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Vol.XIII William Wilson Hunter 6310 915.4 HUN-G 27 The Imperial Gazetter of India.Vol.IX William Wilson Hunter 5764 915.4 HUN-G 28 Kashmir Francis Younghusband 5139 915.46 YOU 29 The Imperial Gazetter of India. Vol.II William Wilson Hunter 6298 915.4 HUN-G 30 The Imperial Gazetter of India. Vol.I H.S.Rose 6537 915.4 HUN-G 31 The Imperial Gazetter of India. Vol.IV Henry Frowde 5021 915.4 HUN-G 32 The Imperial Gazetter of India. Henry Frowde 5003 915.4 HUN-G Vol.XXIV 33 The Imperial Gazetter of India. Vol.XI Henry Frowde 6322 915.4 HUN-G 34 The Imperial Gazetter of India. Vol.IV William Wilson Hunter 6299 915.4 HUN-G 35 The Imperial Gazetter of India. Vol.III William Wilson Hunter 5026 915.4 HUN-G 36 The Imperial Gazetter of India. Vol.IV William Wilson Hunter 5798 915.4 HUN-G 37 The Imperial Gazetter of India. Vol.V William Wilson Hunter 6309 915.4 HUN-G 38 Personal And Oriental Austin Coates 5697 915 COA 39 Native States Village Statistics Denys Bray 5762 915.4915 BRA-G 40 India Burma And Ceylon John Murray 6328 915.5 JOH 41 Narrative A.Spottis Woode 5546 915.8 NAR 42 Jungle Journey Ethel Mannin 5384 915.491 MAN 43 Bamboo, Lotus And Palm E.D.Edwards 5689 915 EDW 44 A Tour of Soviet Uzbekistan Victor Vitkovich 5024 915.87 VIT 45 Through Jade Gate And Central Asia Mildred Cable & 5736 915.8 CAB Francesca French 46 In The Grip of The Nyika J.H.Patterson 5340 916.7 PAT 47 Egypt And The English Douglas Sladen 5098 916.2 SLA 48 Sport And Travel In East Africa Patrick R.Chalmers 5289 916.76 CHA 49 New York City Guide And Almanac New York University 5905 917.47105 AND 1957-1958 Press 50 Emil Ludwing On Mediterranean Edwn And Cedapr Paul 5737 918.22 LUD Shores 51 Across Coveted Lands Hanar Savage Landor 5039 919.49054147- LAN 52 The Game of Hearts Lesley Blanch 5448 920.42 BLA 53 Lands and Peoples:The World In Color, Grolier Society 5851 930 GRO Vol.III 54 The Archaeology of Gujarat H.D.Sankalia 5320 930.154 SAN 55 Lands and Peoples:The World In Color, Grolier Society 5853 930 GRO Vol.V 56 Ur of The Chaldees C.Leonard Woolley 5215 930.10282 WOO 57 The Private Life of Tutankhamen G.R.Tabouis 6247 932.014092 TAB- T 58 The Lost Pharaohs Leonard Cottrell 4933 932.01 COT 59 A History of Egypt W.M.Flinders Petrie 4904 932.031 PET 60 The Early History of India Vincent A.Smith 5343 934.07 SMI 61 Life In Ancient India Speir 5336 934 SPE 62 The Story of The Nations Chaldea Zenaide A.Ragozin 5140 935.04 RAG 63 The Roman Empresses, Vol.I Jacques Boergas De 5037 937.06 SER 64 The History of Rome Titus Livius 5414 937 LIV 65 History of Greece.Vol.VIII George Grote 5319 938 GRO 66 The Mission of Greece Richard Livingstone 5412 938 LIV 67 History of Greece.Vol.V George Grote 5189 938 GRO 68 History of Greece.Vol.VI George Grote 5388 938 GRO 69 Greece A.W.Gomme 5287 938 GOM 70 A Short History of The Middle East George E.Kirk 5000 939.405 KIR 71 The Fatal Decisions William Richardson 4964 940.54 RIC 72 The Last Battle Corneius Ryan 5842 940.54213155- RYN 73 Britain Information Office of 5690 940 LON 74 Dusk of Europe Wythe Williams 5740 940 WIL 75 The Royal Marriage Market of Europe Catherine Radziwill 6446 940 RAD 76 The Fair Ladies of Hampton Court Clare Jerrold 5779 940.922 JER 77 The Works And Corespondence. Vol.III Edmund Burke 4981 941.092 WIL-W 78 The Works And Corespondence. Vol.V Edmund Burke 4982 941.092 WIL-W 79 Friend Lord Beaverbrook 5584 941.092 BEA 80 Britain An Official Hand Book Britain Office of 6275 941 BRI Infor.London 81 The Quessn And Mr.Gladstone Philip Gladstone 6490 941.081092 GUE Guedalla.1880-1898 82 Works And Correspondenes of The Charles William,Earl 6507 941.092 WIL-W Right Honourable Emund Burke,Vol.I Fitz William 83 Memoirs of The Count De Gramont Anthony Hamilton 4937 941.066 HAM 84 A Court in Exile. Vol.I Marchesa Vitelleschi 5129 941 VIT 85 Works And Correspondenes of The Francis And John 4983 941.092 WIL-W Right Honourable Emund Burke,Vol.VI Rivington 86 Charles James Fox John Drink Water 5680 941.092 DRI-F 87 Works And Correspondenes of The Charles William,Earl 6511 941.092 WIL-W Right Honourable Emund Burke,Vol.II Fitz William 88 The Windsor Tapestry Compton Mackenzie 5543 941.092 MAC 89 Imperial Sunset Britain's Liberal Empire Max Beloff 4942 941.5081 BEL 1897-1921.Vol.I 90 My Life of Revolt David Kirk Wood 580 942.092 KIP 91 Our Times A Social History 1912-1952 Vivan Ogilvie 5735 942.1 OGI 92 Ill-Fated Princess The Life of Charlotte G.J.Renier 5663 942.092 REN Danghter of The Prince Regent 1796- 1817 93 Riding The Storn 1956-1959 Harold Macmillan 5561 942.0850924 MAC 94 Elizabeth And Leicester M ilton Waldman 5732 942.0922 WAL 95 In Quest of Love Faith Chipperfield 5433 942.092 CHI 96 After Hitler Report From A German Ralph Monnheim 5264 943.086 MON City 97 Hitler Was My Friend Heinrich Hoffmann 5532 943.086092 HOF 98 The Brutal Takeover Kurt Von Schuschnigg 4956 943 SCH 99 Old Paris Its Court And Literary Salons Catherine Charlotte 6260 944.0361 CHA 100 Memoirs of The Court of Marie Madame Campan 4918 944.092 CAM Anthoinette.Vol.I 101 The Private Memoirs of Madame Edward Gilpin Johnson 5183 944.092 JOH Roland 102 Secret And Historic Memoirs of The Marquise De 4996 944.0029 DEV Courts of France Montespan 103 Memoirs of Margaret De Valois Margaret De Valois 6318 944.029 DEV 104 A Month In Paris Robert Henrey 5708 944.092 HEN 105 First Gentleman of The Bedchamber Hubery Cole 5771 944.092 COL 106 Galerie Historique Revolution Albert Maurin 5172 944.04 MAU Francaise.1787 A 1799. 107 Secret And Historic Memoirs of The Marquise De 5162 944.092 DEM Courts of France Montespan 108 Memoirs of The Comtesse De Botgne Sylvia De Morsier 5676 944.035092 Kotthaus MOR 109 Old Paris Its Court And Literary Salons Catherine Charlotte 5029 944.361 CHA 110 Memoirs of The Court of Marie Madame Campan 4919 944.035092 Anthoinette.Vol.II CAM 111 The Story of Louis XVII of France Elizabeth E.Evans 5148 944.041092 EVA 112 The Gipsy Queen of Paris Being The R.Mc Nair Wilson 5558 944.035092 WIL Story of Madame Tallien 113 Napoleon Emil Ludwig 5508 944.05092 LUD 114 Memoirs of The Duc De Saint-Simon. Katharlne Prescott 5113 944.033092 Vol.IV Wormeley WOR 115 Recollections of The Empress Eugenie Augustin Filon 5439 944.081092 FIL- E 116 The Empress Josephine Napoleon's Philip W.Sergeant 5107 944.092 SER Enchantress.Vol.I 117 The First of The Bourbons Catherine Charlotte 5028 944 CHA 118 Cardinal De Richelieu Eleanor C.Price 5437 944.092 PRI 119 Charles V. Father of Europe Gertrude Von 5577 944.025 SCH 120 Memoirs of Marguerite De Valois Marguerite De Valois 4917 944.092 VAL Queen of Navarre 121 Secret And Historic Memoirs of The Marquise De 5163 944.034092 HAU Courts of France Montespan 122 Journal of My Life during the Frenc Grace Dalrymple Elliott 5569 944.04092 ELL Revolution 123 Remarkable Women of France 1431 To Andrew C.P.Haggard 5767 944.0250 HAG 1749 124 Memoirs of The Duc De Saint-Simon Katharlne Prescott 5118 944.033092 on The Time of Louis XIV And The Wormeley WOR Regency 125 The Flight of Marie Antoinette G.Lenotre 4950 944.03 LEN 126 The Empress Josephine Vol.II Philip W.Sergeant 5137 944.092 SER 127 Memoirs of The Duc De Saint-Simon Katharlne Prescott 5115 944.033092 on The Time of Louis XIV And The Wormeley WOR Regency.Vol.II 128 Memoirs of The Duc De Saint-Simon Katharlne Prescott 5114 944.033092 on The Time of Louis XIV And The Wormeley WOR Regency.Vol.III 129 Louis The Fourteenth And The Court of Julia Pardoe 5085 944.033 PAR France In The Seventeenth Century 130 The Court And Reign of Francis.Vol.I Julia Pardoe 5285 944.028 PAR 131 Old And New Paris.Vol.I H.Sutherland Edwards 5156 944.0812 EWD 132 Madame De Mainintenon Maud Cruttwell 6521 944.092 CRU 133 Madame Recamier Margret Trouncer 5396 944.092 TRO 134 Louis The Fourteenth
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