L THE PRESIDENT•S APPOINTMENTS MONDAY. DECEMBER 2, 195T 10:13 &al Tb.e Prealcteat dapA1'te4 the Oetty•bura l'arni aacl motol'ed to the Wblt• Ho•••· Anlved at tu Whlt• HoQ•• ao4 weat clll'ectly to Ill• ofllca, accompnl" by HOil. Jame• ~•rty. 12:25 pm The Prealdnt departed the offlce a04 went to tbt Man•loe. 1:00 pm (LUNCH) Z:07 pm Tt.. Praeldem retQnled to the offlce. 2:10 pm - 2:Z1 2:27 ... 2:30 pCD CABIK.ET MEETING Tu Pre1ldeot L Hoo. 1Ucbar4 M. Nbtoa Hoa • .J'ol:m Fo•ter Dul•• ff09. Chrl•tlan Herter Hoa. B®-rt Aoureon Hoa. Don Th•oop Smlth, Trea•ury Hoo . N•ll McElroy Hoe. lltlam P. 801•r• Hoa. Artbwr Summei-fU.ld Hoa. Fred .S.atow. Hon. Esra Talt 9-oaoa Hoa. Jamee P . Mltcbetl Hoa. Marlo• l'olNm Hoa. Perclval Bru.aaae H ...... Oor'°1l Oray Hoa. Bocco Slclllaoo Hoe. H•ary Cabol Lod1e, Jr. Hoo. Harold Sta•••• HOft. Artlltar Lar•oa Hoa. Slserma• Adam• Hoe. WUtoo B. Pel'eon• Hon. Baymoacl J . Saaabller Brla. 0.aeral Aedrew J . Gooclpaster Hoa. Jam•• Haa•r'y Hoa. Bryce Harlow (coatbaued) (.,_ MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1957 Page 2 2:30 - 4:15 pm CABINET MEETING (contlnued): Hon. Gabrlel Hauge Hon. I. Jack Martin Hon. Arthur Minnich Hon. Gerald Morgan Hon. Bradley Patterson Hon. Howard Pyle Hon. Clarence Randall 4:15 pm The Presldent went to the South Grounds to practice goli. 4:45 pm Be turned to the office. 4:53 - 5:15 pm Hon. J ohn Foster Dulles 5:07 - 5:09 pm Hon. Sherman Adams 5:17 - 5:23 pm Hon. Sherman Adams Hon. Douglas Dlllon L 5:20 - 5:40 pm Hon. J olin Foster Dullea 5:35 - 5:40 pm Hon. Nell McElroy 5:43 pm The Presldent departed the office and returned to the Mansloth • / L THI: PR.E$lD~N'1''S APP INTME?ft 1UES.D.AY. DEC£MaU 311 1'57 1ti9 am Tbe P1.'ell4nt a.rd'\fed la '"* ~fflce, ~coto,._ed by Co10'Cl•l tlob•et L. Scbols.. a:oa - e: 11 am 8:25 • t35 am 8s29 .. &JS am &:IS .. &tl? •~ f}ion. Sb•~ an Ada~•) OFF TH£ J\ECO»D (Hoc. Raymond J. S.almer) 8tM - 9:05 am Hoa. John Saete' Dall•• GoveJ'BOJ' .Adtal Stev•a•Oll 9:05 .. Hh4S am BlP.A a TISA N J..EGISLA TlVE MEETING 10:,S • 2;00 ptb '?be Pl'••id•tlt L Hon. JUc:ba1.'\\ M. Nblon Soaio. Style.a BrldjU Seoator WUUam • Keowlaacl S.nator Edwal'cl Manin Sena~ w•e1'ed 5altoo•t.ll S•aato~ Ii. Al~ocla• Smltb Se•lot" Aleuader WU•y COD&.l'•••rn&11 Leo Allea Cona••••ma1t L••lt• c. Area4a Cona••••maa Charl•• A . Halhck Coqs-•••man Joeeph w. Martta. Jr. Coqse11man Jlaaiel It. ll•.S Coa1~•••.-,au JGha Tabe~ Coua~•••m•a Jame• E. Van Zand.t r Conp•••Sll&o John M. Vo.tya Senator CtGmo. P. Jtaa••OA 6eaator lia•rt F. Byd Saat9r l . WUU.m .F.r-.nahl Seutor Cati Hay.t.. Seaaln Thoma• c. lieu.ma•~ Jr. eutor Lyru:lcm B. J Qhnaoa Seu.tor lUchawd B. :a.... n .. L (comlau4} l_ TUESDAY• DJ:CJ:MBD S, 1951 Paa• z 9:05 .. 1100 pm IUP,AllTJSAN LEGISLATIVE M ETlNG (c:...alaa•d) Coaai-•••m•• Ca•l Alutt C•a"••ts:t•• CtaTeac• ca...._ Ceape••mau Jere c..,.,. Ceap.. a..aa Cal'l T • .DQham Coaa~•••maa 5e11> a.~ Coe.a••••18&8 Carl Vla•ea Hu. 3 obn oater DUil•• Hoa. lnclal• 'YI' "kl Hon. eU c:Elroy Roil. Dout4 Q-aol•• Hoa. •~clvaa •~•• ff••· Chri•tlan •Tt•I' ou. Natau Twbla, Af.lniwal Lewl• L. Stn.. • ca. a ..ra• Au... a... .Acttal '"•••• H-. Dwtla• DUIOD Hoa. Ma.. ft•t• Spr•a•• .on. lllt.m MacomlNH• M~ • J•lll•• Smith 1f Oil. • F raacl• Mcfletl Noe. iUlam HG&a.. y H o11. ibyc• Harlow Hoa. L lack Mania Hoa. Jam•• l).Ull*a. J~. Hoa. Jame• Haa•l'tr Bda. G•Mr•l Aadrew J. Gool}*•t.r li~ Gat,,l'l•l Ha••• (The r re• 4eu alt•a4l.. tll• at.ove me-1lq t:OS - 10:45 am 1 l:SJ ... 12:t~ pm) Hoa. ttltoa • P er100. Bria. <kaenl •Dill'•• J . Goodpe•t•., l h51 ... l2iSJ pm 12:1T •m Tile Pnai4nt weac to tbe MannOQ. l:CO pm (LUNCH) 2t a,_.. a ~ JJ - 2i.J3 pm Z:.97 ,.. 3:07 pn1 Hoa. Jamu n. KUlia-. Ir. l:13 - lllS pm 4t4S • ·~·7 1>'Dl 4l4S • -tiSl pm 41.S • 1: 11 pm SuJ7 .. 5t11 Jm' S:IC ft The P~e•t.deni 4.,._l"led th• o.Utce aod. >¥41Ul to lt. Mafl•ioa. TfiX PRGIDXNT'S APPOINTM&NT8 .u>MDDAY, D.ECEMaU. 4. 1911 7150 am Tb• P•••\4eat atrivet t.a the .ale•, acco..,,.atM l>y Col.-1 •••rt L. Schv.ta. 8:15 - 8:29 a111 8:19 • 8: S6 am 1:1' ••, • ., •• Ho-. Jam•• Ha1•"7 8:S7 ·"''am Hotl. 'Wilton B . i'•r••• 1:47 .. 1:51 ·~ (Hoa. Wllllam tlot•I'•, (.Jad1• Law••ac• E. Wel•bJ 8:51 • 9:00 am <Hoa. 'W Ulla11.1 Jlop••) 9:00 - IO:SS am UGJILATIV& LEAD.EU MEETING Tlle PJ'eeldeot Hoa. IUclaaN M. Nlae s ...tor William F. ltaowla.d s-to• Styl •• 8rl41•• •••to• i,.. •"" &auou-.u Conpea111iaa J ...,ai W. Manta, J•. Coaar•••llda• Charle• ffaH•ck Coaar•••mao welt.• A•nd• C•ar•••maa 14o .AUeci Hoa. AolHart 8 . AD4•r•• Hoa. P••clval ......... ffoa. Ma•rlc• &ta.. Mr. aobert M•l'dam B-. aaymea4 I. Sa.talu ffoa. J'am.. P . MUcta.ll Ml'. Walitt Wattue. Juimlaletnttve A••l•taat i. tu Sec•••l'Y of t.attu Ml'. 5tu•t aflthmaa, Sollclt•r, 0.,.rhneat of i..i... Boa. £ara Taft 9eaaoe H ... Tru D. M•••• Hoo. l)oa Paart1Mts:1 Mr. Ctycle "Ai .....~, i>... flm•at .i Aaricna).._.. M•. Manta Sol'lda, De,.rtm•• of Apte.ttoe H-. \\ llllam P . eser• Hoa. A~v Samm..-R-14 Papi 9:00 - 10c55 a m LEOISU 'Itv E LE.ADE'RS 1'E'l'INO (coatl~t Hon. Hal"ris Ellawo•th oa. Wariou. Fotaom Hoo. £ llloU l\lchanhcm Mr. J:t()buri I>. F i-•-.cla, Depadl'tlMt of D.t'•n.t• i--:oa.. &iru:lab eoJui li1>a. LoUi• Roth•c:lllld Hoa. E i-"d_.J:iCk a. ~Uer Hoa. ~edley D. Naab lion.. •ehdatl Daro•• Ho lf1.t Satoa Hou. Litwf.li ~ St.t'a\\5-S Hon. J ., P attel'IGn li'.~L G 00 Gi-•y l:. s.~ M~ .a, auea of "-• wsa• Mo-. Sh•r alilin AdlMfl llt ·~ GA.a o la • • i•ltY .-a .. Aame ..t J'il• nual ~U.o 1. c.-,.ster ft 11. •ntd Qr p RoQ. C!abii•l P.,augo ffo~ a r te D. Ch•s_, Hoo. Homer Gl"Ul!l ....r H<m. F.d•Ud M.cC•b• oa. J• mea • 1'Ullaa. Jr. Hora. Brye• Harlow H OD. Jacl:. ADderaoo Hozi... Jack Martb Hoa.. 7Aoeco Slcillaco 101'6 • Uh5'7 aai 10s51 • l hZO &'O' Ho. T laOfOU Jt. Steplleu 11155 am TIMt Pnal.. D t departed t1ae o{fle• a.a ••DI to th9 Mao•loa. 2z00 • 4:15 pm Tile Pre•lf!eld att«..aff tke Lefl•latl•• L ..& er• Mfftl ... 4:27 "' • :JJ ,. Non. &em•• a. lUUtu, Jr. Stll..., Tlle Prealcleat d-.aneo lb olflee a• •etvae4 to tbe Mauloo. TM£ P.RUlfJl:NT•S .APFQINTM£N'J:S THUUDAY. J)ECJa\imi:R 5. l''i1 YrSS am Tb• .P.S'ffldent arri••d in th• of{lce. ~ccollJpant.ecl '-Y cac.•t Rob•~• L. Sch.,ta, 8;17 • tsJO am Bria. Gonu~l Anch'•"' 1. <loodpa•t•r •••'1 • 8156 am Hon. .Jc:Jlu:l Fostu Dvll~• Hma. Donato R. Jinth Newly appobat•d Amba•••d•r 1.o Sadl ltt•bla Hem. Jam•• lia1et-ty (~t aJ 8:40 am, 9;00 - 11:06 am NI\TIONAL SECUitrr y GOtlNCIL Tbe Pre•id•Jlt Ho~ Rlchard M. NlX«i Hon. !obn o-tcr Du.U• Hon. N•it Mc: Eb·Qy H912..i OoJ:dou Qray Hon. o\>tlrt. ». A adi:.r•on Hoa. William P. Roger• Hon. Peaoch·&J. 1':ru12~•e Ho-c. Ha~old £. 5ta,u•ll Hon. LewiA L. S tl'UU• Hon. .-ame• H. cn1tb. J~. Hon. Leo A. Hoegh Hows.. Qeorae V. All•n Hon. Jam.. E.. DuJ'ie• Hem. J. Ed.a•~ H oovel' Hoia. ~. alt•" Teaal•y Gellenl 'lalP!t•U D. 1'aylo~ Hon. AUell Vi. t>uttc-1 l:IJOQ. SM.~m•• Adame Hou. Lo\li.• othaehltd Hoa. '\liltou. B. P•r•ou Roa. 1'.Gbert GQ.ll~~ Hou. Fr.Uric.; • 'Darborn. J~ . iiou. J•t»•• . KilHan, J ... Hoa. .Artb.u Lal'aon JJrta.. Ci•n•l'•1 .AndJ'ew ~. Ooodpa•ter Hon. Jam•• S. l..•Y" 1~. HOP. s. nret.t Glu• on l.qe. Dcaa1a• lltll~n l lion. G•••rd mith Hon. llould Qtio&rl•• lion. MaM-fl•ld Sp••I"• s. ' 57 lhe6 - lh25 am Hon.. Neil c "boy na. Ccno.tal J t u.:..·ow s. 0 ~· t•t' 11:31 • l l:S. am TlM P~••it&:d deputed th• oUlc• allCl wettt \Q ttt.. ~ n~lon. l?:lC pm (LtlMC J l;Mpm 'l'he 'Prca:!Sent :'ottrrn "" t th oUlc • l:l' .. lt43 ptD lt41 p The P'tt:i~nt departe &he White J:lau1• •ad enototed to bl C.-,ttyab ra a1rn~ .
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