JJB tA · UNIVERSITY OF DELAWAR.- [J c 3 19 l:i Caravel Academy reaches state football tournament/lb Bid for Bachelors blues/18a The Maley era ends/lh Newark works to control rowdies Off-campus studen~, landlords targeted Newark City Council has asked staff to continue with plans for a comprehensive program to deal with rowdy behavior by Univer­ sity of Delaware students living off campus. The cornerstone of the pro­ gram, City Planning Director Roy Lopata told Council Monday night, is a proposed ordinance I' which would provide the city the power to revoke landlords' rental permits H tenants are convicted of violating noise and disorderly premises ordinances more than once during the permit's one­ year lifetime. "This is one of the key items because it goes to the pocket­ books of the landlords themselves," Lopata said. Council plans to seek advice on &be lunch·Is hot the legality of the ordinance and · There are other, Uke single may consider it for passage at a man, who bave found their way later date. to the wanritb of the commWilty Also being proposed is an in­ church's lower level. They sit crease in the rental permit fee together 1n passive conversation from $25 to $100 per year, Lopata of muffled tones at tables said. modestly. dressed with paper Council has become increas­ clOthes and flowers. Moat of the ingly concerned about ~~ ha'Ve telt the brunt Of misbehavior by students living in *•a idsfortune, many are . clitrQheiU'ted. and ~ged. residential areas the past two years. The issue has become a I$Ut1n the atmosphere of Hope city concern because the Univer­ QJning Room, they talk of past sity of Delaware has limited on­ ...,_..ences and bard times and campus housing, and has no ~to console each ether. They plans to construct additional dor­ are 1eatecl to receive a free meal mitories in the forseeable future. btCause they are hungry. They Students, therefore, have mov­ are treated with respect because ed into apartments and rental there are over a dozen churches housing throughout the city, in 8pQDIOI'IIIg the PI'Oiram who some cases causing friction with ~that lo\re, ldndileaa, and l dlpity are to be ehaa:ec:t, 1n as long-time Newark residents. equal poi.'tlona as food, ·among Council has already passed God"* chllclrel\. noise and cruising ordinances to · In January of 1983, at the re­ try to curtail the problem, and quest ot the Rev. Dr. Robert asked Lopata and other staff members to take a more com­ Lowry of Newark's Flrst prehensive look at the problem See HOPE/20a and possible solutions. See CITY /20a INDEX FACT FILE KEEP POSTED • Nov. 26, 1823 - U.S. District Newarkers ......•. 2a First State's Court Judge Leonard E. Wales Santa Claus is coming! News .•............ 3a born in Wilmington. Schools •••••••••••• &a First Dates • Nov. 27, 1837- Trains begin Santa Claus will fly into. Newark's downtown shopping service on Wilmington & Sus­ district on Friday morning, Nov. 28. Santa will arrive Campus •...•.•.•.• 9a quehanna Railroad. via helicopter at 10 a.m. sharp in the Newark Shopping University ....•.•. 12a • Nov. 28, 1813- Henry Clay at Center, where he will set up seasonal residence to hear CO~unft,y .•••••• 14a Smith Hotel in Wilmington. children's holiday wish lists. Downtown Newark w111 Churches ••...•... 17a • Nov. 29, 1665 - J.P. Jacquett also be hosting two holiday entertainment events. The ~inion ........... 18a named Dutch vice director at New Newark Community Band will perform at noon Satur­ Sports ....•........ lb Castle. day, Dec. 13 in front of the Academy Building and a lJfestyle•.•........ Bb • Nov. 30, 1776 - First University of Delaware-sponsored carol fest featuring Entertainment.... 12b Delaware Continental Line troops the U.D. Chorale will be held at 7:30p.m. Sunday, Dec. ~ssffled ••••••••• 14b mustered in at Dover. 7 in front of Old College. • Dec. 1, 1825 - Commodore Thomas Macdonough buried in Connecticut. • Dec. 2, 1831 - New state con­ stitution adopted. 2a The New Ark Post NEWARKERS Elizabeth Marler Author pens children's book ·entitled 'I Love to Ski' had anybody say, 'No, you really by Nancy Turner should go out and be a nurse or a teacher.' " Elizabeth McKey Hulbert Marler usually writes her . Marler is relatively new to the children's books about familiar Newark area, but through her subjects, many from personal ex­ writing and illustrations she periences. However, her thought shares her talents of insight and organization process requires her excitement for savoring the time and patience. precious moments of personal She explains, " It begins as a growth. little itch. Sometimes there is : . Marler's new children's book, something that may prompt it, . " I Love to Ski," reflects her but generally the germ of an idea Elizabeth McKey Hulbert Marler leafs through her new chlldren•s book. ; memories of family experiences will bubble around in my mind for quite a while. As it begins to can't do that with a television." i . with the sport and beautifully Marler is a former editor, ' ~epicts the sensations, both quiet take shape, I am sort of living and thrilling, associated with two lives. The story is with me advertising writer/designer, and L downhill and cross-country ski­ constantly and I start writing in staff member at Yager Museum, long hand to jot down the ideas. Hartwick College, Oneonta, ing. N.Y.; Gilley Museum, Southwest ~~ In additin to writing several When the story really starts to Harbor Maine; and most recent­ ~~:. children's books, she has written percolate, I will put myself on a articles on a wide variety of sub­ schedule. I'm not a writer that ly, The Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C. ·~· jects from puffins to old houses will sit and work from seven .... for such publications as Yankee, o'clock to three o'clock every She is currently working with : Down East, Maine Life, New day.'' the Wilmington area communica­ •'/ Hampshire Profiles, Fibre Arts, "I enjoy kids," Marler says, tions firm of Peyton & Dalrym­ ! Wooden Boat, and Catskills. but adds, "I don't think ple, and at the Delaware Nature /- In tracing her interest in specifically of kids when I write Education Society in Hockessin. ~~ writing and illustration to early something, I think primarily of She is married to Dr. Charles childhood, Marler remembers, " I what it is that I want to say. I've D. Marler, a professor of philosophy and education at the .~ was surrounded pretty much by written a lot of things that have people who were writing, not been published, although University of Delaware, and has ' whether they were writers or not. many have been. I do not write three grown children: Bill, Kate, They were at least artistic in merely 'to sell' because I refuse and Tom. · . some way. My grandmother was to write in words of one syllable. When Marler is not writing, 'i an artist and my mother painted My contention is that kids learn playing tennis, hiking, sailing, . also." vocabulary through reading ex­ cooking, gardening, watercolor painting or writing poetry, she is 'i~ " I believe that writers can perience and not simplified ... come from a variety of entertainment. It makes me visiting family and dividing her backgrounds and influences. In furious to see classics simplified time between Newark and ":· my case, I was very fortunate to Into Walt Disney language. Manset on Mt. Desert Island in come from a general climate of "I'm not a child of the com­ Maine. acceptance and tremendous en­ puter age and I do still believe in Maler will be signing copies of couragement in terms of any reading. you can take a book and her book, "I Love to Ski," at the kind of reading, writing, or art sit in an apple tree and have a University Bookstore, located on activity. It was just a natural heck of a good time or stick a Academy Street in Newark, from part of our family surroundings, paper back in your hip pocket noon until2 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 3. a!! acce ted behavior. You never and read it on a subwa . You STARTS FRIDAY I 10 AM-9 PM PHILLIPS FRIDAY • SATURDAY • SUNDAY 0-9 PM 10-5 PM 12-5 PM -3 BIG DAYS TO SAVE· 2 for SAI.E CHOOSE ALL THE FURNITURE, WATER BEDS & BEDDING YOU NEED, BRING A FRIEND Y ENTS AND SHARE THE SAVINGS! Buy any suit from our extensive collection T J '87!* and select a second suit of equal or lesser value at our SPECIAL 2-FOR-PRICES! 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