I Desert Voices U.S. ~estsNuclear Weapon on Sept. 30, 1999 by Marc Page The prayers began on the 17th of to join us in resisting the upcoming On September 30,1999, the same September at the D.O.E. building on subcritical test. Corbin Hamey, spiri- day as the Japanese nuclear accident Losee Road in North Las Vegas. Ten tual leader and elder of the Western at theTokai Plant, the U.S. Depart- activists from almost as many orga- Shoshone Nation joined me in our ment of Energy (D.O.E.) committed nizations gathered to "Drum Down cordial conversation with Derek a similar non-accidental sin against Babylon" outside of the D.O.E. Scammell of the D.O.E. Corbin told all of life. This was humanity's latest building. We asked the employees (see TEST, continued next page) subcritical nuclear assault against the Earth, committed by the U.S. Y2K: Danger of Nuclear Weapons Launch D.O.E. on the last day of their fiscal What should we say about Y2K3 year. This plutonium detonation recognize the year 2000 date change Much international attention is be- could affect command, control, (code named "Oboe 1") at the Ne- ing focused on what will happen vada Test Site (N.T.S.) was the 7th communications and intelligence when the calendar turns from 1999 U.S. subcritical nuclear test since systems of nuclear forces. to 2000. There is widespread con- Clinton signed the Comprehensive Particularly alarming is the fact that cern that the failure of computers to (see Y2 K, continued next page) Test Ban Treaty. NDE helped the r Global Wounds organize severd prayer-actions in resistance to this hidden violence. Millennium 2000 1 Walking the Ways of Peace 1 BOARD & STAFF OF NEVADA DESERT EXPERIENCE Standing (left to right): Louie Vitale, Tom Gumbleton, Anne Symens-Bucher, Wendy Kaufmyn, Michael Niece, Ian Zabarte, Chris Montesano (all Board of Directors). Seated: (left to right): Erik Thompson (Board), Marc Page (Las Vegas Coordinator), Paula Olivares (Board), Cindy Pile (Director), Allan Sawyer (Board). Board members not pictured: Marty Coleman, Nancy (SEE POSTER, INSIDE) I Lynch, Claudia Peterson. Staff not pictured: Amielle Zemach. (UK,continued from front page) by both American and Russian teams that added their name to this important letter. the United States and Russia have about will watch missile launches and Y2K prob- The potential for disaster also exists be- 5,000 strategic nuclear weapons on "hair lems by monitoring satellite data, ground cause nuclear reactors might malfunction in trigger" alert. This means that these weap- sensors, and data flowing from the nearby a variety of ways. There are 433 nuclear ons can be fired within 15 minutes and reach North American Aerospace Defense Com- power reactors in the world, 103 are in the their target city within 30 minutes. Given mand. United States. External power failures could this situation, it is entirely possible for a The potential for global nuclear disaster cause meltdown of reactor cores or used fuel commander who believes that his or her still exits, however. The only solution with rods since nuclear reactors require power country is under nuclear attack to initiate regard to nuclear forces is to take them off from the grid to pass coolant through the retaliation when the supposed 'attack' is alert. An international campaign, spear- core. In order to avoid the possibility of a nothing more than computer generated false headed by Friends of the Earth Sydney, is meltdown, groups such as the World Atomic data. asking individuals and organizations to fax Safety Holiday campaign (WASH) are ask- Both Russia and the US. have already this message to President Boris Yeltsin (7- ing people to contact President Clinton and come close to launching nuclear weapons 095-205-4330) and President Bill Clinton Greta Joy Dicus at the U.S. Nuclear Regula- because.of niisuderstanding or poor data. (1-202-456-2461). Friends of the Earth is ask- tory Commission, 11 555 Rockville Pike, One such instance occurrecl on January 25, ing organizations and 'prominent' people, Rockville, MD 20852 (ph: 301-41 5-1 759). 1995 when a U.S. weather rocket launchec! as well, to sign on to a letter to Clinton and Tell them to shut down all nuclear reactors from Norway was initially interpreted by the Yeltsin. The text is on the Web at http:ll from December 1, 1999 until after the New Russian military ds a possible attack on the homepages.tig.com.au1- foesyd/nuclear/ Year. Russian Federation. President Yeltsin and his bbletter.litml. To sign on simply e-mail the As a people of faith who reverence all life advisors were given minutes to decide name of your organization to and seek peace for our world, we shoulcl whether to launch a retaliatory attack on the [email protected]. Over 380 groups, have a lot to say about Y2K. United States. Thankfully, they decided including the Nevada Desert Experience have against doing so. Because the potential for a global catas- (TEST, continued from front page) for crossing the line. trophe is even greater due to the Y2K bug, the D.O.E.officials that we need to respect Later that day, about 30 minutes after there has been a groundswell of voices urg- the water and other life under the N.T.S.. I Oboe 1 was detonated, over 30 activists ing governments of nuclear weapons states brought a heart-felt letter to the D.O.E. to gathered at the Foley Federal Building in to take their nuclear weapons ofinhairtrig- request that they ccincel the Oboe test. I downtown Las Vegas to continue to "Drum ger" alert. In 1996, the Canberra Commis- asked if Derek could spread my message Down the Babylon Daze". They made the - sion onthe Elimination of Nuclear Weap- within hi;sbuilding. He ~nsteadtook my let- connection between nuclear weapons and ons recommended that all nuclear forces be ter to the D.O.E.'s Nevada Operations Man- waste. Each year, the 30th of September is taken off alert, preferably by physicdl sepa- ager, Kathy Carlson. During our short con- Nevada Is NotA Wasteland Day, proclaimed ration of the warheads from delivery ve- versation the 10 drummers arrived with ban- by the Governor to be held until the Yucca hicles. Last year, the United Nations Gen- ners at the building's entrance. Then Corbin Mountain nuclear waste dump is stopped. eral ,%sembly overwhelmingly passed a res@ led us all in a short prayer in his native The protestors pointed out the hypocrisy lution aclvocating this same position. The tongue. of Nevadans conducting nuclear testing American Medical Association and General Positioning themselves in sight of theem- while rejecting nuclear waste, because the Lee Butler, former commander of all U.S. ployees leaving work for the day, the pro- testing produces some of the waste. These strategic nuclear forces, have directed this testors continued to drum and vigil with ban- events received extensive local media cov- plea to our own government ners and posters to stop the Oboe test. Free erage, reminding Las Vegans of the evils in De-alerting would give those who over- Radio Vegas broadcasted our propaganda on their backyard. see nuclear weapons hours or days rather a 15 watt FM radio transmitter. Corbin spoke Note: Members of Nevada Desert Experience, than minutes or seconds to decide how to on the radio's microphone so that the em- Tri-Valley CARE'S, and Peace Action pru- respond to any signal they might receive. It ployees and others would hear our message tested and leafleted outside Bechtel's Inter- costs nothing and'can be done by a simple of nonviolence and respect for all life on national headquarters in downtown San Fran- executive order. Such a precedent took place the planet. I read my open letter to the em- cisco the day (September 30) of the subcriti- in 1991 when President George Bush re- ployees of the D.O.E. over the radio airwaves cal nuclear weapon test "Oboe I ". moved hundreds of U.S. nuclear weapons after Corbin had finished. Passing motor- from "hair trigger" alert and in response ists & exiting employees heard the drum- Correcticn: In our last issue we incorrectly Mikhail Gorbachev did the same with hun- ming and saw the radio signs, so curious said Pete Seeger's birthday party was celebrat- dreds of Soviet Weapons. drivers used their car radios to tune in to our ing 70 years, it was his 80th birthday party. The United Kingdom has already taken broadcast of peace, goodwill, and requests this step by altering its 'notice to fire' from to stop the nuclear violence. minutes to days. Russia and the United On the morning of the day of the Oboe 1 States have taken a few positive steps by de- shot, 11 people gathered at the Mercury Gate targeting one another and establishing the of the Nevada Test Site for a Sunrise Cer- Center for Y2K Strategic Stability in Colo- emony led by Corbin Harney. Our prayerful rado Springs, Colorado. From late Decem- group continued to vigil as the workers en- ber to early January, this center will be staffed tered the gates and four of us were arrested The Experience Continues: N DE's Future ~hns by Cindy Pile of my house and my history with NDE, nessed the lower points, as well, when I spent several weeks in Europe this my decision to serve in this new ca- only a handful of faithful followers con- summer-attending the Hague Appeal pacity feels right. I first visited the desert tinued the vigil for peace.
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