1997D0252 — EN — 01.05.2004 — 012.001 — 1 This document is meant purely as a documentation tool and the institutions do not assume any liability for its contents ►B COMMISSION DECISION of 25 March 1997 drawing up provisional lists of third country establishments from which the Member States authorize imports of milk and milk products for human consumption (Text with EEA relevance) (97/252/EC) (OJ L 101, 18.4.1997, p. 46) Amended by: Official Journal No page date ►M1 Commission Decision 97/480/EC of 1 July 1997 L 207 1 1.8.1997 ►M2 Commission Decision 97/598/EC of 25 July 1997 L 240 8 2.9.1997 ►M3 Commission Decision 97/617/EC of 29 July 1997 L 250 15 13.9.1997 ►M4 Commission Decision 97/666/EC of 17 September 1997 L 283 1 15.10.1997 ►M5 Commission Decision 98/71/EC of 7 January 1998 L 11 39 17.1.1998 ►M6 Commission Decision 98/87/EC of 15 January 1998 L 17 28 22.1.1998 ►M7 Commission Decision 98/88/EC of 15 January 1998 L 17 31 22.1.1998 ►M8 Commission Decision 98/89/EC of 16 January 1998 L 17 33 22.1.1998 ►M9 Commission Decision 98/394/EC of 29 May 1998 L 176 28 20.6.1998 ►M10 Commission Decision 1999/52/EC of 8 January 1999 L 17 51 22.1.1999 ►M11 Commission Decision 2001/177/EC of 15 February 2001 L 68 1 9.3.2001 ►M12 Commission Decision 2002/527/EC of 27 June 2002 L 170 86 29.6.2002 ►M13 Commission Decision 2003/59/EC of 24 January 2003 L 23 28 28.1.2003 Amended by: ►A1 Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic, the L 236 33 23.9.2003 Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union isfounded 1997D0252 — EN — 01.05.2004 — 012.001 — 2 ▼B COMMISSION DECISION of 25 March 1997 drawing up provisional lists of third country establishments from which the Member States authorize imports of milk and milk products for human consumption (Text with EEA relevance) (97/252/EC) THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, Having regard to Council Decision 95/408/EC of 22 June 1995 on the conditions for drawing up, for an interim period, provisional lists of third country establishments from which Member States are authorized to import certain productsof animal origin, fisheryproductsor live bivalve molluscs (1), asamended by Decision97/34/EC ( 2), and in particular Article 2 (1) thereof, Whereas Commission Decision 95/340/EEC (3), aslastamended by Decision 96/584/EC (4), drawsup a listof third countriesfrom which the Member Statesauthorize importsof milk and milk products; Whereasthe health and veterinary certification requirementsfor importsof milk and milk productsfrom the countriesappearing on that list have been laid down in Commission Decision 95/343/EEC (5), as last amended by Decision 97/115/EC (6); Whereas the Commission has received from certain third countries lists of establishments, with guarantees that they fully meet the appropriate Community health requirements and that should an establishment fail to do so its export activities to the European Community will be suspended; Whereas the Commission has been unable to ascertain in all the third countries concerned the compliance of their establishments with the Community requirementsand the validity of the guaranteesprovided by the competent authorities; Whereas, to prevent the interruption of trade in milk and milk products from those countries, it is necessary to grant them a further period during which Member Stateswill be able to continue to import milk and milk products from the establishments they have recognized; whereas, during that further period, the Commission will collect from the countriesconcerned the guaranteesneeded in order to be able to add them to the list in accordance with the procedure laid down in Decision 95/408/EC; Whereason the expiry of that period third countrieswhich have not transmitted their lists of establishments in accordance with the Commu- nity ruleswill no longer be permitted to export milk and milk products to the Community; Whereas Member States will be responsible therefore for satisfying themselves that the establishments from which they import milk and milk productsmeet requirementsfor production and placing on the market which are no less stringent than the Community requirements; Whereas provisional lists of establishments producing milk and milk products can thus be drawn up in respect of certain countries; Whereas the measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Veterinary Committee, (1) OJ No L 243, 11. 10. 1995, p. 17. (2) OJ No L 13, 16. 1. 1997, p. 33. (3) OJ No L 200, 24. 8. 1995, p. 38. (4) OJ No L 255, 9. 10. 1996, p. 20. (5) OJ No L 200, 24. 8. 1995, p. 52. (6) OJ No L 42, 13. 2. 1997, p. 16. 1997D0252 — EN — 01.05.2004 — 012.001 — 3 ▼B HAS ADOPTED THIS DECISION: Article 1 1. The Member Statesshallauthorize importsof milk and milk productsfrom the ►M1 third country ◄ establishments listed in the Annex hereto. 2. ►M1 Up to 1 January 1998 Member Statesmay authorize imports of milk and milk-based products from establishments in third countries other than those listed in the Annex hereto. ◄ 3. Imports of milk and milk products shall remain subject to Community veterinary provisions adopted elsewhere. Article 2 This Decision shall apply with effect from 1 April 1997. Article 3 This Decision is addressed to the Member States. ▼M11 ▼A1 ANEXO - PŘÍLOHA - BILAG - ANHANG - LISA - ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ - ANNEX - ANNEXE - ALLEGATO - PIELIKUMS - PRIEDAS - MELLÉKLET - ANNESS - BILAGE - ZAŁĄCZNIK - ANEXO - PRÍLOHA - PRILOGA - LITTE - BILAGA LISTA DE LOS ESTABLECIMIENTOS — SEZNAM ZAŘÍZENÍ — LISTE OVER VIRKSOMHEDER — VERZEICHNIS DER BETRIEBE — ETTEVÕTETE LOETELU — ΠΙΝΑΚΑΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΓΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΕΩΝ — LIST OF ESTABLISHMENTS — LISTE DES ÉTABLISSEMENTS — ELENCO DEGLI STABILIMENTI — UZŅĒMUMU SARAKSTS — ĮMONIŲ SĄRAŠAS — LÉTESÍTMÉNYLISTA — LISTA TA' L- ISTABILIMENTI — LIJST VAN BEDRIJVEN — LISTA ZAKŁADÓW — LISTA DOS ESTABELECIMENTOS — ZOZNAM PREVÁDZKARNÍ — SEZNAM OBRATOV — LUETTELO LAITOKSISTA — FÖRTECKNING ÖVER ANLÄGGNINGAR ▼M11 1 = Referencia nacional / Národní kód / National reference / Nationaler Code / Rahvuslik viide / Εθνικός αριθµός έγκρισης / National reference / Référence nationale / Riferimento nazionale / Nacionālā norāde / Nacionalinė nuoroda / Nemzeti referenciaszám / Referenza nazzjonali / Nationale code / Kod krajowy / Referência nacional / Národný odkaz / Nacionalna referenca / Kansallinen referenssi / Nationell referens 2 = Nombre / Název / Navn / Name / Nimi / Όνοµα εγκατάστασης / Name / Nom / Nome / Nosaukums / Pavadinimas / Név / Isem / Naam / Nazwa / Nome / Názov / Ime / Nimi / Namn 3 = Ciudad / Město / By / Stadt / Linn / Πόλη / Town / Ville / Città / Pilsēta / Miestas / Város / Belt / Stad / Miasto / Cidade / Mesto / Kraj / Kaupunki / Stad 4 = Región / Oblast / Region / Region / Piirkond / Περιοχή / Region / Région / Regione / Reģions/ Regionas/ Régió / Re ġjun / Regio / Region / Região / Kraj / Regija / Alue / Region 5 = Menciones especiales / Zvláštní poznámky / Særlige bemærkninger / Besondere Bemerkungen / Erimärkused / Ειδικές παρατηρήσεις / Special remarks/ Mentions spéciales / Note particolari / Īpašasatz īmes / Specialios pastabos / Különleges megjegyzések / Rimarki speċjali / Bijzondere opmerkingen / Uwagi szczególne / Menções especiais / Osobitné poznámky / Posebne opombe / Erikoismainintoja / Anmärkningar 6=*Países y establecimientos que cumplen todos los requisitos del apartado 1 del artículo 2 de la Decisión 95/408/CE del Consejo. 1997D0252 — EN — 01.05.2004 — 012.001 — 4 Zem* ě azařízení, které splňují všechny požadavky čl. 2 odst. 1 rozhodnutí Rady 95/408/ES. Lande* og virksomheder, der opfylder alle betingelserne i artikel 2, stk. 1, i Rådets beslutning 95/408/EF. Länder* und Betriebe, die alle Anforderungen des Artikels 2 Absatz 1 der Entscheidung 95/408/EG des Rates erfüllen. Nõukogu* otsuse 95/408/EÜ artikli 2 lõike 1 kõikidele nõuetele vastavad riigid ja ettevõtted. Χώρες* και εγκαταστάσεις που πληρούν τις προϋποθέσεις του άρθρου 2 παράγραφος 1 της απόφασης 95/408/ΕΚ του Συµβουλίου. Countries* and establishments complying with all requirements of Article 2(1) of Council Decision 95/408/EC. Pays* et établissements remplissant l'ensemble des dispositions de l'article 2 paragraphe 1 de la décision 95/408/CE du Conseil. Paese* e stabilimenti che ottemperano a tutte le disposizioni dell'articolo 2, paragrafo 1 della decisione 95/408/CE del Consiglio. Valstis* un uzņēmumi, kuri atbilst Padomes Lēmuma 95/408/EK 2. panta 1. punkta prasībām. Šalysir* įmonės, atitinkančios visus Tarybos sprendimo 95/408/EB 2 straipsnio 1 dalies reikalavimus. Azok* az országok és létesítmények, amelyek teljes mértékben megfelelnek a 95/408/EK tanácsi határozat 2. cikkének (1) bekezdésében foglalt követelményeknek. Pajji* żi u stabilimenti li jissodisfaw il-kundizzjonijiet ta' l-Artiklu 2(1) tad- Deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill 95/408/KE. Landen* en inrichtingen die voldoen aan al de voorwaarden van artikel 2, lid 1, van Beschikking 95/408/EG van de Raad. Pań*stwa i zakłady spełniające wszystkie wymagania artykułu 2 ust. 1 decyzji Rady 95/408/WE. Países* e estabelecimentos que respeitam todas as exigências do n.o 1 do artigo 2.o da Decisão 95/408/CE do Conselho. Krajiny* a prevádzkarne v súlade so všetkými požiadavkami článku 2 (1) rozhodnutia Rady 95/408/ES. ▼M11 Države* in obrati, ki izpolnjujejo
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