: • . _ : • ·~ ·. ' ! epbeaBare .en, M.D• ..., Victo~HePbert, M.D., J . Ors. Barrett and Herbert counter the phony assertions of health-food hucksterswith reliable, scientifically 11ieVITAMINbased nutrition information, and they suggest how the consumer can avoid "getting quacked." They also include PUSHERSfive useful appendices on balancing your diet, evaluating claims made for Have Americans been conned by the more than sixty supplements and food health-foodindustry into taking vitamins products, and much more. The Vita­ they don't need? Two distinguished min Pushers is a much-needed ex­ physicians say yes! pose of a nationwide scam, which will Ors. Stephen Barrett and Victor definitely save you money and might Herbert present a detailed and com­ even save your life. prehensive picture of the multibillion­ STEPHENBARRETT, M.D. , a retired dollar health-foodindustry, which, they psychiatrist, is a nationally renowned charge, has amassed its huge fortunes consumer advocate, a recipient of the mostly by preying on the fears of unin­ FDA Commissioner'sSpecial Citation formed consumers. Based on twenty Award for fighting nutrition quackery, years of research,The VitaminPushers and the author of thirty-six books. addresses every aspect of this lucra­ tive business and exposes its wide­ VICTORHERBERT, M.D., J.D., a world­ spread misinformationcampaign. The renowned nutrition scientist, is profes­ authors reveal how many health-food sor of medicine at Mt. Sinai School of companies make false claims about Medicine in New York City and chief productsor services, promote unsci­ of the Hematology and Nutrition Lab­ entific nutrition practicesthrough the oratory at the Sinai-affiliatedBronx VA media, show little or no regardfor the Medical Center. Both authors are rules of scientifictesting and evidence, board membersof the NationalCouncil and often skirt the law in their schemes Against Health Fraud. for making quick profits while eluding government watchdog agencies. j acket design by Mary Keough Continued on back flap 11reVITAMIN PUSHERS Howthe "Health Food"lndustry Is SellingAmerica a Bill ol Goods StephenBarren, -M.D. VictorHerbert, M.D., J.D. Forewordby GabeMlrkln, M.O. ~ PrometheusBooks 59 John Glenn Drive Amherst, NewYork 14228--2197 Published in 1994by PrometheusBooks. The VitaminPushers. Copyright© 1994by StephenBarrett, M.D., and Victor Herbert, M.D., J.D. All rights reserved.No part of this publicationmay be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system, or transmittedin any form by any means,electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,without prior writtenpermission of the publisher,except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. Inquiries should be addressed to PrometheusBooks, 59 John GlennDrive, Amherst, NY 14228-2197,716-691- 0133 (FAX: 716-691-0137). 98 97 96 95 94 5 4 3 2 Library of CongressCataloging-in-Publication Data Barrett, Stephen, 1933- The vitaminpushers : how the "healthfood" industryis selling Americaa bill of goods I StephenBarrett. Victor Herbert. p. cm. Includesbiographical references and index. ISBN 0-87975-909-7(cloth) 1. Quacks and quackery-United States. 2. Naturalfoods industry­ United States. I. Herbert,Victor II. Title. R730.B373 1994 363.19'2--dc20 94-21714 CIP Printed in the United States on acid-freepaper. Consumer Health Library® Series Editor: Stephen Barrett,M.D. TechnicalEditor: Manfred Kroger,Ph.D. Other titles in this series: A Consumer's Guideto "AlternativeMedicine" Kurt Butler, M.S. "Alternative"Healthcare: A ComprehensiveGuide Jack Raso, M.S., R.D. ExaminingHolistic Medicine edited by Douglas Stalker,Ph.D., and Clark Glymour,Ph.D. The Faith Healers James Randi Follies & Fallaciesin Medicine Petr Skrabanek,Ph.D., and James McCormick,M.D. The Harvard Square Diet Fredrick J. Stare, M.D., Ph.D., and ElizabethM. Whelan, Sc.D., M.P.H. Health or Hoax? The Truthabout Health Foodsand Diets Arnold Bender The Health Robbers:A Closewok at Quackeryin America Stephen Barrett, M.D., and WilliamT. Jarvis, Ph.D. The New Handbookof Health and PreventiveMedicine Kurt Butler, M.S., and Lynn Rayner,M.D. MysticalDiets: Paranorma,Spiritual, and OccultNutrition Practices Jack Raso, M.S., R.D. Panic in the Pantry:Facts & Fallaciesabout the Food You Buy ElizabethM. Whelan, Sc.D., M.P.H.,and Fredrick J. Stare, M.D., Ph.D. The Smoke-FreeWorkplace William Weis and Bruce Miller VitaminPolitics John Fried Your Guide to Good Nutrition Fredrick J. Stare, M.D., Ph.D., VirginiaAronson, M.S., R.D., and Stephen Barrett, M.D. Contents Forewordby Gabe Mirkin, M.D. vii Preface................................................... ix Acknowledgments ......................................... x About the Authors . xi ImportantDefinitions . xii 1 Some Simple Truths about Nutrition . 1 2 Thirty Ways to Spot Quacks and Pushers . 15 3 "NutritionInsurance," "Stress Formulas," and Related Gimmicks . 37 4 More Ploys That Might Fool You . 63 5 Spreadingthe Word . 73 6 Dubious Credentials. 93 7 Phony Tests . 123 8 PromisesEverywhere. 139 9 The UltimateFake . 169 10 The MultilevelMirage . 187 11 How Athletes Are Exploited . 221 12 Dubious Doctoring. 239 13 Nutrition-RelatedCultism . 265 14 MaharishiAyur-Ved: TM Goes "HealthFood" ............... 275 15 "ChiropracticNutrition" . 285 16 "Passive Greed": The PharmacyConnection . 305 V vi Contents 17 Toe EndlessParade of Gurus . 321 18 FurtherThoughts on Quackeryand the Media . 369 19 ElaborateMarketing Schemes . 385 20 "VitaminWars" and RelatedMischief ...................... 415 21 How Much Can the Law ProtectYou? . 437 22 Where to Get ReliableNutrition Advice. 453 23 How You Can AvoidGetting Quacked . 463 AppendixA: Guidelinesfor HealthfulEating. 469 AppendixB: The New Food Labels. 477 AppendixC: Supplementsand "HealthFoods" . 481 AppendixD: One HundredCompanies That Have Marketedillegally . 493 AppendixE: RecommendedReading . 505 Index .................................................. 513 Foreword GabeMirkin, M.D Do you get angry when someone tries to hustle you? Would it bother you if someone promised you somethingand took your money, but gave you nothing in return? Do you think you have ever been hustled without realizing it? What goes through your mind when you see an ad which suggests that a pill can help you lose weight permanentlywithout dieting or exercising? If it doesn't strike you as phony, you don't know the facts. There is no such pill. How about a magazine article which claims that a "dietary supplement" can make you a better athlete, help you live longer, or cure heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and a host of other ailments? If you think any such remedy exists, you had better read this book. Do you take vitaminpills? Has it occurredto you to question whether you really need them? You should. Most of the hundred million or so Americans who take them are merely nourishing their toilets and making vitamin manu­ facturers rich. But the issue is not simply one of wastedmoney. Each decision you make about your health must be based on an underlyingjudgmentaboutwhom to trust for advice. If you cannottell the differencebetween an expertand a hustler,you are likely to be misled. One of the factors that makes Americagreat is our freedom of speech. To maintain this freedom, we must also run a risk. False prophets can get up on pedestals (such as radio and televisiontalk shows)and tell you almost anything they please. Such prophets abound in the field of nutrition. One reason they succeed is that too many people who know better are afraid to become involved in controversy. The people who wrote this book are involved. Dr. Herbert has attacked nutrition frauds more forcefully than any other person in America. He has testified before legislatorsand in courts. He has spent his own money seeking vii viii Foreword justice. He is one of the mostknowledgeable and respectednutrition scientists in the world-one to whomother experts tum frequentlyfor advice.Dr. Barrett has investigatedand writtenabout quackeryin more and differentfields than any other living American. This is one book you shouldnot ignore.It is one of the most amazing investigativereports in the historyof Americanjournalism. It is likelyto save you money. It can help you protectyour health.It might even save your life! Gabe Mirkin, M.D. Preface One lesson of the Watergatescandal during the Nixon Administrationwas that shady operations involvinglarge sums of money are likely to create a "paper trail'' of incriminatingevidence. The "health food" industry-which has been sellingits bill of goods for morethan a century-is no exception.We regardthis industry as a form of organizedcrime. This book is based on more than twenty years of research. Like the Watergate story, it was inspiredby "defectors"who providedinformation and documents that were not intended for public view. Our relentless investiga­ tion-aided by a network of reporters and other consumer advocates-has brought the whole seamy picture into focus. The sale of unneeded and sometimesdangerous food supplements is a multibillion-dollarbusiness. Political and intellectual harm are involved as well. This book explores four questions: • How is the health-foodindustry organized? • How do its salespeoplelearn their trade? • How do its salespeoplepersuade the public to believe in false ideas? • Most important,how do they get away with what they are doing? Stephen Barrett, M.D. Victor Herbert7M.D., J.D. ix Acknowledgments The authors are gratefulto the followingindividuals for their many helpful suggestionsduring the preparationof the
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