ARADHANA Yoga of the Heart Year 1 Issue 5 Is an Offering to Paramguru Swami Sivananda and Our Be- Sep/Oct 2012 Loved Pujya Gurudev Swami Satyananda

ARADHANA Yoga of the Heart Year 1 Issue 5 Is an Offering to Paramguru Swami Sivananda and Our Be- Sep/Oct 2012 Loved Pujya Gurudev Swami Satyananda

AR A DH A N A Yoga of the heart Year 1 Issue 5 Sep/Oct 2012 Rikhiapeeth, Rikhia, Deoghar, Jharkhand, India AR A DH A N A Yoga of the heart ARADHANA Yoga of the heart Year 1 Issue 5 is an offering to Paramguru Swami Sivananda and our be- Sep/Oct 2012 loved Pujya Gurudev Swami Satyananda. It is compiled, composed and published by the sannyasin disciples, devo- tees and well-wishers of Para- mahansa Satyananda. Editor: Rikhiapeeth, the tapobhumi of Swami Swami Gyantara Saraswati Satyananda has developed into a vibrant Assistant Editors: Sw. Kriyabhava Saraswati (E) spiritual epicentre abundant in peace, plenty Sn. Atmajyoti (H) and prosperity. Aspirants, seekers, devotees, Printed and Published by householders and sannyasins, come from all Swami Gyantara Saraswati, parts of the world to live and work together Rikhiapeeth, P.O. Rikhia, Dist. for the benefit of others by following the high Contents Deoghar, Jharkhand – 814113 Owned by Rikhiapeeth Public ideals of seva, selfless service, sadhana, 2 Sure Steps to Spiritual Life Charitable Society. spiritual practice, swadhaya, self study, and 3 Sivananda Gita Printed at CDC Printers Pvt. satsang, association with truth, as taught by 9 The Spirit of Renunciation Ltd. at Bengal Pottery, Kolkata Swami Sivananda and established by Swami 15 Living with Swami Sivananda © Rikhiapeeth 2012 Satyananda. It is a place of inspiration and 21 Swami Sivananda P.O. Rikhia, Dist. Deoghar, joy for the thousands of natives who live 26 Guru Purnima Aradhana Jharkhand – 814113, India in the hundreds of villages that surround 28 Mission of Sannyasins For reply: please send a stamped, 30 An Important Invitation self-addressed envelope Rikhiapeeth, as well as for millions of 36 ÔãÞÞãã ÔãⶾããÔã ARADHANA Yoga of the heart spiritual aspirants and devotees who come 42 ØãìÁ ‡ãñŠ ¹ãÆãä¦ã „ªáØããÀ is a bi-monthly journal for to imbibe the spiritual vibrations that abound free distribution. in this sacred place. 47 ÔÌãã½ããè ãäÍãÌãã¶ã¶ª ‡ãŠã ãäªÌ¾ã ãä½ãÍã¶ã 51 ÔÌãã½ããè Ô㦾ãã¶ã¶ª ÔãÀÔÌã¦ããè ‡ãñŠ Cover photo: Swami Sivananda ARADHANA Yoga of the heart is intended Ôãã©ã Ôã¦ÔãâØã Inside plates: to share the profound teachings and lifestyle 52 ãäÍãÌããñ¶ã¶ªãñ¹ããä¶ãÓã¦ãá 1. Swami Niranjanananda & Swami Satyasangananda. that are being practiced and lived in this 2. Swami Niranjanananda & Swami sacred place for the benefit of all. Satyasangananda. 3. Kanyas of Rikhiapeeth. 4. Programme at Patanjali Ashram. Printed by: Swami Gyantara Saraswati, Rikhiapeeth, P.O. Rikhia, Dist. Deoghar, Jharkhand – 814113 Aradhana Invocation Published by: Swami Gyantara Saraswati, Rikhiapeeth, P.O. Rikhia, Dist. Deoghar, Jharkhand – 814113 ªñÌã㶼ããÌã¾ã¦ãã¶ãñ¶ã ¦ãñ ªñÌãã ¼ããÌã¾ã¶¦ãì Ìã: ý ¹ãÀÔ¹ãÀâ ¼ããÌã¾ã¶¦ã: Ñãñ¾ã: ¹ãÀ½ãÌãã¹Ô¾ã©ã ýý Bhagavad Gita 3:11 Owned by: Rikhiapeeth Public Charitable Society, P.O. Rikhia, Dist. Deoghar, Jharkhand – 814113 Printed at: CDC Printers Pvt. Ltd, Tangra Industrial Estate-II, Bengal Pottery, Kolkata Yajnas nourish, strengthen and empower the Devas, they in turn empower us. Published at: Rikhiapeeth, P.O. Rikhia, Dist. Deoghar, Jharkhand – 814113 Strengthening and nourishing each other in this way, both attain shreya (prosperity). Editor: Swami Gyantara Saraswati AR A DH A N A Yoga of the heart ARADHANA Yoga of the heart Year 1 Issue 5 is an offering to Paramguru Swami Sivananda and our be- Sep/Oct 2012 loved Pujya Gurudev Swami Satyananda. It is compiled, composed and published by the sannyasin disciples, devo- tees and well-wishers of Para- mahansa Satyananda. Editor: Rikhiapeeth, the tapobhumi of Swami Swami Gyantara Saraswati Satyananda has developed into a vibrant Assistant Editors: Sw. Kriyabhava Saraswati (E) spiritual epicentre abundant in peace, plenty Sn. Atmajyoti (H) and prosperity. Aspirants, seekers, devotees, Printed and Published by householders and sannyasins, come from all Swami Gyantara Saraswati, parts of the world to live and work together Rikhiapeeth, P.O. Rikhia, Dist. for the benefit of others by following the high Contents Deoghar, Jharkhand – 814113 Owned by Rikhiapeeth Public ideals of seva, selfless service, sadhana, 2 Sure Steps to Spiritual Life Charitable Society. spiritual practice, swadhaya, self study, and 3 Sivananda Gita Printed at CDC Printers Pvt. satsang, association with truth, as taught by 9 The Spirit of Renunciation Ltd. at Bengal Pottery, Kolkata Swami Sivananda and established by Swami 15 Living with Swami Sivananda © Rikhiapeeth 2012 Satyananda. It is a place of inspiration and 21 Swami Sivananda P.O. Rikhia, Dist. Deoghar, joy for the thousands of natives who live 26 Guru Purnima Aradhana Jharkhand – 814113, India in the hundreds of villages that surround 28 Mission of Sannyasins For reply: please send a stamped, 30 An Important Invitation self-addressed envelope Rikhiapeeth, as well as for millions of 36 ÔãÞÞãã ÔãⶾããÔã ARADHANA Yoga of the heart spiritual aspirants and devotees who come 42 ØãìÁ ‡ãñŠ ¹ãÆãä¦ã „ªáØããÀ is a bi-monthly journal for to imbibe the spiritual vibrations that abound free distribution. in this sacred place. 47 ÔÌãã½ããè ãäÍãÌãã¶ã¶ª ‡ãŠã ãäªÌ¾ã ãä½ãÍã¶ã 51 ÔÌãã½ããè Ô㦾ãã¶ã¶ª ÔãÀÔÌã¦ããè ‡ãñŠ Cover photo: Swami Sivananda ARADHANA Yoga of the heart is intended Ôãã©ã Ôã¦ÔãâØã Inside plates: to share the profound teachings and lifestyle 52 ãäÍãÌããñ¶ã¶ªãñ¹ããä¶ãÓã¦ãá 1. Swami Niranjanananda & Swami Satyasangananda. that are being practiced and lived in this 2. Swami Niranjanananda & Swami sacred place for the benefit of all. Satyasangananda. 3. Kanyas of Rikhiapeeth. 4. Programme at Patanjali Ashram. Printed by: Swami Gyantara Saraswati, Rikhiapeeth, P.O. Rikhia, Dist. Deoghar, Jharkhand – 814113 Aradhana Invocation Published by: Swami Gyantara Saraswati, Rikhiapeeth, P.O. Rikhia, Dist. Deoghar, Jharkhand – 814113 ªñÌã㶼ããÌã¾ã¦ãã¶ãñ¶ã ¦ãñ ªñÌãã ¼ããÌã¾ã¶¦ãì Ìã: ý ¹ãÀÔ¹ãÀâ ¼ããÌã¾ã¶¦ã: Ñãñ¾ã: ¹ãÀ½ãÌãã¹Ô¾ã©ã ýý Bhagavad Gita 3:11 Owned by: Rikhiapeeth Public Charitable Society, P.O. Rikhia, Dist. Deoghar, Jharkhand – 814113 Printed at: CDC Printers Pvt. Ltd, Tangra Industrial Estate-II, Bengal Pottery, Kolkata Yajnas nourish, strengthen and empower the Devas, they in turn empower us. Published at: Rikhiapeeth, P.O. Rikhia, Dist. Deoghar, Jharkhand – 814113 Strengthening and nourishing each other in this way, both attain shreya (prosperity). Editor: Swami Gyantara Saraswati –Sure Steps to Spiritual Life– Sivananda Gita Swami Sivananda Saraswati (1946) Purify I was born of P.S. Vengu Aiyar and Parvathiammal on 8th Purity is of two kinds, internal purity September 1887 at Pattamadai, and external purity. Freedom from Tirunelveli District, South raga-dwesha, purity of intentions, India, in the line of Appayya purity of motives and purity of Bhava Dixit. My star is Bharani. constitute internal purity. Purity of I was extremely body through bath etc., purity of mischievous in my boyhood. clothes, purity of surroundings like I studied in the S.P.G. College, the house and its neighbourhood, Trichy. I was a doctor in the constitute external purity. External Malaya States for ten years. purity generates pure thoughts. I took sannyasa in 192 in Rishikesh. I did tapas and Internal purity is more important meditation for fifteen years. than external purity. Purity of mind I went on lecturing tours bestows calmness, cheerfulness, for ten years. I founded the joy, strength, harmony, poise, Divine Life Society in 1936 happiness, one-pointedness, victory over senses, and fitness to and the All-World Religions attain God realisation. The mind must be purified by the practice of Swami Sivananda Federation in 195. virtues, self control and devotion to God. When the mind is purified, I am childlike in my swabhava. So I mix with all. I become one it becomes your friend, because it wears out the shell that covers with all. I am ever happy and joyful and make others also happy and the Truth and enables you to realise it. joyful. I am full of educative humour. I radiate joy through humour. I respect all. I do salutations to all first. I always speak sweetly. I walk Purity of heart is the gateway to God. It is the antechamber to the quickly. I do japa and meditation while walking and while at work presence of the Lord. It is the key by which the doors of intuition also. I am ever hard working. I have intense application to work. that lead to the abode of supreme peace are opened. What greater I never leave a work till it is finished. I never procrastinate about undertaking lies before you than purifying your life of all enmity, doing any work. I finish it then and there. I am very quick in doing impurity, hatred, lust, and filling it with love, goodness, peace and things. purity? Therefore, attain purity at all costs. Purity is the passport to I cannot suppress the spirit of service in me. I cannot live without the land of eternal bliss. service. I take immense delight in service. Service has elevated me. —Swami Sivananda Saraswati Service has purified me. I know well how to extract work from others. I extract work through kindness, service, respect and love. ARADHANA Yoga of the heart Sep/Oct 2012 ARADHANA Yoga of the heart Sep/Oct 2012 –Sure Steps to Spiritual Life– Sivananda Gita Swami Sivananda Saraswati (1946) Purify I was born of P.S. Vengu Aiyar and Parvathiammal on 8th Purity is of two kinds, internal purity September 1887 at Pattamadai, and external purity. Freedom from Tirunelveli District, South raga-dwesha, purity of intentions, India, in the line of Appayya purity of motives and purity of Bhava Dixit. My star is Bharani. constitute internal purity. Purity of I was extremely body through bath etc., purity of mischievous in my boyhood.

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