P HOTOVOLTAIC P OWER S YSTEMS P ROGRAMME ANNUAL REPORT 2004 PREFACE 3 PREFACE In the year 2004, the ongoing work within the IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme was characterised by a number of new initiatives and activities along the present strategic plan of IEA PVPS. Both on the Executive Committee level as well as on the Task level, the network was systematically extended towards new target groups, new members as well as new work items and accompanied by increased communication efforts. After some years of absence from the Executive Committee, PVPS is pleased to have the renewed membership and support of Spain in the Programme. Similarly, Turkey has indicated an interest to revive its membership. Furthermore, China has been an observer at the 23rd PVPS Executive Committee Meeting and is presently exploring a membership within PVPS. Based on various contacts, interest in participation from a number of other countries can be observed. Finally, the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) has confirmed its willingness to join the PVPS Programme as a sponsor member. The PVPS Executive Committee welcomes this initiative and intends to further intensify the relationship and co-operation with the photovoltaic industry. On the Task level, increased co-operation and communication can be noted as follows: • Led by Australia, Task 1 held a successful industry workshop at the 19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference in Paris; • A new workplan was endorsed by the Executive Committee for Task 2 which thus entered into its third term. Task 2 was very successful in attracting new participation from 4 member countries and 1 observer. I am grateful to Germany which has accepted to continue leading this PVPS activity; • Task 3 has accomplished its work programme with an impressive list of results and I am grateful to France which has led this activity since its very beginning; • Task 8 is continuing its work under the leadership of Japan; a workshop on very large scale photovoltaic systems was held in Australia; • Led by the United Kingdom, Task 9 is continuing its activities under the new name of “Photovoltaic Services for Developing Countries”; 4 events were organised by this Task in 2004; • As the youngest of the PVPS activities, Task 10 started its work on urban scale photovoltaic applications in 2004. This activity is being led by the United States. The following new activities are presently under discussion: As a follow-up of Task 3, a new Task on photovoltaic hybrid systems has received encouraging interest from a number of countries and their industry sectors. Another topic on the agenda is the subject of environmental issues related to photovoltaics. Due to the rapid global market expansion, it is felt that continuous analysis and communication on facts and figures is needed for this important subject. The overall communication efforts were increased by different workshops, a new PVPS flyer, the dissemination of the PVPS newsletter and the PVPS website, www.iea-pvps.org. Moreover, a booth at the industry exhibition of the 19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference in Paris attracted a large number of visitors and interesting feedback on the programme activities. With many new results from the various ongoing projects, 2004 was another productive year for PVPS. The detailed results are given in the Task reports of this annual report and all publications can be found at the PVPS website. I would like to congratulate all Tasks on their remarkable progress and achievements. The current status of photovoltaics in the PVPS member countries is described within the country section of this annual report. A number of Executive Committee members and Operating Agents have left us during the year, heading for new responsibilities or horizons. In this respect, my particular thanks go to Harry Schaap who has always supported me and the Executive Committee as the Deputy Chairman over the past years. I will certainly miss Harry's always objective, concise and constructive proposals. With this, I take the opportunity to thank all Executive Committee members, Operating Agents and Task Experts who by their dedicated effort contribute to the collaborative work and success of PVPS. Stefan Nowak Chairman TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface 3 Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme 7 TASK STATUS REPORTS Task 1 - Exchange and Dissemination of Information on Photovoltaic Power Systems 11 Task 2 - Performance, Reliability and Analysis of Photovoltaic Systems 14 Task 3 - Use of Photovoltaic Power Systems in Stand-Alone and Island Applications 18 Task 8 - Study on Very Large Scale Photovoltaic Power Generation System 22 Task 9 - Photovoltaic Services for Developing Countries 25 Task 10 - Urban Scale PV Applications 29 PHOTOVOLTAIC STATUS AND PROSPECTS IN PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES AUSTRALIA 33 AUSTRIA 38 CANADA 41 DENMARK 46 EUROPEAN COMMISSION 50 FRANCE 52 GERMANY 56 ISRAEL 60 ITALY 63 JAPAN 65 KOREA 73 MEXICO 77 THE NETHERLANDS 78 NORWAY 81 PORTUGAL 84 SPAIN 87 SWEDEN 89 SWITZERLAND 93 TURKEY 97 UNITED KINGDOM 101 UNITED STATES 104 COMPLETED TASKS Task 5 - Grid Interconnection of Building Integrated and Other Dispersed Photovoltaic Power Systems 110 Task 6 - Design and Operation of Modular Photovoltaic Plants for Large Scale Power Generation 111 Task 7 - Photovotlaic Power Systems in the Built Environment 112 ANNEXES A - IEA-PVPS Executive Committee Members 114 B - IEA-PVPS Operating Agents 118 PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SYSTEMS PROGRAMME 7 PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SYSTEMS PROGRAMME IEA The International Energy Agency (IEA), founded in November 1974, The underlying assumption is that the market for PV systems is is an autonomous body within the framework of the Organisation for gradually expanding from the present niche markets of remote Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which carries out applications and consumer products, to the rapidly growing markets a comprehensive programme of energy co-operation among its for building-integrated and other diffused and centralised PV member countries. The European Union also participates in the work generation systems. of the IEA. This market expansion requires the availability of and access to Collaboration in research, development and demonstration of new reliable information on the performance of PV systems, technical and technologies has been an important part of the Agency’s Programme. design guidelines, planning methods, financing, etc. to be shared with The IEA R&D activities are headed by the Committee on Research and the various actors. Technology (CERT), supported by a small secretariat staff, with headquarters in Paris. In addition, four Working Parties on End Use, IEA-PVPS OBJECTIVES Renewable Energy, Fossil Fuels and Fusion, are charged with The IEA-PVPS programme aims to realise the above mission by monitoring the various collaborative energy agreements, identifying adopting the following objectives related to reliable PV power system new areas for co-operation and advising the CERT on policy matters. applications for the target groups: governments, utilities, energy The Renewable Energy Working Party (REWP), recently chaired by service providers and other public and private users: the first PVPS chairman, Mr. Roberto Vigotti, oversees the work of nine renewable energy agreements, of which PVPS is one of the 1. To stimulate activities that will lead to a cost reduction of PV youngest, and is supported by a Renewable Energy Unit at the IEA power systems applications secretariat in Paris. National RD&D programmes, industrial R&D and expansion of PV amanufacturing capacity as well as utility investments in PV projects IEA-PVPS are examples of activities with a direct effect on the cost of The IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme (PVPS) is one of PV systems and their application. International co-operation within the collaborative R&D Agreements established within the IEA, and IEA PVPS can indirectly contribute to cost reduction by undertaking since its establishment in 1993, the PVPS participants have been or supporting activities such as: sharing the activities and results conducting a variety of joint projects in the application of of national RD&D programmes, objective information and operational photovoltaic conversion of solar energy into electricity. experience, creating and facilitating networks as well as providing guidelines. The overall programme is headed by an Executive Committee composed of representatives from each participating country, while 2. To increase the awareness of their potential and value and the management of individual research projects (Tasks) is the thereby provide advice to decision makers from government, responsibility of Operating Agents. By the end of 2004, ten Tasks utilities and international organisations were established within the PVPS programme, of which one was Key issues for the awareness of the potential and value of PV completed in 1997 (Task 6), two were completed in 2001 (Task 5 power systems among target groups are: cost/performance indicators, and Task 7), one was completed in 2004 (Task 3) and one is not market developments, innovations and breakthroughs, new operational (Task 4). A new task began in 2004 (Task 10), which applications and services, national and international programmes is a follow-up to Task 7. and initiatives, policy and financing schemes, developments and standards. The twenty-one PVPS members are: Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, European Union, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, 3. To
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