Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” Carl Baugh‘s p ic ture o r an y sho w in g d in o saurs go in g in to ark . Photo courtesy www.drdino.com Genesis Creation Seminar Notes Pastor Chris Swansen Black Rock Retreat Center February 21, 2005 P.O. Box 595, Eagle, PA 19480 (610) 458-0288 Genesis Creation Seminar Acknowledgements: Thanks to my wife Laurie and seven children (Meghan, Haleigh, Natalie, Jared, Samuel, Ella and Bridget) for allowing me to steal from our time together to prepare this document. A special thanks to Dr. Kent Hovind, a.k.a. Dr. Dino (www.drdino.com). Your ministry to present evidence for creation and support for the Genesis record lives on in this commentary. The ability to copy your work for free distribution has made this document possible. All but one picture has come from Dr. Hovind’s Seminar PowerPoint slides. Thanks to Michele Scott, my secretary for deciphering my Genesis notes in my old Bible to make this commentary come together. Thanks Lord, for making your handiwork so obvious in your creation so as to leave all who will consider it without any excuse regarding your existence. Rom 1:18-25 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man -- and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things. Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. © Copyright: This information may be copied for FREE distribution only. Freely you have received so freely give! © 2005Calvary Chapel Chester Springs 2 www.cc-chestersprings.com Genesis Creation Seminar The big questions: How did I get here? Where did this all come from? Where will I go after this? Why am I here? The answers to these questions are in startling contrast depending on your world view of this nature and its origin. A creationist world view is you are here by the creative plan of God who loves you as His own and has a purpose for your live. The answers to the big questions are: you are here to enter a relationship with the God who created you, bring glory to Him on this earth and then to retire from this earth into His presence in the life that is to come. An evolutionist world view is you have evolved from a series of random, freak occurrences to arrive at your current place in life. The answers to the big questions are: you are not sure why you are here; there is no plan for your life. All that you see, sense and enjoy of this Earth came from a massive explosion 20 billion of years ago. When you cease to live you will cease to exist. There are no absolutes, no rules but what your society has foisted upon you, no God, no future, no judgments and lastly no purpose to you life, other than to spawn the next generation. So which is the correct answer? What does “scientific” examination of the earth reveal? True science is the process of making observations, drawing conclusions, formulating a hypothesis and then testing that hypothesis to see if it is valid. If your hypothesis passes your testing it can become a theory. Theories that have are testable, repeatable and consistent in the results become eventually accepted as fact, but again only if they are truly verified by extensive repeatable testing. So which world view is truly more scientific the creationist or the evolutionist? It is my hope as you consider the Genesis record/account written by Moses under God’s instruction that the answer will be come very clear to you. © 2005Calvary Chapel Chester Springs 3 www.cc-chestersprings.com Genesis Creation Seminar So how old is the Earth? Who is right? Creationist’s Time Line: 1”=150 years Map of US from Pensacola to Portland, Oregon 6000 years 4400 YA 0 2000 B 2 ago Flood Jesus’ Birth ig 1 (4000 BC) 0 Ba 0 Creation ng m il es ((3 30 0 km Evolutionist’s Time Line: )) To C d d s B C e rs B lv a m 0 a 0 C y 20,000,000,000 r 0 e 0 vo B o ,0 p ,0 0 F 0 p 0 E 0 h 0 A 0 n 0 years ago t ,0 e ,0 a , ar 0 if 0 0 E 0 L 0 M 0 6 ,0 ,0 Big Bang , 3 4 3 Photos courtesy www.drdino.com Something to consider. Evolutionists claim that Homo sapiens evolved some 200,000 years ago. Homo erectus evolved they claim 1.25 million years ago! (Asking about Life page 393) s s l Human l u u o o s s f Population f o o s s n Chart n o o i i l 150,000 people per l l l i Human square inch! That i B Population B Chart would be crowded! See also: Scientific Creationism P. 167, Photos courtesy www.drdino.com There are at least six different and unrelated meanings to the word “evolution.” Students are deceived into thinking all six types of evolution below have been proven because evidence is given for minor variations called Micro-evolution. 1. Cosmic evolution – the origin of time, space, and matter. Big Bang. 2. Chemical evolution – the origin of higher elements from hydrogen. 3. Stellar and planetary evolution – Origin of stars and planets. © 2005Calvary Chapel Chester Springs 4 www.cc-chestersprings.com Genesis Creation Seminar 4. Organic evolution – Origin of life from inanimate matter. 5. Macro-evolution – Changing from one kind into another. (Yet no transitional forms exist…there should be millions of them) 6. Micro-evolution – Variations within kinds. Only this one has been observed. This deception is a classic bait and switch. One definition of evolution (decent with modification) is given, and the others are assumed to be true by association. The first five meanings are believed by faith and are religious. Only the last one is scientific. (Hovind) Photo courtesy www.drdino.com 20 Billion Years ago (YA) Big bang,4.6 Billion YA earth forms, 3 Billion YA Life “Evolves”, 65 Million YA dinosaurs go extinct. FFiirrsstt LLaaww ooff TThhee SSeeccoonndd LLaaww ooff TThheerrmmooddyynnaammiiccss TThheerrmmooddyynnaammiiccss:: :: EEvveerryytthhiinngg ““MMaatttteerr ((aanndd//oorr eenneerrggyy)) ccaannnnoott bbee tteennddss ttoowwaarrdd ccrreeaatteedd oorr ddiissoorrddeerr ddeessttrrooyyeedd”” Photos courtesy www.drdino.com © 2005Calvary Chapel Chester Springs 5 www.cc-chestersprings.com Genesis Creation Seminar “It should thus not be surprising, although it is for many people, that most branches of modern science were founded by believers in creation. The list of creationist scientists is impressive. (Lamont) A sample: • [Physics:] Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Kelvin; • [Chemistry:] Boyle, Dalton, Ramsay; • [Biology:] Ray, Linnaeus, Mendel, Pasteur, Virchow, Agassiz; • [Geology:] Steno, Woodward, Brewster, Buckland, Cuvier; • [Astronomy:] Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Herschel, Maunder; • [Mathematics:] Pascal, Leibnitz, Euler” (Sarfati) Conservation of Angular Momentum Photo courtesy www.drdino.com Venus, Uranus 66 ooff tthhee 6633 mmoooonnss rroottaattee bbaacckkwwaarrddss.. Venus, Uranus Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune have and possibly Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune have Planets roatnadti npgossibly mmoooonnss oSorarbbtiitutiinnrggn i’inns bbmootothho ddniirrseeccttiioonnss.. PPlluuttoo rroottaattee AAssttrroonnoommicicaal lA Almlmaannaacc f foorr t thhee y yeeaarr 1 1998899((WWaasshh. .D DCC U U.S.S. animate GGoovveerrnnmmeenntt P Prrininttiningg O Offficicee, ,1 1998899)) p p. .E E8888 bbaacckkwwaarrddssffrroomm tthhee ootthheerr ppllaanneettss.. Photos courtesy www.drdino.com © 2005Calvary Chapel Chester Springs 6 www.cc-chestersprings.com Genesis Creation Seminar Glenco Biology 1995 p. 398 Photo courtesy www.drdino.com At the current rate of erosion the continents would erode flat in 14 million years. How can we have rocks 300 times older than that still above sea level? See IIn tthe Begiinning Walt Brown p. 26 Photo courtesy www.drdino.com (This is why evolution needs plate tectonics and subversion zones to account for the lack of depth of sediments on the ocean floor.) “Salt is pouring into the sea much faster than it is escaping. The sea is not nearly salty enough for this to have been happening for billions of years. Even granting generous assumptions to evolutionists, the seas could not be more than 62 million years old – far younger than billions of years believed by evolutionists. Again, this indicates a maximum age, not the actual age.” (Austin and Humphreys) (Sarfati) © 2005Calvary Chapel Chester Springs 7 www.cc-chestersprings.com Genesis Creation Seminar The Sahara Desert has HBJ Earth Sci a prevailing wind About pattern. 1300 4000 This causes miles the desert to years old. grow. This Seeee:: process is Pottssdaam IInssttiittuttee ffoorr Clliimaattee called IImpaacctt Reesseeaarrcch iin HBJ Earth GSeceriremnaacneyy, ..1 JJ9u8ll9yy, 1p155. ,2, 1179979999 desertification. Geeopphyyssiiccaall Reesseeaarrcch Photos courtesy www.drdino.com Trree rriing dattiing iis nott an exactt sciience.
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