University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Sierra County Advocate, 1885-1917 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 4-14-1893 Sierra County Advocate, 1893-04-14 J.E. Curren Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sc_advocate_news Recommended Citation Curren, J.E.. "Sierra County Advocate, 1893-04-14." (1893). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sc_advocate_news/1427 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Sierra County Advocate, 1885-1917 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. LULL-- .1 . JM-- J? J.l '.1'Jf.U'JL!.1! U. JL i'. JL.J. JUJlULl JTrtlsboreie situated in 11 IHllsbure tWe center of tue great by riuli rueuisirrqdiend forming ffitUbiwu," Kiuxaton ami . tioeuU-y- No sue ead Wat 50! J u.i 1 ail v. r ' iSUtt Raise Irnnte in wmWf IS m l very lirtit Mwiry, ni enly liiuc. fcuiiMuivt sftetasl tha u tke wkele. irea .:.i e AaabaatiaBm . Yells tilvor yaumreaud, Lake (ieiJd. Cotttitn W water. Sierra Kiealleut ebtic. SIEBKA COUNTT SEAT. - P. J. DENNETT, Editor and Proprietor. A TRUE FISSURE VIEIN GOLD OAMP. DKVOTKO TO THK MINING. RANCH. MERCANTILE AND GKNKttAL INDUSTRIAL ISTKlttTS OF 81KURA COUXTT. f" li 'nii .1 pi VOLVMF. XI.- - N). 5S7. HILLSBOROUGH, SIERRA COUNTY, N. M., FRIDAY, APRIL 14. 1S93. Three Dollars Pkr Yiak. A UflEAT DECISION FOR i The Hal Co. c!e HOW HODGES ESCAPED. to IIrqje iued up ludt II... lp'g the President, COPPER mVETED a OKLAHOMA. 1120,000 I'o Febrtisy'g ran. It Is A few days ago a pnity nf Teie 'eav il n y ; The decision of the Supreme all io one bar and said t be the Congressman called upon tbe Pre? to introduce Jacob CLAIM OF THE CH1PPKWAS. Court of the United States In the largest ever muds. ident Judgo who is a candidate for the of Smith-Towase- nd land cnae ii hail- Hodges, Something the nature of ef the Eastern Dia-tri- ck has been made ed with joy by the people of Okla- A meteoric bdy of an estima- attorneyship startling diacovery of Texas. II. F. sou of homa. tYhan the Territory was ted weight of 20 tons fell in the by Chipniau, Congress- Ckihua-huf- said President in miu V in to me vm m 'M i mar opened, to settlement great horde neighborhood of Jiminex, i, "Oh, yea," the iiipmmi, reunion bv are man who di- title of the latida of a of deputy marshals and other Mexico, about four months eUtitly, "you the laro part, with who if not the .f the Pen BOTTOMANT Government and railway employes ago snd in now in the Mexican vided time the negro whs whole, Upper insula of snd if Mr. entered the land previous to the Museum. Ia its fall it uncovered a burned." Michigan, sur couchinions are borne Lour sot for" opening, ob- rich vein of silver ore. Judge Hodges wns naturally Chiptuaia President ehould out more minute per country within its area aud the j Pastile, whk'h tained permission from th Interi- priaed that the by investigation, Lafayette preaented eo account of and sustained the chief cities of Houghton, Ilaucoek I to All school cbi- l- or Depaitment. They declared A new mining district in Lone have reed closely the by court, every Washington. ie terrible which wae acre of laud in that went aod Red Jacket. dren are asked te contribute one thay had forfeited no rights, and some Valley, Arizom, ctdled the vengeauce peninsula the Texas bui of the Salt and Xlackiuac to the "The eause involving the pay- cent e.ioh which will be attempted to gobble up the best Mineral Point. Tha fiist shipment wreaked upon negro, copper ment of and interest melted ia the bell." claim around the townsite end of ere from there whs made a few thinking; that the President had Montreal and Menominee Rivers, prinoipal - $15-1- whole he said: and from Lnke to Lake under tke treaties," said Mr. Chip- soma of them even attempted t" days bjjo and returned G( per not heard the story Superior I would and the inclusive man, "is well uuder and will IS LIME A MINKRAL? take large portions of the towas as ton, of which Hinount $152.55 wns 'I thought that prevent Michigan Straita, way, the if I so I rode of and villai lots, will be be brought in the Department of There is now ia the state farms. Tney did not come here ij gold and $2.12 silver. There are tragedy could, city pending over into the crowd with the air of handed over to their the Interior. If rejected the. e it of a auit which in val- geod faith, but with the" intention three or four ledges within 20 feet rightfal Washington the the descendants of will be taken to tha United States ves a fine of law. Some of honest settlers, and j of each other. The mines are a field marshal. I asceuded owners, the very point defrauding of Thin which was pre- Indian Nation, of the Court Claims. case will a man ranted James they have since kept up the. fight situated near the Black kills, about platform, already Chippewa yeara ago net involve a olaiei to title. That a ia Pa-oif- io tho aid of a lot of and 20 mile from Prose-itt- not over pared for the negro, iud looked out Lake Superior ri'giou. Isaac took up homestesd ly lawyers of i mob. 'Fellow- - feature tke natter will be on which waa a Government employes dring their 200 yards from the PreBOutt and upon the angry Mr. Chipmnn aanerls that his county, very later, and after the ef this are beat to heat the eetUers nut of their Jerome fund, and have been pasaed citixans,' I begau, 'you are about to iuvefrtij'Htioiis have convinced him brought up high bluff. The strata , dis- Peaui-eul- a collection of evidence, which will of a kind of Aftsr Lowes. The decision fiirever set- over unnoticed years. commit a crime that will bring that no ceasiou of tho Upper formed fossil. fr some since tke Isaac had on his mar- our fair and Knia have ben made to the occupy time, ques- Mr, proved up tles the question that deputy grace upon growing claim a who the coffee bot- tion ie a pretty big oae. The young man, gave shals and other Government em- Pour a little over the city. It will return to plngus our United Htatea Oovernmaut, and clains claims for run name of Long, jumped Isaacs'. men and all others tom of an iu verted auecr, and children's children and will that, therefore, the title cleeda in money payments nn the that the formation ployes, railway a term ground theu plnoe in tho middle l to the discredit of our State. at of ileedn iu the re over ot fifty years." on tbe bluff was mineral, and that who were in the Territory previous carefully every reg ry 1 L i a to the ae noon of 22 were alike a single drop of alooholic liquor It will.' giou indicated are as worthless a Santa Pe he had right property te April Says exchange: Isaao had it ns a hoviestead such as whiskey, or diluted "Just at that moment some one as bo much blank Mr "Seonera" and violators of the law, brandy paper. "Mrs. Prince slates that any suita- and not as a mineral claim. Mr. nil alcohol, it surrounded a iu the crowd out a revol conclusions mud thus forfeitod rights to take leaving by whipped Chiptnaii'i general ble aiticle under ten pounds ia Long then sold his rights to a man of Then a at me and he land. The decision will clear np ring dry porcelain, ver, poiiAed it shouted, were reached nhile was engiiged weight sent to the Clinton II.Mane-el- y from South Bsnd, Oeorge Duffy, of combat 'Shoot the .' it reomed in of in Boath Bend the title to more than $2,000,000 sort ttkes place. llwen Instantly uiHking resenrehes United company st Troy, N. Y., mark- for $000,000 - the esse worth of Another the eoffne and the alcohol. The to me as if every man, woman and Stut treaties under claims made ed "for the Columbian will property. Iherefore property. good bell," now rests between Isaac and effect of the decision will be to surface of the latter in broken up child had revolvers leveled at my by his clients, di seendaiils of the be all transported freejiy exprese Daffy. The formation has been and in direction. breiigt. wits did near keep a horde of Government and palled every unprotected My Chippewa Nation, residing companies. Mrs. Cleveland will aesayed, and it has been foand that H coffee best of not desert me. 1 exclaimed. pay-meut- railroad eflisiftU from Attempting Filially the gets the "'J3ut.' L'Ana and Paraga, for non ou April 30 touch an eleotrio but- by burning it would make lime. t steal tke Imn cites and beat the light, the opening is closed, and "'Put!' I agaiu shou'ed, still of jpriiicipal end iutereat on ton at the World's Fair which will The question now is whether or the mixture of the two become louder, 'if we are to lny aside the the f the United SUUs of a not lime is a mineral.
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