Glossary of Combustion Maximilian Lackner Download free books at Maximilian Lackner Glossary of Combustion 2 Download free eBooks at bookboon.com Glossary of Combustion 2nd edition © 2014 Maximilian Lackner & bookboon.com ISBN 978-87-403-0637-8 3 Download free eBooks at bookboon.com Glossary of Combustion Contents Contents Preface 5 1 Glossary of Combustion 6 2 Books 263 3 Papers 273 4 Standards, Patents and Weblinks 280 5 Further books by the author 288 4 Click on the ad to read more Download free eBooks at bookboon.com Glossary of Combustion Preface Preface Dear Reader, In this glossary, more than 2,500 terms from combustion and related fields are described. Many of them come with a reference so that the interested reader can go deeper. The terms are translated into the Hungarian, German, and Slovak language, as Central and Eastern Europe is a growing community very much engaged in combustion activities. Relevant expressions were selected, ranging from laboratory applications to large-scale boilers, from experimental research such as spectroscopy to computer simulations, and from fundamentals to novel developments such as CO2 sequestration and polygeneration. Thereby, students, scientists, technicians and engineers will benefit from this book, which can serve as a handy aid both for academic researchers and practitioners in the field. This book is the 2nd edition. The first edition was written by the author together with Harald Holzapfel, Tomás Suchý, Pál Szentannai and Franz Winter in 2009. The publisher was ProcessEng Engineering GmbH (ISBN: 978-3902655011). Their contribution is acknowledged. Recommended textbook on combustion: Maximilian Lackner, Árpád B. Palotás, Franz Winter, Combustion: From Basics to Applications, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, ISBN: 978-3527333516 (2013). Maximilian Lackner Vienna, January 1, 2014 5 Download free eBooks at bookboon.com Glossary of Combustion Glossary of Combustion 1 Glossary of Combustion 1,3-cyclohexane-bis(methylamine) s. bromine number de 1,3-Cyclohexan-Bis(Methylamin), das / hu 1,3-ciklohexán-bis(metil-amin) / sk 1,3-cyklohexán-bis(metylamín) 2,5-dimethylaniline s. bromine number de 2,5-Dimethylanilin, das / hu 2,5-dimetil-anilin / sk 2,5-dimetylanilín ab initio Starting a physical calculation only based on basic and established laws of nature without additional assumptions or special models. [1-11] de ab initio (vom Ursprung weg) / sk ab initio, neempirický ABE-fermentation Anaerobic process utilizing bacterial fermentation to produce acetone, butanol and ethanol from starch. [1-11] (s. a. biofuels) de A.B.E. Prozess, der; A.B.E. Fermentation, die / hu ABE fermentáció / sk anaeróbna fermentácia Abel heat test Routine test to demonstrate the absence of impurities in explosives. [1-13] (s. a. detonation, explosives) de Abel Test, der / hu Abel-teszt / sk Abelov test abiogenic petroleum origin Alternative hypothesis to the biological origin theory of petroleum origins. [2-37] (s. a. crude oil) de abiotische Erdölentstehung, die / hu a kőolaj nem biogén keletkezése / sk abiogénny pôvod ropy abnormal combustion s. engine knocking de abnormale Verbrennung, die / hu rendellenes égés / sk abnormálne spaľovanie (detonácia) absolute viscosity s. kinematic viscosity de Aktivierungsenergie, die / sk absolútna viskozita absorption oil Liquid hydrocarbon used to absorb heavier hydrocarbons. Syn.: wash oil. [3-72] (s. a. natural gas) de Absorptionsöl, das; Waschöl, das / hu elnyelőolaj, abszorbeáló olaj, mosóolaj / sk absorpčný olej, prací olej absorption process Process to remove nitrogen from natural gas by using lean oil as absorbent. [2-40] (s. a. natural gas, adsorption process, molecular sieve) de Absorptionsprozess (Erdgasproduktion), der / hu abszorpciós eljárás / sk absorpčný proces (výroba zemného plynu) 6 Download free eBooks at bookboon.com Glossary of Combustion Glossary of Combustion acetone CH3-CO-CH3; The simplest ketone, also known as dimethyl ketone or 2-propanone. Flashpoint -17°C, autoignition temperature 465 °C. Used as gasoline additive with methanol to improve vaporization at engine start up. [3-32] (s. a. flash point, gasoline) de Aceton, das / hu aceton, propanon / sk acetón acetylene C2H2; The simplest hydrocarbon alkyne. It is unsaturated compound because its two carbon atoms are bonded together with a triple bond. (s. a. alkyne) de Acetylen, das / hu acetilénszénhidrogének, alkinek / sk acetylén (etín) acid gas removal Wet scrubbing air pollution control system. (s. a. scrubber) de Entfernen von sauren Gasen, das; Saure Gaswäsche, die / sk odstraňovanie kyslých plynov acousto-optics Interaction of an acoustic wave and a laser beam an optical medium. [1-116] (s. a. photoacoustic spectroscopy PAS) de Akustikoptik, die activated carbon Extremely porous carbon, i.e. a large surface area is available for adsorption. [1-25] de Aktivkohle, die / hu aktív szén / sk aktívny uhlík activated charcoal s. activated carbon [1-25] (s. a. detonation, explosives) de Aktivkohle, die / hu aktív szén / sk aktívny uhlík activated coal s. activated carbon [1-25] (s. a. detonation, explosives) de Aktivkohle, die / hu aktív szén / sk aktívne uhlie activation energy EA, Ea, Energy that a molecule or atom needs to overcome until a chemical reaction can occur. [1-31] (s. a. Arrhenius equation) de Aktivierungsenergie, die / hu aktiválási energia (vö.: minimális gyulladási energia) / sk aktivačná energia adiabatic compression Change in state with mechanical work only and no transfer of thermal energy. [1-11] de adiabatische Kompression, die / hu adiabatikus kompresszió/összenyomás / sk adiabatická kompresia adiabatic flame temperature Temperature of a combustion if the energy of all reactions is used for heating the system (no heat losses), e.g. 1950°C for methane in air. [1-2] de adiabatische Flammentemperatur, die / hu elméleti égési hőmérséklet, adiabatikus égési hőmérséklet, elméleti lánghőmérséklet, adiabatikus lánghőmérséklet / sk adiabatická spaľovacia teplota adiabatic process Thermodynamic process during which no thermal energy is transferred to or from the environment. [1-68] (s. a. atmospheric dispersion models) de ADMS 3 Modell, das / sk ADMS 3 7 Download free eBooks at bookboon.com Glossary of Combustion Glossary of Combustion adsorption process Process to remove nitrogen from natural gas using activated carbon or molecular sieves as adsorbent. [2-40] (s. a. natural gas, adsorption process, molecular sieve) de Absorptionsprozess (Erdgasproduktion), der / hu abszorpciós eljárás / sk absorpčný proces (výroba zemného plynu) aerozin A hypergolic rocket propellant, consisting of 50% hydrazine and 50% unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine. It was developed for Titan II engines. [1-12, 3-8] (s. a. hydrazine, unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine) de Aerozin, das / hu aerozin / sk aerozín AERMOD Atmospheric dispersion modeling system including a steady-state dispersion model (short- range), a meteorological data preprocessor and a terrain preprocessor. [1-68] (atmospheric dispersion models) de AERMOD-Modell, das / sk AERMOD aerosol Airborne particle; Dispersion of small fluid droplets or fine solid particles in a gas, eg. fog or mist. [1-74] (s. a. smog) de Aerosol, das / hu aeroszol / sk aerosól aethalometry Opto-analytical transmission method for black carbon. [2-59] (s. a. soot) de Ruß-Analyse, die / sk analýza sadzí AFR sensor (air fuel ratio) New type of oxygen sensors which have a wider oxygen/fuel detection range. [1-43] (s. a. lambda sensor) de AFR-Sonde, die / sk AFR sonda, lambda sonda after top dead center ATDC / Term in automotive engineering to describe the time (in degrees crank angle) after the piston has reached its top position. (s. a. degrees crank angle, TDC, BTCD, internal combustion engine) de nach dem oberen Totpunkt / sk ATDC afterburner Device added to a jet engine that increases top speed by accelerating the exhaust. Fuel is injected to the jetwash and reheats the gases. The hot gases are ejected through the nozzle at a higher velocity and increase the thrust. [1-76] (s. a. jetwash) de Nachbrenner, der / hu utóégető/utánégető (kamra) / sk doplnkový horák, zariadenie na dodatočné spaľovanie AFTOX Gaussian dispersion model. [1-68] (s. a. atmospheric dispersion models) de AFTOX-Modell, das / sk AFTOX Agbami Crude oil product with API gravity of 47.2° and a sulphur content of 0.04%. The field is located in Nigeria. [3-63] (s. a. crude oil, API grade, oil reserves) / de Agbami (Rohöl), das / hu Agbami olaj / sk Agbami-ropný product 8 Download free eBooks at bookboon.com Glossary of Combustion Glossary of Combustion air box with sharp-edged orifice plate Simple method for measuring the air flow rate. The air enters the box through a calibrated orifice plate. The mass flow can be calculated from the orifice area, the pressure drop, the air densitiy and the orifice discharge coefficient. [1-43] de Durchflussmessgerät für Luft auf Basis eines speziellen Windkastens, das / hu légszekrény élessarkú mérőperemmel / sk clona air flow rate measurement Common measurement methods are: viscuous flow meter, air box with sharp- edged orifice plate, positive displacement flow meter, corona discharge flow meter, hot wire flow meter, Coriolis mass flow meter [1-43] de Luftdurchsatzmessung, die / hu légmennyiségmérés, levegőáram- mérés / sk meranie rýchlosti prúdenia vzduchu air inlet system System that supplies oxidizer to the combustor. One can distinguish between: Naturally aspirated engines, Superchargers, Turbochargers, Pumped liquids [1-29] (s. a. naturally aspirated engine,
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