Fll lseeTaLfcl39) ii't Brooks %X>Son .Imp W.G.£i.uti del etbth Mncent Cortinanus lPlilegma.cium) tubsxis Ft i TRANSACTIONS WOOLHOPE NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. (ESTABLISHED MDCCCLI.) 18 6 9. Hope on—Hope ever.' HEREFORD : PBINTED AT THE "TIMES" OFFICB, MAYLORD STRBKT. UDCCCLXX. 1^ TABLE OF CONTENTS. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE YEAR, 1869. Officees, Members, and Rules. Pa8«» The Retieing Address of the Pbesident - • • - - P^S^" The Wall Hills and Ledbdby Meeting Animals, by the President, 18. pages 27-50 Thk Pontrilas Meeting A. Gray, 49. 51-84 Castle Meeting THE Ludlow and Downton ;;'::r^*! Brindgewood Forge b^D.^BuU 54 R^^^^^^^^^^^ )-0n Bats, by James £uo' ty^LWrrS (s^eaL p. 158. Rankin, Esq., 81. ..... pages 85-105 The Meeting AT TTsK Rocks, by Spheroidal Structure in Silurian ^^^ ^^/u''- -J^ Balfour Stewart LL.D., F.R.b.,s ^ Touclie 88.-Meteorology, by on Odyncrus Spimpes, by &c 94!--On the Chi-ysides Parasitic ElinesY. Steele, Esq., 99. FEOM HEEEFOBD pages 106-136 THE FOEAY AMONGST THE FONGUSES, 106.—Haywood Forest and its Funguses, o, i.- ^f nfflp»r« fnr 1870 With ?orces of Eleclrical Discharge, by Jlr.. ^^'loT-R^ctard-n's Herefordshire, by m -Illustrations of Edible Funguses of Fairy Rings, l.iO. Dr. Bull, 117.—Discussion on (table of contents, contintted.) The Annual Meeting pages 137-232 Cortindrius russus, 139. —Meteorological Observations and Tables, by E. J. Isbell, Esq., 140.—Tlie llereforj Mappa Muiuli, 152.— List of Bredwardiiie Birds, by the Rev. R. Bliglit, 158. —Life History of Abdera bifasciata, by Dr. T. Algernon Chapman, 161. The Ancient Forest of Doerfold, by Dr. Bull, 164. —The Lollards in Herefordshire, 168.— Ctoi'is Agaricinorum, by Wor- thington G. Smith, Esq., F.LS., 193. —And a complete list of British Agarics, 222. Financial Statement of the Club for 1869. List of Officers and Field Days Appointed for 1870. ILLUSTRATIONS. Cortinaritis Russus Frontispiece. The Haywood Forest Oak (photograph) To face page xvi. The Mistletoe-Oak of Deerfold Forest (lithograph) „ 15 The Tibberton Oak (photograph) „ 26 Sketch in colours of Saponaria Vaccaria ,, 70 Do. do. Hydnum repandum „ 121 Do. do. Fistulina hepatica „ 123 Do. do. A(/aricus orcella and Ag. prunidus ,, 125 Lithographs of Deerfold Chapel Farm-house (interior and exterior), and Ground-plans Between pages 182 and 183 Tabular View of Fungus genera To face page 194 Five Tinted Illustrations do., in series Between pages 200 and 201 : ; ; OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1869. President James R^vnkin, Esq., M.A., Bryngwyn, Hereford. Vice-Presidents John H. Arkwright, Esq., Hampton Court. Arthur Armitage, Esq., Dailnor Com-t, Ross. The Rev. James Davies, M.A., Moor Coiu-t, Kangton. Dr. M'CuLLOUGH, Larclifield, Abergavenny. Honorary Secretary: The Rev. Sir Geo. H. Cornewall, Bart,, Moccas, Hereford.. Central Committee: Dr. Bull, Hereford. T. Curley, Esq., F.G.S., Hereford. John Lloyd, Esq., Huntington Court, Hereford. Assistant Secretary and Treasurer Mr. Arthur Thompson, St. Nicholas Street, Hereford. LIST OF HONORARY MEMBERS. Sir William Jardine, Bart., F.R.S., &c., &c., .Tardine Hall, Dumfriesshire. Sir Charles Lyell, Bart., M.A., F.R.S., &c., London. SirEoderick I. Murchison, Bart., F.E.S., &c., 16, Belgrave Square, London. George Benthani, Esq., President of the Linnean Society, &c., London. G. Phillips Bevan, Esq., F.G.S., 4, Suffolk Square, Cheltenham. Eev. P. B. Brodie, M.A., F.G.S., Eowington Vicarage, Warwick. FlaVell Edmunds, Esq. , Hereford. W. Henry Fitton, Esq., M.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., &c. Dr. H. B. Geinitz, Professor of Geology, &c. , Dresden. Edwin Lees, Esq., F.L.S., F.G.S., &c., &c., Worcester. E. M. Lingwood, Esq., F.G.S., &c., Cowley House, Exeter. Professor W. Melville, Queen's College, Galway, Ireland. Professor John Phillips, F.E.S., F.G.S., Oxford. Eev. W. H. Purchas, Falkner Street, Gloucester. Eev. Professor A. Sedgwick, B.D., F.E.S., &c.. University, Cambridge. Worthington G.Smith, Esq., F.L.S., 12, North Grove West, MUdmay Park, London. Sir W. V. Guise, Bart., F.G.S., &c., Elmore Court, Gloucester, President of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club. W. H. Paine, Esq., Stroud, Honorary Secretary of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club. Eev. W. S. Symonds, F.G.S., Pendock Rectory, Tewkesbury, President of the Malvern Naturalists' Field Club. Eev. E. P. Hill, Broomesberrow, Ledbury, Hon. Secretary. The President of the Warwickshire Naturalists' Field Clnb. The President and Hon. Secretary of the Oswestry and Welshpool Naturalists' Field Club. The President, Cvirator, and Hon. Secretary of the Dudley and Midland Geological and Scientific Society and Field Club. The President and Hon. Secretary of the Severn V'alley Field Club. The President and Hoh. Secretary of the Caradoc Field Club, Shropshire. The President and Hon. Secretary of the Worcestershire Naturalist Club. Mr. With, Hereford. O 11 D 1 N A R Y M E M B E R S 1869. Adams, Mr. Thomas. Jones Machen, Rev. J. Edwaixl. Ail.ams, W. Esq. Jones Thomas, Rev. Wm., M.A. Allen, B. Haigli, Esq. Jukes, Rev. J. H., M.A. Amlrews, JMr. John Kempson, F. R., Esq. Arkwright, John H., Esq. Key, Rev. H. Cooper, M.A.,F.R.A.S. Arraitage, Arthur, Esq. Lambe, John, Esq. Aston, 'William, Esq. Lee, John, Edward, Esq., F.G.S. , ic. Lightbody, R., Esq., F.G.S. Banks, R. "W. , Esq. Beavan, Rev. T. M. Llanwarne, Thomas, Esq. Blashill, Thomas, Esq. Lloyd, Mr. James "NV. Bodenham, C. De la Barre, Esq. Lloy<l, John, Esq. Bowen, J. Mortimer, Esq. Jlartin, C. G., Esq. Bowen, William, Esq. M'CuUough, D. M., Esq.. JLD. Merewether, Rev. F., B.C.L. Broughton, F. , Esq. Bull, H. a,Esq., M.r>. Merriman, J. Jones, Esq. Cam, Thomas, Esq. Morris, J. G., Esq. Capel, Rev. Bury. Newton, M., Esq. Capper, Rev. D. P. Owen, Evan, Esq. Caliper, R. Harcourt, Esq. Owen, Rev. E. J. Clarke, Rev. Samuel. Palin, Rfv. Edward. Clive, Rev. Archer, M.A. Pateshall, Evan, Esq. Clive, George, Esq. Phillipps, Rev. Thomas, M.A. Cocking, George, Esq. Phillips, Mr. William. Collins, John Stratford, Esq. Phillotc, Rev. H. W., M.A. Colvin, Colonel, C.B. Pitt, Blr. John H. Cooke, W. H. Esq., Q.C. Poole, Rev. William, M.A. Cornewall, Rev. Sir G. H., Bart. Purchas, Alfred, Esq. James, Esq, Crouch, Rev. J. F., B.D. Rankin, Curley, T., Esq., C.E., F.G.S. Raven, Rev. .John. wick, S.C.L. Davis, Isaac, Esq., C.E. Reavely, Rev. F. Fen Davies, James, Esq. Robinson, Rev. C. J., M.A. Davies, Rev. James, M.A. Rosher, Lilburn, Esq. Dixon, Rev. Robert, M.A. Salwey, Alfred, Esq. Esq. Downing, Mr. J. B. Salwey, Humphrey, DuBuisson, Rev. B., M.A. Scudamore, Colonel. Dumbleton, H., Esq. Shellard, O., Esq. Smith, Rev. Charles (dec). Eld, Rev. F. J., M.A. Esq. Evans, E. M., Esq. Smith, J. E., Rev. Gregory, M.A. Feilden, Lieutenant-Colonel. Smith, J. Fowle, Rev. W.C, M.A. Smith, R. Vassar, Esq. Southall, Mr. H. Fowler, J. T. Owen, Esq. Garrold,T. W., Esq. Stanliope, Rev. B. L. S., M.A. Rev. William P. S., M.A. George, Rev. D. J., B.A. Stanhope, Steele, Elmes Y., Esq. Gray, Rev. Artliur, IM.A. Stillingfleet, Rev. H. J. M.A. Greenhow, R. E.<q. W., Styles, R. H. P., Esq. Hanbury, Rev. J. Capel, M.A. Rev. T. Harrison, D. R., Esq. Thirlwall, J. Mr. Arthur. Hereford, Richard, Esq. Thompson, Thomas, Esq. Hereford, Cajitain. Turner, Rev. H. W., M.A. Hereford, Rev. R., M.A. Tweed, Vaughan, .James, Esq. Herbert, J. M., Es<i. Hernaman, Rev. J. W. D., M.A. Warner, W. H., I'^sq. Weare, Rev. T. W., M.A. Hill, Rev. H. T., M.A. West, Rev. Thomas, M.A. Hoskyns, C. "Wren, Esq., M.P. Rev. B.A. Hutchinson, Arthur, Esq. Westropp, C. J., Williams, Captain. Hutchinson, E. S., Esq. Williams, Thomas Edward, Esq. Husbands, E. T., Esq. Wood, J. H. Esq. Isbell, E. J., Esq. Woodhouse, Rev. Thomas, M.A. Jenkins. H. J., Esq. Wynne, N. S., Esq. Jones, Rev. A. G. , B.A. NEW MEMBERS ELECTED DURING THE YEAR 1869. Bodenham, Frederick, Esq. Pechell, Captain. Bulmer, John, Esq. Phillipps, Rev. Alfred. Carless, Joseph, Esq. , jun. Price, Mr. William. Chapman, T. Algernon, Esq., M.D. Symonds, Lieutenant-Colonel. Evans, Rev. John, M.A. Taylor, AVilliam, Esq., M.D. HaU, Mr. H. S. Truacott, Charles, Esq., jun. Jenkins, Rev. John Rees West, W. H., Esq. Lawrence, David, Esq. WUUams, Rev. R. H., B.A. Matthews, B., Esq. RULES WOOLHOPE NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. I.-—That a Society be formed under the name of the "WooLHOPE Natuealists' Field Club," for the practical study, in all its branches, of the Natural History of Herefordshii-e and the districts immediately adjacent. II. —That the Club consist of Ordinary Members, with such Honorary Members as may be admitted from time to time ; from whom a President, four Vice-Presidents, a Central Committee, Treasurer, and Honorary Secretary be appointed at an Autumn Meeting for the following year, though they shall not take office until after the Annual Meeting to be held at Hereford in the early part of each year. The President and Vice-Presidents to change annually. III. —The Central Committee shall consist of thi'ee members, resident in the city or in its immediate vicinity, with the President Vice-Presidents, and Honorary Secretary ex-officio. It shall be empowered to appoint an Assistant Secretary ; and its duties shall be to make all the necessary arrangements for the meetings of the year, and take the management of the Club during the intervals of the meetings. rV.—That the members of the Club shall hold not less than three Field Meetings during the year, in the most interesting localities for investigating the natural history of the district.
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