Nodal Economic Profiling Project Central Karoo Western Cape Nodal Economic Profiling Project Business Trust & dplg, 2007 Central Karoo Context IInn 22000011,, SSttaattee PPrreessiiddeenntt TThhaabboo MMbbeekkii aannnnoouunncceedd aann iinniittiiaattiivvee ttoo aaddddrreessss uunnddeerrddeevveellooppmmeenntt iinn tthhee mmoosstt sseevveerreellyy iimmppoovveerriisshheedd aarreeaass rruurraall aanndd uurrbbaann aarreeaass ((““ppoovveerrttyy nnooddeess””)) iinn SSoouutthh AAffrriiccaa,, wwhhiicchh hhoouussee aarroouunndd tteenn mmiilllliioonn ppeeooppllee.. TThhee UUrrbbaann RReenneewwaall PPrrooggrraammmmee ((uurrpp)) aanndd tthhee IInntteeggrraatteedd SSuussttaaiinnaabbllee RRuurraall Maruleng DDeevveellooppmmeenntt PPrrooggrraammmmee Sekhukhune ((iissrrddpp)) wweerree ccrreeaatteedd iinn 22000011 ttoo address development in these Bushbuckridge address development in these aarreeaass.. TThheessee iinniittiiaattiivveess aarree Alexandra hhoouusseedd iinn tthhee DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff Kgalagadi Umkhanyakude PPrroovviinncciiaall aanndd LLooccaall Government (dplg). Zululand Government (dplg). Maluti-a-Phofung Umzinyathi Galeshewe Umzimkhulu I-N-K Alfred Nzo Ukhahlamba Ugu Central Karoo OR Tambo Chris Hani Mitchell’s Plain Mdantsane Khayelitsha Motherwell UUP-WRD-Central Karoo Profile-301106-IS 2 Nodal Economic Profiling Project Business Trust & dplg, 2007 Central Karoo Central Karoo poverty node Activities z Research process Documents People z Overview z Economy – Overview – Selected sector: Agriculture – Selected sector: Tourism z Investment opportunities z Summary z Appendix UUP-WRD-Central Karoo Profile-301106-IS 3 Nodal Economic Profiling Project Business Trust & dplg, 2007 Research process Central Karoo Summary of what we have done Acttiiviittiies DDooccuummeennttss PPeeooppllee Seven different types of documents ± several business plans / Meetings with government / feasibility studies Desk research public sector and private ± twelve Integrated sector / local people One visit to the node Development Plan ± six meetings with (IDP)/ Local Economic municipality/government ± 23 to 26 October 2006 Development (LED) ± one meeting with a development bureau Understanding of potential documents ± two meetings with for economic growth and ± two transport reports tourism organisations specific opportunities for ± three regional profiles ± four meetings with nodal investments across the businesses tourism and agriculture ± seven agriculture- ± three meetings with sectors related reports non-governmental organisations (NGOs) ± fourteen tourism studies ± four uranium mining news reports UUP-WRD-Central Karoo Profile-301106-IS 4 Nodal Economic Profiling Project Business Trust & dplg, 2007 Central Karoo Central Karoo poverty node z Research process Introduction z Overview Key data points Current action z Economy ± Overview ± Selected sector: Agriculture ± Selected sector: Tourism z Investment opportunities z Summary z Appendix UUP-WRD-Central Karoo Profile-301106-IS 5 Nodal Economic Profiling Project Business Trust & dplg, 2007 Central Karoo Overview IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn KKeeyy ddaattaa ppooiinnttss CCuurrrreenntt aaccttiioonn Introduces the node; Lists pertinent acts and Describes current summarises key issues figures interventions SSnnaappsshhoott GGeeooggrraapphhyy GGoovveerrnnaannccee AArreeaa ssuummmmaarryy SSppaattiiaall ddeevveellooppmmeenntt IIDDPP aasssseessssmmeenntt KKeeyy cchhaalllleennggeess DDeemmooggrraapphhyy DDeevveellooppmmeenntt pprroojjeeccttss LLooccaall ppeeooppllee ppoorrttrraaiitt IInnccoommee aanndd eemmppllooyymmeenntt EEdduuccaattiioonn HHeeaalltthh DDeevveellooppmmeenntt ssccoorreeccaarrdd UUP-WRD-Central Karoo Profile-301106-IS 6 Nodal Economic Profiling Project Business Trust & dplg, 2007 Introduction Central Karoo Snapshot Key Information Population: 2001 60,484 Area 38,874 km2 Population Density: 2001 1.6 inhabitants / km2 Estimated GDP: 2004 R0.69 billion CCeennttrraall KKaarroooo Province Western Cape Main Town / City Beaufort West HHiissttoorriiccaall OOvveerrvviieeww WWiitthh tthhee sseettttlleemmeennttss iinn tthhee CCaappee eexxtteennddiinngg rraappiiddllyy iinn aann eeaasstteerrllyy ddiirreeccttiioonn iinn tthhee 11774400ss,, tthhee ffiirrsstt ffaarrmmeerrss sseettttlleedd ddoowwnn iinn tthhee KKaarroooo SSiinnccee ffaarrmmiinngg iinn tthhiiss ddrryy aarreeaa mmeeaannss aa ccoonnssttaanntt nneeeedd ffoorr wwaatteerr,, sseevveerraall ddiissppuutteess wwiitthh tthhee XXhhoossaa ttrriibbeessmmeenn,, wwhhoo aallssoo sseettttlleedd iinn tthhee aarreeaa,, eennssuueedd IInn oorrddeerr ttoo bbrriinngg llaaww aanndd oorrddeerr,, rreelliiggiioonn aanndd ggoovveerrnnmmeenntt ttoo tthhee rreeggiioonn,, tthhee GGoovveerrnnoorr ooff tthhee CCaappee CCoolloonnyy,, LLoorrdd CChhaarrlleess SSoommeerrsseett,, ddeecciiddeedd ttoo eessttaabblliisshh aa ttoowwnn tthheerree –– TThhee ttoowwnn wwaass nnaammeedd BBeeaauuffoorrtt iinn hhoonnoouurr ooff LLoorrdd CChhaarrlleess SSoommeerrsseett’’ss ffaatthheerr,, tthhee ffiifftthh DDuukkee ooff BBeeaauuffoorrtt OOnn 33 FFeebbrruuaarryy 11883377 BBeeaauuffoorrtt wwaass ggrraanntteedd aa mmuunniicciippaall ggoovveerrnnmmeenntt aanndd tthhuuss bbeeccaammee tthhee ffiirrsstt mmuunniicciippaalliittyy iinn SSoouutthh AAffrriiccaa Source: Stats SA Census 2001; Wesgro (Western Cape Trade and Investment Promotion Agency); Quantec; www.beaufortwestsa.co.za; www.donkinhouse.co.za UUP-WRD-Central Karoo Profile-301106-IS 7 Nodal Economic Profiling Project Business Trust & dplg, 2007 Introduction Central Karoo Area summary VVaasstt sseemmii--ddeesseerrtt llaannddssccaappee SSmmaallll ppooppuullaattiioonn,, pprriimmaarriillyy uurrbbaann TThhee ppooppuullaattiioonn aanndd sseettttlleemmeennttss aarree ccoonncceennttrraatteedd aarroouunndd tthhee NN11 ccoonnnneeccttiinngg GGaauutteennggwwiitthh CCaappee TToowwnn Bloemfontein, Johannesburg ±± BBeeaauuffoorrtt WWeesstt aanndd LLaaiinnggssbbuurrgg aarree ttwwoo ooff tthhee ffeeww ttoowwnnss aalloonngg tthhee NN11 wwhheerree tthhee ttrraaffffiicc aaccttuuaalllyy ggooeess tthhrroouugghh tthhee ttoowwnn BBeeaauuffoorrtt WWeesstt iiss tthhee eeccoonnoommiicc hhuubb ooff Beaufort West LM Murraysburg DMA tthhee rreeggiioonn aanndd tthhee ccoonnnneeccttiinngg ppooiinntt ffoorr tthhee NN1122 aanndd tthhee NN11 Karoo NP Beaufort West Road Laingsburg LM R407 N12 Railway Prince Albert LM Laingsburg Prince Albert N1 Matjesfontein Cape Town George Source: Monitor analysis UUP-WRD-Central Karoo Profile-301106-IS 8 Nodal Economic Profiling Project Business Trust & dplg, 2007 Introduction Central Karoo Some observations about Central Karoo “Central Karoo is highly urbanised and the agricultural areas around Beaufort West and Laingsburg are particularly depopulated” ± Central Karoo Economic Regeneration Study (Central Karoo DM 2003) “Central Karoo is a semi-desert and hence the potential for extensive agriculture is very low” ± Department of Agriculture, Laingsburg “In a town like Beaufort West you are far away from all markets” ± Central Karoo LED Manager about the remote location of Central Karoo “Only 2% of all trips to the Western Cape are taken with the Central Karoo as the prime destination, despite the fact that approximately 15,000 cars and 1,000 trucks pass through Beaufort West every day” ± Study of the tourism potential in Beaufort West (Development Southern Africa Vol. 22, 2005) “The mining companies are serious about their development plans and are investing 1 billion Rand in the region” ± Beaufort West Rotary President about the expected uranium mining boom UUP-WRD-Central Karoo Profile-301106-IS 9 Nodal Economic Profiling Project Business Trust & dplg, 2007 Introduction Central Karoo Key challenges Central Karoo is a semi-desert area with a harsh climate and very limited rainfall Except for a small region in the southern part of the node the potential for extensive agriculture Land and Climate: Land and Climate: is very limited SSeemmii--ddeesseerrtt The Karoo soil does not respond well to water, and irrigation increases the concentration of minerals harmful to crops Although the Central Karoo is ideally located along the N1 connecting Gauteng with Cape Town LLooccaattiioonn aanndd the distances to the main markets, Cape Town and Port Elizabeth, are a major constraint to TTrraannssppoorrtt:: RReemmoottee,, rreelliiaanntt oonn rrooaadd small businesses ttrraannssppoorrtt Under-investment in the rail system has forced people to rely on road transport Few job opportunities in the Central Karoo forces economically active people to move away and seek employment elsewhere MMiiggrraattiioonn PPaatttteerrnnss:: SSkkiillllss oouuttffllooww Due to lack of opportunities for further education, young people tend to leave Central Karoo for Cape Town or Port Elizabeth and very few people return after having finished their education Although the HIV and AIDS prevalence is lower than the national average, a dramatic increase is expected, since prostitution targeting mainly truck drivers spending the night in and around Beaufort West is on the increase HIV and AIDS: Rapid HHIIVV aanndd AAIIDDSS:: RRaappiidd Among uneducated people there is a lack of HIV and AIDS awareness sspprreeaadd Central Karoo has not yet been exposed to aggressive awareness campaigns such as those seen in KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape Source: Monitor analysis; Interviews UUP-WRD-Central Karoo Profile-301106-IS 10 Nodal Economic Profiling Project Business Trust & dplg, 2007 Central Karoo Local people portrait – Eldo Peters Eldo Peters is a 32-year-old father of two living in Beaufort
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