Renaissance 4/2012 - 1 Piotr Wilc4e7 Renaissance Studies at Polish uni'ersities : an o'er'iew While Renaissance Studies in Poland flourished Renaissance in Polish <iterature( 1st ed# 1910( in the 1950’s and 1960’s they were at that ti e 2nd ed# 1919( =rd ed# 20015# $his 900 !a&e o- inspired and influenced "y co unist educatio- no&ra!h was used in Polish Studies de!art- nal !olicy. $hus the Renaissance was !resu ed ents to&ether with Renesans 2$he Re- to "e a %secular’ and %!ro&ressive’ !eriod( lastin& naissance5 "y 3erzy >io e7 21st ed# 199=( ele- in the Polish conte)t fro the latter years of the 'en editions until 2012( 55= !a&es). Since 2005( 15th to the end of the 16th century. *t served as however( when the -olo&na !rocess was offici- counter!oise to the %reactionary’ +iddle ,&es, ally introduced in Poland (with = year -, !ro- and to the ,&e of the -aro.ue as well( since &ra s and 2 year +, !ro&ra s re!lacin& 5 year "oth were thou&ht to "e heavily influenced "y +, !ro&ra s) there has "een a tendency in Po- /atholic Piety# 0ro the late 1910s there has lish Studies de!art ents to condense the study "een a &rowin& interest in +edieval and especi- of the whole history of literature 2fro the 12th to ally -aro.ue literature and even authors !re- the 20th century) to = years (new -,5 and not 5 viously interested in Renaissance studies (such years (old +,5# $hus the study of Renaissance as Janusz Pelc( the ost distin&uished a on& literature and culture has "een reduced in a si&- the 5 shifted their interest to -aro.ue culture# , nificant way# *n addition( at any uni'ersities a6or scholarly 6ournal -aro7 2$he -aro.ue5 was traditional courses in the history of literature esta"lished in 1994 "y literary and art historians; were re!laced "y ? ono&ra!hic lectures@ which any 'alua"le studies devoted to the 19th cen- discussed selected !ro"le s of early odern lit- tury have since "een !u"lished# $his interestin& erature at a !rofessor’s discretion# conte)t serves as the "ackdro! to the evolution of Renaissance Studies at Polish universities. , tendency to !u"lish uch less e)ten- sive Renaissance te)t"ooks has "een one note- +ost Polish acade ic scholarshi! on worthy conse.uence8 the !rocess started as the Renaissance : whether te)t"ooks, "oo7 early as in 1919 when the shortened version of cha!ters or 6ournal articles : especially fro the 3erzy >io ek’s te)t"oo7 was !u"lishedA <itera- late 1960s onward was no lon&er ideolo&ical in tura Odrodzenia 2Renaissance <iterature( War- orientation and was devoted to the ost si&nifi- saw 1919( 290 !a&es of a !ocket "oo7 for at5# cant aspects of the !eriod( especially to litera- 0ro the id-1990s a few new te)t"ooks were ture# ,"ove all( scholars focused on the Re- !u"lished# $hey were a!!arently intended to naissance’s ost distin&uished re!resentative( serve the new educational realities at Polish Stu- Jan ;ochanowski( whose life and wor7 was e)- dies de!art ents after the chan&es introduced tensively discussed in Janusz Pelc’s ono&ra!h "y the -olo&na !rocess: <iteratura renesansu w Jan ;ochanowski# S4czyt renesansu w literatur- Polsce 2Renaissance <iterature in Poland5 "y 3a- ze !olskie6 23an ;ochanowski# $he /li a) of the nusz Pelc 2Warsaw 1994( 295 !a&es), <iteratura Piotr Wilc4e7 Renaissance Studies at Polish uni'ersities – an overview 7unstte)te#de 4/2012 - 2 !olskie&o renesansu 2Polish Renaissance <itera- dents who are usually not interested in studyin& ture5 "y Piotr Wilcze7 2;atowice 2005( 200 !a- !re-20th century literature# Students do not ha'e &es) and Renesans 2$he Renaissance5 "y ,da any dee! 7nowled&e a"out literary history when ;ar!iCski 2Warszawa 2009( 212 !a&es). they enroll in a university# 0unda ental chan&es in curricula at the secondary le'el have done $his "rief list re!resents a "roader( si&ni- away with that !rospect( there is no lon&er any ficant trend in recent uni'ersity teachin& of Re- syste atic course# <iterature is tau&ht in a lar&er naissance culture# ,s the author of one of these cultural conte)t( and read in fra& ents selected te)t"ooks * ust ad it * was not fully aware of "y te)t"oo7 authors, then winnowed down so e the sco!e and si&nificance of the !rocess un- ore "y teachers. So there no lon&er e)ists derway. When y te)t"oo7( Polish Renaissance what was in !lace when * attended secondary <iterature was !u"lished in 2005 (the year of in- school in the late 1990’s: an e)tensive( co !ul- troducin& the -, D +, 2=+2 years) -olo&na sys- sory school canon of Polish literature( in !art fo- te at Polish universities) a collea&ue o"served cused on the Renaissance# that * was a arket-sensitive author since * had !redicted the students’ need for a smaller( less *t’s worth notin& that Polish Renaissance e)tensi'e "oo7 on Renaissance literature# $his literature was "ilin&ual# <atin is the lan&ua&e of was not y intention# ,nd yet clearly, in y ca- so e of the "est works of Polish literature# It is !acity as an associate !rofessor teachin& clas- also worth notin& that <atin is no lon&er studied ses on early odern literature( * had cau&ht on in secondary schools and is no lon&er co !ul- that students needed less e)tensive and ore sory in ost Polish Studies de!art ents. Met reada"le te)t"ooks to !re!are for their e)a s. even when Polish Studies de anded two years $he te)t"ooks which were still co !ulsory in of <atin at the university le'el( the re.uire ent 2005 at the Eniversity of Silesia in ;atowice was in no way connected with the study of Re- where * was then teachin& were the followin&A naissance literature which was tau&ht durin& the Fredniowiecze 2$he +iddle ,&es( 901 !a&es) "y first year of studies. 0or that reason at least half $eresa +ichaGowska( Renesans 2$he Re- of the Renaissance herita&e was availa"le only naissance( 55= !a&es) "y 3erzy >io e7 and -a- in translations fro <atin# ,nd the translated ver- ro7 2$he -aro.ue( 942 !a&es) "y /zeslaw Her- sions were usually 'ery "ad# Jven the !oetry of nas# ,lto&ether they constituted 220= 2I5 !a&es 3an ;ochanowski 2who wrote ore than half of of a lar&e for at# It was unrealistic to use the his !oe s in <atin5 could not "e fully en6oyed "y as the only te)t"ooks, especially "ecause the students of the Renaissance# So it is not sur!ri- students were o"li&ed to read for a two se es- sin& that in 2012 the only uni'ersity !ro&ra in ter course of early odern literary history not Renaissance literature in Poland is a two year only te)t"ooks "ut also a"out one hundred 2I5 li- +, !ro&ra ?Renaissance <iterature and /ul- terary !ri ary sources fro +edieval( Re- ture@ initiated a few years a&o in the /lassics naissance and -aro.ue literature# $hese were Le!art ent of the Eniversity of Warsaw# It is de- not drawn only fro Polish culture( "ut fro all voted( however( ainly to Juro!ean literature of Juro!e# and culture of the !eriod8 there is no specific fo- cus on Poland or for that atter /entral Juro!e# Kowadays the study of Renaissance lite- , series of "ooks, collectively entitled $he Re- rature at Polish Le!art ents is in crisis. Eniver- naissance <i"rary, is "ein& !u"lished as a !art sity curricula are desi&ned accordin& to the new of the !ro&ra ( and four volu es of translations theoretical tendencies and are for ulated under with introductions have already "een !rinted or &rowin& influence of odern literature de!art- are forthco in&A Hu anist <ives of ,ncient Phi- ents in accordance with the de ands of stu- loso!hers( $ravel Writin&s "y 0rancesco Petrar- Piotr Wilc4e7 Renaissance Studies at Polish uni'ersities – an overview 7unstte)te#de 4/2012 - = ca( Bn 0a ous Wo en "y Giovanni -occaccio sor +ichael 3# +ikos of the Eniversity of Wis- and On the Lonation of /onstantine "y <orenzo consin-Milwau7ee# His Polish Renaissance <it- Oalla# erature# ,n ,ntholo&y 2/olu "us, Ohio 19955 is the ost co !rehensive antholo&y of Polish Re- $he only acade ic centre in Poland naissance literature in Jn&lish translation# I ust( which seriously develo!s Renaissance studies however( add the caveat that this does not associated with the herita&e of Polish literature ean that at Wisconsin or any other Slavic Le- is the 3a&iellonian Eni'ersity, thanks to the !art ent in , erica Polish Renaissance litera- efforts of Professor ,ndrze6 -orowski and his ture is studied in &reater detail# $he only literary !u!ils. ,ndrze6 -orowski also !u"lished in 1992 wor7 of the Polish Renaissance ore widely a te)t"oo7 entitled Renesans 2$he Renaissance5( 7nown in the Jn&lish speakin& acade ic world devoted to the history, social life( art and culture is a sli volu e of $reny 2<a ents5 "y 3an of the Juro!ean Renaissance (Warsaw 1992( ;ochanowski# $he <a ents "eca e especially 1== !a&es of the Introduction and 199 !a&es of fa ous after 1995 when the translation of a Har- an antholo&y of !ri ary and secondary sources, 'ard !rofessor( Stanislaw -arancza7( and a Ko- Polish and Juro!ean5# $his is until now the only "el Prize winner( Sea us Heaney, was !u"lis- &eneral overview of all aspects of Juro!ean hed "y 0a"er and 0a"er# $here are a few other Renaissance culture desi&ned for a &eneral translations of the whole volu e of <a ents : reader# $hanks to -orowski and his entor( the "y Lorothea Prall Radin 219215( +ichael 3# +ikos late Professor $adeusz Elewic4( there has 219955( ,da /4erniawski 21996( 20015 and -ar- always "een at the Polish Studies Le!art ent of ry ;eane (20015# the 3a&iellonian Eniversity stron& e !hasis on teachin& <atin and usin& it for research on Polish $he evolution of Renaissance Studies at Keo-Latin literature# +any +, and PhL theses Polish universities fro the 1950%s and 1960%s ha'e "een devoted to Renaissance literature in when it was a flourishin& field that in due ti e <atin and Polish8 there is a very acti'e /entre for also "rou&ht forth two later funda ental te)t- Renaissance Studies coordinated "y Lr# "ooks, >io ek’s $he Renaissance in 199= and Grazyna Er"an-Godzie7 and it has or&anized Pelc’s Jan ;ochanowski in 1910 to the situation nu erous se inars, !u"lic lectures and at the "e&innin& of the 21st century when Re- conferences.
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