Connexiówww.elperiodic.ad a internet: http://www.elperiodicdandorra.ad DIMARTS, 10 DE JULIOL DEL 2018 el Periòdic d’Andorra 15 CONEIXEMENT SOBRE d'Andorra L’ÚS DE LES TECNOLOGIES elelENGLISHTema PeriòdicPeriòdic del EDITION dia NewsM O N 2xx 4 HIGH-END INVESTMENT AND TOURISM EL PERIÒDIC On the left, the33 meeting table chaired by Dolsa and Armengol. At the upper- right, the members of the conference. And at the lower-right, Armengol and Dolsa with one of the tourist promoters of Russia who attended the meeting last Friday. Russian investors and tourists, interested in the Andorra airport Attendees to the meeting affirm that the facilities Businesspeople ask about the project status, would help senior executives of Moscow to arrive taxation and residence in the Principality EL PERIÒDIC dees were particularly interested dorra - Moscow route will be «well «allows you to have a meeting in An- ANDORRA LA VELLA in how this new facility will bene- covered». In addition, the airport The Chamber asks dorra in the morning and be able to @PeriodicAND fit their investments in Andorra, as also plans to host private jets that sleep at home» in Russia. well as the arrival of the powerful will both attract tourism and lu- for mandatory staff he potential construction Russian tourism. xury brands that currently cannot training TAXATION SYSTEM AND RESIDENCE Anot- of an airport in the Princi- Armengol, a strong advocate of be installed in the Principality «due her of the most common concerns/ pality was the focus of the the project since he became the pre- to tax imposed on the border and among the Russian assistants was Catrus Conference 2018 sident of the Chamber in April, on- that will disappear by air». Among the most immediate ob- the operation of foreign invest- T 33 held last Friday morning in Andor- ce again argued the need to «chan- Armengol’s explanations con- jectives between the Chamber of ment and the tax benefits that ra la Vella. It is an international ge the international connection vinced Russian assistants who focu- Commerce and Actua is that «the would suppose its installation in congress with the participation of system» of the Principality and ex- sed their subsequent questions on Government forces companies to the country. The adviser of Actua In- businessmen from Andorra, Rus- plained the different modules of the acquisition of a visa that would train their staff», especially tho- vest in Andorra, Sandra Muñoz, ga- sia and Catalonia, organized by Ca- the study, which will be ready by allow them to land outside the se dedicated to tourism. In spite ve a response to all the doubts and trus with the collaboration of EL PE- the end of the year. Schengen area. Both Dolsa and Ar- of the non-political nature of the explained the requirements to ob- RIÒDIC, with the commercial mis- mengol are convinced that the An- entity, its president, Miquel Ar- tain the residence permit. One of sion of establishing connections ANDORRA - MOSCOW The first part, ai- dorran government will not hinder mengol, believes that —thinking the businessmen even asked for the and sharing experiences in diffe- med at evaluating/ the type of run- in this matter, and so wishes a seni- about the new government that possibility of obtaining the double rent sectors. The entrepreneur En- way that could be built is almost or executive which at the end of the will come out of the next general nationality. ric Dolsa, together with the Presi- finished and «only a couple of me- conference said he was planning elections— they should «maximi- Finally, the former contestant of dent of the Chamber of Commerce, etings are missing» to officially ap- on «real estate investments in An- ze the trade, which is currently the Spanish fourth edition of Mas- Miquel Armengol, led the meeting prove it, said Armengol. According dorra» and that «an airport would suffering a lot», and warns that he terchef Natalia Khodzinskaya, pre- that, after a brief historical sum- to the study, a two kilometre run- greatly facilitate things». All entre- will «pressure» the future Execu- pared a Russian lunch-sample, in mary of the country, focused on the way that allows landing planes preneurs agreed, when doing busi- tive to improve the quality of tou- which Andorrans, Russians and Ca- importance of building an airport with a potential radius of 5,000 ki- ness, the importance of having a di- rism and, undoubtedly, «the air- talans exchanged talks and busi- in Andorran territory. The atten- lometres is viable, so that the An- rect communication channel that port is a good formula». ness cards. H 2 www.elperiodic.ad MONDAY, 24 SEPTEMBER 2018 el Periòdic News SKI RESORTS workers can choose to work for En- sisa or Saetde. «The intention is that Saetde rejects a joint pass with nobody loses their job and can choo- se», he commented. ARCALÍS While the future of Grand- Ensisa if there is a dissolution valira is/ not clarified, Saetde con- tinues to work on the set-up of the MARICEL BLANCH winter season in Arcalís. The sources Grandvalira reminds that consulted explained that, like the last few weeks of last season, Saet- «if the brand disappears, Letter to Espot to de’s will is that throughout the win- the pass will disappear» offer the flats of the ter season, skiers with a Grandvali- Solana in Pas ra season pass can also obtain the Arcalís season ticket for an additio- EL PERIÒDIC ESCALDES-ENGORDANY nal fee. @PeriodicAND The mayor of Encamp explai- ned33 that after PS proposed that the PLA DE LES PEDRES On the other hand he breakup of Grandvalira flats of the Solana in Pas de la Casa and in regards to/ the work that Sa- does not seem to stop and could be used for social housing, etde must carry out to extend the the joint ski pass that Saet- the corporation will soon send a chairlift of the Pla de les Pedres, T de and Ensisa currently sha- formal letter to the Ministry of So- they have not yet started. The sour- re could disappear if the situation is cial Affairs to get to know its opini- ces consulted explained that they not redirected to prevent the disso- on on the matter. Meanwhile and are still pending permission from lution of Nevasa. Saetde does not ha- considering the difficulties for se- the Ministry of the Environment, ve intention of creating a joint pass asonal workers to find a place to which they believe they will receive with its neighbours without a com- live, Torres also does not rule out throughout the week. It should be pany that controls it. «There is only that the flats could be used by the- remembered that these works are one option to keep the joint pass: to se workers. However, the proposal planned in the investment agree- fix the Nevasa situation» because «if would be in the background and ment with the Comú of Encamp. the Grandvalira brand disappears, would be linked to the fact that Sa- Regarding the controversy over the ski pass will disappear too», sta- etde got to an agreement with the the stoppage of some works that Sa- ted sources of Encamp’s company. corporation. Also, the mayor was etde would have started on a path The same sources made it clear open to work with Saetde to help that leads to the Massat river, in a that «we will not make any commer- them accommodate their workes, territory that Canillo defends is in cial agreement with Ensisa to ha- although the company is already its parish, the sources were surpri- View of the ski area of Saetde in Grau Roig. ve a joint pass, never», as they said working to avoid the problem. sed by the fact that the comú cut the 33 «without anyone controlling it, it access to the path that they ensure would be out of control». In fact, it is MEETINGS The negotiations, howe- etings (Saetde, Ensisa and Govern- tivated the dissolution process to it is public without giving them any known that for some time now, the ver, continue./ This week, both the ment) would be resumed to try to re- break Grandvalira days ago and a further explanation. Given this situ- two companies that make up Grand- head of government, Toni Martí, direct the situation. However, the restructuring of the personnel has ation they do not consider lawful, valira have maintained differences and the finance minister, Jordi Cin- mayor of Encamp, Jordi Torres, ex- begun. In this way he indicated that they are studying if they undertake in commercial policy. ca, explained that the trialogue me- plained that Nevasa has already ac- facilities are being given so that the any type of action. H LABOUR MARKET MARICEL BLANCH Ubach: it’s «embarrassing» to renew the ambulance service contract The unionist warns that tender. The unionist considers that ta- LEGISLATIVE CHANGES According to mobilizations will be made king care of these things «should be Ubach, the extension/ of the contract sacred» because otherwise, «the DA with Ambulàncies del Pirineu is just if some laws are passed Government sends a clear message to the prelude to what can be the appro- the private entrepreneur saying it can val of the new labour relations code, EL PERIÒDIC do with its workers what he wants». which, as they have repeated several ESCALDES-ENGORDANY The contract with Ambulàncies times, they consider that they will en- The General Secretary of USdA, Gabri- del Pirineu was due this year and the tail a great loss of rights for workers.
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