February 26, 1976 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 4683 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS . ' .. WILLIAM ODIE WRIGHT-SUPER­ longs to the California Heights Com­ In essence, Nat Wasserman is the vol· INTENDENT OF SCHOOLS · munity Church of Long Beach. unteers' volunteer. Wherever there is a For many years, Odie Wright has peen need stemming from the lack of action identified as an integral member of the by society-wherever there is a need of HON. GLENN M. ANDERSON Long Beach community. His many yea1·s people who cannot help themselves be­ of service saw the Long Beach Unified cause of ignorance of the system, Nat OF CALIFORNIA School District grow and develop into Wasserman becomes his own total social IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the outstanding institution it is today. welfare agency, seeking solutions, coun­ Thursday, February 26, 1976 Odie Wright's knowledge and experience seling the troubled. in the educational world will be missed. His interest in the welfare of others Mr. ANDERSON of California. Mr. has helped many people to lead happier, Speaker, at the conclusion of this school My wife Lee joins me in congratulating year the Long Beach Unified School Dis­ Odie Wright on a highly productive ca­ more productive lives. His optimism af­ trict will lose the leadership of a man reer, and in wishing him a well-earned fects all those who are touched by his rest in retirement. presence. His persistence is a trait that who has devoted his entire life to edu­ His lovely wife, Ruth, and their child­ typifies his effectiveness. cation. William Odie Wright, superin­ I feel that the people of Stamford have tendent of schools, will retire this sum­ ren, Virginia Wilky, Barbie, and Jerry, mer. are justified in their pride in Superin­ been truly fortunate to call Nat Wasser­ A native of Megargel, Tex., Odie tendent Odie Wright's accomplishments man one of their own, and I would like to in the educational field and as a member add my congratulations and best wishes. Wright first came to Long Beach in 1923. of the Long Beach community. to those already expressed for I, too, have He received his bachelor of arts degree benefited from his thoughtfulness, kind­ from the University of California at ness, and encow·agement. Berkeley in 1934, and by 1938 was teach­ ing English and speech at Polytechnic High School in Long Beach. While teach­ NAT WASSERMAN-A MAN FOR ALL PEOPLE ing, he continued his own studies, and BICENTENNIAL PROCLAMATION earned his master of arts degree from the University of Southern California in 1941. HON. STEWART B. McKINNEY HON. BOB WILSON His educational career was interrupted OF CONNECTICUT OF CALIFORNIA by the Second World War, as Odie-as IN THE HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES he is known affectionately to his Thursday, February 26, 1976 friends-served in the Army Air Corps Thursday, February 26, 1976 and Transportation Corps from 1942 to Mr. McKINNEY. Mr. Speaker, in a rare Mr. BOB WILSON. Mr. Speaker, I re­ 1946. During that time, Odie Wright and deserving tribute, the people of cently was honored with the presenta­ taught pilot navigation, served in the Stamford, Conn., recently gathered to tion of the first copy of a special Bicen­ Information and Education Division of honor a rather unique individual, Nathan tennial proclamation produced by Mr. the Pentagon, and became Director of Wasserman, under a very appropriate Morris Cerullo, president of World Instruction and Research, U.S. Armed banner entitled "A Man for All People." Evangelism, Inc., which is headquartered Forces Institute. January 11 was the day chosen for the in my district. These proclamations will Following his distinguished military occasion, a date which coincidentally be sent to legislators and public officials career, Odie Wright returned to educa­ marked Nat's 75th birthday, but any all over the country and I think it is tion as dean of the General Adult Divi­ other time would have sufficed for he is especially appropriate for us to contem­ sion, Long Beach City College. In 1952, the type of person one wants to wish the plate during these troubled times. he was appointed principal of Polytech­ best of best wishes to every day of the I include the proclamation as a portion nic High School, where he had taught year. of my remarks: before the war. Nat is a quiet man, an effective man, SPECIAL BICENTENNIAL PROCLAMATION; THE After 3 years of service at Poly High a positive man-one who does not ask TRUE SPmlT OF '76 Mr. Wright became deputy superintend~ for "thank you's" but rather, receives his "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin ent of schools and director of educational satisfaction from results. He is one of is a. reproach to any people."-(Proverbs personnel for the entire district. Then those individuals who achieves his goal 14:34) in 1962, Odie Wright became superin­ by constructive encouragement and not Because of the great attention being given tendent of the Long Beach Unified by derogatory remarks, certainly a re­ celebrations in honor of this nation's 200th School District. Long Beach City College freshing attitude in a day of cynicism anniversary, we feel that it is necessary to and apathy. draw the attention of the people to the true and the Long Beach Community College spirit upon which America was founded ... District we1·e added to Superintendent A particular area of his concern has the spirit of prayer and intercession with Wright's jurisdiction in 1970. been the problems of housing relocation, which our forefathers sought God's guidance In 1971, Odie Wright served as chair­ especially for those individuals who are in the affairs of this great country . and man of the superintendents of schools not aware of the procedures to follow in urge a national renewal of the principles em­ of large U.S. cities. He is also a member finding a new house or apartment. For bodied in our history. Thanking God for the of the American Association of School those who needed guidance, they found grace which He has visited upon the United Administrators, Association of Califor­ a home with Nat. Stamford now has one States for the past 200 years, we set forth of the lowest vacancy rates in the Na­ the following proclamation as the true Spirit nia School Administrators, Phi Delta of '76. Kappa, and Phi Kappa Psi. tion and for those lost ·in the bureau­ Whereas the nation of the United States Despite his busy professional schedule, cratic morass, help is mandatory and his of America is now engaged in a tremendous Odie Wright has found time to become expertise has been invaluable. yearlong Bicentennial celebration marking involved in the Long Beach community. Further, Nat was one of the first in­ the 200th year since the birth of this great l:Ie is currently president of the Long dividuals to recognize the destructive nation; and Beach Rotary Scholarship Foundation, cancer let loose in our country-drug Whereas 1976 is not only our nation's Bi­ and chairman of the board of directors abuse and addiction. Long before it was centennial year, but is a vital presidential publicly acknowledged that a large seg­ election year marking the first presidential of the Long Beach Community Redevel­ election since our country has been torn by opment Corp., and the Rheumatic ment of our society was in danger of be­ the aftermath of Watergate; and Disease Foundation. He sits on the Long coming lost as productive individuals, Whereas Bible reading and prayer have Beach Chamber of Commerce Education Nat was ahead of his fell ow citizens and been removed from our public schools, thus Committee, the Glenn Scholarship working with Synanon, one of the first contributing to deterioration of our coun .. Foundation board of directors, and be- self-help centers in the country. try's morals; and 4684 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 26, 1976 Whereas there is in this nation a collapse values to which Scouts pledge themselves our society and far too little about the o! moral principles and a growing permissive, as citizens are what insure a future for kind and friendly events which do take even plauditory, attitude toward sexual licen­ that flag. place. Beatrice Littleton and her bus pi­ tiousness, pornography, the use of drugs and alcohol; and I think the Scouts in IDinois can take loting pals have demonstrated again to Whereas th.ere is an ever-increasing crime particular pride in their anniversary my constituents in the McKeesport area rate in this nation which has seen American month, for it was a Chicago newspaper the real worth of a smile, a good word, streets become unsafe !or its citizens with publisher, William D. Boyce, who intro­ .and a mutual respect and they have done wanton killing, mayhem and other violent duced Scouting to America in 1910. He so in the unlikely circumstances of a bus crimes rampant; and discovered the program for young men ride through congested city streets. I Whereas certain radical factions with.in on a trip to England when a Scout there know there is a lot more of this sort of this country have avowed to mar America's Bicentennial celebration with street demon­ did a "good deed" for him. We all owe thing occurring in our country than we strations, civil unrest, and violence; and a great deal to that English Scout. Even are told about. Whereas we are engaged in dealing with a Mr. Boyce could not foresee the profound world full of political upheaval, internal impact of his promoting such a program, strife, and revolutions; and for today there are nearly ,5 million Whereas there exists in the Middle East, young people in Boy Scout programs as A BICENTENNIAL GUIDE TO AMER­ between Israel and the Arab countries, a vol­ well as 5,000 adults and volunteers.
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