October CALENDAR #!"# @7 EVENTS "EEJTPO4USFFUt#FSLFMFZ $BMJGPSOJBt tXXXGSFJHIUBOETBMWBHFPSH SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ALL SHOWS ARE GENERAL ADMISSION DOORS @ 7 PM, MUSIC @ 8 PM (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) Freight Adam CartoonJazz Oakland TICKET DISCOUNTS: Open Mic Traum Orchestra Interfaith YOUTH-HALF PRICE `fe]RhT`f_ecjS]fVd [RkkZ_daZcVUSj welcoming eager hZeYdaVTZR]XfVde eYV8`]UV_2XV`W Gospel Choir (AGES 25 & UNDER) performers Happy Traum 2^VcZTR_R_Z^ReZ`_ hZeYKugelplex SENIOR-$2.00 OFF & curious CD release show X`daV]\]Vk^Vc (AGES 65 & OVER) connoisseurs R]]Z_`_VT`_TVce #!&!RUg #!&!RUg #!&!RUg MEMBERS-$2.00 OFF %&! '&! October 2 ##&!U``c October 4 ##&!U``c October 5 ##&!U``c October 6 earPlay Vocal Jazz Maestro Holdstock Stacey Earle Alasdair Fraser Tom Open Mic & Mark Stuart & Natalie Haas Jazzquintet Shashank & MacLeod Y`_VdeT`f_ecj ScZ]]ZR_egZ`]Z_TV]]` Rush R\R]VZU`dT`aV`W[Rkk h 6]]V_9`WW^R_ `fecRXV`fdde`cZVd ]VXV_URcj `_aZR_` presents T`_WVddZ`_a`]ZdYVU RWcVdYd`f_Ue`eYV h`c]U^fdZTa`Vecj eZ^V]Vddd`_XdWc`^ a`aacVTZdZ`_ DT`eeZdYecRUZeZ`_ ecRUZeZ`_R] R_U^RXZT Spirit of Krishna RTc`ddeYVa`_U W`]\dZ_XVc T]RddZT`W`]\ CD release show d`f_Ud`W:_UZR #!&! ##&! @Te`SVc( )&! "!&! October 8 #!&! ##&! @Te`SVc* #!&! ##&! @Te`SVc"! #!&! ##&! @Te`SVc"" #%&! #'&! @Te`SVc"# $#&! $%&! @Te`SVc"$ Sweet The Late, Late Show Robbie Fulks Kelly Joe Lisa Yvonne Lori Kathy w/ Robbie Gjersoe Competition Hollywaiians, Phelps Ferraro McKenna Kallick & Jenny Scheinman ac`WVddZ`_R]]j[fUXVU Leftover Dreams d`f]Wf]g`TR]d & special guest RceWf]]jZ_eZ^ReV cZad_`ceZ_ `cZXZ_R]d`_XdT`_eVde gZdZ`_Rcj]jcZTd R_Uf_ZgVcdR] Band gZ_eRXV^fdZT XfZeRcRceZdecj R]eT`f_ecjgZcef`d` 7:30 showtime Wc`^d`_X|dX`]UV_RXV Houston Person w/ dZ_XVcd`_XhcZeVc Y`eS]fVXcRdd `WR^RkZ_XUVieVcZej Victoria George`aV_d T``]`cZXZ_R]d eR]V_ehZeYVcZ_XhZe the Tammy Hall Trio ecZSfeVe`5R\`eRDeRe`_ ##&! #%&! @Te`SVc"% '&! )&! @Te`SVc"& #!&! ##&! @Te`SVc"' #!&! ##&! @Te`SVc"( ##&! #%&! @Te`SVc") #!&! ##&! @Te`SVc"* #!&! ##&! @Te`SVc#! Freight Roots Revue Ellen Richard David Wagner Nuala Fundraiser for Navagraha Utsav Carlos & the Trickle Rosalie Sorrels Robinson Smith Nuñez Downers, Kennedy Barbara Higbie, Rita Sahai R[Rkkg`TR]Zde WZ_XVcdej]V DaRZ_|d;Z^Z9V_UcZi Drifter Sisters, WcVdYkVdej^RXZTR] & her }S]VddVUhZeYRXcVRe XfZeRc `WeYVSRXaZaVd :cZdYdZ_XVc W]feZde Terry & David Vasundhara Choir dVe`WaZaVd hZkRcU Get Happy CD release show Garthwaite, CD release show String Band w/ Jennifer Berezan Nina Gerber 9Z_UfdeR_ZcRXRd j`f_XViTZeZ_XSR_Ud & Chris Webster #!&! ##&! @Te`SVc#" #!&! ##&! October 22 ##&! #%&! October 23 "%&! "'&! October 24 ##&! #%&! October 25 $%&! $'&! October 26 ##&! #%&! @Te`SVc#( HALL N PY OW P EE A N DR_7cR_TZdT`4YR^SVc H O Bill @cTYVdecRacVdV_ed Freight V UC Jazz Country Joe The Crooked Kirchen Classical @ the Freight Open Mic E Ensembles McDonald Jades }EZeR_`WeYV violaMANIA Rac`XcR^`We`a 4`f_ecj;`V|d `]UeZ^VS]fVXcRdd EV]VTRdeVc}UV]ZgVcd pay your dues, M W]ZXYedefUV_e ecZSfeV SR_UWc`^DR_ UZVdV]a`hVcVUc``ed 2.0 play and shmooze V_dV^S]Vd e`4`f_ecj;`V 7cR_TZdT` rock 3V_DZ^`_Y`de B Hardin Burns open E R #'&! #)&! October 28 )&! "!&! @Te`SVc#* %&! '&! @Te`SVc$! @Te`SVc$" #!&! ##&! ?`gV^SVc" ##&! #%&! ?`gV^SVc# #%&! #'&! ?`gV^SVc$ ) ! Vocolot Election Night Harry Wake NIGHTS RTRaaV]]R hZeYf_ZgVcdR]YVRce @ the Freight Manx the Dead ;VhZdYd`f] Competition w/ Larry Bensky Y`de R_RUUZTeZgV^RccZRXV 4V]eZTR]]deRc ac`WVddZ`_R]]j[fUXVU T`acVdV_eVU R_Ud`TZR]T`_dTZV_TV `cZXZ_R]d`_XdT`_eVde `WS]fVdecRUZeZ`_ 8cReVWf]5VRU Chris Smither hZeY<2=H@==: :_UZR_cRXRd`_ [R^SR_U RS]fVdZ_W]VTeVU2^VcZTR_`cZXZ_R] 7:30 showtime #!decZ_XVU dZeRc XfZeRc with special guest Willy Porter #'&! #)&! ?`gV^SVc% '&! )&! ?`gV^SVc& E32 ?`gV^SVc' #!&! ##&! ?`gV^SVc( #)&! $!&! ?`gV^SVc) #'&! #)&! 7cZURjDRefcURj?`gV^SVc*"! November 3 @11 am Patchwork Series: Asheba, The Fratello Marionettes November 3, 1-4 pm Family Open House: workshops, performances, jam sessions Classes/Workshops/Jams aRXV)November 11 & beyond aRXV( Ticketing Info aRXV( A NONPROFIT COMMUNITY ARTS ORGANIZATION t www.freightandsalvage.org About the Freight PERFORMER PROFILES: October 2012 5IF'SFJHIU4BMWBHF$PGGFFIPVTF #FSLFMFZ Society for the Preservation of Traditional Adam Traum Thursday October 4 .VTJD JTBOPOQSPGJUDPNNVOJUZBSUTPSHBOJ[B When Adam Traum sings, you can almost hear the smile on his face. tion dedicated to promoting the understanding )JTWPJDFJTMJHIUBOEDMFBS BOEIJTTPOHTBSFTFMGEFQSFDBUJOHBOEPGUFO and appreciation of traditional music—music funny. The Savannah Morning News says that Adam “fluently combines rooted in and expressive of the great variety blues, folk, rockabilly, and country into a sound that captures the depth of regional, ethnic, and social cultures of peo and truth of America’s musical roots.” He plays guitar, mandolin, bass, ples throughout the world. We are supported BOEMBQTUFFM BOEIBTBLOBDLGPSDIVSOJOHPVUDBUDIZSJGGTBOEIBSE by your attendance, grants from the Alameda driving rhythms. County ARTSFUND, Berkeley Civic Arts Adam grew up in a musical family in Woodstock, New York. His father, Program, Bill Graham Supporting Foundation Happy Traum, was a mainstay in the Greenwich Village folk scene, of the Jewish Community Endowment Fund, releasing the first version of Dylan’s “Blowin’ in the Wind.” Now based in The William & Flora Hewlett Foundation, Sonoma, Adam teaches guitar and has recorded four instructional videos the Kanbar Charitable Trust, the Walter & for Homespun Tapes, including Acoustic Blues Guitar with a Flatpick. Elise Haas Fund, the Edmund and Jeannik Joining Adam tonight for his Just Like Home album release concert Littlefield Foundation, National Endowment will be Joe Kyle, Jr. on bass and David Thom on mandolin, with his father for the Arts, Bernard Osher Foundation, Wells Happy sitting in, and a few surprise guests taking the stage to help serve Fargo Foundation, musician’s benefit perfor VQ"EBNTPXOCSBOEPGEPXOUPFBSUI"NFSJDBOSPPUTNVTJDUIBUGFFMTKVTUMJLFIPNF mances, volunteer efforts, and your generous tax deductible donations. CartoonJazz Orchestra Friday October 5 5IF$BSUPPO+B[[0SDIFTUSB MFECZNVMUJSFFENBOBOENVTJD FEVDBUPS+FGG4BOGPSE DPWFSTUIFHBNVUPGDBSUPPOJOTQJSFEKB[[ Contact Info playing music by such innovative composers as Raymond Scott, John Kirby, and Danny Elfman. If you’ve ever watched Saturday 2020 Addison Street, Berkeley, CA 94704 morning television you know these zany, wildly colored composi TELEPHONE: tions with their catchy melodies and wild rhythmic shifts. E-MAIL: [email protected] Inspired in part by Don Byron’s brilliant album, Bug Music, WEBSITE: www.freightandsalvage.org Jeff launched the CartoonJazz project at the Stanford Jazz Festival in 2003 and was so successful that Jeff continued the project, with members of the band contributing new arrange ments and expanding the repertoire. Tonight’s orchestra will feature Rolf Johnson, Eric Wayne, Board of Directors and John Worley on trumpets, Tony Davids, John Hunt, and Rick Walsh on trombones, Fil Lorenz, Dick Mathias, Doug Rowan, Hal Richards, and Jeff on wood John Bidwell Peter Glazer winds, and a rhythm section of Don Bennett, Randy Johnson, Andy Ostwald, Mark Rosengarden, and Chair Barbara Higbie Benny Watson. Steve Meckfessel Clyde Leland For a night of merrie melodies and looney tunes, catch the CartoonJazz Orchestra at the Freight. 7JDF$IBJS Ray Murray Nancy Castille Kerry Parker Secretary Russ Pollock Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir, Bill Haggerty Sarah Robertson Treasurer Marci Rubin with special guest Kugelplex Saturday October 6 Polly Armstrong David Sawi Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir—the power and glory of 55 Dion Aroner Steve Sidney talented singers—joins with the klezmer band Kugelplex, to Larry Chung Linda Tillery present the premier performance of “Hungarian Gospel Suite,” John Croizat Austin Willacy a collection of traditional American gospel songs set to original Robin Flower John Williamson music inspired by Transylvanian Romany dance music. Written Suzanne Fox by Kugelplex’s Dan Cantrell, accompanied by the band’s large ensemble of Eastern European folk musicians, and sung by the New Home Committee incomparable choir, the Suite brings together two ethnically diverse and geographically removed cultures in a unique blend $P$IBJST of gospel and klezmer. Danny Carnahan The OIGC grew out of a gospel music workshop at Jazz Warren Hellman (1934-2011) $BNQ8FTUJO5FSSBODF,FMMZMFEUIFXPSLTIPQBOEIBTTFSWFEBT artistic director of the choir ever since. The choir’s outstanding band includes Ben Heveroh and Louis Burrell on keyboards, David Belove on bass, and Miles Lathan on drums. Musicians Committee Kugelplex, formed in 2001, features Dan Cantrell on accordion and saw, Jason Ditzian on clarinet, Jewlia Eisenberg on vocals, Michael Darol Anger Tony Marcus Pinkham on percussion, David Rosenfeld on mandolin and violin, and Duck Baker Mike Marshall Eugene Warren on bass. David Balakrishnan John McCutcheon Greg Brown Libby McLaren Bill Evans Steve Seskin Sunday October 7 Kaila Flexer Richard Shindell earPlay Jazzquintet Mary Gibbons Mayne Smith The earPlay Jazzquintet brings together a multitude of Ronnie Gilbert Eric Thompson musical influences—from Brazilian choro to vintage funk, Sylvia Herold Suzy Thompson "GSP$VCBOUPKVNQTXJOH DPVOUSZXFTUFSOUPUIFMBUFTU Patrick Landeza QBSUJBMMJTUJOH in digital sound design—and interweaves them with jazz and 20th century classical idioms. The resulting tapes try of sound is a mix of structured composition and bold Staff improvisation, with elements of poetry and
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