O C V ΓΡΑΦΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ Bringing the news ΤΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ to generations of ΑΠΟ ΤΟ 1915 The National Herald Greek Americans c v A WEEKLY GREEK AMERICAN PUBLICATION www.thenationalherald.com VOL. 12, ISSUE 625 October 3, 2009 $1.25 Farewell To Hellenism’s Home in the Air: Olympic’s Last Flight to N.Y. Tears, Anger And Disappointment Mark Final Flights to and From JFK; Future is Unclear By Stavros Marmarinos er, “It is too bad for Olympic to fin- and Theodore Kalmoukos ish this way. I hope that whichever Special to The National Herald airlines take its place, will operate at the same level as Olympic. We NEW YORK – The passengers on cared a lot about the company all the Airbus A3400-300 cried when these years; we are the first compa- the head stewardess announced on ny in the world with a perfect Monday, September 28 that the fi- record of safety. All the passengers nal Olympic flight from Athens to have been asking us for the past JFK Airport in New York had just few months about the end of landed. The sadness in her voice Olympic.” Captain Papadakos does- marked the end of an era. Olympic n’t want to work for the successor Airlines, the national air carrier of airline. He said, “It is a small com- Greece which has transported hun- pany for now, which doesn’t fulfill dreds of thousands of Greek Ameri- me, and I do not want to work cans safely for more than half a there.” On the historic final flight century back and forth from the Captain Papadakos would be ac- land of their fathers and forefa- companied by his wife Maria. thers, was making its last trip to “It is sad that the flights which New York City. are the bridge between Greece and The Airbus A3400-300 had the Hellenes of America have been landed, bringing 292 passengers to terminated, but this what happens New York and it departed the same with companies, said co-pilot evening with 235 people on the Michael Meletis who was going al- very last flight 411 from New York so to navigate “Olympia” back to to Athens. Captains Leonidas Vio- giatzis and Xaris Kiousis were the Continued on page 5 pilots for the final flight from Athens to New York. Many passengers were crying and others were shaking their heads sadly, mourning the end of a vital bridge between Greece and Sen. Snowe Greeks of America. Mr. Aris Christodoulou told The National Has the Clout TNH/COSTAS BEJ Herald that passengers were very Farewell to Olympic’s final Flight 411. The Airbus A340-300 (above) emotional when the announce- departed with 235 passengers. Door closes (left) on final Olympic ment was made that it was the last On Healthcare Airlines flight out of N.Y. Olympic Airlines employees (below) in their flight, while Mr. Demetrios Kot- final hours of duty at the check-in counter at JFK International. sikopoulos who was sitting near By Laurie Kellman him, spoke bluntly: “It is unaccept- able for Greece not to have a direct WASHINGTON (AP) — They call flight to and from America.” her "President Snowe" in the blo- Mrs. Vasiliki Spyris said, “Every- gosphere. body was sad in the aircraft. The Maine Sen. Olympia Snowe is head stewardesses was very emo- the only Republican in Congress tional with tears in her eyes and she who might vote for President couldn’t really talk on the inter- Barack Obama's effort to overhaul com.” Mr. Panagiotis Romantzas health care and extend coverage to from New Jersey said, “I have been those who lack it. And that gives traveling for fifteen years with the unassuming, 62-year-old law- Olympic and I would never change maker almost as much power over it for anything else; it is too bad the bill's fate — and that of the mil- that it terminated its route.” lions of Americans it would affect Speaking to The National Her- — as the big guy himself. ald, captain Nicholas Papadakos, Which is why Snowe's cell who was going to pilot the aircraft phone has lit up with a particular “Olympia” from New York’s JFK air- phone number at odd times over port to Venizelos airport of Athens the past year, once on the Maine for its historic final flight, said “It is coast as she and her husband drove an injustice for the historic past a field near their home at Han- ‘Olympic’ to end its route to and cock Point. from Greece.” Stopped at the side of the road, Captain Papadakos had been fly- she answered — and whatever the ing Olympic’s Athens – New York leader of the free world was saying route for the last six years. He said, to her was lost in the roar of farm “I feel proud and it is a great honor machinery cutting hay nearby. "It for me to be the captain who will fly was classic, different worlds" col- the Olympic Aircraft from America back to Athens.” He added, howev- Continued on page 5 Greek Pols George Maragos Running for Comptroller Battle it Out By Demetris Tsakas rent administration’s plans to raise households and businesses. If elect- Special to The National Herald taxes. ed, Mr. Maragos will be the first One of the many posters lining Greek American to join the City In Final Days NEW YORK – George Maragos is Nassau County’s streets and bill- Council. getting ready to enter the home boards urges residents to “Vote for When asked how the father and stretch of his election campaign for George Maragos as Nassau County son team decided to run for office in By Christopher Tripoulas Nassau County Comptroller. As the Comptroller – a proven business the same election year, Mr. Maragos Special to The National Herald November 3rd election race heats leader with a reputation for hon- called it an impulse reaction, and up, pro-Maragos posters and flyers esty, integrity, and independence – noted that his son was interested in NEW YORK – Greeks go to the are filling the streets of Long Island to stop more tax increases.” public service from a young age. He polls this Sunday October 4 to vote reminding voters to go out and The Maragos family will be well went on to attribute his son’s deci- in snap elections called by Prime vote. represented in this year’s elections, sion to an innate interest in politics, Minister Costas Karamanlis early The 60-year-old prominent busi- as Mr. Maragos’ son Angelo, 24, is which he displayed since childhood. last month. Socialist opposition ness leader running on the Republi- also running for office on the Re- When discussing his own rea- leader George Papandreou, cam- can ticket visited The National Her- publican ticket. The latter is seeking sons for seeking election, Mr. Mara- paigning on a platform to boost the ald’s offices to discuss his campaign election to the New York City Coun- gos Sr. said they were genuine and Greek economy with a stimulus platform. Speaking to TNH about cil in the 26th electoral district in arise from his interest in the future package of up to 3 billion euros the reasons that lead him to seek Queens, which includes the areas of of Nassau County. “My career as Cretan Societies Host Fundraiser for Alexi Giannoulias ($4.4 billion) and fight corruption, public office, he cited the dire state Whitestone, Maspeth, Sunnyside, Vice-President of two major bank- is the odds-on favorite to win, but of Nassau County’s finances, the Astoria, and Long Island City – all Anna Giannoulias praises her son, Illinois State Treasurer Alexi Gi- the two-term Prime Minister is ever-expanding deficit, and the cur- home to many Greek American Continued on page 3 annoulias. T. Manousakis and K. Maragoudakis seated (L-R). mounting a comeback following a successful performance in last Tuesday’s head-to-head debate with Mr. Papandreou. Although not scheduled to face an election until 2011, Prime Min- New AHEPA Supreme President Karakostas at TNH Dr. Cartledge ister Karamanlis called for early polls just halfway through his sec- By Demetris Tsakas ments regarding the advancement Brings Ancient ond term, ignoring protests from Special to The National Herald of Hellenic issues. senior cabinet members. Mr. Kara- Mr. Karacostas was born in Kery- manlis says he needs a new man- NEW YORK – “Attracting the new nia, Cyprus and came to the United Cities to Life date to tackle the financial crisis generation to AHEPA’s divisions States at the age of three, together and accused PASOK of political ex- and organizations, utilizing the In- with his parents Andreas and tortion after it announced it would ternet to sign up new members, Sotiroula Karacostas, and his sister By Eleni Kostopoulos force elections in March 2010 by maintaining ties with Greece and Eleni. Special to The National Herald blocking the re-election of Greece’s Cyprus, and advancing issues that Following his election to President – which would result in relate to the Greek American Com- AHEPA’s top position this past July, NEW YORK – The nomenclature of the dissolution of Parliament. munity and the Greek homeland re- he became only the third Greek the English term “Greece” was de- "Greece is at a crucial cross- main very high atop our organiza- Cypriot to be elected Supreme rived from the Ancient Romans’ roads," Mr. Karamanlis, 53, said. tion’s agenda,” AHEPA’s new President, while also having the term, Graecia and was intentional- "At this moment the country needs Supreme President Nicholas Kara- distinction of being the youngest ly diminishing, demeaning and a responsible, steady, and clear pol- costas said to The National Herald member to ever hold this office.
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