U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Preliminary compilation of descriptive geoenvironmental mineral deposit models Edward A. du Bray1 , Editor Open-File Report 95-831 This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards or with the North American Stratigraphic Code. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. 'Denver, Colorado 1995 CONTENTS Geoenvironmental models of mineral deposits-fundamentals and applications, by G.S. Plumlee and J.T. Nash ................................................. 1 Bioavailability of metals, by D.A. John and J.S. Leventhal ................................... 10 Geophysical methods in exploration and mineral environmental investigations, by D.B. Hoover, D.P. Klein, and D.C. Campbell ............................................... 19 Magmatic sulfide deposits, by M.P. Foose, M.L. Zientek, and D.P. Klein ......................... 28 Serpentine- and carbonate-hosted asbestos deposits, by C.T. Wrucke. ............................ 39 Carbonatite deposits, by P.J. Modreski, T.J. Armbrustmacher, and D.B. Hoover .................... 47 Th-rare earth element vein deposits, by T.J. Armbrustmacher, P.J. Modreski, D.B. Hoover, and D.P. Klein ........................................................... 50 Sn and (or) W skarn and replacement deposits, by J.M. Hammarstrom, J.E. Elliott, B.B. Kotlyar, T.G. Theodore, J.T. Nash, D.A. John, D.B. Hoover, and D.H. Knepper, Jr. ................. 54 Vein and greisen Sn and W deposits, by J.E. Elliott, R.J. Kamilli, W.R. Miller, and K.E. Livo ......... 62 Climax Mo deposits, by S. Ludington, A.A. Bookstrom, R.J. Kamilli, B.M. Walker, and D.P. Klein ...... 70 Porphyry Cu deposits, by L.J. Cox, M.A. Chaffee, D.P. Cox, and Douglas P. Klein .................. 75 Cu, Au, and Pb-Zn skarn deposits, by J.M. Hammarstrom, B.B. Kotlyar, T.G. Theodore, J.E. Elliott, D.A. John, J.L. Doebrich, J.T. Nash, R.R. Carlson, G.K. Lee, K.E. Livo, and D.P. Klein ........ 90 Fe skarn deposits, by J.M. Hammarstrom, T.G. Theodore, B.B. Kotlyar, J.L. Doebrich, J.E. Elliott, J.T. Nash, D.A. John, and K.E. Livo .................................. 112 Polymetallic vein and replacement deposits, by G.S. Plumlee, M. Montour, C.D. Taylor, A.R. Wallace, and D.P. Klein ................................................ 121 Au-Ag-Te vein deposits, by K.D. Kelley, T.J. Armbrustmacher, and D.P. Klein ................... 130 Volcanic-associated massive sulfide deposits, by C.D. Taylor, R.A. Zierenberg, R.J. Goldfarb, J.E. Kilburn, R.R. Seal, II, and M.D. Kleinkopf. ................................... 137 Blackbird Co-Cu deposits, by K.V. Evans, J.T. Nash, W.R. Miller, M.D. Kleinkopf, and D.L. Campbell ....................................................... 145 Creede, Comstock and Sado epithermal vein deposits, by G.S. Plumlee, K.S. Smith, B.R. Berger, N. Foley-Ayuso, and D.P. Klein ..................................... 152 Epithermal quartz-alunite Au deposits, by G.S. Plumlee, K.S. Smith, J.E. Gray, and D.B. Hoover ....... 162 Epithermal Mn deposits, by D.L. Mosier and D.L. Campbell ................................ 170 Rhyolite-hosted Sn deposits, by E.E. Foord, R.A. Ayuso, D.B. Hoover, and D.P. Klein .............. 174 Low-Ti iron oxide Cu-U-Au-REE deposits, by M.P. Foose and V.J.S. Grauch .................... 179 Carlin-type Au deposits, by A.H. Hofstra, J.S. Leventhal, D.J. Grimes, and W.D. Heran .............. 184 Almaden Hg deposits, by J.J. Rytuba and D.P. Klein ...................................... 193 Silica-carbonate Hg deposits, by J.J. Rytuba and M.D. Kleinkopf ............................. 199 Stibnite-quartz deposits, by R.R. Seal, II, J.D. Bliss, and D.L. Campbell ........................ 204 Algoma Fe deposits, by W.F. Cannon, D.G. Hadley, and R.J. Horton .......................... 209 Sediment-hosted Cu deposits, by D.A. Lindsey, L.G. Woodruff, W.F. Cannon, D.P. Cox, and W.D. Heran ......................................................... 214 Sedimentary exhalative Zn-Pb-Ag deposits, by K.D. Kelley, R.R. Seal, II, J.M. Schmidt, D.B. Hoover, and D.P. Klein ................................................ 225 Mississippi Valley-type Pb-Zn deposits, by D.L. Leach, J.B. Viets, N. Foley-Ayuso, and D.P. Klein ..... 234 Solution collapse breccia pipe U deposits, by KJ. Wenrich, B.S. Van Gosen, and W.I. Finch .......... 244 Superior Fe deposits, by W.F. Cannon, D.G. Hadley, and R.J. Horton .......................... 252 Sedimentary Mn deposits, by E.R. Force, W.F. Cannon, and D.P. Klein ......................... 257 Low-sulfide Au quartz vein deposits, by R.J. Goldfarb, B.R. Berger, T.L. Klein, W.J. Pickthom, and D.P. Klein ............................................... 261 Stratabound Au deposits in iron formations, by E.H. DeWitt, W.D. Heran, and M.D. Kleinkopf ........ 268 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This preliminary compilation of geoenvironmental models represents a monumental effort, completed within a very short time frame, by the authors of the individual models. All of the authors are to be commended for a job well done. I wish to express my thanks to Bill Miller and Ted Theodore who agreed to review the first version of the compilation. This was a huge job, completed with remarkable swiftness, for which I am very grateful. I would also like to thank Alan Wallace, Gerry Czamanske, Steve Ludington, Jeff Doebrich, Gordon Haxel, David John, Dave Lindsey, Rob Zierenberg, Larry Drew, and George Desborough who reviewed various sections of the compilation. Doug Klein and Don Hoover coordinated synthesis of geophysical information pertinent to each of the geoenvironmental models; their efforts are much appreciated. Edward A. du Bray GEOENVIRONMENTAL MODELS OF MINERAL DEPOSITS- FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS by Geoffrey S. Plumlee and J. Thomas Nash INTRODUCTION Economic geologists recognize that mineral deposits can readily be classified according to similarities in their geologic characteristics (ore and gangue mineralogy, major- and trace-element geochemistry, host rock lithology, wall-rock alteration, physical aspects of ore, etc.), as well as their geologic setting (see for example, Guilbert and Park, 1986). Early geology-based classification schemes have evolved into mineral deposit models that classify deposits not only on the basis of geologic characteristics, but also on the basis of geophysical and geochemical characteristics and the genetic processes by which the deposits form (Cox and Singer, 1986; Bliss, 1992). These conceptual mineral deposit models form the basis for most modem mineral exploration methodologies, and have also been used as tools to help assess the potential for undiscovered mineral resources in regions with known geologic characteristics. A next step in the process of mineral deposit modeling is development of geology-based, geoenvironmental models for diverse mineral deposit types. Mineral deposit geology, as well as geochemical and biogeochemical processes, fundamentally control the environmental conditions that exist in naturally mineralized areas prior to mining, and conditions that result from mining and mineral processing. Other important natural controls, such as climate, and anthropogenic factors (including mining and mineral processing methods) mostly modify the environmental effects controlled by mineral deposit geology and geochemical processes. Thus, deposits of a given type that have similar geologic characteristics should also have similar environmental signatures that can be quantified by pertinent field and laboratory data and summarized hi a geoenvironmental model for that deposit type. Similarly, environmentally important geologic characteristics, such as the presence of an alteration type likely to produce highly acidic drainage water or an alteration type likely to help buffer acid drainage water, should also be common to most or all deposits of a given type, and thus can also be summarized hi a geoenvironmental model. As discussed below, the need for and use of geoenvironmental models are immediate and varied; these range from environmental prediction and mitigation, and baseline characterization, to grass-roots mineral exploration, and assessment of abandoned mine lands and mine-site remediation. This compilation presents preliminary geoenvironmental models for 32 mineral deposit types (or groups thereof) compiled by U.S. Geological Survey earth scientists and environmental geochemists using data available as of mid 1995. The geoenvironmental models follow the classification scheme of, and are numbered according to, the mineral deposit models presented by Cox and Singer (1986) and (Bliss, 1992), to which the reader is referred for additional information concerning the mineral deposit models. This first iteration of geoenvironmental model development has resulted primarily in descriptive summaries of environmentally important geologic characteristics for a variety of mineral deposit types; however, empirical data are included in some models. The models summarized herein should be considered as descriptive guides concerning potential environmental impact, not numeric tools applicable to quantitative risk assessment. Nonetheless, the models provide a basis for understanding and interpreting environmental processes related to mineral deposits in a systematic geologic context. An important goal of future investigations will be to integrate additional empirical data or environmental signatures for
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