1961 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 2271 ology and to authorize installation ot Gov­ COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ernment telephones in certain private resi- LABOR dences ~ · FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1961 S. 683. An act to amend the Communica­ Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I ask ! ! tions Act ot 1934,' as amended, by eliminat­ · unanimous consent that the Roosevelt The House met at 12 o'clock noon. ing the requirement ot an oath or affirma­ subcommittee of the Committee on Edu· Rev. Joseph Gedra, pa.Stor, St. Paul's tion on certain documents filed with the Federal Communications Commission. cation and Labor may be permitted to sit Church, Damascus, Md., offered the fol· this afternoon during the special. orders. lowing prayer: The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there We pray Thee, o Heavenly Father, in SELECT COMMITTEE TO CON­ objection to the request of the gentleman behalf of many of Thy faithful people, DUCT STUDIES AND INVESTIGA­ from Massachusetts? living in our own and in other free lands, TIONS OF THE PROBLEMS OF There was no objection. who are sadly commemorating the in· SMALL BUSINESS dependence of their small nation, Lithu­ ania, which by .Thy grace, it regained 43 The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the pro-· visions of House Resolution 46, 87th Cort­ IDEOLOGICAL FALLACIES OF years ago, only to lose it later to an ag- .CQMMUNISM . gressive and atheistic· neighbor. To· _gress, the Chair .appoints as additional gether with them, we humbly and rever­ members of the Select Committee To Mr. WALTER. Mr. Speaker, I ask ently beseech Thee to be mindful of the Conduct Studies and Investigations of unanimous consent to address the House plight of those who are at t:hi_s moment the Problems of Small Business the fol­ for 1 minute and to revise and extend bravely enduring the hardships of en­ lowing Members of the House: my remarks and to include extraneous slavement at the hands of Thy enemies; Mr. McCuLLOCH, Ohio; Mr. MooRE, matter. and we implore Thee to keep alive in West Virginia; Mr. AVERY, Kansas; Mr. The SPEAKER. Is there objection their hearts the hope that Thou wilt not SMITH, California; Mr. ROBISON, New to the request of the gentleman from abandon them who remain loyal to Thee. York; and Mr. DERWINSKI, Illinois. Pennsylvania? Assure them, 0 Lord, that their strug­ There was no objection. gle to glorify and worship Thee in pri­ U.S. DELEGATION OF THE CANADA­ Mr. WALTER. Mr. Speaker, I am in vate and in public; to live decently ac­ UNITED STATES INTERPARLIA- receipt of a telegram sent to me as cording to Thy laws and principles; to chairman of the House Committee on associate freely and honorably and MENTARY GROUP Un-American Activities by Dr. Daniel A. peaceably with other nations, will not The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the pro­ Poling, editor of the Christian Herald be in vain. visions of section 1, Public Law 86-42, magazine. Dr. Poling appeared before · And we pray Thee also, inspire us with the Chair appoints as members of the the committee in 1957 as one of three Thy heavenly wisdom and courage to as­ U.S. delegation of the Canada-United prominent clergymen of the Jewish, sist Lithuania, her Baltic neighbors and States Interparliamentary Group for the Catholic, and Protestant faiths, respec­ other persecuted peoples, to realize their meeting to be held in Ottawa, Canada, tively, who took part in a consultation national aspirations and to take their from February 22 to February 26, ·1961, on the subject "Ideological Fallacies of rightful place in the society of free and the following Members on the part of Communism." Along with Rabbi A. godly nations,· so that it may not be said the House: Andhill Fineberg and Bishop Fulton J. of us, who are so richly blessed by Thee, Mr. GALLAGHER, New Jersey, chairman; Sheen, Dr. Poling proved himself a for­ that the children of darkness are wiser Mrs. KELLY, New York; Mr. YATES, illi-­ midable adversary of the Communist than the children of light. Through nois; Mr. IKARD, Texas; Mr. DULSKI, New conspiracy in a trenchant expose of its Jesus Christ Thy beloved Son and our York; Mr. PHILBIN, Massachusetts; Mr. philosophy of universal regimentation Divine Mediator with Thee. Amen. STRATTON, New York; Mr. CURTIS, Mas­ and enslavement of the individual and sachusetts; Mr. BROOMFIELD, Michigan; complete denial of God. Dr. Poling has Mr. CUNNINGHAM, Nebraska; Mr. HAR­ never ceased in his efforts toward alert­ THE JOURNAL VEY, Michigan; and Mr. TUPPER, Maine. ing our citizem·y to the tactics of the The Journal of the proceedings of Communist forces and to the urgency for yesterday was read and approved. meeting them head on. READING OF WASHINGTON'S FARE­ Dr. Poling's telegram is as follows: WELL ADDRESS A petition to the House of Representa­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I ask tives ot the 87th Congress to eliminate the Committee on Un-American Activities carries A message from the Senate by Mr. unanimous consent that on Wednesday, some 400 signatures. Among these are 62 McGown, one of its clerks, announced February 22, 1961, Washington's Fare­ Protestant clergymen and 18 Jewish rabbis. that the Senate had passed a resolution, well Address may be read by a Member I dissent. Also, I find no Roman Catholic as follows: to be designated by the Speaker. bishops or priests included among these S. RES. 89 The SPEAKER. Is there objection to 400. And in sharp contrast with the petition Resolved, That the Senate has heard with the request of the gentleman from Mas­ was the speech of Frederick H. Boland, Presi­ profound sorrow the announcement of the sachusetts? dent of the United Nations General Assem­ death of Honorable W. F. Norrell, late a There was no objection. bly, received with enthusiasm by more than Reprenentative from the State of Arkansas. The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the spe­ 1,200 Roman Catholic high school teachers, Resolved, That a committee of two Sen­ cial order agreed to today, the Chair calling upon religious E!ducators to take the ators be appointed by the Presiding Officer to "offensive against atheistic communism." join the committee appointed on the part of designates the gentleman from Nebraska President Boland's address was carried by the t he House of Representatives to attend the [Mr. BEERMANN] to read Washington's same press that printed the . paid advertise­ funeral of the ·deceased Representative. Farewell Address immediately following ment of the 400. I believe that these 400 Resolved, That the Secretary communicate the reading of the Journal on February do not represent but that they do misrepre­ these resolutions to the House of Re-pre­ 22, 1961. sent the vast majority of their fellow Protes­ sentatives and transmit a copy thereof to the tants and Jews, indeed the vast majority family of the deceased. of their fellow Americans. Few, if any, of Resolved, That, as a further mark of re­ ADJOURNMENT UNTIL MONDAY, these 400 have ·ever signed petitions against spect to the memory of the deceased, the FEBRUARY 20, 1961 subversion or have ever identified themselves Senate do now adjourn. against un-American activities. Few, if any, Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I ask of these 400 have ever engaged in an unequiv­ The message also announced that the unanimous consent that when the House ocal campaign against atheistic commu­ Senate had passed bills of the following adjourns today it adjourn to meet on nism. J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the Fed­ titles, in which the concurrence of the Monday next. eral Bureau of Investigation, warns the Na­ tion that· communism was never more alert House is requested: The SPEAKER. Is there objection to and never more dangerous to American free­ S. 681. An act to authorize . the Secretary the request of the gentleman from Mas· dom than right now. · Whatever the mistakes of Commerce to enter into contracts for the sachusetts? ot the Hause Committee on Un-Amer1can conduct of research in the field of meteor- There was no objection. Activities, this committee has never made 2272 CONGRESSIONAL trnCORD - .HOUSE February 17 the fatal mistake of being soft · to commu­ need to.encourage higher education. · We The SPEAKER. Is there objection nism. To discontinue or discredit it now need to make higher education available to the request of the gentlewoman from would be a disservice to America and to the to those who might not otherwise se­ Ohio? free world. The committee should be con­ tinued and constructively strengthened. cure it because of their financial situa­ There was no objection. DANIEL A. PoLING, tion, and we need in particular to en­ Mrs. BOLTON. Mr. Speaker, one of Editor, Christian Herald Magazine. courage those institutions which con­ the very dangerous elements in the Chi­ tinue to operate as private centers of nese cold war is the spreading of the use American higher education. The bill I A SENSmLE PROGRAM FOR AID TO of narcotics. In the old days, imperial have introduced, H.R. 4171, would not China became convinced that poppy cul­ maHER EDUCATION only give them a real assist from the tivation ·was .destructive to the nation, Mr. STRA'ITON. Mr. Speaker, I ask Federal Government by providing this and made it illegal. It appears that the unanimous consent to extend my re­ help indirectly through our tax laws, but Communist Chinese are encouraging not marks in the body of the RECORD at this would also insure that there would be only the growing of poppies on a large point. no possible question as to Federal inter­ scale, but the exportation of dope in all The SPEAKER.
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