

, I (j (. .1 u!) \J _l'·,· ~ABLE OF CONTENTS A. INT~ODUCTION 1 . Rcvie1-1 u f in;1'tents 2. T11,pl·:::r:cn ta ti on of Requirements b., Re.so luUoI~ of Conflicts c <· Consider a t,iorJ rif Avc:.ilable Research J, Considerat icn of Past Di.fficultie:3 et Aircraft CcckFits Accide~i/Incia2nt Re2ord 6 Conclusions C .. CREd COMP.LEHZ!~T l.. Review of 11.eq1.iirements ;::i, Views of the Industry a. Ma~uf2cturers ~~ Air Carriers c. 1·'!.:.:Uu.:·:J.l Avi at.ion Agency cL. .Pilot Organization e., Flisht Eng:inc:er Organization h. Conclusions .D. cnn·.r DUTIE.S 1. Review of ~equirements 2. Views of the Industry a. Manufacturers b .. Air Carriers c. FBricral Aviation Agency d, Military e, Flight Engi.near On.;..n] za ti on f. Pilot Organization 000002 Evalua 1:.ion Conclusions I l. e.. Fi..-:.. J.\.FI?ENDI CES II. TJ, S. J.._i-:: C:::.2'.'rie~ l~:.r..:i.Je'."'_t.s f'::.r 1J 1~riod cfo.:,.;:-::1v .July =...> ~964 - 'L-;_:rbcjet Aircr:;.ft J.11' r.·;.:;:: ~·=-:·:~-= B·::a_-l.:'..::::"~'.:':":. ~Tr: s -:~:; te1--,lis:-~:::d by BAC-ll.~. n:.:;. 9 E\r~.:il·;,s.T ~.or, Com~tr~:.t-_:.se- ::i.s p:cs.:_::,s~1ted by ..L;n~ pj_j_ot Org~r.. iz:-.. -.·. .ior; IV. Limi t:a·:::i..c:".::: f::i::.· T:·-cr:.1.::;por r:: Ai:t-::::.a.f~ Op.:::::-·:;.-:-.~~::.·":; w:i rh 1.;.r:..> '.!V:"':L!."1 crew ~L: p~~0:etJ.t:::l ty ~~1E: Fligl1t E11ginc('=Y O:t;ar,j_zg.-,l..Jn v. P1'01;c).: c:.·~~ Re'.":l e:'-.. r l.965 ·, II 00000;~ 000004 ·I. I dealing : -, (' :.: : '. ()'. ;_ background .is that ::; f ?. pilot, Tr~c.· term nrnec:hani c oriented" wi.J.l refer to ·.. ari. imlivid'Jal whose predo;;·l.ir 1 ar~t h;i.ckgrour.d i5 thr-Lt of a. mecharn.c,;: ev1;::1_-, though he ;na.y poSSE:'.::2 app.l:lce..bls certificates both 2.S pilot ?.r1d .m0cf:.a~-1 J.c. For the purpos:ssoi thi:; n:?port. the de±::initic·ns cor•.tc:.i:ied b. Ps.:t Lo of the Civil Air RsE;"Jlatio:·:s w'Lll apply~ 11!~~~Q_rev:__i·>;r1b~,e :. A flight crew ·::E.,:r1t.. 2r i 2 a. c:rew rnernber assigr:ed to dU ty on a:r. airplane as a ,;_)ib t cH' f.ligb. t erJf{.i.r:.C?F.:r, ' 000005 2 A fl.. ~g•.~t i=,;"'J.g.i.:::c::er is an j;;1di':rid'--'..2.l tc,J.dir.g a vc.}.:id :·1.ig'.·n, eng·ineer ceri~ ..~.tica-se :~s::·..:e•:..:. by thE::; Adr:i.ir~.ist:~at:-jr ?..r:.d wl".us~.:. pri1TJJ.ry a.ssignE:d de.tty· duri::g fl.::...ght is tci 2.ssist th-:' pilub3 ir:: t!-1_e mecha:--.:5_cal op<:!·a Lio~: n!: ar. a.i cplane. t-l.r:-:c i.2 the t.in;e :f.rCJm U·_rJ ILCLt:'.!. L. cht:: :1i:c·pla.ne fi.r:.::t rr,oves ucdet:· it.2 011.r::. vo1.1cr for t~e fJLJ.rpose of flight ~i.:1~.:LL it c:~1w;s to l'C~St 2.':. tf~e .'."'.E:Xt f'O.in+. C.il ~: 2.r.d.i!lg (block--tc~ tJ~_c,c\.: ti.rr.e) "' l~ rrie1. 1~ ci so1'1e of 1 ~hi; clt.J.l"ll' t.cr:::.r.:: 1.• :'.. .r...:s of t~·le pres~;r~1- coc:.kpi.t can no lo'lgcr be ident.i .. f.iod) a.r:o 1.. :,c r)l'l ;:;.. r:.?. l behi:'.ld their ·con+:.r.ibc.t,-~on3 t.·.a.:;: been and mi.lJ t::ixy 0 0 (ju u(; ') .. ) - ' 1a. No a:: .::::.:·r'~1:..·.: :"'.J.i.~ ~pc:"''3.·:r~ ~;"· 0.·i11~~.;..;:'.; w:~~:\- 1cs::: 1'.'i.:.i.t- t'.-.<':: rr.ir.iJrtLlffl :i.:.c~··.!. 2.r 1~~'·i .::pi:·-::~:Jr-::cJ ::'.r. i.!:.':'· :::·.]nrr:.rtl-:'.:•c:::E. cr;,rt-;f~:~'.·.;te for the \'JI,r.. 0f q:r·J:s'::~c,:, 1 1 11 Ar: a.. irff.8.... ::c\~·:i!.".ts -, 'iCi.. J. .:..~ f·~:(~~'- (;;:· !"lr:eo:r· ·~-·2·rt·~'."i:~c.t =~ ~::.aL. '.c r8·.1uj red v· .:-.:..-:!. l '.3.1 l f: LY.t:C· :::· crt·. 1 f ::;.3, 'J•d f .. JY' r,,c,r•: t~,_-:::" ::,G. c:co t-s: rr~u ·,. ip:.;d er .s. '2. l L. ,,. ..::. i er:;:~· 1• : '.. i::.: :~ u:~c:: :: or ':,,.-.i rr: th.. s.:--, JO. 000 F' 1-1 :· c~ ·~ m:c>.x i !i1\:,'T1 :.· e.r ;:.:~ ~-::·:a f_ (=d t '.J.l-:0c f :' '\-rej G~'. '· :.1~·.. 2 r f-;; t:·~r:! Ad..::~~r:j·:.;tc:1,t.··...:r i'.:J.cJ~: 1·.;·l::.i 7-1-:2 dr:'.:~g~r: ~/ t.'.-:::- ?.~::-T~lc:.,-:-.tc-: :.;·:•"d or ~J;e. t.:r1:;u c.f c,v/·JL:cu' >:.. ::.,.::.'." ;,~_'.? tr.J :c''. 1 ::1.1~r:: 1:;; 1 1 .-: t hf._: s~~' ,~ u (,J pi-~ r -.:. '.: :_.. ',.) ~c I_) [ t.,~ :, .; :J,,~ :-1~·'1 (.; Y-: ., aru co:::-::idereci 1 muctint:;.:;, :.1. t whicl~ tl-tCJ u~qH'U3~:J t~n:::ir opi·;,i0r.~ ;,: : 1u cocr;p-.• t, 1 F.Li1j1L CL'C\.l p3.t'S~clpaLlort ~i.n i,fle dt:;sic:--· (1,' ~J. nr:;w C()Clq:,-: t ·~:= t. u·o ~gh the; ail' carriurs ,., the S ·· 7 CoJrii:;.'~ Llee·: c..nd ur.ion :-·eprr.::se:;c".tati Vt~~; . n n n n ·'1 0 UUVU( Aircra.Jt Dr_js.ig<'· _, ,.;;~:::._i.::;··, 1.:::: pt:J,'l.ished by ~h1.:: U ,. 0. Ai;- .Fo!'Ce. ?or e2.ch r..sw ail:cra.ft being t11i-i.c t'.1.2 Air Fxce Ge~::.g:".2.tes c.. Prograr·: JJ·_rec.tor~ who acts ~J.s 1 :.a.l.l.y.. t.r,c r1la.n.1..:.:" e.c t1:.rer deterrri-'.. c.es 1-:;y .1 nf ~ n1tJ.l d.:sc.ussioPs wi.th pro·spec st~re '..:_'Jyt--:;r;=: the derna:... d .fo:.- t.".e r)ropcsc=d 1~.:;:31gn. Ea.:rly in No m-J.~oi· ccr;JLct.. ::: re.lat..-Lng t:::>.the ~0ckp.it desige1 oL' tod-;,.y's ,js-r. trar:.sport:;; r,cerc; rep0.rted to t!"le St:;,d:y Te2.r110 ~,fter ci.n a..irct··3..ft has jeop~rdize safety~ In sume in.stances ar.:. ai.r r.€:.rr::er cr.. ooses to Fretrcfit}1 t.h~ :3•. ircraft, after :it be·::ci.rnes part 1 0 .ser.1.e.~ o.( r::rx 1pr·Jrr'.1'. B': ri"Sl.'.l t:i:.1.g frcJY, .f:"'Jse1a.ge guometry:, cr(W corn.plern.ents 1, a.nd sre,,,r d.1;.t... ief ~ The SV.:dy Te?..rn L;u.r~d r:J deta.::ted pl&.n :::f cockp.i.t. con~ f:Lgura.t.lori tai::r::C. exc1u..si·1ely 0:1 crew d1.:.tie::: a.nd cruw wo:rkl.oa.d,, .. s -. 000008 figurat~or:: tl:::.." 1'-t-1,d pr0110d h.. ~gl·.ly ?::.1:1~C.:i.ctory W?I'e j·et-=11.r.i;>d where pos:.ib1e. E.xi.r 1 ·rn"', depa.rt·... n~; :rc;'"1 pro'·c.r: ''oy·cept:- vv:re n.trd.ded so that S"PW :·i::~ch.r ..~.'Jue > dP·.·~lopec ._ ... ,Y-')'.:gr·. y;::-r:.r: of 0xper:ence3 could be I mai r:.La.i ~.ed , e Q I~-~-9~:~~~~~~~~~: Sect:o'-.. 6C') ::.;:· ·~'":<:> frc.dr:.rj.l i1··:.9.i·:c;~ f;:;+ c:: 1(;58 ernpow<:>r<: •.. he Ad:n.lf.1!:'"1-T8.':.0r r1~· •l:p fc·d~·n.~ j\v:;,'.~') .. Agnr~·y lo .:~S'JC typn cert.ificatet: for 2..""! re r 3...C+· q I~ -·g OOOOUf) The statute authorizes and directs the FAA to set mininu.m st.sndards and regulat,:i_c:.,ns governing the issuance of type C·srtifica.tes, and requires the agency t<"' raake a finding th24:i ?ach aircraft co;,1p2.:l.t3s with the regulations before a type -:ertificate is:ssued, In <o~cldition to the minimum standards prGscri.B'ecl by regulation, the Administrator is authorized to prescribe "terms, conditions) ancl .li..'.11itations as &.::.·2 required in the interest cf safety. fl Reg\1la tions re1a ting to the certification of jet t:can:3r :-i:1"ts ,~1'.'e con­ tained in Part l.ib of the Civil Air Regulations~ C8rtain of these n?gu.­ lati~ons are phrased in general terms as broad safety criteria> such as the ba3ic requirern8nts of speed control. Other regula tior1s are more definitive and therefore more restrictive. In reg:.:i.rd t<:i cockpit configura tionJ the F'.AA has published. rules rel::!.t.l.ng to f~pc,e:i.fi.c flight instrll.11ents !'equ.:ired and the maimer cf arra.ngement on the panel. Ther,:; are aJ;;o reguJ.. Htions dealing: with tl:e £1.ap 0etua.:,or and landing geac actuator contrD1s. The E'AA do.:::c. Hot at teinpt to diet.ate every .~::::~t cf cockpit de.sign dm·i'rg develcpmt):n t arid type certification. · Cert.:if:l.cation of t.oday 1 s jet transport involved 2. lengthy program of coordination between t11e i-.:::gulatory agency and the industry« rfhis I occ.urred during the development and initial manufacture of tile aj.rcraft. FAA approval of the ~ockpit configuration in todayi s jet transport I developed in the following 01"der: (1) The manufacturer applied fo::- a. type certificate approx"­ I rnately three or four years in advance of the anticii;.atc::d coinpletion date of the first aircraft.

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