Pretoria, 12 November 2010 2 No.33734 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 12 NOVEMBER 2010 For purposes of reference, all Proclamations, Government Aile Proklamasles, Goewermentskennisgewings, Aigemene Notices, General Notices and Board Notices published are Kennlsgewlngs en Raadskennisgewings gepubliseer, word vir included in the following table of contents which thus forms a verwyslngsdoeleindes In die volgende Inhoudsopgawe Inge­ weekly index. Let yourself be guided by the Gazette numbers in slult wat dus 'n weeklikse Indeks voorstel. Laat uself deur die the righthand column: Koerantnommers In die regterhandse kolom lei: CONTENTS INHOUD and weekly Index en weekllkse Indeks Page Gazette Bladsy Koeran! No. No. No. No. No. No. GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL NOTICES GOEWERMENTS- EN ALGEMENE KENNISGEWINGS Arbeid, Departement van Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries, Department of Aigemene Kennisgewings Government Notices 1025 Labour Relations Act. 1995: Variation of R. 1018 Marketing of Agricultural Products Act scope of the Bargaining Council for the (47/1996): Establishment of statutory Furniture Manufacturing Industry, measure: Registration by abattoirs and KwaZulu-Natal ......................................... 42 33734 exporters of live pigs ............................. .. 3 33724 1026 do.: Intention of cancellation of registra- R. 1019 do.: Establishment of statutory measure tion of an employers' organisation .......... 45 33734 and determination of guideline price: Levies relating to pigs ............................ 10 33724 Baslese Onderwys, Departement van R. 1020 do.: Establishment of statutory Goewermentskennisgewing measures: Records and returns by 1017 South African Schools Act (84/1996): 19 33724 abattoirs and exporters of live pigs ........ Amended National Norms and 1032 National Forests Act (84/1998): Standards for School Funding ................ 3 33723 Declaration of Phase 2A of the Olifants River Water Resources Development Blnnelandse Sake, Departement van Project Offsite Mitigation Area as a controlled forest area under section Goewermentskennisgewings 17 (2)....................................................... 6 33734 1034 Births and Deaths Registration Act (51/1992): Alteration of forenames ......... 8 33734 General Notice 1035 do.: Notice of rectification: Assumption of 1024 Agricultural Product Standards Act another surname .................................... 9 33734 (119/1990): Standards and requirements 1036 do.: do.: Assumption of another fore- regarding control of the export of fresh name ...................................................... 10 33734 vegetables: Amendment........... ............... 41 33734 1037 do.: do.: Assumption of another surname 11 33734 1038 do.:do.:do ............................................ .. 12 33734 Basic Education, Department of 1039 do.: do.: Assumption of another forename ................................................ 13 33734 Government Notice 1040 do.: Alteration of surnames ................... .. 14 33734 1017 South African Schools Act (84/1996): 1041 do.: Alteration of forenames ................... 15 33734 Amended National Norms and 1042 do.: Alteration of surnames ................... .. 22 33734 Standards for School Funding ................ 3 33723 Ole Presidensle Defence and Military Veterans, Department of Goewermentskennisgewing General Notice 1027 Traditional Leadership and Governance 1032 Rule 241 (b) of the Rules of the National Framework Act (41/2003): Recognition Assembly: Intention of Minister to intro· of Kingships and Kings in the Republic of South Africa ......................... 3 33732 duce the Implementation of Geneva Conventions Bill in the National Handel en Nywerheid, Departement van Assembly ............................................... .. 54 33734 Goewermentskennisgewing Environmental Affairs, Department of 1044 Standards Act (8/2008): Standards Government Notices matters .................................................. .. 32 33734 R. 1012 National Environmental Management Act Algemene Kennisgewings (107/1998): Amendment: Regulations: Control of use of vehicles in the coastal 1012 Drankwet (27/1989): Kennisgewing van zone ....................................................... 4 33711 aansoeke om dranklisensies: Ingedeel onder die volgende provinsies: ............. .. 33690 R.1016 Environmental Impact Assessment 5 Regulations. 2006: Notice in terms of Vrystaat ............................................. .. 5 regulation 72 (2) ..................................... 3 33722 KwaZulu-Natal ................................... .. 7 Limpopo ............................................. 61 Home Affairs, Department of Mpumalanga ..................................... .. 98 Noord-wes ......................................... .. 121 Government Notices Wes-Kaap .......................................... .. 150 1034 Births and Deaths Registration Act 1013 do.: Kennisgewing van aansoeke om die (51/1992): Alteration of forenames ......... 8 33734 verplasing van lisensies: Ingedeel onder 1035 do.: Notice of rectification: Assumption of die volgende provinsies: ........................ 214 33690 another surname ................................... .. 9 33734 KwaZulu-Natal .................................... 215 1036 do.: do.: Assumption of another fore- Limpopo ............................................ .. 216 name ..................................................... .. 10 33734 Mpumalanga ..................................... .. 216 1037 do.: do.: Assumption of another surname 11 33734 Noord-wes ......................................... .. 217 1038 do.: do.: do ............................................. 12 33734 Wes-Kaap .......................................... .. 218 STAATSKOERANT, 12 NOVEMBER 2010 NO.33734 3 Page Gazette Bladsy Koeran! No. No. No. No. No. No. 1039 Births and Deaths Registration Act Justisie en Staatkundlge Ontwikkeling, Departement van (51/1992): Notice of rectification: Goewermentskennisgewings Assumption of another forename ............ 13 33734 1040 do.: Alteration of surnames ..................... 14 33734 R. 1013 Promotion of Access to Information Act (2/2000): Description submitted in terms 1041 do.: Alteration of forenames .................... 15 33734 of section 15 (1) ..................................... 6 33711 1042 do.: Alteration of surnames ..................... 22 33734 1043 Small Claims Courts Act (61/1984): Independent Communications Authority of South Africa Establishment of a Small Claims Court for the area of Alexandria ....................... 30 33734 General Notice Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye, Departement van 1022 Programmes for public hearings in rela­ tion to applications received for individ­ Goewermentskennisgewings ual commercial free to air sound broad­ R. 1018 Wet op die Bemarking van Landbou­ casting service licences in primary produkte (47/1996): Instelling van statutere maatreel: Registrasie van markets ................................................... 3 33733 abattoirs en uitvoerders van lewende varke ...................................................... 6 33724 Justice and Constitutional Development, Department of R.l019 do.: Instelling van statutere maatreel en bepaling van riglynprys: Heffings ten Government Notices opsigte van varke ................................... 14 33724 R.1020 do.: Instelling van statutere maatreels: R. 1013 Promotion of Access to Information Act Rekords en opgawes deur abattoirs en (2/2000): Description submitted in terms uitvoerders van lewende varke ............. .. 23 33724 of section 15 (1) ...................................... 6 33711 1032 National Forests Act (84/1998): 1043 Small Claims Courts Act (61/1984): Declaration of Phase 2A of the Olifants Establishment of a Small Claims Court River Water Resources Development for the area of Alexandria........................ 30 33734 Project Offsite Mitigation Area as a controlled forest area under section Labour, Department of 17 (2) ..................................................... .. 6 33734 General Notices Aigemene Kennisgewing 1025 Labour Relations Act, 1995: Variation of 1024 Wet op Landbouprodukstandaarde scope of the Bargaining Council for the (119/1990): Standaarde en vereistes Furniture Manufacturing Industry, betreffende beheer oor die uitvoer van vars groente: Wysiging ........................... 41 33734 KwaZulu-Natal ........................................ 42 33734 1026 do.: Intention of cancellation of registra- Landelike Ontwikkeling en Grondhervorming, Departement van tion of an employers' organisation ......... 45 33734 Algemene Kennisgewings Mineral Resources, Department of 1030 Restitution of Land Rights Act (2211994): Amending Notice 2243 of 2004 ............. 48 33734 Government Notice 1031 do.: Amending Notice 1586 of 2006 ....... 50 33734 R. 1015 Mine Health and Safety Act (29/1996): Minerale Branne, Departement van Regulations: Miscellaneous and general provisions ....... .............. .... ... ... ................. 8 33711 Goewermentskennisgewing R. 1015 Mine Health and Safety Act (29/1996): National Treasury Regulations: Miscellaneous and general Government Notices provisions ............................................... 8 33711 R. 999 Currency and Exchanges Act (9/1933): Nasionale Tesourie Amendment: Exchange Control Goewermentskennisgewings Regulations .. ....... ... ... ... ........ ... ................ 3 33717 R.999 Currency and Exchanges Act (9/1933): Rural Development and Land Reform, Department of Amendment: Exchange Control Regulations ...........................................
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