Come Home to Hawai'i and Celebrate the New Millennium! Come-Home_ Hawai'i Ce/ebratio~ ~ . For 20001 A cent . er In sert ta/<e it Out! ' J G '-}-J.J-\ /'{;\ (fru"H:d' TIlE ALOHA CONNE<:TION MAGAZINE ... Ofticial Sponsor of J-Iaw .. lii's Millennium Celeb ' . latlo n C O NTENTS •••••••• -F"::~CUS ) D OlTl E T HOMPSON - D IRECTING THE M ERRIE M ONARCH ALOHA S(RVI((S S PANS F IVE D ECADES , , , , ' , , , , , 22 FEA T URES for R~sid~ntidl dnd (ommQrdal ProPQrtiQs MAY - M El • JUNE - tUN E HAWAII'S "EXPERIENCE ALOHA!" ON MAINLAND TOUR, ..... .. ........... 9 • Sales & Leasing • Investments • Vacation Homes PAT & EVI MORITA: CELEBRATING THE MILLENNIUM AT THE WHITE HOUSE ....... 16 • Relocations • Shopping Centers • New Homes 'ULALENA - A SMASH ING HIT You won't find a more IN LAHAINA ...................... .. 18 • Retirement • Properly Management • Vacant Land delicious website anywhere. TOKUJO - THE MASTERMIND A tasty selection of gift boxes, including • Resales • 1031 Exchanges OF 'ULALENA ... ...........•........ 20 • Restaurants Macadamia N ut Crunch, Maul Caramacs, INVADERS IMPERIL PARADISE ........ .... 25 Premium Macadamia Nuts and, of course, 'A'A AND PAHOEHOHE: Two TYPES our signature chocolate covered ~1aca d amja OF LAVA FLows ...................... 26 nuts are available at the eli ck of a mouse, ROZITA LEE: ISLANDER FINDS SUCCESSES H awaiian H ost chocolate covered IN LAS VEGAS ... ... ........ .. ........ 29 Macadamia nuts have been an isJand gift EASTER CELEBRATES CHRIST'S ASCENDING TO HEAVEN ......................... 36 tradition fo r over 40 years. The nuts are delicately dry·roasted and d,e chocolate REALTY o EPA R T M E N T S '" is a_secret family recipe blend; com bined, the create a taste treat that's completely ALOHA FROM SOUTHERN Our Family Keeps On Growing CALIFORNIA by A loha Joe ® ..........•......... 13 Give the "Gift o f Aloha" to a friend or loved one -- or treat yourself to these CALENDAR ................. ... 6 incomparable delicacies, CLASSIFIED ........• . ......... 38 For a free catalog, visit our website EDITOR'S NOTES .... .. .. 4 at wrvw.lJawaiia.'lhost.conz. or call roll·free 1·888·529·H OST. GA SA-GASA GOSS I P by Steve LUII/ • ....•..•....•• • . • ... 30 ISLAND HOPPING ........ ...... 8 IT'S ALOHA FRIDAY by Mar/oil R ill/alldo & P a ll! Nafto •....•.. 39 CHOCO LATES Ha",aii'.J Gift to the lf7 l()'" LAS VEGAS POTPOURRI .. .... .. 32 0r LETTERS TO THE EDITOR . .. .... .. 7 MUSIC REV I EWS Call us Toll -free at , ALOHA JOE ...... .. ... ... 8 • O LIN DA R ECORD A RTISTS .. .. ... 14 · REICHEL CUTS ANOTHER 1-800-697- 7lt.6 WINNER IN "MELELANA" .... .... 15 Residentiill Gro up: 101S, Ril inbow Blvd, Su ite 20, LilS Ve gas, NV 89\ 28 - Tel : 702-259 -mO - FAX: 70 2-259 -7558 THE " N I NTH I SLAND" (o mm miill Gro up : 3160 LD esert Inn Rd, Suite4 , Lil SVe gils, NV 891 21-Tel: 702 -369 -9930 - FAX : 702-369 -9932 LV & HAWAII . .. .. .. .... .. .. 4 0 • S. CALI FORN IA . ..... .. ..... 11 2 ' O HA N A M El / I U N E 2000 3 A Note from the Editor M EL O Z EKJ. PH . D . ___________.OIIANA <family)® Society of Seven, MGMGRAND, A CALEN D A R WORTH KEEPING. vVi th ~ lIl1lm C' r ~ o u n Hawaii's Prelllier VOL U ~ I E -l ISS U E S • M AY I 1 U N E 2 0 0 0 The City of Entertainment Las Vegas coming. 'lis als o the ~c.: a ~ll il Publ isher I Editor ~' I el Dzcki, Ph. D. Show Band - at for ho'olaulc '" a nd ll1l.'rrim c.: n l ProudLy PreJelltJ Managing Editor Emi ly Dzcki throughout the country. Plan ah c au MGM on May 12. cd [email protected] with a ll th e events li ~ lc.:d in the Th e Soe i e ' y o f S e v e n . Art Director I Design Diana Barclay-Crane Calendar on page 6 . T he Haw ai'j HAWAII'S BEST grphxdes i go@ohannmngazin Hawaii 's most d y namic musi­ Mi ll ennium COl11l11i s!-. iol1 ·!"'1 "l;cntci-foid poster" prese nt s a cal group that has e nte rtained Gl.lphicArti st I Design Maxine HiramOio de wil ed li st of ev cnt ~ in 2000. The ce nterfo ld unfo lds to a audiences world w ide fo r 3 1 beautifu l I T " x 22" poste r. Oll e s iLk has e vents from January Marketing/Advertising Christine Biaggi straight yea rs at the famous through June. the oth er !-'I ide Jul y thru u g h D ec e mber. U ndo Nevada P.O. Bo.'\ 90024. Henderson Waikiki Outrigg er Ho te l in NV 89009-0024 the centerfold s ta ples. r e move the quarter-folded poster Honolulu , w ill d o a d o uble­ NV [email protected] and refasten staples! pe rformance on May 12 at Marketing/ Ad\'ertising Gael Muramoto • EXPIRATION D ATE. The Cli ver da.e o f .his issue is MGM Hote l. Sho w.illles are 7 Southern Caliromia P.O. Box 1+446, Torrance "l\I]ay/June": th e 111 0 11 1h or A pr i l w a s sk ipped and is an pill and 10 pill. CA 90503·8446 administrative edi to ria l c hange. Accordingly . your mailing The Socie ty o f S even dazzle SCalmktg@ohanamagazine,com label was e xte nded a IlHl llth . I r the daL e afte r y o ur name audie nces w ith a n inc redible Evcnls Coordimllor Sann Wright reads "2/00" or ""5 /0" , this is your IHst issue - PLEASE repe rto ire in s howma ns hip c,rents@ ohanamagazine,com re new beca usc we nced your (.: on tinuc u ~ up porl. T he don e and e nte rtai nmc nt - d ra m a . Accounlant Stephanie GOla "7/00" mea ns your s uhscript ion e xpires with the da ncing . Huwaiiana, bl ues, impe r- Scanner I Color Correct Keith Spain JulylAug ust issue. "'9/00" in Se ptenlbe r / October, a nd ~o ballads. comcdy, a nd on. Agai n, I hum b ly apo lo g ize for the mailing labe l agatll so na ti ons - in a tri bute 10 the Computer Consultant :"'Ii corc Studios, Cem los. CA being affi xed on the pi c tu r ~ in th ~ February/March issue, I bes. of Broadway . Like a Film Output I Printer Superior Litho. Vegas, NV went into shock - but made the fi x for fu ture issues! c hame leon. every S O S mus i­ Photography: Brim Ja nislPhototcchnik: Roy Ogata c ian constantly c hanges into • FREE SUBSCRIPTION. W e' d like '0 inc rease o ur sub­ CorHribUli ng Writers: Aloha Joe Seitcr: Mina Hall : Hal Kop; beaut iful costumes thro ug ho ut scribe r base - and need your kokua. I I' y o u g e t three new the ir show. Stcvcn Lurn: Pm Mori ti!: subscribe rs, you get yours f ree. For c lubs and g roupS. if I~ l e Gael Muramoto: Paul N,lIIO: magazin e is mailed to o ne (.ludress. t he c lub g e ts one free tor E ve ry me mber T o ny Michacl Perry: Marlon Rimilndo, ~t D. : every fi ve subscriptio ns a nd the cost is o nl y $ 20/ycar eac h Rui v ivar. Be rt Sag ulTI . Gary Bauti sta , Ho ku Low. Wayne Leilehua Yucn (cl ub & gro up special rate). Waka i. Roy & Randy A be llar Web p:lgc : www.ohana • MEGA CASINO MERGER. MGM Ca s ino bough. _ is an accomplished tech ni­ 'O HANA (fal1l ily) ® Magazille (fSSN 1090·5189) for Fcbruary I M irage Resorls fo r $ 6.4 b illi o n . O . h e r MGM prope nies are cian on several mus ica l in stru­ M,tTeh 2000. Publi ~ h c d Bj ·rnonthl y (six timesfycar) by 'OlhlNrt . in Prim m, Mo nte C arlo and M a nda la y Bay. M ira ge Reso rt s me nts as well as vocal ist and 24g5 W. Wigwam Avc .. Las Vegas. NV 89 123. Ph 702· -1 34·054-1 : owns Treas ure Is la nd . The Mirage, G o lden N u g get and Fax 702·435-8561. Periodicals postage pai d at Las Vega ~, NV . e nt e rtaine rs. Be ll agio . Eve n thoug h o w n e rs hip c han ges . m ost expe rt s Entrie ... al .. o in Honolulu & Hilo. 1·11 . POSTMASTEH: Please l>c nd The SOS ha ve won countless e xpect th a t c hanges w ill 110t h e no ti ceab le . What is mind­ :lddrc l>~ c.<i 10 ;Or/ANA. P.O. Box 230910. La'> V ega~ . NV award s and special c itations, 89 123·0UI6. sunSCnWrJON: Annual ~ u bsc ripli()n i ~ 523.00 US. bogg ling about MGM 's ac qui s ition is that after I.:o mplc tcd, ha ve been o n national te levi­ Pcr~onal chcck or moncy ord er. All changc of add rcsse, IIIl1\! be its debt service is c~ timat e d a t $ 7. 7 hillion. D e bt is rela­ r e~c i \'ed by Sept. 7. No .... 7. etc. New subscription rcqu c~ l ~ after s ion sho ws and headlin ed o r ti ve, ri g ht? -- nltli lout "' dilte will get the first magazine of fo llowi ng i !>~ u c.
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