June 11, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1215 cold days and she felt sorry for their freezing married and the mother of one daughter. Her pointed Summer School principal at Cram hands. She went to Wal-Mart and bought interests include sewing, gardening, and cook- School in Redlands. Going beyond the class- every black pair of gloves they had and put ing. Growing vegetables in her yard to use in room, Mrs. Corrin coordinated the district’s them in her car. Now, every time she goes her Southern European cuisine makes Sun- ‘‘Here’s Looking at You 2000’’ drug abuse pre- through the gate, if the guard doesn’t have days at her home a popular place for friends vention program, and has been an active gloves, she asks if they want a pair. and family. member in the Redlands Teachers’ Associa- Dominique Wilson—As the program coordi- Mara joined the New York City Police De- tion and the State teachers association. She is nator for Critical Skills Development at Sandia partment in 1987, and the following year she also active in the Phi Delta Kappa and Pi National Laboratories, Dominique advances was assigned to the 75th Precinct in East New Lambda Theta teachers’ sororities. workforce development by merging critical York. She patrolled the area for ten years be- Outside of the school, Mrs. Corrin has skills needs of the national laboratories with fore entering the Anti-Crime plain clothes unit. served as chapter president for the California the resources of APS, TVI, UNM and Sandia During this time, her lieutenant noticed that Association of Neurologically Handicapped technical staff to create pipeline programs to she had a flair for calming certain situations Children, and has been a board member for benefit middle and high school students. She and a sincere interest in community relations. the Redlands Valley Rehabilitation Workshop. has established advanced learning academies It was suggested that Mara join community af- She is an active member of The Links, Incor- for Albuquerque students, creating opportuni- fairs She is currently serving East New York in porated and raised more than $19,000 for ties for post-secondary education and tech- this capacity. scholarships awarded by the San Bernardino nical internships in math and science. Mara is also active in various advisory Valley Chapter. Anne Haines Yatskowitz—Anne is the Presi- boards and community projects. She has been Mr. Speaker, the thousands of students who dent and CEO and one of the ACCION New instrumental in closing the gap that often ex- passed through Clara Corrin’s door learned Mexico principal founders. She served on ists between the community and the police. well the motto posted there: ‘‘Enter to Learn, boards of Jewish Family Services and Jewish She encourages her fellow officers to become Exit to Lead.’’ Please join me in congratulating Federation of Greater Albuquerque. She was more involved and concerned with community this exemplary leader of youth for a lifetime of a member of the Greater Albuquerque Cham- issues in the area in which they serve. public service, and wish her well in her well- ber of Commerce Leadership Albuquerque Mr. Speaker, Mara Roske is committed to deserved retirement. program and she served as Chair of the making a positive difference in her community. f Chamber’s Maxie Anderson Award Selection As such, she is more than worthy of receiving Committee. our recognition today and I urge my col- INTRODUCTION OF THE INDIAN Elisabeth Zimmer—Elisabeth gives her time leagues to join me in honoring this truly re- HEALTH CARE IMPROVEMENT to help young pregnant girls and young moth- markable person. ACT REAUTHORIZATION IN FY 2003 ers in Albuquerque. Following a successful ca- f reer with Intel, she has done volunteer work at Maria Amadea Shelter. Last year, she started HONORING CLARA CORRIN FOR 29 HON. DON YOUNG a non-profit organization to create a residential YEARS OF TEACHING REDLANDS OF ALASKA SCHOOLCHILDREN program for pregnant teens and mothers. Life IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Options Academy is the projected goal and it Wednesday, June 11, 2003 will help many young women in our commu- HON. JERRY LEWIS nity. OF CALIFORNIA Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Speaker, I rise Lt. Katherine Zimmerman—Kate is an out- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES today to introduce amendments to the Indian standing Air Force Officer supporting Ballistic Health Care Improvement Act. I am pleased to Wednesday, June 11, 2003 Missile Defense development. She is the De- be joined in the co-sponsorship of this meas- tachment’s blood drive organizer and she col- Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr. Speaker, I ure by both Republican and Democratic mem- lected over 180 pints. She is also a Big Broth- would like today to pay a special tribute to a bers of the U.S. House of Representatives. er/Big Sister volunteer, and recruited 18 volun- very special teacher, Clara Corrin, who is retir- The Indian Health Care Improvement Act teers from UNM. Kate was the UNM Spring ing after 48 years in education—including 3 (IHCIA) became Public Law 94–437 in the Storm organizer, recruiting over 700 students, decades molding thousands of fourth graders 94th Congress (September 30, 1976), and faculty and alumni to perform 82 community into knowledgeable and confident youngsters was amended by: service projects. at Kimberly Elementary School in my home- P.L. 96–537—December 17, 1980; f town of Redlands. P.L. 100–579—October 31, 1988; Clara Corrin got her start working with chil- P.L. 100–690—November 18, 1988; PERSONAL EXPLANATION dren even before she finished her own edu- P.L. 100–713—November 23, 1988; cation, starting in 1955 as a nursery school P.L. 101–630—November 28, 1990; HON. MIKE ROGERS teacher in Orange, NJ. She taught at a num- P.L. 102–573—October 29, 1992; and OF MICHIGAN ber of nursery schools and eventually became P.L. 104–313—October 19, 1996. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES assistant director of the Head Start program in The purpose of the Act is to implement the Wednesday, June 11, 2003 Springfield, MA. Federal responsibility for the care and edu- Showing a lifelong dedication to improving cation of the Indian people by improving the Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, on her teaching expertise, Mrs. Corrin earned a services and facilities of Federal Indian health the legislative day of Thursday, June 5, 2003, bachelor’s degree in elementary education in programs and encouraging the maximum par- the House voted on H. Res. 258 that provided 1970, and went on to get her Masters of Arts ticipation of American Indians and Alaska Na- for the consideration of S. 222 and S. 273. On in Education in 1976. She has continued her tives in such programs, and other purposes. House rollcall vote No. 245, I was unavoidably training with an administrative credential in The IHCIA provides for health care delivery detained. Had I been present, I would have 1977 and received a Mott Fellowship for stud- to over 2 million American Indians and Alaska voted ‘‘yea.’’ ies in Educational Counseling at the University Natives. Congress enacted a one-year exten- f of Redlands. sion to extend the life of the Act through FY A TRIBUTE TO MARA ROSKE A generation of fourth graders has now ben- 2001 but efforts at further extensions were in- efited from that expertise at Kimberly Elemen- terrupted due to 9/11/01 events. Appropria- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS tary. Mrs. Corrin began her career with Red- tions for Indian health have continued through lands Unified as a substitute in 1972, and authorization of the Snyder Act, a permanent OF NEW YORK began full time the next year. In recent years, law authorizing expenditures of funds for a va- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES many of her former students, who have gone riety of Indian programs, including health. For Wednesday, June 11, 2003 on to become doctors, lawyers, teachers and FY 2003, Congress appropriated $2.9 billion to Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in honor of successful business owners, have been de- help provide health care services to American Mara Roske in recognition of her dedication to lighted to find that their own children are also Indians and Alaska Natives. The IHCIA re- improving her community through both her in Mrs. Corrin’s classroom and capable hands. quires Reauthorization this year. professional and personal endeavors. Her dedication led to a nomination for Since 1998, the Indian Health Service (IHS) The youngest of four children, Mara was Teacher of the Year for the Redlands Unified started the reauthorization process under the born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. She is School District in 1993, and she was ap- IHS’s Tribal Consultation Policy by conveying VerDate Jan 31 2003 06:39 Jun 12, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11JN8.023 E11PT1 E1216 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 11, 2003 a Roundtable to begin the discussion of the Section 4. Definitions. States the defini- pay premiums for coverage. Authorizes the reauthorization and to give guidance to the tions of terms used throughout the Act. Secretary to enter into agreements with I/T/ consultation process which included all stake- TITLE I. INDIAN HEALTH MANPOWER U’s for receipt/processing of Medicaid/Medi- care/SCHIP applications. Condition con- holders, I/T/U (Indian Health Service/Tribes/ The purpose of this title is to increase, to the maximum extent feasible, the number of tinuing approval of State Medicaid plan on Urban). taking steps to provide for Medicaid enroll- American Indians and Alaska natives enter- Coordinators from the 12 IHS areas formed ment on reservations, and to obtain input ing the health professions.
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