联系我们 金鹏会员服务热线 : (86-898)950717 7*24小时金鹏贵宾专线:(86-898)950717-3或(86-898)95339-3 海航24小时订票热线 : (86-898)95339 金鹏俱乐部网址 : ffp.hnair.com 海南航空官方网站 : www.hnair.com 贵宾会员专用信箱 : [email protected] 欧洲24小时订票热线:00800-87689999(适用于匈牙利、比利时、德国、意大利、英国、法国、西班牙、 瑞士、荷兰) 俄罗斯24小时订票热线:810800-8768-9999(适用于阿拉木图,圣彼得堡、莫斯科) 北美24小时订票热线 : 312-374-3700(适用于波士顿、芝加哥、西雅图、圣何塞、多伦多及加拿大地区) 境内及境外营业部联系方式请登陆海航官方网站 www.hnair.com 查阅。 Contact us Fortune Wings Club Membership Hotline:(86-898)950717 (in China) Hainan Airlines Sales Hotline: (86-898)95339 Website of FFP: ffp.hnair.com Hainan Airlines Official Website: www.hnair.com Elite Member E-mail: [email protected] Hainan Airlines Sales Hotline for Europe: 0080087689999 (Available for Hungary, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Great Britain, France, The Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland) Hainan Airlines Sales Hotline for Russian Federation. & Kazakhstan: 810800-8768-9999 (Available for Alma-ata、 St.Petersburg、Moscow) Hainan Airlines Sales Hotline for N.A.: 312-374-3700(Available all U.S. and Canada) Please Log in to Hainan Airlines Official Website www.hnair.com to contact our domestic sales departments. Please Log in to Hainan Airlines Official Website www.hainanairlines.com to contact our overseas sales departments. 金鹏俱乐部 贵宾会员手册 The Fortune Wings Club Elite Member Handbook 微信Wechat 海南航空APP二维码 金鹏移动网站 金鹏俱乐部FWC 微信公众号二维码 金鹏俱乐部 02 贵宾会员手册 The Fortune Wings Club Elite Member Handbook 尊敬的贵宾会员: 您好!感谢您对海航一如既往的支持与厚爱 , 并祝贺您荣升为海航金鹏俱乐部贵宾会员! 作为贵宾会员 , 您除了可以享受额外积分奖励、优先订票与候补、免费变更及退票、额外 免费行李额, 以及在所有海航通航城市机场享受头等舱或公务舱值机和候机等常规贵宾服务 外,还可享受免费升舱机会、积分透支、定级资格滚动累积、赠送亲友贵宾卡等个性化权 益。本贵宾会员手册将为您详细介绍贵宾会员专享的优惠及服务内容,希望它能给您带来更多 便利。我们衷心希望与您结成永远的朋友! 本手册2020年1月3日起生效 , 将取代以往发放的任何版本贵宾会员手册。 金鹏俱乐部 Dear Elite Member, In recognition of your continued loyalty in the Fortune Wings Club,congratulations on becom- ing one of our “elites” – a Elite member of Hainan Airlines Fortune Wings Club! As a Elite member, in addition to benefits that our general members enjoy, you are also eligible for exclusive Elite privileges including bonus points, priority reservations and waitlist, free transaction fees for certain ticket changes or refunds, an extra baggage allowance as well as First Class or Business Class check-in and boarding services in all of our cities. Furthermore, with your Elite member card, you will also be able to take advantage of various benefits and offers from our merchant partners. To make your experience with us more convenient, this Elite handbook provides more detailed information regarding the exclusive privileges and services designed just for you. We are committed to serve you better. This handbook is effective from Jan 3rd, 2020. It replaces any previously issued Fortune Wings Member Handbooks. The Fortune Wings Club 金鹏俱乐部 04 贵宾会员手册 The Fortune Wings Club Elite Member Handbook 目录 Contents P 金鹏俱乐部会员级别 P 金鹏俱乐部合作伙伴体系 Fortune Wings Club Elite Membership status Meet Our Partners 05 24 P 金鹏俱乐部贵宾会员权益一览表 P 温馨提示 11 Exclusive Benefits and Services 26 General Information P 欢迎申办海航联名信用卡 23 Invitation to apply for Hainan Airlines Co-branded Credit Cards 金鹏俱乐部 06 贵宾会员手册 金鹏俱乐部会员级别 The Fortune Wings Club Elite Member Handbook Fortune Wings Club Elite Membership Status 白金卡 金 卡 银 卡 飞行卡 Platinum Card Gold Card Silver Card Select Card 卡样展示 Elite cards 连续12个月内 within the following 12 months 升级标准 10万定级积分或 5万定级积分或 3万定级积分或 5000定级积分或 status 80个定级航段 40个定级航段 20个定级航段 4个定级航段 Achievement 100,000 Status 50,000 Status 30,000 Status 5,000 Status Standard Qualifying Points Qualifying Points Qualifying Points Qualifying Points (SQPs) or 80 Status (SQPs) or 40 (SQPs) or 20 (SQPs) or 4 Status Qualifying Status Qualifying Status Qualifying Qualifying Segments(SQSs) Segments(SQSs) Segments(SQSs) Segments(SQSs) 贵宾资格有效期 升级当日到第二年次月月末 Validity period of from the day when the card is issued until the following Elite Membership month of the second year 贵宾资格有效期内 within the validity period of Elite membership 保级标准 10万定级积分或 5万定级积分或 3万定级积分或 5000定级积分或 Elite status 80个定级航段 40个定级航段 20个定级航段 4个定级航段 Maintenance 100,000 Status 50,000 Status 30,000 Status 5,000 Status Standard Qualifying Points Qualifying Points Qualifying Points Qualifying Points (SQPs) or 80 Status (SQPs) or 40 Status (SQPs) or 20 Status (SQPs) or 4 Status Qualifying Qualifying Qualifying Qualifying Segments(SQSs) Segments(SQSs) Segments(SQSs) Segments(SQSs) 保级后的有效期 完成保级的当月到第二年次月 Validity period of Elite from month Membership status is maintained until Membership after the following month of the second year maintainance 金鹏俱乐部 08 贵宾会员手册 The Fortune Wings Club Elite Member Handbook 1、会员的定级积分仅指会员搭乘海南航空、大新华航空、天津航空、香港航空、祥鹏航空、首都航 1、Status Qualifying Points(SQPs) represent a percentage of the actual miles flown (including 空、福州航空、金鹏航空、北部湾航空、乌鲁木齐航空、长安航空、桂林航空、西部航空、阿拉斯 applicable minimum mileage guarantees) based on Hainan Airlines, Grand China Air, Tianjin 加航空和维珍澳洲航空的航班,按航距和舱位等级计算的定级积分,不包括消费积分或其他任何促 Airlines, Hong Kong Airlines, Lucky Airlines, Capital Airlines, Fuzhou Airlines, Suparna Airlines, 销奖励积分。 Guangxi Beibu Gulf Airlines, Urumqi Air, AIR CHANGAN, Air Guilin, West Air,Alaska Airlines, Virgin Australia and the booking code purchased. Award points or any other pr omotional bonus 2、会员的定级航段仅限可累积定级积分的乘机。各舱位累积定级航段标准参考各航空公司积分累积标准表。 points is not included. SQPs are only used to determine membership status, not redemption. 3、您的贵宾资格有效期以实物卡片注明为准,仅限您本人在资格有效期内使用。若在升级后贵宾资 2、Status Qualifying Segments(SQSs) are segments you earn on eligible purchased tickets for 格有效期内定级积分或定级航段未达到保级标准,则自动进行相应降级。相关专享优惠与服务需贵 flights on Hainan Airlines, Grand China Air, Tianjin Airlines, Hong Kong Airlines, Lucky Airlines, 宾会员出示本人有效贵宾卡,拒绝出示或未带贵宾卡均不能享受。 Capital Airlines, Fuzhou Airlines, Suparna Airlines,Guangxi Beibu Gulf Airlines,Urumqi Air and Alaska Airlines. For the standard number of SQSs accumulated, you may refer to the point-earn- 4、金鹏俱乐部每日执行一次贵宾卡升级,确保及时为您办理升级。 ing standards chart of each airline company. 5、您的贵宾卡有效期是升级当日至第二年的次月月末。例如:会员2016年7月1日升级为白金卡,卡 有效期为2016年7月1日-2017年8月31日,最长14个月。 6、在您的贵宾卡有效期内,若您里程账户中的定级积分或定级航段达到保级标准,即可获得下一阶 段的贵宾会员资格,例如:白金卡会员,本次卡有效期为2016年7月-2017年8月。会员在卡有效期 期间达到保级标准,可获得下一阶段贵宾会员资格,有效期2017年9月-2018年10月,卡号保持不 变。 7、贵宾会员定级积分/航段滚动累积:在您的贵宾卡有效期内,账户中的定级积分或定级航段超出保 级标准的部分,可以滚动计入下个保级计算周期。例如:金卡会员,本次卡有效期内累积50个定 级航段(金卡保级标准为40个定级航段),保级成功。超出保级标准的10个定级航段计入下一个 保级计算周期,下一周期再累积10个定级航段可保级银卡,再累积30个定级航段可保级金卡,再 累积个70定级航段可升级白金卡。 8、以上标准自2016年1月1日起,正式实施。 金鹏俱乐部 10 贵宾会员手册 The Fortune Wings Club Elite Member Handbook 3、The qualification validity of Elite cards (Platinum, Gold, Silver) is indicated on the actual card. Elite Cards must be used by the member personally within the card validity period only. To stay on your current membership tier, you need to have at least the minimum number of points or have made the necessary number of qualifying flights within the validity period of the Elite card. If this is not the case, your membership tier will be downgraded to corresponding level you have reached ( not step-down).Elite members must present a valid Elite card to enjoy the exclusive benefits stated on this page . 4、Fortune Wings Club will process Elite card status upgrades daily to immediately confirm when a member reaches Elite Membership status. 5、The validity period of Elite membership cards is from the Day the card is issued until the following month of the second year. For example: If in July 1, 2016 the member achieves the Platinum card status the validity of the card is from July 1, 2016 until August 2017. 6、Within the validity period of the Elite card, once the Status Qualifying Points(SQPs) or Status Qualifying Segments(SQSs) total reaches the status maintenance standard, Elite membership status will immediately be granted for the following period. For example: For Platinum Card members, the validity period for the card is July 2016 to August 2017. When the member reaches the status maintenance standard within the card validity period, they can receive Elite member status for the subsequent period. The validity period is from September 2017 to October 2018 and the card number does not change. 7、Elite member Status Qualifying Points(SQPs)/Status Qualifying Segments(SQSs) has a rolling accumulation. Within the validity period of the Elite card, once the Status Qualifying Points(SQPs) or Status Qualifying Segments(SQSs) exceeds the status maintenance standard in the member’s points account, it can be rolled into the next status maintenance period. For example: For a Gold Card member, when 50 Status Qualifying Segments(SQSs) have been accumulated (Gold Card status maintenance standard is 40 base segments), status maintenance will be successful. The 10 Status Qualifying Segments(SQSs) that exceeded the status maintenance standard will be counted in the next status maintenance period. A further 10 Status Qualifying Segments(SQSs) in the following period can be used to achieve Silver Card status or a further 30 Status Qualifying Segments(SQSs) can be accumulated to achieve a Gold card. 8、The above standards are formally implemented as of January 1, 2016. 金鹏俱乐部 12 贵宾会员手册 The Fortune Wings Club Elite Member Handbook 金鹏俱乐部贵宾会员权益一览表 Exclusive Benefits and Services 服务类别 白金卡 金 卡 银 卡 服务类别 白金卡 金 卡 银 卡 Service Categories Platinum Card Gold Card Silver Card Service Categories Platinum Card Gold Card Silver Card 等级消费积分奖励 AS贵宾室⑨ (金额制)① 6-8积分/10元 4-6积分/10元 2-3积分/10元 ▲ ▲ Status bonus points1 10 RMB = 6-8 Points 10 RMB = 4-6 Points 10 RMB = 2-3 Points AS Board Room (Award method: Fare) 等级消费积分奖励 预约引导服务⑩ ▲ (航距制)① 50% 50% 25% Reserved guiding service Status bonus points1 (Award method: Distance) 两舱安检通道 11 优先候补② First/ Business Class ▲ ▲ ▲ √ √ √ Priority Waitlisting Security channel 优先保障经济舱 航班起飞前 小时 远机位摆渡车送机
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