2013 ( 5) ( 35 ) _ Tishreen University Journal for Research and Scientific Studies - Biological Sciences Series Vol. (35) No. (5) 2013 ! " Gastropoda Assemblages ( ) *% # ' $%& # ! * $ +, ' ** . / *** $ ( ( 2013 / 8 / 11 ' 5% . 2013 / 5 / 7 0 1 2 ) ­87 % & ' %() * + Assemblages %, + - ­ %, - (/ 0 1+2 - 34 & 5 6% . - % ) : ­ 48 - + %9 ) ) - A2011 - %2 @ 2010 - %2 - 6 6( 5 < ( . & C8C ¯ @ '+2 + '+2 '+2 ¯5 + : < E' %F& ¯+ C& - + 161 34 3 5 * + G & H + N ( 103 ) % & H M - % ) + % (113) %5 G 9 H . ( 59 ) : + 5 G 9 H A ( 70 ) %5 G 9 H M ­ (42) % A 5 6 9 (73) % G & (104) 6% G 9 H - - +& W + V )& - ( 38%) (28) 0 – 0 )& - ( 57.5%) . (1.3%) 9 - G (2.7%) - E/ . * - 5 @ G 9 ­ @ Y8,5 (33) )4X 9 G 9 H . + ­9 42 ­ - 4X 5 0 0 G @ (73) 5, * . )4 & G & A 6% A 6% G 9 A * + A : : . – %;= – – – # % – ; " * – %;= – > ;/? % > ! – ; " ** . > %;= – – – ( ) *** 109 ) AZ A ) )4X 6% % & Gastropoda Assemblages * + 2013 ( 5) ( 35 ) _ Tishreen University Journal for Research and Scientific Studies - Biological Sciences Series Vol. (35) No. (5) 2013 The Specific Composition of Assemblages Gastropods And Economic Migratory Species in several Locations of the Syrian Coast Dr. Fayez Saker * Dr. Ghias Abbas ** Ali Sabha *** (Received 7 / 5 / 2013. Accepted 11 / 8 /2013 ) ABSTRACT This research deals with comparable study of the specific composition of assemblages gastropoda and migratory species in four regions of Syrian coast, which differed by substrate nature and their exposure to pollution resources and rivers estuaries, They are as fallow:The Southern Region of Lattakia, AL Bhyss and AL Moelh South of Jableh, Estuary Assin. This research was done between April 2010 and April 2011. The samples were collected from the supralittoral ,littoral and sublittoral regions at depth 3m. Results revealed the following: The number of gathered species of gastropoda were 161 species, and the southern region species were of more Biodiversity are the number in which 113 species, followed by the Estuary Assin region with species 103, followed by the AL Bhyss region with 70, while the number of species in the region AL Moelh was 59. The number of migratory species were 104 species 73 of them were recorded for the first time in our waters, including 57.5% Indo-Pacific species and 38% of West Mediterranean - Atlantic and 2.7% of the Arab Sea and the Gulf of Oman and 1.3% from the Black Sea. The number of economically important species which reared in several countries of the world were 33 species. 73 new species were added to benthic marine bio-diversity in the Syrian regional waters from the eastern basin of the Mediterranean sea. Keywords : Assemblages, Gastropoda, Migratory species, Lessepsian migration,Economic importance * Professor, Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Tishreen University, Lattakia, Syria. ** Associate Proffessor, Department of Food Technigies, Faculty of Ticnical Engineering,Tishreen University, Lattakia, Syria. *** Postgraduate Student, Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Tishreen University,Lattakia, Syria. 110 Tishreen University Journal. Bio. Sciences Series 2013 ( )5 ( 35 ) * -2 : 2 5 C9 9 [) M / - bc Gasropoda * + [\ e 5 / % C A C f/9 58 d 9 ­ b e * / / Y8,5 g / X Z hi 34 ¯ 4 A - b e 34 ¯ [, 4 2 \\ ¯ @ + d Vetigastropoda -& 8 ) *% / @ c A - i *F 22 * ­ %, ¯ * / A 6\\ *& ) e C 84 (, * + G & - C d A + ' 5 % & ­ * -& @ . (Patella) C ' n2 6, G 9 ­ d A - m 6+/ , & (+ - @ [) % C p 3 A G 9 - 2 [) C * + [) N ' 5 3' 'C G g A , )5 202 % * + - )5 611 *, 0 /q . 5 1842 * 9 5 1840 * + ­9 5 % & @ 0 1+2 5 9 - F ­e A 1988 * 5 1829 * 9 5 )/ )( @ h A g' c& 3 5 [ 2 %& X c X * + . %c %() Assemblages % ¯ ) - - (/ ' ­')/ C 5 ¯+ 1+ 2 c @ 0 9 A -r @ % * * : ­ 4 -& @ 5,i ) [) %9 G 9 A 6% G 9 %5 A Gastropoda * + 2 C +/ 3, g 42 ­ * 2 + ­9 A % 6 ( X - )4X 9 1869 * Z 64 :5 d 6% 6 G 9 2X , * C& - ­ / 2 + 3 < ) 0 e ­ g) ­ 5 0 +2 c @ Y8,5 . ¯+ ¯, +9 % 4 -& 0 0 G c @ + 5 6% G 9 2 0 \ w . (Boudorseque,1999) d 9 - m ' b V x x 1994 A ) x 2000 A1992 A )) -r @ C % 5 6( (. 2009 A :)) A ( 2010 A, ) x 2001 A-/q ) :A' @" @" : @ [ % 0 1+2 - 34 6 5 % e * + W 1 . * + ' () 5 W 2 . 6% ¯' + )9 N2 6% G 9 W 3 111 ) AZ A ) )4X 6% % & Gastropoda Assemblages * + . )4X 9 G 9 W 4 : 5 & N 5 % () ¯+ - * + - 6 G N 5 0 0 G 5 W 1 . @, 5 Z * 0 1+2 - 6 34 . )4X 9 6% * + G 9 6 () '4 3, W 2 : B ¯, : ¯ + - %, - [/ 1+2 - (/ ¯+ 3& 5 34 / * : (1) 2 @ 2 - ¯+ Gc A ) b c& g/ 0/) gN + - 2 * 5 c A: %;= ● ­ 5 3 0) gN [)5 * & A +A + A A ) . G N 5 bc g' c& A A 0) ­ % ) + 5 :B ( ) ­ ● < 0/) gN * 5 [) A b ,/ + @+e + A + 6 @) - < 0/) gN [)5 2 * & A ) + .e) E/ '+2 d ­ @ 5,X d g/ 0/) gN * 5 c C: ( ) F ● 5 2 * A 6e) -/ ­ @ Y8,5 + ) b c& '+2 6 + 6e) 6 6e) @) @+e 6e) -/ '+2 d g/ 0/) A + 0) A 0 e) E/ - 6 D: ! $ ● +) - 6 - ) + - 2 * A '+2 '+2 /) +) @ 5,X . 200 m + 6 @) - (\ b c& '+2 d /q @ - - g/ /) - - F8 . 6e) @) 3 A + A gN [)5 * 5 & . Z 6() - '+2 /) 6 @ +( 2 , /q @ 112 Tishreen University Journal. Bio. Sciences Series 2013 ( )5 ( 35 ) * -2 ا (1) ط ا را ا (1) ط ا را : !I: * * %2 6 + 2011 9/4/ @ 2010 4/4/ - < & + - Z+e F * / Littoral '+2 Supralittoral '+2 ¯5 + - e V * / A A 6/ ¯+ 3 - & C8C ¯ @ Sublittoral '+2 : @ +49 (/ C + Z / - (\ 5 F( * AC (5%) ( C (4.75 mm,4 mm,2.80 mm,2 mm,1 mm) 4 4 ) q * / ) * A % 5 / :( * / G f @ 59 / A (8.312 megapixel ) : : 6 [) (Gailard,1987),( Riedl , 1983), (Parenzan,1970),(Gothel,1994),(Poutries,1987), (Bosch etal .,1982),(Hayward et al .,1995), (Zenetos et al .,2005). 113 ) AZ A ) )4X 6% % & Gastropoda Assemblages * + : : % J, : : K$ ' :$ @ 0 * + 0 * [)5 A 2 * + [) :) * [( ) 3& @ * + [) * 5 *)8e () W W A ( * & *)8e ) Prosobranchia *)8e & W : ( Ponder&Lindberg,1997) Pulmonata ' W A ( b - @ *)8e ) Opisthobranchia *)8e (/ .(44 - ) Gymnomorpha * W A (*)8e - , ' 3 ) Class * + [) * 0 ( Bouchet&Rocroi,2005) [) 5 Eogastropoda * + [) W : -() @ Gastropoda (Cuvier,1797) Orthogastropoda ( ) * + [) W (Ponder & Lindberg, 1996) 5 Order Clade 6 () 6 / M * . (Ponder & Lindberg, 1996) @ 0 ')( [) 5 (Linnaeus,1758) * [) @ F5 3 A * [) . 4 5 () : Y 60000 *, A / [() - C9 9 [) * + [) & [) *, A Y 5 Y [& 75000 Y C Y 15000 A Y , Opisthobranchia *)8e (/ [) G 30000 - C& Prosobranchia *)8e . G 28000 Pulmonta ' [) *, G 4000 (42) @ (161) 9 ¯+ 5 5 % C G 9 H (1) -() A (5) A )5 ا ول ( 1 ) : ر و وأاع ! ت /.& ت ا- م ا+$ )*( )'&% $ ا#" ا را " ا15 رة ا4 و3د اع / 1 رة (+) و) م و3د ه / 15 رة )-( 789 : * :& ع 3 L ** أاع % 3(ة @ ا?<( ا=8!( '> /- ، *** أاع % 3(ة @ ا?<( ا=د وB(ب ا !+C '> /- ط ارا ا ع ا ا ا Sub Clade Family Species class A B C D Patella ulyssiponensis (Gmelin,1971) + + + + P . vulgate (Linnaeus,1758)* + + + + P. negra (da Costa,1791)*** - + - + Patellidae P . exusta pica (Reeve,1854)* - - - + P . rustica (Linnaeus,1758) + - - + EOGASTROPODA PATELLOGASTROPODA P. aspera ( Lamarck,1819) + - - - 114 Tishreen University Journal. Bio. Sciences Series 2013 ( )5 ( 35 ) * -2 P . Caerulea (Linnaeus,1758) + + + + P . pontica (Milaschewich) + - - + Lepetidae Lepeta lima (Dall, 1918 )* + - + - Acmaedae Acmaea garteiti ( Pilsbry,1891)* + - - + Turbonilla edgarii (Melvill,1896)* + - + + Pyramidellidae T . strriatula ( Linnaeus, 1758)* + + + - Melanellidae Melanella cumingii (Adams,1854)* + - - - Ringiculidae Ringicula buccinea (Brocchi,1814)* - - - + + + + Bulla striata ( Brug,1792 )*** + Bullidae HETEROBRANCHIA HETEROBRANCHIA B . ampulla ( Linnaeus, 1758)* - - + - Cantharus dorbignyi (Payraudeau,1862) + + - + Buccinidae Pisania striata (Gmelin,1790) - + - - - - Columbella marrae (Garcia,1999)* + + - C . rustica (Linnaeus,1758) + + + + Columbellidae + ORTHOGASTROPODA Zafra selasphora (Melvill & Standen,1901)** + + - - - Pyrene testudinaria (Link,1807)* + - - CAENOGASTROPODA CAENOGASTROPODA Fasciolaria lignaria (Linnaeus,1758) + - + - Fasciolariidae + Fusinus arabicus (Melvill,1898)** + - - F . verrucosus (Gmelin,1791)* + + - - F . townsendi (Melvill,1899)** + + - - Coralliophilidae Coralliophila alaucoides (Blainville,1829)* + - - + Olividae Oliva bulbosa (Roeding,1798)* + - - - Nassarius gibbosuls (Linnaeus,1758)*** + + - + N .mutabilis (Linnaeus,1758) + - + - N . cuvieri (Payraudeau,1826) - + - - N.albescens gemmuliferus(A.Adams,1852)* - - + - N . corniculus (Olivi,1792)*** + - + + Nassariidae Bullia tranguebarica (Roeding,1798)** + + - - ORTHOGASTROPODA CAENOGASTROPODA B . rogersi (Smythe,1981) + - - + Hinia reticulata (Linnaeus,1758)*** - - + + H . incrassata (Strom, 1768)*** - - - + 115 ) AZ A ) )4X 6% % & Gastropoda Assemblages * + Thais haemastoma (Linnaeus,1767) + - - + Pterynotus albobrunneus ( Attilio + - - + &Bertsch,1980) * Phyllontus trunculus (Linnaeus,1758) + - - - Ergalatax abscura (Houart,1996)* + - + - Cytharomorula vexillum (Kuroda,1953)* + - - - Murex tribulus (Linnaeus,1758)** + - + + Muricidae
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