Fabianijeva Fabiani’s Ljubljana abianijeva F abianijeva FFabiani’s Ljubljana Vsebina Contents Zbirka Series Portret mesta Portrait of a City Ljubljana – provincialno mesto 10 Ljubljana: A provincial town in the avstro-ogrske monarhije Austro-Hungarian Monarchy Maks Fabiani in rojstvo 32 Max Fabiani and the birth moderne narodne prestolnice of a modern national capital Fabianijeva dediščina – 64 Fabiani’s legacy: The current state stanje in pogled naprej and the view forward Sprehod po Fabianijevi Ljubljani 76 A walk through Fabiani’s Ljubljana Spoštovani! Dear Readers, Pred vami je tretja publikacija iz Before you is the third publica- serije Portret mesta, tokrat po- tion in the series Portrait of a svečena Maksu Fabianiju in Fabi- City, dedicated this time around anijevi Ljubljani. to Max Fabiani and his creations V letu 2015 smo obeležili in Ljubljana. 150. obletnico rojstva Maksa In 2015 we observed the sesqui- Fabianija, arhitekta, ki je zazna- centennial of the birth of Max moval razvoj Ljubljane po veli- Fabiani – an architect that left kem potresu, ki je naše mesto a significant mark on the devel- prizadel leta 1895. Med drugim opment of Ljubljana following je na lastno pobudo izdelal ur- M. Fras the devastating earthquake that banistični načrt za Ljubljano, v struck the town in 1895. Among katerem je načrtoval tudi obvozno krožno cesto po Ma- other things, he created an urban plan for Ljubljana at his sarykovi, Njegoševi, Roški, Karlovški, Zoisovi, Aškerčevi in own initiative, in which he also laid out a ring road following ob parku Tivoli. Njegov načrt – notranji cestni obroč – a route along Masarykova cesta (Ma saryk Street), smo zaključili leta 2012 s postavitvijo Fabianijevega mo- Njegoševa cesta (Njegoš Street), Roška cesta (Rog stu, ki je povezal Roško in Njegoševo cesto. In prav tu, Street), Karlovška cesta (Karlovac Street), Zoisova cesta ob novem mostu, bo Fabiani dobil svoj spomenik. Do- (Zois Street), Aškerčeva cesta (Aškerc Street) and Tivoli končanje notranjega cestnega obroča nam je omogočilo Park. His plan – an inner ring road – was completed tudi spremembo prometnega režima na osrednjem delu in 2012 with the opening of the Fabiani Bridge, which Slovenske ceste, ki je sedaj primer odličnega sožitja med connects Rog Street and Njegoš Street. It is precisely mestnimi avtobusi, pešci in kolesarji. here, next to the new bridge, that Fabiani will now also Ljubljana je na pot trajnostnega razvoja stopila že receive a monument. The completion of the inner ring leta 2007, ko smo skupaj z ekipo oblikovali vizijo me- road also made it possible to change the traffic flow on stnega razvoja do leta 2025 (Vizija Ljubljana 2025). Skrb Slovenska cesta (Slovenia Street), which is now a good za kakovostno življenje in čisto okolje je vpeto v naše example of how city buses, pedestrians and cyclists can vsakodnevno delo, s čimer prebivalcem in obiskovalcem coexist wonderfully together. mesta ustvarjamo pogoje za prijetnejše bivanje. Rezulta- Ljubljana embarked on the path of sustainable develop- te našega dela so kmalu začeli prepoznavati tudi izven ment in 2007, when our team created a vision for the naših meja; prejeli smo številna mednarodna priznanja city’s development until 2025 (the Ljubljana 2025 Vision). in nagrade, najbolj pa smo ponosni na prestižni naziv Concern for quality of life and a clean environment are Zelena prestolnica Evrope 2016, ki nam ga je po- part of our everyday work, creating the conditions that delila Evropska komisija. Po njenem mnenju smo uvedli make the city an even better place to be for residents največ sprememb v kakovosti življenja v najkrajšem času and visitors. The results of our work were also soon ter postali edina zelena prestolnica v Srednji in Jugovzho- acknowledged beyond Slovenia’s borders: we have re- dni Evropi. Leto 2016 bo torej za Ljubljano in vse nas, ki ceived many international recognitions and awards, and tu živimo, zares posebno. we are especially proud that the European Commission V Ljubljani spoštujemo zgodovino in znamo ceniti pri- named Ljubljana the 2016 European Green Capital. spevke svojih prednikov pri razvoju in današnji podobi The commission judged that Ljubljana had introduced mesta. Publikacija Portret mesta – Fabianijeva Ljubljana je the most changes to the quality of life in the shortest izjemna priložnost, da pobliže spoznamo arhitekta in nje- amount of time, thereby becoming the only green capi- gove sodobnike, ki so pomembno soustvarili naše mesto tal in central and southeast Europe. The year 2016 will in katerih delo lahko spremljamo na vsakem koraku. therefore be a special one for Ljubljana and for all of us Iskrena hvala vsem strokovnjakom, ki nam v tej publikaciji that live here. razkrivate pogled v delo, življenje in dosežke Maksa Fabi- In Ljubljana we respect history and know how to ap- anija ter njegov vpliv na razvoj sodobne Ljubljane. preciate our predecessors’ contributions to the city’s de- Vabljeni k branju ter vabljeni v zame najlepše mesto na velopment and its current image. The publication Portrait svetu – čisto, zeleno, varno, prijazno in strpno Ljubljano! of a City: Fabiani’s Ljubljana is an exceptional opportunity to learn more about this architect and his contemporar- Zoran Janković ies that helped create our city and whose work we can župan Mestne občine Ljubljana admire at every step. Sincere thanks to everyone that contributed to this pub- lication, offering us insight into the work, life and achieve- ments of Max Fabiani, and his influence on the develop- ment of modern Ljubljana. You are invited to enjoy reading this volume, and are invited to what I consider the most beautiful city in the world: clean, green, safe, friendly and tolerant Ljubljana! Zoran Janković Mayor of the City of Ljubljana 3 Namesto uvoda By way of an introduction Maks Fabiani, Max Fabiani, arhitekt, urbanist, teoretik in vizionar architect, urban planner, theorist and (1865–1962) visionary (1865–1962) 1 eta 2015 je minilo 150 let od rojstva arhitekta he year 2015 marks the sesquicentennial of the Mak sa Fabianija, enega ključnih arhitektov dunajske birth of the architect Max Fabiani, one of the key L moderne arhitekture na prelomu 19. in 20. stoletja Tarchitects of modern Viennese architecture in the in ene ključnih osebnosti popotresne prenove Ljubljane. transition between the nineteenth and twentieth centu- ries and one of the key personalities in the post-earth- quake reconstruction of Ljubljana. Fabiani was born in 1865 into a wealthy family in the village of Kobdilj on the Karst Plateau – a border region where residents of Italian, German and Slovenian ethnic- ity lived together for centuries in complete harmony. 1 Portret Maksa Fabianija,1902 2 (Ustanova Maks Fabiani). Fabiani se je rodil leta 1865 v bogati družini v vasici Kob- Portrait of Max dilj na Krasu, mejni pokrajini, v kateri so prebivalci italijan- Fabiani, 1902 (Max Fabiani Foundation). ske, nemške in slovenske narodnosti stoletja živeli skupaj 3 v polni harmoniji. 2 Družinska hiša v Fabianijev oče je bil Slovenec, mati Carlotta Hofler pa je Fabiani’s father was Slovenian, and his mother Carlotta Kobdilju na Krasu s izhajala iz bogate tržaške aristokratske družine tirolskega née Hofler came from a rich aristocratic Trieste family of stoletno murvo na porekla. V zakonu se jima je rodilo 14 otrok, Maks je bil Tyrolean origin. The couple had fourteen children, and vrtu (fotoarhiv Eli Ferrari Sauli). dvanajsti po vrsti. Mati, ki je bila zelo pametna in odločna, Max was the twelfth. His mother, who was very shrewd Fabiani’s family si je prizadevala za dobro vzgojo in izobrazbo otrok, po and decisive, strove to rear and educate her children house in Kobdilj on njeni zaslugi so vsi govorili tri jezike, končali srednjo šolo, well, and it was thanks to her that all of them were tri- the Karst Plateau fantje tudi univerzitetne študije, in dosegli visoke položaje lingual, graduated from high school (and the boys from with a century-old v družbi.1 university) and achieved prominent positions in society.1 mulberry in the yard Max Fabiani attended high school in Ljubljana, and (Elly Ferrari Sauli in 1889 he graduated from the Vienna Technical College photo archives). with a degree in architecture. Even before graduating, he 3 Družinska slika pred worked as an assistant instructor at the Graz Technical hišo v Kobdilju,1921 College (from 1889 to 1891), and from 1891 to 1892 as (fotoarhiv an assistant instructor at Wilhelm Edler von Löw’s archi- Seržantovih). tecture department for two urban planning courses: Ur- Family picture in ban Planning from Antiquity to the Present and Assess- front of the house in Kobdilj, 1921 ing Artistic Principles in Modern Urban Planning. During (Seržant photo this time he became acquainted in detail with the work archives). of Camillo Sitte, whose ideas had a great influence on him. After graduating, he worked at the same school as 4 Srečanje petih bratov an assistant instructor under Karl König. Between 1892 Fabiani v Kobdilju (Ustanova Maks and 1894 he travelled throughout Europe as a recipi- Fabiani). ent of Austria’s Ghega scholarship, and in Rome he met The five Fabiani Joseph Maria Olbrich, Gustav Klimt and Carl Molle, who brothers meeting in later became important members of the Secession Kobdilj (Max Fabiani 4 movement in Vienna. Foundation). 4 5 Diploma dunajske Maks Fabiani je srednjo šolo obiskoval v Ljubljani, iz arhi- visoke tehniške šole tekture pa je leta 1889 diplomiral na visoki tehniški šoli na (fotoarhiv Marca Dunaju. Že pred diplomo je delal kot asistent na tehnič- Pozzetta). ni visoki šoli v Gradcu (1889–1891), med letoma 1891 Vienna Technical in 1892 pa je bil asistent na katedri za arhitekturo pro- College diploma fesorja Wilhelma Edlerja von Lowa pri dveh predmetih (Marco Pozzetto photo archives). iz urbanizma: Urbanizem od antike do sodobnosti in Vre- dnotenje umetniških principov v modernem urbanizmu.
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