che IRISh oracncecre Images oJ 2006: From lop-Day 3 start. lnishbofin; Colm Hill (CNOe) at Firmer: Matterhorn at Swiss 6-0ay; A/(111 Barry (CorkO) 01 Inishbofin: Father & daughter Bernard & Ailbhe Creedon (Col'kO) at Inishbofin. (PIIOlos M 1'1Y1111&JMcC). I THE IRISH ORIENTEER ADDRESS LIST AJAX ORIENTEERS Jane Brennan. 99 Drimnagh Road. Dublin 12 (01-4557335) oracncccc ATHLONE IT ORIENTEERS Nigel Foley-Fisher. ALT. Dublin Rd" Athlone. Co. Westmeath (0902-24465) che IRISh BISHOPSTOWN OC Sean Cotter. 45 Rossbrook. Model Farm Rd. Cork. (021-4546194) BLACKWATER VALLEY OC Ellen Feehan. Searteen Lower. Newmarket. Co. Cork (029-60385) No. 112 Spring 2007 COMMUNITY GAMES ORIENTEERS Ted Lucey, Kilpadder. Dromahane. Mallow, Co. Cork (022-47300) CIT ORIENTEERS Padraig Finnegan, Sports Office, Cork Inst. of Technology, Rossa Ave" Cork. The Irish Orieriteer is avail- CORK ORIENTEERS Danny O'Hare, 3A Old Blackrock Road. Cork Major Changes for The Irish Orienteer CURRAGH-NAAS ORIENTEERS Gareth Evans, Hilifarm. Narraghmore, Ballltore, Co. Kildare able from aLLIrish orienteer- DEFENCE FORCES ORIENTEERS Comdt. Brendan Delaney, Infantry School. Military COllege. ing clubs or by subscription You will doubtless have noted that only one edition of from the Ectitor: John Curragh Camp, Co. Kildare. The Irish Orienteer was published in 2006. This is due DUBLIN UNIVERSITY ORIENTEERS The Secretary. DU Orienteers. House 27. TCD, DUblin 2.; McCullough, 9 Arran Road, FERMANAGH ORIENTEERS Mary Campbell. 5 Knocknamoe Bungalows. Ornagh, Co. Tyrone (048- Dublin 9 largely to a lack of available timc on my part. However. 82246616) Uohnmccullough@bigfoot,co another major factor has been the effect of the internet FINGAL ORIENTEERS Tom Burke. 2 Sycamore Ave., Beaufort Place. Navan. Co. Meath (046-74711) on the way information is transmitted, and irs effect on GALWAY/MAYO IT ORIENTEERS The Secretary, P.E. Dept.. GMIT. Dublin Road. Galway m) GREAT EASTERN NAVIGATORS Susan Healy. 11 Belmont Grove. Stillorgan. Co Dublin the orienteering community as a whole. Once upon a KERRY ORIENTEERS Rory Costello. 14 Manor Court. Tralee, Co. Kerry. (066-25532) Subscriptions cost £9.50 time, the only reliable way that information could be LAGAN VALLEY ORIENTEERS Stephen Gilmore. 41 Drumlough Road. Hillsborough. Co. Down. BT26 6PX for one year. circulated was in printed form (fixtures or results, for (046-92663612). example). That has all changed with the widespread use MIDLAND NAVIGATORS Barbara Foley-Fisher. HOlly Cottage, Glasson. Athlone. Co. Westmeath (0902- Cover: Jack Millar (LVQ) at of the internet making access to fixtures information. 65306) the Irish Championships at NORTH WEST OC Charles Reid. 55 Brentwood Park. Belfast, BT5 7LQ, (04690-666072) online entries, almost instant results, discussion, even Carlingford (Martin Flynn) NUIGO The Secretary. c/o Students' Union, NUL, Galway (Irene_ralston@hotmall,com) GI'S plots or runners' routes available anywhere in the OK DCU Dublin City University. David Heely ([email protected]) SETANTA ORIENTEERS Colleen Robinson. 60 Dunville Ave, Ranelagh. 06; www.setantaorienteers,org NEXT COPY DATE world. SLIGO ORIENTEERING CLUB Joe Bannon. Corrlgeenroa. Boyle. Co. Roscommon (066-6305335) 31st August 2007 THREE ROCK OC Eoln Dunne. 36 Grangebrook Ave .• Rathfarnham. Dublin 16. www.3ROC.org This has revolutionised the world of publishing. particu- UCC ORIENTEERS The Secretary. PE Office, UCC, College Road, Cork. larly for special ist, srnall-circularion journals Iike The UCD ORIENTEERS Box 64, Student Centre, UCD. Belfield. Dublin 4 ([email protected]) UL ORIENTEERS Ed Niland, c/o Clubs Ofrlcer, ULSU, Uhiversltyof Limerick ([email protected]) CONTENTS irish Orienteer. No longer arc orientecrs waiting for the WATERFORD ORIENTEERS Andrew Cox, Newtown SChool, Newtown. Waterford News 5 postman (0 drop the newsletter through their letter- (wat02@waterfordlreland,com) woe 2006 Report 9 boxes: thcy can log on and get up to dare news from WESTERN EAGLES - GALWAY ORIENTEERS Frank Ryan. SI. Mary's. Ballinfoyle. Galway (091-753629). EC & WC Estonia 06 16 Ireland and elsewhere at their fingertips at any hour of IRISH O-ASSOCIATION Nlamh Lalor. 6 Knockslnna Grove. FOXTOCk,Dublin 16 (01-2893497) Hungarian 5-Day 17 the day or night. No longer arc we dependent on T10 for IRISH ORIENTEERING JUNIORS Nlamh Lalor ([email protected]) Q in Norway 20 NORTHERN IRELAND OA Raymond Finlay, Gorlatole OEC. Florencecourt, Co, Fermanagh BT92 lED Italian S-Day 2007 22 fixt urcs, entry forms or results. It is nice to have a (048-66346688) printed copy of something in your hand, and it is impor- CONNACHT OA Padraig Higgins. 24 Alverno Ave. Willow Park. Athlone. Co, Westmealh, Running on Empty 24- LEINSTER OA Vera Murtagh. 19 The Cloisters. Terenure. Dublin 6W (01-4906237) tOC 2006 ReporL 27 tant for historians as well as being entertaining to look MUNSTER OA John Mucklan, 13 Elmvale Close. Wilton. Cork (021-4343348) Conference Report 31 back at past articles and events. but the fact that Irish IRISH·O STUDENTS ASSOCtATION Susan Healy, 11 Belmont Grove. Blackrock, Co. Dublin (01-2885798) lOA Rescue Course 34 orienteering hasn't collapsed in the months since the last BRITISH O-FEDERATION Riversdale, Dale Road North. Darley Dale. Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 2H(0044- IMRA Fixtures 35 1629-734042. FAX 0044-1629-733769). www.britishorienteering.org.uk issue of TlO only proves the point. Swiss 36 INTERNATIONAL O-FEDERATION Radlokatu 20. FI-00093 SLU. Finland (00358-40585 3801, fax 00358- 6-Day 2006 93481 3113); www,orlenteerlng,org Italian S-Day 2006 38 There will be some people o~11there who can't readily 2007 Preview 4] get access to the internet - perhaps they don't have 1I OsFixtures 43 Club and other orienteering websites are accessible from the Irish computer at home or at work. maybe they don't ever Orienteering Association website, www.orienteering.ie visit a library - but more and more orienteers (who were Results & articles are wel- always interested in new technology and gadgets) are Remember, for up to date orienteering information check the lOA web page at come bye-mail. No respon- becoming internet users. YOII have only to look at the www.orienteering.ie or the NIOA page at www.niorienteering.org.uk.or ring sibility is accepted for er- fantastic range of things 10 do with orienteering which 0044-7020-963986 for NIOA event details. rors or omissions, or their depend on computers: club, event and national web conseq uences. sites, Martin Flynn's Or software. Routegadgct for GPS. Sponident timing, OCAD for mapping and so on: these ISSN 0790-1 194 arc becoming the Slack in trade of orienteering, a fact 2 The Iri~'h Orienleer The Irish Or;enleer 3 which may tempt $Ol11ecouch potatoes to O-NEWS rai nsi de with c omp lc x COntours actually go our and give the real thing a try. Sadly in the past year we have lost some and fast running. The Sheep's Head area has good friends from the sport: Sven Kull- Sad News nor been used for orienteering before so the Looking for some information on last sum- dorff. John COlclough, Michael Dooley and Since the last issue. we have learned of the maps for days one and two arc new. The Iller's Swiss 6-Day, an internet search Paul Geary. May they rest in peace. deaths of several well-known Orienteers: Cobdubh map has been updated for day threw Lip a listing or us M60 Peter Ga- Sven Kulldorff (Setanta). Paul Geary three. gari 11 's eighty-something orienteering or We have also continued 10 lose forests in (BVOC), Michael Dooley (CNOC) and John Entries arc open. with electronic (accepting similar runs. with scanned maps and routes, the Dublin area. a fact highlighted in the Colclough (CNOC). credit cards) and paper formats available. You might say "who cares?". but it's fasci- last iss lie. Unfortunately the decimation has More details and information on the loca- naring for an oricnrccr to look at pnrticu- continued and there doesn't seem to bc Sven, originally from Sweden, had been a tion, event centre. accommodation etc, can larly if you have also run on some of these much we can do to stop it. as the felling regular competitor in Ireland since the be found on the Cork Orienteers web site. areas. permits have evidently been granted hy the 1980's; Paul was tragically killed in a car Hope you can make it to West Cork in June. local authorities, who are the very people accident in July. He was well known as 1I The upshot of this shortage of time and this who should be helping preserve these nrc..s member of rhe Irish Junior squad; Michael Fachtna Healy, technological change is that The Irish Ori- for recreation. was a founder of the now defunct Stieve Chairperson, Cork Orienteering Club. cruccr will appear only twice a year, in Bloom Oricntecrs: John was involved in Spring (to preview the year's events) and in On the plus side, we have had it great range Army orienteering and had been Secretary LEINSTI!:R LEAGUE CHANGE Autumn (with reports on the national and of competitions in the past year, with new of the Lcinster Orienteering Association. Marcus Geoghegan writes "Having taken on regional Championships, main fixtures for areas being mapped, und there's s new extra work on the lOA Executive committee the season, ctc.), I hope that Irish orieruccrs generation of orieruccrs on the way up: May they rest in peace. I am retiring from the job of producing the will again provide articles. reports and plenty of new names in the results par- Leinster League. reviews for us all to read, and that TIO will ticularly in the older junior classes and ORIF:NTEERING i'\£WSGROUI'S The league format and results presentation reprint the best items published on club or not all from orienteering families.
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