E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 148 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2002 No. 114 Senate The Senate met at 11 a.m. and was APPOINTMENT OF ACTING Senators who are here and have not called to order by the Honorable TIM PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE gone home to their States try to be in JOHNSON, a Senator from the State of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the Chamber for the moment of si- South Dakota. clerk will please read a communication lence. I hope all Senators will be here. I also announce that the two leaders to the Senate from the President pro The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John are going to speak prior to the noon tempore (Mr. BYRD). Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: moment of silence. The minority lead- The legislative clerk read the fol- Almighty God, on this day of remem- er is going to speak at 20 till the hour, lowing letter: brance and resolve, we praise You for and the majority leader will speak at the way You brought us through those U.S. SENATE, 10 till the hour. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, dark hours of September 11 a year ago. Washington, DC, September 11, 2002. f You were our refuge and strength, a To the Senate: IN REMEMBRANCE OF SEPTEMBER very present help in trouble. We relive Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, 11, 2001 the anxious memories of that infamous of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby day of attacks of terrorism on the appoint the Honorable TIM JOHNSON, a Sen- Mr. REID. Mr. President, we all have World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and ator from the State of South Dakota, to per- been touched by the events at the Pen- the airliner crashed in Pennsylvania. form the duties of the Chair. tagon this morning. As I walked in, Today, as a Nation, we mourn for those ROBERT C. BYRD, there was a woman whom I do not President pro tempore. who lost their lives as a result of these know, but she is symbolic of the sac- violent acts of treachery against our Mr. JOHNSON thereupon assumed rifices that people have made. Her face Nation. We deepen our ongoing inter- the Chair as Acting President pro tem- had been burned very badly, she had no cession for their loved ones. Continue pore. hands, and her arms had been burned. to comfort them, help them to endure f This is what the terrorist activity is the loneliness of grief, and grant them all about. RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME Your peace. Particularly, we pray for This innocent woman, who never did the families of the firefighters, police The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- anything to anyone, has been subjected officers, and military personnel who pore. Under the previous order, the to this physical torture. It goes with- out saying that she has gone through died seeking to save others. Care for leadership time is reserved. and will go through many skin grafts the thousands of children who lost a f and other such procedures so that she parent in these catastrophes. can learn to use her prosthetic hands, When we turned over to You our MORNING BUSINESS The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- which she does not have yet. anger, dismay, and grief, you gave us It used to be when a building was pore. Under the previous order, there the courage to press on. Thank You for constructed, they had a ceremony, on will now be a period for the transaction the strong, unified leadership of the every major construction, called the of morning business, with Senators President and this Senate in the after- laying of the chief cornerstone. What permitted to speak therein for up to 10 math of 9/11 and for the decisive en- does that mean? It means that the minutes each. gagement of the insidious enemy of final stone in the foundation of that terrorism throughout the world. May f building will be laid. this be a day of renewed resolve to Why did people celebrate that event? press on. Protect us from further at- RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING MAJORITY LEADER They celebrated because they knew if tacks. Quiet our fears as we reaffirm that building had a strong foundation, our trust in You. You are our Lord and The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- it would be fine. Saviour. Amen. pore. The Senator from Nevada. In our life in America, that founda- f f tion, that chief cornerstone is the Con- stitution of the United States. That PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE SCHEDULE little document that people speak The Honorable TIM JOHNSON led the Mr. REID. Mr. President, there will about in this Chamber—led by, more Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: be, as the Chair has announced, morn- than anyone else, Senator BYRD—is the I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the ing business basically all day. At noon, chief cornerstone of this great democ- United States of America, and to the Repub- there will be a moment of silence in racy. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, recognition of the events of September As we are forced to remember these indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 11. Both leaders have asked that those events of September 11—because it is ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S8475 . S8476 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 11, 2002 easy not to put unpleasant thoughts in their loss, and their struggle to heal. knew the sentiment of the folks who our minds—as we are forced to remem- We remember our personal losses, our lived on that farm and in that region. ber these events, and rightfully so, we pain, even our anger, and, of course, September 11, 9/11, just those words have to remember that this country our tears. evoke sentiments and memories of has a firm foundation because the chief We remember the shock of seeing where we were and what we did on that cornerstone of the foundation of this massive metal towers collapse as if day of tragedy. As we remember those country is our Constitution. they were Erector Sets that our grand- vile terrorist attacks of one year ago, Today, of course, is the first anniver- children constructed. We have seen for many of us the emotions and shock, sary of the September 11 terrorist at- these massive metal towers reduced to the disbelief and horror that we experi- tacks on America. On this day we re- rubble. We all remember the fire and enced individually and as a people and member, as we will do every year on the smoke. a nation are still fresh. Those memo- September 11, those tragic events that I will never forget leaving room 219, ries, however, continue to strengthen our Nation experienced on September after Senator DASCHLE told us we had our resolve in the same way that our 11, 2001. to evacuate the building, looking out Nation was forged together after those What happened in New York, at the the window and seeing the smoke bil- vile attacks a year ago. Pentagon, and in Pennsylvania has left lowing out of the Pentagon where we Today, we view our Nation in a fun- many of us—in fact, all of us—with were this morning. We remember, damentally new light. We have a great- memories and strong emotions. I know though, the effort to rebuild the Pen- er understanding of the freedoms we that Nevadans were deeply affected by tagon. We remember the generosity enjoy and how vital it is that they be guarded, preserved, and even fought the terrorist attacks in the aftermath, and spirit of Americans coming to- for, if necessary. We have a greater ap- and I feel good about how people in Ne- gether to offer kindness, money, com- preciation for a country that respects vada have reacted. passion, and consolation. We remember people of diverse backgrounds, cul- We were hurt very badly. Our No. 1 the sympathy expressed by foreign gov- tures, and religious beliefs. We have business is tourism, and tourism took a ernments. As the President expressed poured out our hearts and our assist- terrible blow. But those business entre- this morning, some 90 foreign govern- ance to those who were injured and the preneurs, people who worked for those ments—I think it was the President; families of those who lost a dear one. large corporations, and the people who maybe it was Secretary Rumsfeld—are We view firefighters, police officers, worked for the small businesses recog- helping us in our battle in Afghanistan. first responders, with much greater ap- nized that time would solve the prob- We remember that individuals all preciation, whether they are the brave lems, that time would heal a lot of the over the world opened their arms and men and women of the battalions in tourism problems, and it has. We are their hearts to America. We remember New York City or northern Virginia or not back to where we were, but we are the gruesome images so vivid that they in communities large and small all OK. I am proud of how the people of the are etched in our minds, and we re- across our United States of America. State of Nevada have reacted. member how the spirit of our Nation These men and women were trans- We also have had from the State of was awakened, how Americans dem- formed on that day into our heroes.
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