SENATOR FRANK B. AGUON, JR. Chairman, Committee on Economic Development, Health & Human Services, and Judiciary I Min a 'Trenta Na Lilteslaturan Gualtan (Thirtieth Guam Legislature) February 17, 2010 The Honorable Judith T. Won Pat, Ed.D. Speaker IMina' Trenta na Liheslaturan Guahan 155 Hesler Place Hagatfia, Guam 9691 0 VIA: The Honorable Rory J. Respici~ Chairperson, Committee on Rt9's RE: Committee Report on Bill No. 275-30 (LS), as Substituted by the Committee. Dear Speaker Won Pat: Transmitted herewith is the Committee Report on Bill No. 275-30 (LS)- "AN ACT RELATIVE TO PROVIDING CLARIFICATION AND FLEXIBILITY TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES IN THE MANAGEMENT OF ITS FINANCIAL RESOURCES FOR THE DIRECT OPERATION OF THE COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS, BY AMENDING SUBSECTION (a) OF §3811, CHAPTER 3, TITLE 10, GUAM CODE ANNOTATED,"- sponsored by SENATOR FRANK B. AGUON, JR., and referred to the Committee on Economic Development, Health & Human Services, and Judiciary. Committee votes are as follows: TO PASS NOT TO PASS TO REPORT OUT ONLY TO ABSTAIN TO PLACE IN INACTNE FILE 23R Arch 10p F.C. Flores St., DNA Bldg, Suite 701 A. Hagatfia, Guan1 969 J 0 Tel: (671) 969-1495/6 • Fax: (671) 969-1497 • Email: aguon4guam(ag:mail.com SENATOR FRANK B. AGUON, JR. Chairman, Committee on Economic Development, Health & Human Services, and Judiciary I Min a 'Trenta Na Liheslaturan Guahan (Thirtieth Guam Legislature) COMMITTEE REPORT BILL NO. 275 (LS), as Substituted By the Committee on Economic Development, Health & Human Services, and Judiciary (by Senator Frank B. Aguon, Jr) "AN ACT RELATIVE TO PROVIDING CLARIFICATION AND FLEXffiiLITY TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES IN THE MANAGEMENT OF ITS FINANCIAL RESOURCES FOR THE DIRECT OPERATION OF THE COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS, BY AMENDING SUBSECTION (a) OF §3811, CHAPTER 3, TITLE 10, GUAM CODE ANNOTATED." 238 Archbishop F.C. Flores St., DNA Bldg, Suite 70 I A. Hagati'!a, Guam 96910 Tel: (671) 969-l495i6 • Fax: (671) 969-1497 • Email: aguon4guam~tgmail.com SENATOR FRANK B. AGUON, JR. Chairman, Committee on Economic Development, Health & Human Services, and Judiciary I Min a 'Trenta Na Liheslaturan Guiihan (Thirtieth Guam Legislature) February 17, 2010 MEMORANDUM TO: ALL MEMBERS Committee on Economic Developmen~-~lth & Huma~~~~:~diciary. FROM: SENATOR FRANK B. AGU Committee Chairperson Subject: Committee Report on Bill No. 275-30 (LS), as Substituted by the Committee. Transmitted herewith for your consideration is the Committee Report on Bill No. 275 (LS) - "AN ACT RELATIVE TO PROVIDING CLARIFICATION AND FLEXIBILITY TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES IN THE MANAGEMENT OF ITS FINANCIAL RESOURCES FOR THE DIRECT OPERATION OF THE COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS, BY AMENDING SUBSECTION (a) OF §3811, CHAPTER 3, TITLE 10, GUAM CODE ANNOTATED," sponsored by SENATOR FRANK B. AGUON, JR. This report includes the following: • Committee Voting Sheet • Committee Report Narrative • Copy of Substitute Bill No. 275-30 (LS) • Copy of Bill/Res No. 275-30 (LS) • Public Hearing Sign-in Sheet • Copies of Submitted Testimony & Supporting Documents • Copy ofCOR Referral of Bill No. (275-30 (LS) • Notices ofPublic Hearing • Copy of the Public Hearing Agenda • Related News Articles (Public Hearing notices) Please take the appropriate action on the attached voting sheet. Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Si Yu 'as ma 'ase 'I 238 Archbishop F. C. Flores St., DNA Bldg, Su itt· 701 A .H agati'la, G uam 96910 Tel : (67 1) 969- 1495/6 • Fax: (67 1) 969- 1497 • Email: ag u on4gua m (a. i ~::-:rJn<l il. c om SENATOR FRANKB. AGUON, JR. Chairman, Committee on Economic Development, Health & Human Services, and Judiciary 1 Mina 'Trenta Na Liheslaturan Guiihan (Thirtieth Guam Legislature) COMMITTEE VOTING SHEET BILL NO. 275-30 (LS) - AN ACT RELATIVE TO PROVIDING CLARIFICATION AND FLEXIBILITY TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES IN THE MANAGEMENT OF ITS FINANCIAL RESOURCES FOR THE DIRECT OPERATION OF THE COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS, BY AMENDING SUBSECTION (a) OF §3811, CHAPTER 3, TITLE 10, GUAM CODE ANNOTATED. Sponsored by SENATOR FRANK B. AGUON, JR.; and as Substituted by the Committee. NOT REPGRT PLACE IN TO SIGNATURE /OUT ABSTAIN INACTIVE PASS v /],--... p~ -~ONLY FILE I ~_) -1 '/ /A \ ~ FRANK B. AGUON,~z-.tc (,. ~ f?'f~-~; ;:y Chairman ?. I I 0 / - ~ .. 7] / ADOLPHO B. PALACIOS, SR. \ ;J;oy Vice Chairman ~~;h~ I BENJAMIN J.F. CRUZ ("' '2 / Vice Speaker 7'r ~ /~ ~M/ib I I TINA ROSE MUNA BARNES /C__/ Legislative Secretary II / THOMAS C. ADA ·-?CG~ aiL, v / JUDITH P. GUTHERTZ / ~~ j~( RORY J. RESPICIO \ '\ ~ FRANK F. BLAS, JR. ~ v n~ ;;,j;qjlo ./ TELO TAITAGUE / G /( I RAY TENORIO ' 238 Archbishop F.C Flores St., DNA Bldg, Suite 70 I A Haga111a. Guam 96910 Tel: (671) 969-1495/6 • Fax: (671) 969-1497 • Email: agunn4guam(agmail.com SENATOR FRANK B. AGUON, JR. Chairman, Committee on Economic Development, Health & Human Services, and Judiciary I Min a 'TrentaNa Liheslaturan Guilhan (Thirtieth Guam Legislature) COMMITTEE REPORT DIGEST BILL NO. 275 (LS), As Substituted by the Committee I. OVERVIEW The Committee on Economic Development, Health & Human Services, & Judiciary, convened a public hearing on Thursday, February 11, 2010 at 1:30PM in I Liheslatura's Public Hearing Room. Among the items on the agenda was the consideration of BILL NO. 275 (LS)- "AN ACT RELATIVE TO PROVIDING CLARIFICATION AND FLEXIBILITY TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES IN THE MANAGEMENT OF ITS FINANCIAL RESOURCES FOR THE DIRECT OPERATION OF THE COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS, BY AMENDING SUBSECTION (a) OF §3811, CHAPTER 3, TITLE 10, GUAM CODE ANNOTATED," sponsored by Senator Frank B. Aguon, Jr .. Public Notice Requirements Notices were disseminated via hand-delivery I fax I email to all senators and all main media broadcasting outlets, and was published on February 4, 2010 (5-Day Notice) in the Marianas Variety, and again on February 9, 2010 (48-Hour Notice) in the Marianas Variety. Senators Present Senator Frank B. Aguon, Jr., Chairperson Senator Adolpho B. Palacios, Vice-Chairperson Senator Tina Muna-Barnes, Committee Member Senator Vicente C. Pangelinan, Committee Member Senator Telo Taitague, Committee Member Senator Ray Tenorio, Committee Member Senator Eddie B. Calvo Note: Due to the coinciding Legislative Session, Committee Members and Senators attended, left, and reentered the Public Hearing on a regular basis. The public hearing was Called-to-Order at 1: 3 5 PM. 1 23S Archbishop F.C. Flnrcs St., DNA Bldg. Suitt: 70 I A. Hagati1a. Guam 9<'il) I 0 Tel: (67 1)969-!49516 · Fax: (671)969-!497 • Em;1il: aguon4gualll(f( gmai l. com II. SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION CHAIRMAN FRANK B. AGUON, Jr., convened the public hearing and discussion on Bill No. 275 (LS) at 3:24 PM, and, again explained that Senators and Committee members would be joining and leaving the hearing on a continuing basis due the Legislative Session running concurrently with the hearing. Called the first panel to testify. Chairman Aguon stated his intention of hearing Bill No. 275 (LS) and Bill No. 280 (LS), concurrently, because of the relative complimentary nature of both bills as they both tried to address a particular requirement within the Department of Public Health and Social Services. Linda De Norcey, Administrator of the Northern and Southern Region Community Health Centers. Submitted written testimony (attached), and provided oral testimony, IN SUPPORT of Bill 275. In addition to her written testimony, stated that she is defmitely supporting Bill No. 275 so that vendors are paid in a timely fashion. She stated that patients are not getting primary access once the vendors decide not to continue their services. Although we established an irrevocable letter of credit, we need to ensure that all programs debts are paid in a timely fashion for services, professionals, purchases of drugs and vendors. De Norcey suggested the need to maintain a separate bank account apart from the General Fund. Daniel T. Perez, Board of Directors, Community Health Centers, provided oral testimony IN SUPPORT of Bill 275, and reiterated Linda De Norcey's testimony and stated that funds that are not available on a timely basis because of bureaucracy and the lengthy process of the documentation are not an excuse for the delay of the public health services. Stressed the need to get a separate bank account for Community Health Center funds. Also suggested that line #3 of Bill 280-on page 3 Advisory Council be amended to read Board of Directors. Arthur San Agustin, Acting Director, Department of Public Health & Social Services, provided oral testimony IN SUPPORT of Bill 275, and thanked all the supporters of the Bill, and further stated that Bill is a response to a system that will allow us to have direct access funds and help sustain critical services. CHAIRMAN AGUON: Opened up questions from Senators. SENATOR E.J. CALVO: Mentioned the good impression that the North Community Health Center has made; congratulated the good job of the Community Health Center staff; and, congratulated the author of the Bill and stated that he is IN SUPPORT of Bi11275. SENATOR BEN PANGELINAN: Stated his support on Bill 275, and expressed his intention to work on the recommendation that will be presented before his Committee, and "put into place a program allowing the revenue generated to support the Community Health Center programs. The objective is to support the measure to address the program that will properly help the Community Health Center act in the best interests of the patients and the organization." 2 238 Archbishop F.C. Flores St.. DNA Bldg, Suite 701A Hagatfia, Guam 96910 Tel: (671)969·1495/6 • Fax: (671)969-1497 ·Email: aguon4guam@gmailcont SENATOR TELO TAITAGUE: Mentioned that her uncle Ben Meno spoke with her about Bill 275, and she stated that she is IN SUPPORT of Bill275.
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