Collectible State Research Guides: Arkansas and Michigan familytreemagazine.com MAY/JUNE 2018 MAGAZINE EllisDiscover Your Island Ancestors’ Journey PAGE 18 Simple Steps for Your 3DNA Results WHAT TO DO with Mom’s & Dad’s Stuff 4TTIPSIPS to Overcome Vanished Records WEBSITES TO CHECK OUT 6 MEMORIALIZE THE NEW ANCESTORS FIND A GRAVE! Circle your wagons against unfocused research and use GenSmarts to fire your research rocket directly at high priority searches. Quick, reasoned and logical research – that’s what GenSmarts does best! Automated Genealogy Research www.GenSmarts.com 0618FT_C2_3_5_16_41_58_62_67_69_C3_C4_ADS.indd C2 3/16/18 11:17 AM contents MAY / JUNE 2018 18 branchingoutt 177 Look for the green arrow Behind the Golden Door DNA Direction throughout this issue 42 18 Not sure what to do with your DNA E for hints to expanded Millions of our ancestors arrived at versions, free downloads Ellis Island with everything they test results? We’ll outline three and related products at owned and their hopes for a “next steps” to make new genealogy familytreemagazine.com! better life. Our photo tour lets you discoveries. follow in their footsteps. by Diahan Southard by Diane Haddad 48 Holes in History 26 Heirloom Handoff Major, record-destroying fi res have Passing on houseful of family trea- likely impacted your ancestry search. sures to the next generation isn’t We’ll help you raise your family tree always a simple matter. Here’s how to from the ashes of these disasters. work through that transition—and by Sunny Jane Morton ON THE COVER: what to do if no one wants the stuff . Ellis Island 18 by Denise May Levenick Your DNA results 42 Mom’s & Dad’s stuff 26 33 State Research Guides Vanished records 48 Our series helps you trace your ances- The new Find A Grave 70 tors in US states. In this issue: Memorialize your ancestors 68 ARKANSAS 33 MICHIGAN 37 COVER PHOTO: ALVIS UPITIS/FOTOTROVE/GETTY IMAGES by Lauren Gamber familytreemagazine.com 1 0618FT_1-2_TOC.indd 1 3/16/18 10:15 AM MAY / JUNE 2018 8 everything’srelative 7 8 Lisa’s Picks Family history faves from the founder of Genealogy Gems. by Lisa Louise Cooke 10 Timeline The history of America’s health insurance system. by David A. Fryxell 12 Family History Home How to organize and preserve kids’ schoolwork. by Denise May Levenick 14 Stories to Tell A woman launches a genetic genealogy search for her grandfather— 26 and discovers a nephew, too. by Diane Haddad 15 Your Turn Preserve your memories by answering our family history prompt. treetips 59 60 Now What? Expert answers to your genealogy questions about WWII POWs, fi nding burial places and homesteading ancestors. by David A. Fryxell 63 Photo Detective Family history clues in a vacation photo. by Maureen A. Taylor 64 Tech Toolkit What’s New: War of 1812 pensions, DNA privacy and more 64 IN EVERY ISSUE: 63 How To: Load a microfi lm reader 66 Out on a Limb 4 Roundup: Memorial websites 68 Tree Talk 6 Website: The new Find A Grave 70 The Rest is History 72 DNA Q&A 71 Family Tree Magazine (ISSN 1529-0298) is published seven times per year: January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August, September, October/November and December by F+W, A Content + eCommerce Company, 10151 Carver Road, Suite 300, Cincinnati, OH 45242; telephone (513) 531-2690. Copyright ©2018 F+W Media, Inc., Vol. 19, No. 3, May/June 2018. Subscription rates: one year, $36. Canadian subscriptions add $8 per year, other foreign subscriptions add $10 per year for surface mail or $35 per year for air mail and remit in US funds. Postmaster: Send all address changes to Family Tree Magazine, Box 420235, Palm Coast, FL 32141; return undeliverable Canadian addresses to Box 1632, Windsor, Ontario N9A 7C9. Periodicals postage paid at Cincinnati, Ohio and additional mailing offi ces. Produced and printed in the USA. 2 FAMILY TREE MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2018 0618FT_1-2_TOC.indd 2 3/16/18 10:16 AM LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? If you like what you see, subscribe today so you don’t miss a single tip or resource! https://bit.ly/2GErghT America’s #1 genealogy magazine is now better than ever! Here’s what you can expect from our fresh approach to helping you discover, preserve and celebrate your roots. More Inspiration Family Tree Magazine is the premier resource for learning how to trace your family history. Now, we’ve got more of the why to inspire your search, including these new items in every issue: Real-life genealogy success stories and profiles A prompt for preserving your family history How genealogy ties to current events, and how the past shapes our future A Fresh Look Our new design will make your reading experience even better: More photos and visuals Fact-packed content in bite-sized chunks A clean, classic design that reflects the vibrancy of family history (Still) The Best How-To Advice We haven’t forgotten what our readers love best about Family Tree Magazine: the best genealogy instruction and advice in the business! You can continue to look forward to: Guides to using historical records and researching your roots in every US state The best genealogy websites Research secrets from leading genealogy experts Tech tips and resource roundups And much more! Don't miss out on these great resources, subscribe today! https://bit.ly/2GErghT Advertisement Do This One Thing To Sleep Better… EVERY NIGHT! UHPHPEHUZKHQ,XVHWREH \RXU ERG\ MXVW GRHVQ¶W SURGXFH HUWKLVZRUNVZHOOZKHQFRP ,DEOHWREHDEOHWRVOHHSZLWK HQRXJK RQ LWV RZQ DQG WKDW¶V ELQHGZLWKYDOHULDQURRWRUKRSV RXWDSUREOHP,¶GJRXSVWDLUV ZK\ VXSSOHPHQWV FDQ KHOS LI 7KLV LV D FODVVLF WLPH SURYHQ UHDG IRU PLQXWHV WXUQ \RX¶YH EHHQ KDYLQJ WURXEOH FRPELQDWLRQ WKDW¶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¶VZK\LW¶VVRLPSRUWDQWWR VOHHSLQJ SUREOHPV VKRZHG H[ PLQXWHV ZRUWK RI UHDGLQJ WR VXSSOHPHQW PDJQHVLXP DQG FHOOHQW UHVXOWV LQ KHOSLQJ WKH PDNH PH ZDQW WR WXUQ RII WKH PDNH VXUH \RX¶UH JHWWLQJ WKH SDUWLFLSDQWVIDOODVOHHSDQGVWD\ OLJKW7KHQ,ZRXOGZDNHXSRU ULJKW DPRXQW HDFK GD\ %HVLGHV DVOHHSWKURXJKWKHQLJKW WLPHVGXULQJWKHQLJKW6RPH EHLQJ DQ HVVHQWLDO PLQHUDO WKDW WLPHVP\EUDLQZRXOGQ¶WVKXWRII 9DOHULDQURRWLVDQKHUEWKDWKDV \RXUERG\QHHGVPDJQHVLXPKDV ,QVWHDG RI EHLQJ XS IRU D IHZ VKRZQ SURPLVLQJ UHVXOWV ZLWK EHHQSURYHQWRORZHUEORRGSUHV PLQXWHV DQG WKHQ EDFN WR VOHHS KHOSLQJ SHRSOH IDOO DVOHHS DQG VXUHDQGLQFUHDVHWKHVOHHSTXDOL ,¶GEHXSIRUDQKRXURUWZREH DOVR LQFUHDVLQJ WKH TXDOLW\ RI W\ LQ WKRVH ZKR KDYH SRRU VOHHS SDWWHUQV ,W¶V KDUG WR PDNH VXUH IRUH,GR]HGRIIDJDLQ1HHGOHVV WKHLU VOHHS ,Q IDFW LQ D GRXEOH \RX¶UH JHWWLQJ HQRXJK PDJQHVL WRVD\,QRORQJHUZRNHXSIHHO EOLQG VWXG\ QHDUO\ KDOI RI WKH XP IURP GLHWDORQH %XWE\ WDN LQJUHIUHVKHGOLNH,GLG\HDUVDJR SDUWLFLSDQWV UHSRUWHG ³SHUIHFW´ LQJ D VXSSOHPHQW ZLWK PDJQHVL ,KDGWR ILQGDVROXWLRQ±$QDOO VOHHSDQGYLUWXDOO\HYHU\SDUWLF XP \RX ZRQ¶W KDYH WR ZRUU\ QDWXUDOVROXWLRQ LSDQWUHSRUWHGLPSURYHGVOHHS DERXWWKDWDQ\PRUH 7KH UHVXOW LV ³6OHHS 0D[´ $Q +RZ GRHV WKLV SODQW GR DOO RI 7RGD\ \RX FDQ JHW D ERWWOH RI DOWHUQDWLYH KHDOWK SURGXFW WKDW LV WKDW" :HOO UHVHDUFK KDV VKRZQ 6OHHS 0D[ IRU RQO\ RU ERWK VDIH DQG HIIHFWLYH IRU IRONV WKDW YDOHULDQ FDQ LQFUHDVH WKH HYHQEHWWHULI\RXJHWWZRERWWOHV VWUXJJOLQJ WR JHW D JRRG QLJKW¶V DPRXQW RI gamma- IRU\RX¶OOJHWDWKLUGERW UHVW)RUPHWKHDIIHFWVZHUHLP $PLQREXW\ULF DFLG *$%$ LQ WOH)5((6LPSO\VHQGDFKHFN PHGLDWH(DFKERWWOHFRQWDLQV \RXUEUDLQZKLFKFDQKDYHD FDSVXOHVDQG\RXVLPSO\WDNHRQH VHGDWLYHHIIHFWDQGFUHDWHDIHHO WR0:6%,QF6RXWK8QLRQ RU WZR SLOOV DERXW PLQXWHV LQJ RI FDOPQHVV DQG UHOD[DWLRQ 6WUHHW2OHDQ1HZ<RUN EHIRUHEHG±,W¶VQRPRUHFRPSOL 7KLV LV ZK\ YDOHULDQ FDQ KHOS RULI\RXZLVKWRSD\ZLWKD FDWHGWKDQWKDW \RXIDOODVOHHSIDVWHUDQGPDNH FUHGLW RU GHELW FDUG FDOO WROO IUHH DW 6OHHS 0D[ VXUH WKDW \RX¶UH JHWWLQJ WKH 6OHHS PD[ KHOSV VRPHRQH UHDFK TXDOLW\ VOHHS \RX QHHG %XW LW FRPHVZLWKDIXOOGD\PRQH\ D GHHSHU XQLQWHUUXSWHG QLJKW¶V ZRUNV HVSHFLDOO\ ZHOO ZKHQ EDFNJXDUDQWHH,IIRUDQ\UHDVRQ VOHHS$QGKRZGRHVLWGRWKDW" FRPELQHGZLWKVRPHRIWKHRWK \RX¶UH QRW VDWLVILHG VLPSO\ UH NH\ LQJUHGLHQWV 0HODWRQLQ HU LQJUHGLHQWV LQ WKLV VXSSOH WXUQWKHERWWOHHYHQLILW¶VHPSW\ 9DOHULDQ SDVVLRQIORZHU DQG PHQWVXFKDVSDVVLRQIORZHU IRUDIXOOUHIXQG PDJQHVLXP 3DVVLRQIORZHULVDYLQHWKDWKDV <RX FDQ DOVR RUGHU RQOLQH DW 0HODWRQLQLVDKRUPRQHWKDW\RXU D YDULHW\ RI EHQHILWV RQH RI *HW6OHHS0D[FRP ERG\ QDWXUDOO\ SURGXFHV WR JHW WKHP EHLQJ LPSURYLQJ VOHHS ,W \RXWRVOHHS:KLFK LVZK\VXS ZRUNVLQDZD\VLPLODUWRYDOH ,I\RX¶UHVLFNDQGWLUHGRIQRW SOHPHQWLQJ PHODWRQLQ FDQ KHOS ULDQ URRW DQG LQFUHDVHV WKH JHWWLQJ D JRRG QLJKW¶V VOHHS LPSURYHWKHTXDOLW\RI\RXUVOHHS DPRXQW RI *$%$ LQ \RXU V\V KHUH¶V \RXU FKDQFH IRU D EHWWHU DQG DOVR KHOS QRUPDOL]H \RXU WHPWKXVKHOSLQJ\RXUHOD[DQG QLJKW¶VVOHHS VOHHS VFKHGXOH ,Q VRPH FDVHV IHHOFDOPHU$VPHQWLRQHGHDUOL dŚĞƐĞƐƚĂƚĞŵĞŶƚƐŚĂǀĞŶŽƚďĞĞŶǀĞƌŝĮĞĚďLJƚŚĞ&͘ 0618FT_C2_3_5_16_41_58_62_67_69_C3_C4_ADS.indd 3 3/16/18 11:17 AM out on a limb MAY/JUNE 2018 / VOLUME 19, ISSUE 3 Group Publisher Allison Dolan Editor Diane Haddad Art Director Julie Barnett We all notice, every now and Editor/Content Producer Andrew Koch again, that we could use an update. You Instructional Designer Vanessa Wieland start to feel like your outward appearance Online Content Director Ashlee Peck doesn’t match what you want people to Social Media Manager Rachel Fountain know about you. That’s when you might Contributing Editors Lisa A. Alzo, Rick Crume, David start to eat more healthfully, clean out your A. Fryxell, Nancy Hendrickson, Sunny Jane Morton, Maureen A. Taylor closet, or color your grays (not that I’d know anything about that). F+W, A CONTENT + ECOMMERCE COMPANY And the same goes for magazines. After CEO Greg Osberg taking a good look at our pages, we decided CFO Jennifer Graham we could do a better job of showing how SVP, General Manager, F+W Outdoors and fascinating genealogy is.
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