. ' ,, Registered by Austral/a Post Publication No NBH2266 January 1988 esigned 1011ne senous ott- 1oode1, 1ne new eignleen Dspeed 1-\igl"I Sie!!O'S on\V nrnilolion is 1ne 1ide1 .1ne norne. toll<.. siern and nondle-bO! oie rnode ot p1erniutn cn10-rnolV. o pertecl balance ot ligl"IIWeigl"II and du1obililV, Md 10 lnis cornPonenls sucn as Snirnono oeoie SIS indexing svsiern , Snirnono Sio-Poce cionK sel. NOVO o\\OV nrns will"I QR sealed beefing nubs and you nO\/e on ,t>.1S 1nol will loKe you onywneie you wonl 10 go. and bocK. (08'~ ~~~~, REPCOCYC 25 HAMILTON S}ES HUNTINGDALE, 3166 Available from leading Repco Cycle dea lers. wheelin9 Number 4 7 JanuartJ/FebruarlJ 1988 Contents Sport and fitness 19 COMMONWEALTH BANK 50 REPCO SYDNEYTO THE CYCLE CLASSIC 'GONG The inside story by Coverage of our big Frank Wa lsh with John 1987 Ride Drummond 8ic1J.cle mechanics 64 THE LONG WEELBASE Columns BIKE 5 WARREN SALOMON A bike for all seasons 7 J OHNDR UMMOND 12 P RO DEALERS 8ic1J.cle facilities and 14 WORLD AWHEEL safetl}. 41 NEWPROD UCTSAN D 58 SPEED FOR SOMEOR IDEAS 33 AVOIDINGCYCLI NG SAFETY FOR ALL? 18 \\RITE O~ INJLRIES Widening the kerbside 48 PARTS & ACCESSORIES A sound approach to lane bcnefils all road 68 CLASSIFIEDS fitness training users 68 CALENDAR 62 REGA RNOLD Th e Six-Day Race fll?l''l hee li ng 11 publi,hcd \IX time," year in the month, of Januar). March. May. Jui). September and November. ISSN No: 0154i 4579. phenomenon Editorial and Ad,ertising Offices: Room 57 Trade, Hall. cnr Dixon & Gou Iburn 511 .. S) dne) ',SW Au11ralia Address all cormpondcnce w: Free,.hee ling PO Bo, K26. Haymarket '.'IS\~ 2000 Au,tralia . Telephone (02) 2M 85+1 Tra(le/ and tourin9 Pu blisher / Editor: Warren Salomon. Admini strati on and ci rculation: Marilyn S111cy. La)o ut and assembl) : Brett Che,h1Te 42 TRi\\'ELLERSTALES ~ tional Ad>ertisin~ Sales: David Turner Telephone (02\ 91} 126/i or ro2i 2h-l 85+l .. and the joys or bicycle Typesetting:facr),1ze Typean Semce (02)4512579. Pa'lhon Prrn Set (U2) 211 0252. Printing: Offset Alpine Pt1 Ltd Derb1 ii.. Wetherill trave l S1'. S1lverna1er \SI\ Ph . (112) 1,47 lf)J!J. D~ribution --1'el>.agents: Gordon & Gotch Pty Ltd (02) 667 04bo or offices ,n your state Suhscriptions and bicycle dealerdi stribution: Free.,heeling Australia Puhl1ca11on, (02) 2fl.l 8544 Material in th1> publication may not be stored or reproduced ,n any form .,,th out permi,11011 Re4ucm for permission sho ul d be directed 10 the Publ1>her Ed11orial conmbutions including hlack and white print, or colour tran,parencies on all aspect\ of 9ding an: "elcomed Send an cnqu11) or "ntdor guideline\ fll?e\\ heelin~can not Jccept matcndl prc\lou,11 publi,hed m <Hher Journal, Lener, from rcadm for the \\rile On column arc al"a11 "ekomed Copi right © l91i8 Frec"heelm~Au,trnlia Publ,cauon, Cover photography by Frank Walsh shows the winner of this )t ars Commoni,ealth Bank C}rle Classic in the yellow jersey (right) during the big race. Our detailed coverage starts on page 19. Cartoons this page by Don Hatcher. Phil Somerville is having a well -earned holiday and will return next issue. A safe and happy 1988 to all our readers. If it had one more gear, it could climb trees. The Ricardo Ridge Rider 15 speed. The bike that can take you almost anywhere, on road or off. The Ridge Rider is a real adverturer's bike. Its CroMo lugged frame gives you the strength and lightness to take the rough with the smooth. Add concave Alloy Wienman buckle resistant rims and thorn resistant tubes and you've got a bike that can handle just about any terrain . Take a closer look at the Ridge Rider and the all purpose city bikes like the Bush Bike, Easistreet and the Beach Bike, at your local Ricardo Mastercare dealer. Aus1rallan lrames If you want a bike that can match your sense of adventure, you 'd made by Australian crallsmen better ride a Ricardo. It'll take you to new heights of achievement. HA8711B Warren Salomon Australian cvcling's bii events Our first detail ea coverage of 'the Bank Race, big rides for the Bicentenary and 1988 and all that. HIS ISSUE of Freewheeling we puts you , the reader, inside the peleton Europe next northern summer. I hope devote a considerable space to as it winds its way from Queensland to to do a bit of touring so I have become a T our coverage of the Common­ the Victorian border. keen consumer of guide books and wealth Bank Cycle Classic. Long term brochures. One of the more interesting readers will be aware of this event but Big Bicentena11' bicycle bash things which caught my attention was our expanded coverage is a recent inno­ the large number of stone circles, With all the hoo-ha and activity sur­ vation . bronze age ruins and ancient sacred sites Over the last few issues we have been rounding this years Bicentennial celeb­ which dot the landscape. improving our presentation of the broad rations it is good to see that cycling As I was recounting this observation cycling scene. Though we have our roots groups have come up with a solid pro­ to a friend it occurred to me that it was in recreational/non competitive cycling, gram of events to entice Aussies and easy to regard European sacred sites we couldn't miss this opportunity pro­ their international visitors out of their with some awe yet I so easily overlooked vide a detailed and expert coverage •of homes and onto their bikes. A look at the thousands of no-less important sites the event half of eastern Australia is our calendar of events this issue shows which dot my own countryside. wild about. an almost full year of activities and even As January 26 1988 approaches I can't Out side of the big cities the Bank as we go to press there are more popping help thinking that one of the things we Race , as it is known, is going from up. are unwittingly celebrating is an inva­ strength to strength. Country people The Bates brothers will stage two sion . As the European coloni sts spread have taken to stage racing with the same major competitive events of massive out across the Australi an landscape they enthusiasm which is currently sweeping proportions: the World Series Track car­ unknowingly obliterated many of this Europe. Crowds are measured in the nivals in January/February and the land's sacred sites much as any invading thousands and, like the big European Commonwealth Bank Cycle Classic dur­ army does when it conquers new territ­ stage races, cities and towns bid big dol­ ing October to run this year between ory. Even in the 1980's the invasion men­ lars for the privilege of hosting the stage Brisbane and Melbourne - Australia's tality is still prevalent. An Aboriginal starts and finishes. longest ever stage race. ceremonial bora ground near where I The race organisers Phil and Frank The Australian Cycling Federati.on grew up was converted into a football Bates have achieved a lot with their will also be celebrating its centenary this field as late as ten years ago. event but it is the country people who year with a .week of competitive and Unfortunately the events of the past are their biggest supporters. lt's a non- competitive activities based on two centuries have occurred at such a shame, but once the cycling circus ap­ Brisbane. breakneck pace and because the original proaches the big city (in this case Syd­ The big touring events with specific inhabitants - the Aborigines - were re­ ney) , it has to compete with a myriad of Bicentennial endorsement are the Festi­ garded by the colonists as aliens their other sporting events which often occur val of Cycling (held in South Australia in centuries-old monuments and sacred at the same time and compete for un­ late April) and the Big Bicentennial sites were thoughtlessly knocked down committed spectators. Bike Ride - the much enlarged version much as we carelessly demolish Victo­ Bicycle stage racing unfortunaiely is of the Caltex Bike Ride which will spill rian streetscapes and other more recent not the ideal spectator sport. Events over the Victorian border in November constructions. move quickly and to maintain a safe and descend on Canberra and Sydney It is sad, but some of the Bicentennial road environment the action has to be like a plague of locusts. celebrations will be li ttle more than closely monitored and controlled by the With so much happening in the coun­ glorifications of the original invasion. Police and officials. Not the place for try during '88 existing accommodation Sure there should be a celebration of the day dreaming spectators. will be stretched to the limit. The or­ founding of the modern Australian na­ Any one who has been fortunate ganisers of the cycling events are hoping tion but shouldn't that be better held in enough to travel with a big stage race that local bike riders will come to the 2001 when our democracy turns 100. To knows that outsid e the peloton and fore and offer the visitors home-stay go through with a pompous re- enact­ breakaway groups it is often difficult to accommodation or the short time before ment of the landing by military officers know what has happened 'out there' on and after the events to allow them to see in Sydney Cove to forcibly take posses­ the road until the riders have been a little more of Australia.
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