Geological Survey of Finland GTK ANNUAL REPORT 2002 CONTENTS Director General’s Review 4 Board’s Review 5 Index maps 6 Programme activities Bedrock and raw materials 8 Land use and environment 14 Geoservices 20 Information management 22 International activities 24 Finance and administration 28 GTK publications and reports 35 Staff publications and reports 40 GTK’s cooperation networks 49 Organization and management 50 2 GTK’s vision GTK is a leading force in the production and interpretation of geological information and a centre of excellence. Investing in geological information will support sustainable development. Mission To create conditions for supporting sustainable raw materials supply and land use. A cavity in a rock at Sarvikumpu near Heinäve- Objective si, formed by tafone weat- To create prosperity and welfare hering. for society at large. Photo: Jari Väätäinen. GTK in short • Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) is a national geological research centre • GTK was established in 1886 • GTK is a result-oriented expert organization under the Ministry of Trade and Industry • The personnel is about 800 • The overall costs in 2002 amounted to EUR 48.2 million • The income from contract services An erosio- nal bank was EUR 6.7 million at Teeri- • GTK has offices in Espoo, Kuopio niemi on and Rovaniemi the shores • The activities were guided by two of lake strategic programmes: Oulujärvi. • bedrock and raw materials Photo: •land use and environment Jari Väätäinen. Ale Grundström, a research assistant at the Geological Survey of Finland, taking samples for methane measure- ments at Haukkasuo near Anjalankoski, while Micaela Morero, a researcher in the Department of Biology at the University of Joensuu, maps peatland flora in a precisely defined area. The research is part of a project on the dynamics of greenhouse gases in natural peatlands, a sub-project of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministry of the Environment research programme on the impacts on greenhouse gases from the use of peat and peatlands in Finland. In the sub-project, GTK is collaborating with the University of Joensuu and the University of Helsinki to study annual carbon balances and changes in greenhouse gases in old, natural peatlands. The impact of peatlands on the greenhouse-gas effect can be studied on the basis of the quantities of carbon dioxide and methane as the carbon balance of the peatland is subject to changes in climatic conditions. The results will also be used to set limits for the sustainable use of energy peat. ➛ The ‘Mykkiinkivet’, huge erratic boulders at Mälkiä near Saari. Photo: Jari Väätäinen. 3 DIRECTOR GENERAL’S REVIEW Influence through networking The Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) was given excursions were organized with groups from different good marks in feedback during its results negotiations schools in Kuopio, Rovaniemi and Espoo, to give them a with the Ministry of Trade and Industry. We have reached chance to learn something about local geology. our targets and even exceeded them. However, our opera- GTK has been actively increasing the use of its varied ting environment is changing rapidly and we have to be datasets through Internet services. The GEOKARTTA ready and able to take advantage of any new opportunities (geomap) geological resources service, available to eve- that come our way. ryone via the Internet, was published in 2002. Digital GTK has always enjoyed good cooperation networks Quaternary deposits maps and map sheet explanations can and this trend continued in 2002. The roles of the two new be browsed and ordered over the Internet. Other geologi- professors, one a fixed-term professorship in stone rese- cal map resources at a general scale are also linked with the arch and the other a joint professorship in environmental service. Internet services are one of GTK’s key develop- chemistry set up in collaboration with the University of ment targets. Kuopio, should help to activate links with industry and The GTK vision was updated on the basis of thorough research institutes. preparatory work carried out in close cooperation with the International projects are again on the increase, happily entire staff. The work was based on feedback from last including EU projects, which support research at the year’s mapping of working atmosphere. Vision 2011 and European level. Progress in projects in the neighbouring GTK’s shared values give us long-term guidelines for areas, on the other hand, has again been sticky so we shall GTK operations. We have to learn how to listen to the be giving them special attention in the future. customer better, as it is he who is the user of our informa- GTK and the Mozambique Ministry of Mineral Resour- tion, expertise and research results. It is effectiveness that ces and Energy signed an agreement to carry out a four- guides our operations, whether it is a matter of research, year geological survey project in eastern Mozambique. surveying or commercial services. The aim of the project is to develop basic geological A survey of GTK staff competence was completed at the information to meet the needs of mineral exploration in the end of the year. The aim of the project was to clarify the region. staff’s current expertise, define critical areas of expertise GTK hosted the annual meeting of FOREGS (Forum of in the future and determine the need for new expertise the European Geological Surveys Directors) in Espoo on guided by GTK’s vision and strategy. A substantial amount September 3-7, and the Executive Committee of Euro- of material has immediately become available for guiding GeoSurveys met at the same time. Three seminars were GTK staff training and for planning and implementing also organized at the forum, introduced by experts from long-term recruitment of new staff. organizations outside FOREGS such as Metla, the EU I want to extend my warmest thanks to the GTK staff for Directorate General Environment and the European Soil an excellent year and I also want to thank our associated Bureau. The seminars examined geology and sustainable shareholders and partners. Last year has given us a sound development, the role of the European geological research basis for the success of GTK operations in the future. institutes in soil formation research and geochemical risks. In May, before the start of the fieldwork season, we held a Geology Day at various GTK sites. The idea was to aim the Geology Day events at young people in particular, so Raimo Matikainen 4 BOARD’S REVIEW Society needs geological information to make the right decisions For the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), 2002 was backing of environmental data. For example, society is another successful year. We increased the impact of our going to demand more and more environmental respon- operations by expanding areas in which we are strong and sibility from the minerals industry and this will require by aligning our activities with the needs of society. carefully researched information. The year under review brought us new activities and GTK has extended its customer base for commercial worthwhile experience from many of the activities begun services and has won an extensive survey project in earlier. Field work on deep reflection seismic survey Mozambique against stiff international competition. This soundings in southern and Central Finland was comp- project is an important challenge due to its size and it may leted and the first analysis results became available. This well bring further interesting assignments enabling GTK has increased our knowledge of Finland’s bedrock to a to help promote sustainable development on a global depth of 50-60 kilometres. basis. One very important investment decision was the agree- Adoption of the GTK quality system has continued as ment signed with the Naval Research Institute for a new planned. A comprehensive quality policy helps to ensure research vessel. It is a substantial investment and should high-quality operations and the ability to provide servi- be of great benefit to both sides. ces. The quality system is of assistance to both GTK and There was considerable development in the stone sec- to our customers. tor. At the end of the year a new fixed term research GTK activities have long been important to society, professor’s post for the natural stone sector was establis- especially to business and the world of economics, not hed at the GTK Kuopio unit. The Finnish Stone Centre, just during the year under review. GTK has had a long- which is under construction at Juuka and is a joint term cooperative relationship with society at large and, as networking project set up by a number of organizations, a representative of industry I can vouch for the staunch will also help to promote development, commercial acti- support that GTK has from the outside. The services vity and recognition of the stone sector. GTK is involved provided by GTK enable industry and society to work in the project as an expert advisor. There are many together for the good of mankind by making the right beautiful varieties of high-quality stone in Finland that decisions on raw materials and environmental issues. are well suited for building and other purposes. It is We will always need information about the Earth’s important that the Finns learn to have a broader under- crust. Society needs metals, industrial minerals, building standing of the value of stone. stone, ground water and a clean environment, so there Environmental issues are challenging ones. In the futu- will always be new fields of work for expert organiza- re, we are going to have to resolve environmental issues tions like GTK. to a much greater extent and for that we need information.
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