games you’ve the new 2011 kean combats never heard of mustang GT hatred p. 7 p. 5 p. 3 The Tower www.kean.edu/~thetower Kean University’s stUDENT NEWSPAPER Volume 10 • Issue 5 Feb. 10-Mar. 9, 2010 Kean Grad Reports from Haiti BY JUNIOR JEAn-BAPTISTE ings all ruined that day.” Perhaps the most harrowing interviews Erick Parker, a 1999 Kean graduate, was was when Parker saw a gentleman lying in Haiti as a reporter and was scheduled on the ground, covering the faces of what to return home on January 12 when the seemed to be his own children. After ask- earthquake hit. ing whether the children were his own, Parker, returned to Kean on Jan. 20 to the gentleman replied, “Yes, they are,” bear witness to students about his experi- with tears in his eyes. ence, presenting pictures and video clips After a long day of recording and inter- at the University Center of the devasta- viewing, Parker walked two hours to the tion of the earthquake. city of Carrefour where his stayed for the A current student at the Columbia week in his hotel. Upon approaching his Graduate School of Journalism, room, he felt the Parker had flown to Haiti a week earlier tremors and after- to cover a story for Vibe Magazine and shock of the earth- also to conduct research for his graduate quake and decided Why is this student up a tree? Find out on page 5. thesis paper about indentured servants to sleep outside and child slavery in the country. with everyone else. “I stopped by an art gallery to pick up “I didn’t want to last minute gifts when I felt the room take the risk of be- Lab for Disabled Facing Shutdown shaking,” Parker said. “I thought it was the ing buried in the subway near by, but I noticed my transla- Erick Parker BY KATHERINE JARYCH language therapy to adults, may be shut- tor Vladimir screaming and running out ting down due to withdrawal of a financial of the gallery and then I knew something “It dIdn’t hIt me untIl I got “When someone has a stroke and has grant from the Health Care Foundation of was wrong.” difficulty talking, the college has a program NJ. Kean is left with only enough money Parker wasn’t injured after the earth- on the plane to go back to help them get better,” says Espesito. to last until June 2010. quake shook the city of Port-au-Prince, No one knows this better than Barbara The Institute is forced to come up with but he witnessed first-hand the devasta- home when I thought of all Espesito, a stroke victim, whose own re- the money by organizing fundraisers and tion—bodies buried underneath buildings the people and the buIld- habilitation center discharged her from accepting contributions from other foun- and people lying dead on the streets. dations and individuals. In response to Using his journalistic skills, he was the Ings all ruIned that day.” “we can provIde more long the financial cuts, Wilkins Theatre is pre- first to record the horrible event; he quick- senting a benefit performance of the Tony ly went to work and took live footage from hotel room so I ran outside and slept out- tIme therapy at affordable Award winning musical The 25th Annual his IPhone, interviewing many people who side,” says Parker. Putnam County Spelling Bee on Sunday, just lost a loved one and recording footage Even though many people died that day rates.” Feb. 28 at 2pm. of the aftermath of the earthquake. The and lost loved ones, Parker said he barely Closing the institute will be a consid- coverage aired throughout the world. saw emergency officials and instead he therapy. That is when she came to The In- erable disappointment to its clients, stu- “I was physically and emotionally ex- saw many of the Haitian people helping stitute for Adults Living with Communi- dents, and staff. hausted!” says Parker after describing one another. He saw people digging out cation Disabilities, part of the Center for “People with communication disabili- covering live footage of the aftermath of others who were still alive under build- Communication Disorders at Kean. ties insurance run out of sessions after the earthquake. “It didn’t hit me until I ings; a nurse was stitching up a patient The Kean University program, estab- four or five months,” says Wendy Green- got on the plane to go back home when who sliced open her arm. People cried out, lished to provide affordable speech and span, the institute (Continued on page 5) I thought of all the people and the build- “Jesus,” pleading (Continued on page 11) VAN GOGH’S EAR—MORE THAN A CAFE! (see centerfold) INQUIRING PHOTOGRAPHER: It’s been one year after the historic inauguration of President Obama. How do feel about him today? BY BRETT WILLIAMS Devin Richardson Marlise Hendricks Raphael Mendez Shanda McLaren Senior, Media & Film Junior, Communications Freshman, Computer Science Junior, Psychology Photos: Brett Williams “I don’t trust him, and I don’t trust “I feel he hasn’t lived up to his hype “I don’t [like what] he is doing right “Obama is well on his way to improv- the government.” but I’m hoping he will” now, but I feel we should give him ing the country.” more time.” Popcorn Menace 2 Arts & Entertainment 6-7 Health & Fitness 10 Kean Students to Rate College 3 Editorial & View 8 A Word to the Wise 12 Grammy Nominee Performs at Kean 4 Kean’s New Self-help Group 9 Celebs and Crime: John & Junior 12 2 Feb. 10-Mar. 9, 2010 | The Tower Blue Goes Green: RecycleMania 2010 Contest Launched BY MELISSA JEWELS Newman and Wheeler helped their mixed with other recyclables so be sure to schools to compete against one another in separate accordingly. Bottles, cans, and To help increase the rate of recycling on order to see which campus could produce plastic should be separated into the cir- campus, Kean University is participating, a greater amount of recyclables over a 10- cular lid containers that are found in hall- for the first time, in “RecylceMania 2010.” week period. ways and common areas. Residence Halls RecyleMania is a competition that uses Since then, the competition has grown have trash and recycling bins conveniently recycling programs to help reduce waste to 605 schools competing this year. In located on each floor and are marked to and promote recycling around campuses 2009, 510 schools competed and produced make it easier for disposal of the recycla- nationwide. Schools are ranked by collect- 69.4 million pounds of recyclables. bles accordingly. ing the largest amount of recyclables per “The competition is 10 weeks long, but In addition to the designated bins, an or- capita, the largest amount of total recy- the goal is to continue to improve our ganic waste composter that was designed clables, the least trash per capita, and the by Dr. Nick Smith-Sebasto, an Associate highest recycling rate. “the competItIon Is 10 weeks is recyclable, yet our recycling rate is only Professor in the Department of Earth and “RecyleMania is an excellent opportuni- 28%. Recycling is simple, yet many Ameri- Environmental Studies at Montclair State ty to educate the Kean community about long, but the goal Is to cans fill up landfills with recyclable mate- University, will be available to compost how to minimize waste generated on cam- rials every day. waste including food, plates, and flatware pus by reducing, reusing, and recycling,” contInue to Improve our All students, faculty, and staff need to from the dining facilities. said David Fernandez, Associate Director waste reductIon practIces work together to make this program suc- RecycleMania is sponsored by The Coca of Environmental Health and Safety at cessful. Simple changes such as using recy- Cola Company and American Forest & Kean University. all year long.” clable containers, mugs, and bags for eat- Paper Association. To learn more about RecycleMania was designed in 2001 ing lunch and for shopping reduce waste the competition, visit www.recycylema- when Ed Newman from Ohio University waste reduction practices all year long,” production both on and off campus. nia.org. and Stacy Edmonds Wheeler from Mi- said Fernandez. On campus, recycle your paper prod- ami University wanted to increase recy- According to www.dosomething.org, ucts in the blue recycling containers in the cling in the residence and dining halls. about 80% of what Americans throw away buildings. Paper and cardboard cannot be Professor Charlsen Wins Painting Award BY CASEY MURPHY provided aid, counsel, and exhibition op- the juried competition. is studying watercolor at the Art Students portunities to women artists living in New Charlsen has been painting since she League with Paul Ching-Bor, a well known Every year students at Kean University York. Now the club’s main focus is “to re- was a young girl, and took her first paint- watercolor painter. are able to celebrate their achievements flect the members’ professional standing ing class in 7th grade. While painting is “I wanted to know that I wanted to work earned through hard work, but the stu- and interests,” according to the Catherine something she likes to do for fun, Charls- in theatre when I started getting paid for dents are not alone in celebrating success. en also uses her skills to work on different it,” said Charlsen with a laugh. Nadine Charlsen, a professor in the The- theatre sets, including shows performed Currently Charlsen’s work is displayed atre Department at Kean University, won here at Kean.
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