Rothberg School for Overseas Students Dor Hemschech Institutes The Hebrew University TheW orld Zionist Organisation . International Bibliography of Jewish History and Thought Edited by Jonathan Kaplan q- .o- d :.r -r ,$11 p ~ 'k::::.,., ~ i-[ ( (' or o F --<1 +o ~· c. 1 ~tt1 f c:..s" r~ -rs ?r~ ~ 0 "I" :s r ~ ~ (' ~ S-- K-G·Saur Miinchen ·New York· London· Pari~\ The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University, Jer~ [855 The Second Temple Period 855 Yizhar, Michael, ed. Bibliography of Hebrew Publications on the Dead Sea Scrolls: 1948- IV 1964. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1967. Bibliography of Hebrew research on the Dead Sea Scrolls. o,,J,:Ji1 ,lJ, n£:npn -~~. THE MEDIEVAL PERIOD 'J"" :'.. 168 'J ;c.• GENERAL WORKS O,,??.:J O,i.!JO See also Comprehensive Works in tll1l'111.,ln!l tl,b,jm tll11!llM 01 01K1 Jewish History (1: 1). .(I :I) .,.K11Ul I~ f._ ~N1~7 OP n11~1n~ NV1~ O~VN .111y ,O~~n ,01N)~7~ N855 .1981 ,No1~ :o~;~,,~ ,o,,J,jn '~'j h1)10h ,h111PO ,h1DO ?1~0n ~~po O?ON ~r~1o 1ry ~?~ ~o~on o'n~o1no o~1~on1 .N~1)n ,,o,?? ,O''J'jn '~'j O'f1n'n n11~1nj O'P19 .??n O''n ,11~~-1~ 856 .n"~~n , 1:ny oy =~~~N-?n ?N1~' oy n11?1n~ n1~r~1on n1o~on hN 1p1o ,O,)'~n-'O'~ .O''J'jn '~'j ~N1W' ov n11~1n .??n O~'n ,11~~-1~ * .~·~~n ,,~~1 :~~~N-?n n11~1n .111y ,.n.n ,11~~-1~ :11no ·~ 11~ 1 ?~ h~110' n1~po .2 00 nN1 .~N1W' OP ~'~~~n o~~)~~n-'b'~ ?N1~~ oy n11?1n .'Nh~~n 1~~o? 1Y1 0~~1yn '1'-?Y ?N1~~-V1N 9 ~ h')b1~1 n~?~)N n9117Nj 0'7ln'n :~91Nn n91Pn .111Y ,?N?~~ ,n11 857 n~)~ n11o .?N1~~ oy ?~ n'11uonn ,1096-711 n'1YJJn .~"?~n ,n1oi.l =~'~N-?n . ·~ 11~ ,0~)1~ 0'1P1n '1~-?y 0~~1n~n O'P1D ~01N n11?1n~ h1'1P'Yn n111nnnnnn hN 1p1on .~?~n ~yoo? 011p ?N1~~ oy 862 ~ h7?~)N 171 r· I ' .,,.... , ............... ... [K857 The Medieval Period O"J':lil 'l:l' n!l,pn 862) D'lrnn :n'l~Pn nnNl7n7 n1'~n n7777n; .b''" ,1n~>~ N857 861 Mann, Jacob. Texts and Studies in Jewish history and .o"~n - u"7~n ,iJ>7N>:J 1tnn :o>7~,~' .o>:>~:> 2 .mon1 literature. 2 vols. Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 1931-1935. n>~::~yn n~>~n 7y 1n~>~ 7~ ,,~~nn v::~,~ .1~no::~, n>7u>N:J o>>J>:Jn >n>::~ ~~'Y:l Collected studies dealing primarily with the Gaonim (vel. 1) and the Karaites S58 Baron, Sale W. Ancient and Medieval Jewish History: (vel. 2). Essays by Salo Wittmayer Baron. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1972.. 862 Roth, Cecil·, ed. The Dark Ages: Jews in Christian Europe 711-1096. The World History of the Jewish Collection of Baron's studies primarily People. Second Series. vol. 2. Tel Aviv: Massada dealing with medieval Jewish history. Publishing Co., 1966. Collection of chapters by various * Ben-Sasson, Haim H. "The Middle Ages." In A History of the Jewish People. ed. H.H. Ben Sasson. London: authors that cover major developments Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1976, pp. 385-723. in medieval Jewish History before the Crusades. Basic survey of medieval Jewish history from the Arab conquest of Palestine to Heb. ,.. 857 the Shabbetean crisis. See no. 9. Ger. Geschichte des jUdischen Volkes. vel. 2. Munich: C.H. Beck, 1979. Heb. • 2 859 Chazan, Robert, ed. Medieval Jewish Life: Studies from'the Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research.-New York: Ktav, 1976. Collection of studies on methodological, political, social and intellectual aspects of medieval Jewish history. * Halkin, Abraham, and Roth, Cecil. La epoca judeo­ islamica y la epoca europea. Buenos Aires: Editorial Paidos, 1965. See Schwarz, Leo w., no. 65. 860 Mann, Jacob. The Collected Articles of Jacob Mann. 3 vols. Gedera: M. Shalom, 1971. Multil-ingual collection of Mann's articles dealing with ancient and medieval Jewish history especially Gaonic, Karaitic and Genizah studies. 172 173 [863 The Medieval Period c,J,::m ,~, n!llpn 871] .1VV~VW 7fJJ ,b7~11Y ,~K1~7 ,11111111 ,11~ ,l11~Yl7l 866 -h"!l1n ,Kj771YOK~ 1~K b7l~1il ~110 n1~ :j71K17l ,07~1~ 3 .u\'!J1n ,n717i1Pil ilt7llilr.l n11~y~ n111pn y~1p 71!JO ,b7l1Kl 1~n)o ,i11li1 .~11n ~~l)il 2 111~1 b'IJ17!J ,b'011j7il b7K1j7il ~~ il)~il SOURCES n1i1j.m ~~ n1 7l!Ji11 b7~l17!J 1]11Y~ , ~ 11 Th For sources regarding specific topics i1K1 tl'1Ml'Y.l tl'Killll 7ll n111p~? ,b7)11Yil see the desired topic. See also illb1lll11tJI:)lil tll i1K1 .lllj71:lr.lil KI!J1Jj Historiography (iV:3). .(3:1V) -~n ,y7~1l7:J1 .r.K Ol17n ·'v''J n7Jl1~r .~nnn 7p7~l 867 .u"!l1n ,11:11 ::J7:JK ,07)1) 2 ,]N11!1' 'J7N..1 JllNlY .111y ,~K1~7 ,Oni11:JK * 11K Y11Ti1 i17ln1ln i1111i17 il~K 7~ 1n11 ,ilj771nK:J 1~K b71!JO nKYli17 n711i11i1 i11:Jhil ;i17!J~1~7!J 0'11i11i1 ~~ 011n1~hn1 o11~)~)i1 071hi1 ~Y .h"~n . l"'il ilKn:J n11110nn ,n1711i17 n1K11Y 'YUP 1]01K 877 ~ n7Jn1l1 n'~llK .1r ~1n 1r n11:Jyn1 n1~lJKi1 nl!l~:J .870 •on i1K1 10 ,i17l~ ill11iln ,n,7J3 'N1W' .111Y 1 )11Y-l:J ,11J71 868 -h"7~n ,j77~N':J 101n1 11:11 :0'~~11'1 :J7~K-~n ,07)1~ P37v :n1vo~ 1~7N .111y ,.1 n11n1 ,1771J~Jr77K 863 D'17'n .l"7~n 117~1N7 0'1~~,N7170 ,,N1W' Y1N3 0''7ln' 0'P07J 'W n11~1n ~~ 07)1~ 071Jj7!l0N ~y n111pn 1]01K .T"!l1n ,l"IJ~lPN .1,7 :j71N7 Pl ,J171nN b7:J1Yi1 717-~y ~K1~7-V1K ~1:J7)n 7N1~7 bY n1yonn n11!Jo 11nn 01U1P~ ~~ y:~1p .n1hn!ln1 n11yn 1]11Y:J ,i111h~il il!l7ln~ 1y1 .077J7:Jil-7n7 ~~ -I!IJJP1~ n'nnD '31 31n 3130 .l11:J~ll1n :JPY' 1:1 il'hn!l 869 871 ~ (P~h) n'~llN 7 :)77nil ~y IJ11!lj7l1!l .1Jlill71l .il.K n111nn .J1l!l .l n111nn '1 1!l0 )7n7J:J .1905 ,)n!l1Nj7 ,1~1N ·7'~'J3 'W 111VD~ .i1~111:ln 864 . r"o1n ,n11K1!l : l11l1~· il'hn!l ~~ 1ny10J 11K7n ~~ n1y1n n111nn .n'Jn1l~ 0111n Ol n~~1)il ,:J"'il nKn:J l~n'J:J ~~ 1ny10J 11N7n ~~ n1y1o n111nn ~n1KYni1 01pn ~y :J1~h Y1'n n~~1)il ,i1~111JO 880 ~ n1nD1Y1 n'Jn1l ,n'7llK .'1!lonn 1711l1 n1'11i17 n1~'i1P 7~ 873 ~ n1n.D1Y1 n'11!lO ,n7Jo1l ,n'7llK 870 Abrahams, Israel, ed. Hebrew Ethical Wills. 2 vols. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1948. 1171TJn 117P17N~ :111V~7n 1!l0 .111y ,llYn~ ,1~!ll1:J 865 I Collection of selections from Jewish 11 -1 !l1n .~1)~K :p71:J ,07~1) 3 .nnmm1 11l!l'71n1 wills presented with Hebrew and . , "!l1n English on opposite pages. 7J~ n':J n!l1pnn b'11il'il n1!l711~ n111pn 871 Adler, Elkan, ed. Jewish Travellers: A Treasury of .i1~1hi1 nyn n1~K1~ 1Y Travelogues from 9 Centuries. London: George Routledge and Sons, Ltd., 1930. Collection of selections from the travelogues of medieval Jewish travellers. 174 Heb. (complete) * 863 175 --------------------------------- ----- .., j, ' [872 The Medieval Period C"J':li1 '!J' n~npn 880 l 872 Agus, Irving A., ed. Urban Civilization in Pre­ Ginzberg, Louis, and Davidson, Israel, eds. Crusade Europe: A Study of Organized Town-Life in * Genizah Studies in Memory of Doctor Solomon Northwestern Europe during the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries based on responsa Literature. 2 vols. Schechter. 3 vols. New York: Jewish Theological New York: Yeshiva University Press, 1965. Seminary of America, 1928-1929. Selected responsa translated and Collection of Hebrew Sources from the Cairo Genizah, see no. 866. organized by topic with notes and indices. 876 Glatzer, Nahum, N., ed. Faith and Knowledge: the Jew in the Medieval World. Boston: Beacon Press, 873 Bejamin of Tudela. The Itinerary of Benjamin of 1963. Tudela. ed. and trans. M.N. Adler. London: H. Frowde, Oxford University Press, 1907. Collection of sources on Medieval Critical text of Benjamin's itinerary. Jewish life with stress laid on Includes valuable information on the Jewish thought and belief. location and numerical size of Jewish communities. 877 Gllickel of Hameln. The Memoirs of GlUckel of Hameln. trans. M. Lowenthal. New York: Harper, 1932. Fr. Voyages de Rabbi Benjamin. 2 vols. trans. ~iary of a German-Jewish woman that J.P. Baratier. Amsterdam: Aux depens de la Compagnie, 1734. sheds light on the social and economic life of the Jews in the 17th century. Ger. Die Reisebeschreibungen des R. Benjamin Ger. DenkwUrdigkeiten der GlUckel von Hameln. von Tudela. 2 vols. ed. and trans L. Grlinhut and M.N. Adler. Frankfurt a.M.: J. Kauffmann, trans. A. Feilchenfeld. Berlin: Jlidischer Verlag, 1913. 1903-1904. Heb. ~ 867 Sp. Viajes de Benjamin de Tudela 1160-1173. trans. I.G. Llubera. Madrid: V.H. Sanz Calleja, 1918. 878 Goitein, Shlomo Dov, ed. Letters of Medieval Jewish Traders. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973. Heb. • 864 Collection of letters of medieval Jewish 874 Chazan, Robert, ed. Church, State and Jew in the traders preserved in the Cairo Geniza translated into English with notes and Middle Ages. New York: Behrman, 1980. introductions. Collection of sources that deal with the interaction between the Jews, the 879 Marcus, Jacob R., ed. The Jew in the Medieval World: State and the Church with brief A Source Book 315 - 1791.
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