weary feet stumble and and therefor. falter, may the exultant notes of our S. 903. An act to amend section 602 (d) (1) of the National Service Life Insurance Act of ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED faith and hope rise like the lark on morn­ 1940, as amended. ing wing, singing its song at heaven's The message further announced that gate. Amen. The message also announced that the the Speaker had affixed his signature to House had passed the following bills and the following enrolled bills, and they THE JOURNAL joint resolutions, in which it requested were sfgned by the Acting President pro On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by the concurrence of the Senate: tempore: · unanimous consent, the reading of the H. R. 328. An act to authorize the Secre­ S. 886. An act relating to the selective­ Journal of the proceedings of the calen­ tary of the Interior, because of military op­ service deferment, on occupational grounds, dar day Friday, April 2, 1943, was dis­ erations, to defer or waive payments under of persons employed by the Federal Govern­ pensed with, and the Journal was ap­ nonmineral leases of public lands in Alaska; ment; proved. H. R. 837. An act to restore and add cer­ H. R. 218. An act for the relief of H. F. tain public lands to the Uintah and Ouray Mathis; MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Reservation in Utah, and for other purposes; H. R. 227. An act for the relief of the Tours Messages in writing from the Presi­ H. R. 905. An act to release all the right, Apartment Hotel; dent of the United States submitting and title, and interest of the United States in H. R. 402. An act for the relief of Frank T. certain land constituting a portion of the Been; withdrawing nominations were commu­ tract of land conditionally granted to the H. R. 598. An act for the relief of Thelma nicated to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one county of Los Angeles, State of California, Cannon McGroary; of his secretaries. under the act of March 24, 1933, as amended; H. R. 605. An act for the relief of Shumate MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE H. R. 1037. An act preserving the nation­ Investment Co.; ality of a person born in Puerto Rico who H. R 1128. An act for the relief of Bernice A message from the House of Repre­ resides for 5 years in a foreign state; James; sentatives, by Mr. Swanson, one of its H. R.1201. An act to permit prosecutions H. R. 1131. An act for the relief of the estate clerks, announced that the House had after the lapse of a temporary statute for of Ola Fowler; passed without amendment the follow­ · offenses committed prior to its expiration; H. R. 1276. An act for the relief of Raymond H. R. 1202. An act to amend section 36 of W. Baldwin, Mattie Baldwin, and Clement B. ing bills of the Senate: the Criminal Code; Baldwin; S. 222. An act to authorize the Secretary of _ H. R. 1284. An act relating to the natural­ H. R. 1279. An act for the relief of Lee war to convey to the people of Puerto Rico izat ion of persons not citizens who serve Watts; certain real estate now under the jurisdiction honorably in the military or naval forces of H. R. 1459. An act for the relief of Alber- of the United States; the United States during the present war; tine Nast; L-~..,.....XIX--106 2941 2942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE APRIL 6 H. R.1639. An act for the relief of Frank DISPOSITION OF EXECUTIVE PAPERS "Whereas we feel that there is a definite and Paulina Rublein and Mrs. Ethel Bowers; A letter from the Archivist of the United need for a precautionary . measure to assure H. R.1691. An act to authorize the Secre­ States, transmitting, pursuant to law, a list our parents and children that every step tary of the Navy to pay the costs of trans­ of papers and documents on the files of the has been taken to keep the family together portation of certain civilian employees, and Departments of War, Navy, and Agriculture in case of disaster, bombin g, or evacuation, for other purposes; (5); and The National Archives (2) which are by means of registration, identification, an d H. R. 1724. An act to provide for the reim­ not needed in the conduct of business and fingerprinting: Now, therefore, be it bursement of certain civilian personnel for have no permanent value or h istorical in­ " R esolved, That the House of Representa­ personal property lost incident to the emer­ terest, and requesting action looking to their tives of the State of Washington does hereby gency evacuation of the United States Ant­ disposition (with accompanying papers); to respectfully petition the President of the arctic Service Expedition's East Base, Antarc­ a Joint Select Committ ee on the Disposi­ United States and the Congress of the T nited tica, on March 21, 1941, and for other pur­ tion of Papers in the Exectniive Depart ments.
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