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Journals Please check: O Enclosed is my dues payment (U.S. dollars only) .................................... .............. $65 O Please send me the following ASM journal(s) at Member Price(s): U.S. Non-U.S. Amount Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy ....................... $35 . $61....... $ AA Applied and Environmental Microbiology ....................... 35 .61......._ AE Molecular and Cellular Biology .............................. 43 .71......._ CB Clinical Microbiology Reviews................................16 .32. CM Infection and Immunity .................................. 41 .70. IA International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology ..................35.......5....... 33 IJ Journal of Bacteriology ................................. 41 .71......._ JB Journal of Clinical Microbiology .............................. 35 .61......._ JC Journal of Virology ................................ 41 .71......._ JV Microbiological Reviews .................................. 16 .32....... 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Li VISA # II IEXPIRATION [ MASTERCARD # III I I DATE: Oii AMEX # M TODAYS DATE MONTH DAY YEAR SIGNATURE MINIMUM CHARGE $15.00 | MCB 12/88 MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY VOLUME 8 * DECEMBER 1988 * NUMBER 12 Aaron J. Shatkin, Editor in Chief (1990) Randy W. Schekman, Editor Robert Tjian, Editor (1991) Center for Advanced (1992) University of California Biotechnology and Medicine University of California Berkeley Piscataway, N.J. Berkeley Alan M. Weiner, Editor (1993) David J. L. Luck, Editor (1992) Louis Siminovitch, Editor (1990) Yale University Rockefeller University Mount Sinai Hospital New Haven, Conn. New York, N.Y. Toronto, Canada Owen- N. Witte, Editor (1993) Steven L. McKnight, Editor (1992) Joan A. Steitz, Editor (1990) Molecular Biology Institute Carnegie Institution of Washington Yale University University of California Baltimore, Md. New Haven, Conn. Los Angeles EDITORIAL BOARD Frederick W. Alt (1990) Steve Goff (1989) Susan Lindquist (1990) Norman P. Salzman (1988) Susan Berget (1990) Michael Green (1988) Stuart M. Linn (1989) Paul Schedl (1990) Arnold J. Berk (1988) Jack F. Greenblatt (1988) Douglas Lowy (1990) Milton J. Schlesinger (1989) Alan Bernstein (1990) Leonard P. Guarente (1988) Paul T. Magee (1988) Matthew P. Scott (1989) Barbara K. Birshtein (1990) Christine Guthrie (1989) James Manley (1989) Fred Sherman (1988) J. Michael Bishop (1990) James E. Haber (1990) Janet E. Mertz (1990) Arthur Skoultchi (1988) Michael R. Botchan (1990) Hidesaburo Hanafusa (1989) Robert L. Metzenberg (1988) Barbara Sollner-Webb (1989) David Botstein (1990) Leland D. Hartwell (1990) Robert K. Mortimer (1988) Frank Solomon (1988) Bruce P. Brandhorst (1990) Ari Helenius (1990) Bernardo Nadal-Ginard (1990) Karen Sprague (1989) James R. Broach (1988) Ira Herskowitz (1990) Paul Neiman (1989) Pamela Stanley (1988) Joan Brugge (1988) James B. Hicks (1989) Joseph R. Nevins (1990) Nat Sternberg (1989) Mario R. Capecchi (1990) Alan Hinnebusch (1988) Carol Newlon (1988) Bruce Stillman (1988) John A. Carbon (1990) Michael J. Holland (1990) Mary Ann Osley (1990) Kevin Struhl (1989) Marian Carlson (1989) Greg Hoilis (1990) Brad Ozanne (1989) Bill Sugden (1988) C. Thomas Caskey (1990) Anita K. Hopper (1988) Harvey L. Ozer (1988) Lawrence H. Thompson (1988) Lawrence A. Chasin (1988) Peter M. Howley (1988) Mary Lou Pardue (1988) Shirley M. Tilghman (1990) Nam-Hai Chua (1988) Tony Hunter (1989) Ira H. Pastan (1988) Geoffrey Wahl (1989) Don W. Cleveland (1990) Larry Kedes (1988) David Patterson (1988) Peter Walter (1990) Nicholas Cowan (1990) Robert S. Kerbel (1988) Gianni Piperno (1988) Jonathan R. Warner (1990) Elizabeth A. Craig (1988) Daniel Klessig (1989) John R. Pringle (1988) Harold Weintraub (1988) James E. Darnell, Jr. (1988) Barbara Knowles (1989) Jean-Paul Revel (1988) Reed B. Wickner (1988) Mark Davis (1990) Marilyn Kozak (1988) Daniel B. Riflin (1988) Fred Winston (1988) Gideon Dreyfuss (1990) Monty Krieger (1989) G. S. Roeder (1988) Elton T. Young (1990) Mary P. Edmonds (1990) Elizabeth Lacy (1990) Robert G. Roeder (1988) Michael Young (1988) Thomas D. Fox (1990) Alan Lambowitz (1990) Naomi E. Rosenberg (1988) Edward Ziff (1988) Mary-Jane Gething (1990) Arthur D. Levinson (1990) Rodney Rothstein (1990) Helen R. Whiteley, Chairman, Publications Board Kirk Jensen, Director of Publications Linda M. IHig, Managing Editor, Journals Linda M. Illig, Production Editor Molecular and Cellular Biology (ISSN 0270-7306), a publication of the American Society for Microbiology, 1913 I St., N.W., Washington, DC 20006-5107, is devoted to the advancement and dissemination of fundamental knowledge concerning the molecular biology of eucaryotic cells, of both microbial and higher organisms. Instructions to authors are published in the January issue each year; reprints are available from the editors and the Publications Department. The journal is published monthly, one volume per year. The nonmember subscription price is $340 per year; single copies are $30. The member subscription price is $43 (foreign, $63 [air drop shipping]) per year; single copies are $8. Correspondence relating to subscriptions, reprints, defective copies, availability of back issues, lost or late proofs, disposition of submitted manuscripts, and general editorial matters should be directed to the ASM Publications Department, 1913 I St., N.W., Washington, DC 20006-5107 (area 202 833-9680). Claims for missing issues from residents of the United States, Canada, and Mexico must be submitted within 3 months after publication of the issues; residents of all other countries must submit claims within 6 months of publication of the issues. Claims for issues missing because offailure to report an address change or for issues "missing from files" will not be allowed. Second-class postage paid at Washington, DC 20006, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Molecular and Cellular Biology, ASM, 1913 I St., N. W., Washington, DC 20006- 5107. Made in the United States of America. Copyright © 1988, American Society for Microbiology. B*: &J L URICr (I'44, All Rights Reserved. The code at the top of the first page of an article in thisjournal indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the article may be made for personal use or for personal use of specific clients. This consent is given on the condition, however, that the copier pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clearance Center Inc., 21 Congress St., Salem, MA 01970, for copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. Author Index Aaronson, Stuart A., 5570 Furtak, Krystyna, 5150 Lin, Chin, 5521 Ruddle,
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